• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Oct 3, 2006
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 69 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 43 out of 69
  2. Negative: 21 out of 69

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  1. DavidG
    Oct 23, 2006
    This band sounds like a bunch of great bands. So what? It sounds great! Show me a new band that doesn't sound like someone else and I'll show you a band that sounds like crap. Jet outdid themselves here. It sounds better live....go see them before you tear them apart.
  2. BrianV
    Oct 28, 2006
    Not as fine as their Get Born debut. But where this album succeeds (Put Your Money, Shine On), it can't be beat. Put Your Money is alone worth the price of the CD.
  3. JohnD
    Oct 4, 2006
    I mean, how DO you review a monkey peeing into its own mouth?
  4. sophiem
    Nov 19, 2006
    i used to really dislike Jet. they copied the beatles and are just aother band. But, I saw them at Make Poverty History on Friday night. they were amazing live and the songs from the new album are great. seeing them perform really helped me appreciate the music my only criticism is that nic Cester was chewing gum during their whole time slot, and it really frustrated me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. gregs
    Oct 12, 2006
    love the album...can listen to the whole thing non-stop...everybody else just shut up and enjoy MUSIC for what it is...for you people looking to hear NEW stuff...then don't even bother posting up any reviews of it because you don't belong here...go back and listen to your emo bands...JET keeps the classic rock sound alive these days...they know where the great music really is. love the album...can listen to the whole thing non-stop...everybody else just shut up and enjoy MUSIC for what it is...for you people looking to hear NEW stuff...then don't even bother posting up any reviews of it because you don't belong here...go back and listen to your emo bands...JET keeps the classic rock sound alive these days...they know where the great music really is. All the new stuff out there will never be as big as REAL rock........ever. Expand
  6. tthew
    Oct 10, 2006
    Welcome the worst album of 2006, nay, of the decade. Pitchfork Media's review gets it best, but you'll have to hunt that down for yourself as I'm not sure Metacritic would like me linking to such a wonderfully obscene review. Jet is trying to sound like even more classic british rock bands this time and it works not at all. Jet has not established any kind of personality Welcome the worst album of 2006, nay, of the decade. Pitchfork Media's review gets it best, but you'll have to hunt that down for yourself as I'm not sure Metacritic would like me linking to such a wonderfully obscene review. Jet is trying to sound like even more classic british rock bands this time and it works not at all. Jet has not established any kind of personality and this album just made it worse. You're not Oasis, you're not Led Zepp, you're not The Stones, you're not The Beatles, you're not good, you are not a real band. Expand
  7. Dav
    Dec 21, 2006
    I had great expectations but this album lacks the substance that made 'Get Born' a great listen. It is a highly commercialise rock album and it does not have songs that connect to its listeners like 'Move On' and 'Timothy' did on their debut album. I will not deny that some of the songs are great but as a whole it doesn't illustrate the potential of the I had great expectations but this album lacks the substance that made 'Get Born' a great listen. It is a highly commercialise rock album and it does not have songs that connect to its listeners like 'Move On' and 'Timothy' did on their debut album. I will not deny that some of the songs are great but as a whole it doesn't illustrate the potential of the boy's musical range and creativity. Although 'Get Born' sounded like some of the greatest bands of the past, 'Shine On' sounds like a Jet cover band playing music for people who don't know what the NME stands for. Expand
  8. JoeC
    Oct 4, 2006
    No massive change in direction but why should there be, this relives classic rock and roll at it's best, Come On Come on and stand up will sound brilliant live. Go see this band and you will understand !!!
  9. ToddW
    Oct 4, 2006
    How these guys ever released their debut album and didn't get a call from Iggy Pop's lawyer is beyond me. I can imagine the conversation these Neanderthals had just prior to recording their "breakthrough hit." It went something like this: "Hey guys, let's take the melody of 'Lust for Life,' play it about an eighth as well, and put impossibly juvenile lyrics over How these guys ever released their debut album and didn't get a call from Iggy Pop's lawyer is beyond me. I can imagine the conversation these Neanderthals had just prior to recording their "breakthrough hit." It went something like this: "Hey guys, let's take the melody of 'Lust for Life,' play it about an eighth as well, and put impossibly juvenile lyrics over it. Ah yes, that'll do nicely. After all, anyone who hears us won't have any idea who Iggy Pop is!" Oops...damn Carnival Cruise commercial! And just look at those scowling faces looking all detached and blase. Guys, hasn't Oasis put us through enough already? Expand
  10. mc
    Oct 4, 2006
    Utter Poo
  11. Giterdone
    Oct 4, 2006
    El Oh El
  12. joec
    Oct 4, 2006
  13. Giulio
    Oct 5, 2006
    It rocks if you like '70s sound otherwise don't buy it!
  14. Remy
    Oct 6, 2006
    When I read the first set of reviews for Jets new ablum, I was a bit worried because I kept reading how the sound of Oasis has influenced them on their second album. I must make one thing very clear, I am a massive "mad fer it" Oasis fan, but unfortunately I must agree with the first set of reviews. Oasis is Oasis, Liam is Liam, and Jet is not Oasis, nor do they write songs as well as When I read the first set of reviews for Jets new ablum, I was a bit worried because I kept reading how the sound of Oasis has influenced them on their second album. I must make one thing very clear, I am a massive "mad fer it" Oasis fan, but unfortunately I must agree with the first set of reviews. Oasis is Oasis, Liam is Liam, and Jet is not Oasis, nor do they write songs as well as Noel Gallagher does. There are some great Jet songs on this album but too many of them sound like bad Oasis impersonations. Some of the writing is uninspired and it just doesnt feel as natural, and there is a palpable loss of swagger. It feels like Jet has lost some of its identity in this album. I would suggest a listen so you can fully understand the reviews but overall, Jet needs to go back and be Jet. Expand
  15. AlaynaH
    Jan 7, 2007
    The album as a whole doesn't back up songs like "Cold Hard Bitch" or "Are you gonna be my girl" from their last album. "Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is" is the only great song. There are a view other average ones, and then a few that just suck. I hate to admit, but they really are trying to replicate older bands like the Beatles. In music, you've got to be creative and unique The album as a whole doesn't back up songs like "Cold Hard Bitch" or "Are you gonna be my girl" from their last album. "Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is" is the only great song. There are a view other average ones, and then a few that just suck. I hate to admit, but they really are trying to replicate older bands like the Beatles. In music, you've got to be creative and unique and this album is neither of those things. Expand
  16. RobertP.
    Oct 11, 2006
    If you like donkey balls music... this is the one for you.
  17. Paolo
    Oct 11, 2006
    I am not agree with the negative reviews. This cd includes some good songs (Holiday, That's All Lies, Kings Horses, Shine On, Come On Come On, Rip It Up, Shiny Magazine) although not innovative. It's only r'n'r, enjoy it!
  18. JoachimH
    Nov 15, 2006
    This is a brilliant album. I love it, man! Jeg kan godt lide Jet!
  19. DavidL
    Oct 11, 2006
    Jet's GET BORN, as a whole, was an average CD. A few of the songs had some catchy riffs, but the majority of the tracks just didn't have the oommph they needed. Enter SHINE ON. The second release from JET is a much better organized, better sounding album. The songs have a 70's rock flair to them, and many have catchy tunes you'll be humming as you're off to work Jet's GET BORN, as a whole, was an average CD. A few of the songs had some catchy riffs, but the majority of the tracks just didn't have the oommph they needed. Enter SHINE ON. The second release from JET is a much better organized, better sounding album. The songs have a 70's rock flair to them, and many have catchy tunes you'll be humming as you're off to work or school. Sure, it's a bit different from their first, but SHINE ON is a worthy release if you don't expect perfection, just a rip-roarin' good time. Expand
  20. sm
    Nov 19, 2006
    i used to hate jet, then i saw them at Make Poverty History on friday and they were amazing, it made me appreciate the music so much more, my onkly critism is that lead singer Nic Cester was chewing gum and it frustrated me. They did copy the beatles, but their music is actually pretty good.
  21. KyleH
    Oct 12, 2006
    Old fashioned 60's rock. Lifts your spirit. Wish the words were as good as the melodies.
  22. IgorN
    Oct 12, 2006
    better than get born
  23. ChristianM
    Oct 12, 2006
    Another great album from JET Rock and roll with balls swinging for those interested in listening good tunes rather than picking where every blues/ rock progression "got born"
  24. BenH
    Oct 18, 2006
    If you like the song "Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is" don't buy this album, because unfortunately, that's the only song that is good rock on this album.
  25. SeamusS
    Oct 19, 2006
    I actually do listen to Justin Timberlake....because it's good. I know that'll cause a riot with all of these great kids that like to feel hip and alone by listening to Jet. No worries. I've dealt with this before. Make something new sounding. Stop repeating
  26. JayC
    Oct 20, 2006
    The sound of the record is amazing - Guitar rock the way it should be recorded. Of the 14 songs all are very good except 2 that I have to skip each time they come on! How can that guy scream like that?? It's a keeper.
  27. David
    Oct 23, 2006
    Give me a break.
  28. ChrisC
    Oct 29, 2006
    OK so little on this album is original but come on, they exist in a world where popular music is at an all time low. At least with this band there are guitars in the top 40!
  29. DGiambroni
    Oct 4, 2006
    This album rocks, it is way better than get born and their lyrics and licks have matured! A++. Great album, go buy it now!
  30. nickm
    Oct 5, 2006
    a solid album, however a tad disappointing. When are you fellas going to try something a little new

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 16
  2. Negative: 2 out of 16
  1. While occasionally generic, nothing on Shine On is as annoying as their breakthrough single, Are You Gonna Be My Girl.
  2. Entertainment Weekly
    Mostly forgettable. [6 Oct 2006, p.68]
  3. Get Born's follow-up suggests their musical palette is substantially broader than that of their progenitors or than their Cro-Magnon image suggests... [but] the lyrics are agonisingly stupid throughout.