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Generally favorable reviews- based on 25 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 25
  2. Negative: 1 out of 25
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  1. Mar 11, 2011
    cant give less than 10, ima fam... ehh... anyway there iz a few pretty good tracks in here, that brings raekwon's vocal cool pace maestro to front, like snake pound, last trip to scotland or the rhythm beautiful Ferry Boat Killaz. check... ;)
  2. Mar 12, 2011
    What can i say or type, Raekwon did it again. I'm a super fan of his and I'm not disappointed of this album. This is a good album, but not a good as Only Built 4 Cuban Linx Part 1 and 2. The only bad thing that i have to say about the album is that RZA should have been part of the production, but I give Raekwon credit for giving other producers a chance. The tracks that Raekwon deliveredWhat can i say or type, Raekwon did it again. I'm a super fan of his and I'm not disappointed of this album. This is a good album, but not a good as Only Built 4 Cuban Linx Part 1 and 2. The only bad thing that i have to say about the album is that RZA should have been part of the production, but I give Raekwon credit for giving other producers a chance. The tracks that Raekwon delivered his best was "Dart School" and "Snake Pond". Ghostface, Method Man, & Inspectah Deck was great while Black Thought did a magnificent job on "Masters of Our Fate". Nas went strong on "Rick & Black" while Rick Ross and Lloyd Banks, to me, did horrible. Good Job Raekwon, and I can't wait for OB4CL Part 3. Expand
  3. Nov 8, 2022
    This album feels like an audio-only movie, with each song feeling connected to the last.
  4. NJR
    Mar 9, 2011
    First of all can I just say WTF to NME?! 2/10?? Their opinion is irrelevant when it comes to Hip Hop. Anyway, really enjoyed this LP, production for the most part was excellent especially on tracks like Snake Pond, The Scroll and Ferry Boat Killaz, not so much on tracks such as Rock N Roll & Dart School. Rae puts in a very strong performance outshining every one else on LP apart from maybeFirst of all can I just say WTF to NME?! 2/10?? Their opinion is irrelevant when it comes to Hip Hop. Anyway, really enjoyed this LP, production for the most part was excellent especially on tracks like Snake Pond, The Scroll and Ferry Boat Killaz, not so much on tracks such as Rock N Roll & Dart School. Rae puts in a very strong performance outshining every one else on LP apart from maybe Ghost on Molasses & Black Thought On Masters Of Our Fate. My criticisms of the album are it's length and generic tracks. Both problems could have been solved by cutting a few of the weak tracks mentioned above. Overall I would say 8.5/10 but obviously I can't give that so I rounded up. No it's not Cuban Linx but it is still a great album, hopefully this will just be a bridge between classics with Cuban Linx 3 coming soon....Bring on the next Wu release!! Expand
  5. Mar 9, 2011
    The simplest way to put it is, the album grows on you. Nothing about Raekwon is in your face so why criticize him for not being bold. Raekwon is a master, short and simple. The artform that built the Wu Dynasty is as much present in this record as it was in 36 Chambers. It's just you have to listen close and over repeat listenings. Its like looking at a huge or exceptionally detailedThe simplest way to put it is, the album grows on you. Nothing about Raekwon is in your face so why criticize him for not being bold. Raekwon is a master, short and simple. The artform that built the Wu Dynasty is as much present in this record as it was in 36 Chambers. It's just you have to listen close and over repeat listenings. Its like looking at a huge or exceptionally detailed painting. To really appreciate it you must study it for hours if not days. Study being the key word, not listen. The fact is there are some down points on the album, sometimes one or two tracks feel lazily selected but that is not the point of this record. The fact is this is a man's record, not a people's record, not a pop record, possibly not even a Wu record. Its a Shaolin vs Wu record and Raekwon is just practicing his art. 91/100 Expand
  6. Apr 24, 2015
    Reakwon is returning with force on the mic for his fifth album, with his sharp signature rhymes and back in the days flow, Rae provides another dope album worth your money.
  7. Mar 9, 2011
    CAN WE GET THE NME REVIEW REMOVED PLEASE?!?!?! Has anyone read that thing?? IT'S NOT A REVIEW. Obviously the reviewer Ailbhe Malone read through the track list and didn't listen to the album. NME, this person should not be allowed to review anything else and the review should be dropped from the Metacritic score and your site. It ruins both NME and Metacritics credibility.
    That being said,
    CAN WE GET THE NME REVIEW REMOVED PLEASE?!?!?! Has anyone read that thing?? IT'S NOT A REVIEW. Obviously the reviewer Ailbhe Malone read through the track list and didn't listen to the album. NME, this person should not be allowed to review anything else and the review should be dropped from the Metacritic score and your site. It ruins both NME and Metacritics credibility.
    That being said, "Shaolin vs. Wu-Tang" is a worthy follow-up to the near-perfect "Cuban Linx Pt.2". The album rolls along with at a rousing pace, with only a few missteps and too many guest spots. Although it doesn't reach the high bar Raekwon set for himself on the last outing, it is still a very listenable album. 7.7
  8. Aug 12, 2011
    **** **** up there write riprap,bang **** up ,put holes inside,light fires,mess up peoples' faces,cannibalize like Maori,put Mere through cowards scalps,learn Japanese karate& Chinese Kung,learn it like Boxing Fu.Knock **** out,don't be forced to review ****,live in the present.Create real knowledge,good album,whadda yo think.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 21
  2. Negative: 1 out of 21
  1. Aug 4, 2011
    Shaolin vs. Wu-Tang, his fifth solo album, is dope.
  2. The Wire
    Jun 13, 2011
    Shaolin is a pleasingly unpredictable record. [May 2011, p.64]
  3. May 6, 2011
    Shaolin is simply tiresome, a heap of cliches with no animating force beneath its husk-like frame, not so much a follow-up to anything but our long-held anticipation for something better.