• Record Label: Shady
  • Release Date: Nov 24, 2014
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 384 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 69 out of 384
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  1. Jul 19, 2016
    Eminem is the corniest rapper of all time. Of ALL TIME. I'm ashamed to be white, which says quite a lot, because even Donald Trump didn't make me feel this way. I hate Donald Trump. Kodak Black would murder Eminem any day of the week. And Kodak Black is a **** wank **** **** stain.

    Mamba out
  2. Apr 26, 2016
    the thing that made eminem's past work good was his ability to rap with incredible wordplay over beats that worked well with his style. hell his last work MMlp2 displayed he hadnt lost his style despite the bland production on a few tracks. but one of the problems here is the greatest hits part. the part had no reason to be here. one CD containing new songs should've been enough without 2the thing that made eminem's past work good was his ability to rap with incredible wordplay over beats that worked well with his style. hell his last work MMlp2 displayed he hadnt lost his style despite the bland production on a few tracks. but one of the problems here is the greatest hits part. the part had no reason to be here. one CD containing new songs should've been enough without 2 cds being here. but that's not the case here sadly. Problem 2 here is Eminem's lyricism isn't as great as we seen on his past works. seems instead of riding the beats hes trying to out rhyme them. the production is poor as well not executing well as should be to flow with eminem's rapping. as a compilation album its one of the worst i heard in awhile. hopefully he finds his way again with a real studio album not and not another one of these. Expand
  3. Oct 18, 2015
    so i loved marshal matters lp 2 and when i found he was making a new album i was so pumped. but it's a compilation album which i would be fine with if it was promoted as such and i felt cheated. but that's not why i hate this album it's that eminem's actual song he made for this album are complaning about his life in an album called SHADY XV he should be singing about murder and being aso i loved marshal matters lp 2 and when i found he was making a new album i was so pumped. but it's a compilation album which i would be fine with if it was promoted as such and i felt cheated. but that's not why i hate this album it's that eminem's actual song he made for this album are complaning about his life in an album called SHADY XV he should be singing about murder and being a maniac instead of how much he hates his life. their are some cool stuff for fan but besides that i felt ripped off. Expand
  4. Sep 5, 2015
    no me gusta para nada el rap de este señor, es muy rapido y bueno haciendo sus versos pero a mi no me gusta nada, esta muy sobrevalorado a pesar de que no es relevante
  5. Apr 19, 2015
    Eminem on the first Disc of the Double Album, tries to recreate what he is good at which is lyricism but it comes off as choppy with the terrible beats that he has picked out for each individual song it is hard to believe this is the same man that created some of his previous works. The only song that stood out on the first disc was 'Fine Line' which had a decent beat and EM rapping andEminem on the first Disc of the Double Album, tries to recreate what he is good at which is lyricism but it comes off as choppy with the terrible beats that he has picked out for each individual song it is hard to believe this is the same man that created some of his previous works. The only song that stood out on the first disc was 'Fine Line' which had a decent beat and EM rapping and flowing with it, the only thing that put this song down was the terrible hook and this is present in a lot of Eminem's recent work. Expand
  6. Feb 26, 2015
    Hell no...

    Raping Iggy Azalea? Punch Lana Del Rey twice?

    It seems that Eminem is dissing them for money...

    Not emotional.

    Eminem is not lyrical at this album at all, and it seems that he wouldn't be, forever.
  7. Jan 22, 2015
    Shady XV is a decomposing shell of what made Shady great. Speaking on the first album only every song that featured Eminem was ruined by Eminem. His awful ear for production and his choppy flow make most the songs on this album unbearable. Y'all Already Know and Detroit Vs. Everyone (up to the end of Danny Brown's Verse) are the only two songs worth salvaging from this sinking ship.Shady XV is a decomposing shell of what made Shady great. Speaking on the first album only every song that featured Eminem was ruined by Eminem. His awful ear for production and his choppy flow make most the songs on this album unbearable. Y'all Already Know and Detroit Vs. Everyone (up to the end of Danny Brown's Verse) are the only two songs worth salvaging from this sinking ship. However I cannot speak on behalf of the Yelawolf because I personally cannot stand his voice. So I have no opinion on his contribution to the album seeing I've heard those songs once. Eminem has traded his incredibly smooth delivery and ability to ride beats for his ever advancing technical ability. Something I believe is a bad thing. Expand
  8. Dec 15, 2014
    Shady XV is undoubtedly my least favorite release of the year, somehow topping disappointments like Iggy Azalea's debut album (which, despite being a long time fan, I couldn't even bring myself to want to listen to). Eminem has approximately three good verses that are interesting and relatively in their messages. Despite many claims that his flow has changed, I would argue theShady XV is undoubtedly my least favorite release of the year, somehow topping disappointments like Iggy Azalea's debut album (which, despite being a long time fan, I couldn't even bring myself to want to listen to). Eminem has approximately three good verses that are interesting and relatively in their messages. Despite many claims that his flow has changed, I would argue the opposite--his flow is mostly the same, but somehow even more annoying, especially on Vegas.

    Unfortunately, the utter travesty that is the chorus and the production completely overpowers whatever semblance of decency there is. The vocal effects are annoyingly distracting, the beats don't at all compliment Eminem's aggressive verses, and the weird synth effects nearly made me cry. The intros to most of the songs are interchangeable and really kill the whole "psychopath" sound--the sound way too generically produced to be particularly unhinged sounding. The choruses are ridiculously repetitive and stretch on for an unnecessarily long time and the transitions to these choruses are pretty bad.

    At least on "Detroit Vs. Everybody," the most hyped upon song, the beats somehow managed to compliment Danny Brown's killer verse. Unfortunately for everyone else (especially Big Sean), their verses just aren't done the same honor by the production.
  9. Dec 10, 2014
    Terrivel... Ofensivo e sem sonoridade, isso define esse álbum Shady XV, precisamos de mais Kanye's na musica e muito menos Eminem's, o rapper tem muito a aprender ainda.
  10. Dec 9, 2014
    This was pure ASS and i love shady he got me into hip hop but this album just purely sucks he needs to stop trying so hard to be a lyrical god and go back to just rapping and if he can't stop before you tarnish your legacy.
  11. Dec 2, 2014
    I have listened to shady for half of my life. You might practically say I grew up with his lirycs. And it was a blast. But now, theres just a retireing man, with some links to other crappy rappes that are his friends/whatever. What I'm trying to say is - don't buy this album. Don't even listen to it if you can help it. This isn't even an album its just a **** waste of time. I'm sorryI have listened to shady for half of my life. You might practically say I grew up with his lirycs. And it was a blast. But now, theres just a retireing man, with some links to other crappy rappes that are his friends/whatever. What I'm trying to say is - don't buy this album. Don't even listen to it if you can help it. This isn't even an album its just a **** waste of time. I'm sorry that eminem had to go that low for whetever the reason. WORST ALBUM EVER. Expand
  12. Nov 28, 2014
    i was really expecting something great from this album. But if in earlier albums (except mmlp2) everything was perfect ( beat. voice . skills. meaning), this album is really weak. Beat is awful, his flow too/ i am dissapointed. Miss times when you could listen to all his songs in an album and not get bored, when his voice could make a lame song 100% better than it was at first place, wheni was really expecting something great from this album. But if in earlier albums (except mmlp2) everything was perfect ( beat. voice . skills. meaning), this album is really weak. Beat is awful, his flow too/ i am dissapointed. Miss times when you could listen to all his songs in an album and not get bored, when his voice could make a lame song 100% better than it was at first place, when his skills in rapping were ideal. my heart is broken because now i am totally don`t know who i m gonna listen to. Sorry for bad englisn Expand
  13. Nov 27, 2014
    What was this... The only song that I liked was Psuchopath Killer... And Eminem isn't the main singer on that song. I hope this was the last album of Eminem.
  14. Nov 26, 2014
    How can anyone use the word innovative to describe Eminem? We've had manbabies using "naughty" words to get attention since the beginning of time. I would avoid unless you really need a sleep aid.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 9
  2. Negative: 1 out of 9
  1. Jan 20, 2015
    The “Greatest Hits” CD is made up more of deep cuts than big hits, but with a few well known tracks included. There is substantially less Eminem than on the first side.
  2. 50
    As a reminder of Eminem’s vocal showboating, ShadyXV is impressive. The problem--and it’s a persistent one--is that where once his anger was energetic, now it simply betrays lethargy.
  3. Dec 9, 2014
    Shady XV seems like it was made for: diehard fans of Marshall; and fresh kids who don't know no better. Otherwise, you'll probably have forgotten about the album by 2015, and 95% of the label's energy will soon be diverted to the next Eminem solo LP all over again.