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Universal acclaim- based on 45 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 37 out of 45
  2. Negative: 2 out of 45
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  1. Apr 25, 2020
    Christinzio returns with a masterpiece, a truly inventive piece of art. For anyone (rightfully) feeling indie music had left itself with nowhere new to go, BC Camplight has emerged as the tour guide, hacking down new paths in the jungle. Shortly After Takeoff is a true marvel. Brian Christinzio is the new master of inventive pop.
  2. Apr 25, 2020
    A work of genius. Despair through the lens of bonkers production, unforgettable melodies, dark humour, and disturbingly poetic lyrics.
  3. May 8, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. BC Camplight is such a talent, he's incredible live and I didn't think he'd top the last album but I think he's gone and done it! Expand
  4. Feb 8, 2021
    Just a masterpiece. First free songs must be listened to three times to understand their greatness. Fourth to eighth catch you from the beginning. Number Nine is dedicated his dead father as a requiem. To me it is 2020 best album. MUSIC in capitals
  5. Jun 18, 2020
    ( 87/100 )

    BC Camplight es un muy bello proyecto de auto-reflexión y perspectiva de las manos de Brian Christinzio. Con proyectos desde el 2005, esta es la primera vez que lo escucho y descubro un Indie-Rock muy ameno, amigable al oído, definitivamente creativo y muy simpático. La exploración que Christinzio hace sobre su propio espíritu y emotividad con los instrumentos y conceptos
    ( 87/100 )

    BC Camplight es un muy bello proyecto de auto-reflexión y perspectiva de las manos de Brian Christinzio. Con proyectos desde el 2005, esta es la primera vez que lo escucho y descubro un Indie-Rock muy ameno, amigable al oído, definitivamente creativo y muy simpático. La exploración que Christinzio hace sobre su propio espíritu y emotividad con los instrumentos y conceptos musicales lo elevan entre la mayoría de las bandas populares hoy en día, pues su visión logra autenticidad y personalidad en su música. Hay una fusión muy interesante entre lo entretenido del Pop, lo sensible de las Baladas, lo creativo del Indie y pequeños golpes de energía muy Rock. Una experiencia musical que recomiendo mucho.
    BC Camplight is a beautiful project of self-reflection and perspective from the hands of Brian Christinzio. With projects since 2005, this is the first time that I hear him and I discover a very pleasant, friendly to the hear, definitively creative, and very likable Indie-Rock. The exploration that Christinzio makes about his spirit and emotivity with the instruments and musical concepts rise him above most of the popular bands of today, since his vision achieves authenticity and personality in his music. There is a very interesting fusion between what makes Pop, entertaining, Ballads, sensible, Indie, creative, and small punches of very Rock energy. A musical experience that I recommend a lot.
  6. Sep 3, 2020
    Relatively unique and hard to compare to anything else in particular. BC Camplight doesn't follow any of the rules of pop music but still manages to produce what can only be described as futuristic, inverted take on the genre of pop music. The music is a blend of various textures from synths to distorted guitars but mixed in a way that it all comes across as one blended colour. Lyrically,Relatively unique and hard to compare to anything else in particular. BC Camplight doesn't follow any of the rules of pop music but still manages to produce what can only be described as futuristic, inverted take on the genre of pop music. The music is a blend of various textures from synths to distorted guitars but mixed in a way that it all comes across as one blended colour. Lyrically, it borders on the bizarre and ridiculous. On my initial few listens I was a bit perplexed as to what exactly this album was all about. A dozen listens in I'm dubious as to whether it is about anything in particular. It's by no means a classic and due to the strange style of writing, its hard to point to any track as particularly memorable but it is an interesting listen and is definitely trying to do something different and original. Expand
  7. Nov 1, 2020
    Loved the album so much
    It deserve album of the year at the grammys this year and if they snub her again it's over

Awards & Rankings


Universal acclaim - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Apr 27, 2020
    What makes Shortly After Take Off work is the attention to detail, both musically and lyrically.
  2. Apr 24, 2020
    This album is a masterpiece.
  3. Apr 24, 2020
    Adopting a very domestic lyrical setting whilst grappling bravely with big issues, Shortly After Takeoff offers ideal lockdown listening, a touching black comedy of emotional isolation.