• Record Label: Merge
  • Release Date: Sep 4, 2012
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 24 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 24
  2. Negative: 3 out of 24
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  1. Jan 10, 2013
    Il mio anno discografico inizia in maniera rumorosa grazie a Bob Mould che, in questo lavoro, torna alle sue radici con una quarantina di minuti di puro rock energetico secondo le coordinate per cui è più giustamente famoso. Non è che nella sua carriera l
  2. Sep 25, 2012
    This album is the best album of his career. The subtle nuances that separate his work from those he influenced and continues to influence are what makes me want to listen to it over and over. I hear something new each time I listen. The man is simply a musical genius. What more could a rock fan ask for in one album. From the start of the first chord in "Star Machine" to the last breathThis album is the best album of his career. The subtle nuances that separate his work from those he influenced and continues to influence are what makes me want to listen to it over and over. I hear something new each time I listen. The man is simply a musical genius. What more could a rock fan ask for in one album. From the start of the first chord in "Star Machine" to the last breath of his guitar on the final epic "First Time Joy" there is not one moment that let's your ears down. Put it on, crank it to 11 and enjoy the best roller coaster ride that you can't wait to jump back in line for. In the words of Tommy Ramone "The Ramones are an original Rock and Roll group of 1975, and their songs are brief, to the point and every one a potential hit single". Check, Check, Check. That's Rock and Roll. Collapse
  3. Sep 24, 2012
    meh. Bob Mould does not break new ground with Silver Age. Like the majority of his post Husker Du output, expect two or three above average tracks per release. The rest is disposable Mould that could have been dusted off from unreleased outakes from twenty years ago. Mould does not appear to be evolving. Once again, he and this batch of hired guns have delivered a clinical and sterilemeh. Bob Mould does not break new ground with Silver Age. Like the majority of his post Husker Du output, expect two or three above average tracks per release. The rest is disposable Mould that could have been dusted off from unreleased outakes from twenty years ago. Mould does not appear to be evolving. Once again, he and this batch of hired guns have delivered a clinical and sterile album that lacks the emotion fueled, behind the scenes friction that pushed Husker Du releases into greatness. Mould may never admit it, but he needs Grant Hart as much as Jeff Tweedy needs Jay Bennett. Expand
  4. Sep 8, 2012
    This album is hugely guitar driven and if you are a Bob Mould fan like myself you wll not be disappointed. On first listen it is fairly evident that he has spent a lot of time around Dave Grohl and the Foo Fighters as this record certainly echos their sound and dynamic. Ironically it was Bob Mould who influenced them so in a sense he has gone round full circle and taken elements ofThis album is hugely guitar driven and if you are a Bob Mould fan like myself you wll not be disappointed. On first listen it is fairly evident that he has spent a lot of time around Dave Grohl and the Foo Fighters as this record certainly echos their sound and dynamic. Ironically it was Bob Mould who influenced them so in a sense he has gone round full circle and taken elements of mainstream popular rock whilst keeping his own brand of rasping vocal and harmony. No weak tracks here if you want a balls out record. 'Steam of Hercules' takes a slower drift but 'The Descent' 'Fugue State' and 'Briefest Moment' show the album and Bob Mould at his blasting best. To me this is a million miles from Copper Blue but that makes it no less catchy. Expand
  5. Sep 7, 2012
    Body of Song was Bob's reintroduction to rock with a small sampling of electronics. The next two records were solid but I don't believe at the level of Silver Age. This is a straight ahead rock record. Great melodies and hooks and it is very reminiscent of Copper Blue. The record starts out on fire and continues with a similar pace throughout. He does mix it up a bit towards the later halfBody of Song was Bob's reintroduction to rock with a small sampling of electronics. The next two records were solid but I don't believe at the level of Silver Age. This is a straight ahead rock record. Great melodies and hooks and it is very reminiscent of Copper Blue. The record starts out on fire and continues with a similar pace throughout. He does mix it up a bit towards the later half of the record but overall it is ten songs of pop genius (caveat - I'm a huge fan). I'm very excited for the record and have been listening close to non-stop since I found the streaming version followed by the release. If you like classic power pop you will enjoy the record. I'd also like to provide a note of appreciation for the rhythm section of Narcucy and Wurster who deliver on this record. Top notch release from a guy who has been delivering for a very long time. Expand
  6. Sep 6, 2012
    sounds better that the most popular rock bands . This is Mould keeping the post-punk flame blazing and in high energy mode . Bob Mould is one of the greatest guitarists and lyricists of all time .
  7. Sep 5, 2012
    I would describe it as generic Bob Mould product - not quite the real thing. The best two songs on this album would be filler on Sugar, and that's being generous.
  8. Sep 4, 2012
    Critics have always loved this guy. No cold-hearted listener can guess why. This time we have album that could have been labelled "interesting" some 20 years ago. Nowadays, it sounds like archeology music and it is even produced in a very unusual, "dirty" way. Quite horrible experience.
  9. Sep 4, 2012
    This album is very reminiscent of later Husker Du and when Bob Mould released Copper Blue. It's possibly his best since Copper Blue. This isn't a perfect album, it has its flaws as does every album, but it's still nice to see an artist progress instead of being forgotten like so many have. And how can Duke_Challenger rate this album a 0? Bob Mould is one of the greatest guitarists andThis album is very reminiscent of later Husker Du and when Bob Mould released Copper Blue. It's possibly his best since Copper Blue. This isn't a perfect album, it has its flaws as does every album, but it's still nice to see an artist progress instead of being forgotten like so many have. And how can Duke_Challenger rate this album a 0? Bob Mould is one of the greatest guitarists and lyricists of all time, yet he can't find any redeeming quality from the album at all? That's just ridiculous. Expand
  10. Sep 4, 2012
    Propulsive, anthemic, and melodic. This is Mould keeping the post-punk flame blazing and in high energy mode. Mould and Mission of Burma prove this year that the old guys haven't lost their edge.
  11. Sep 4, 2012
    I love this album. "Descent" and "Keep Believing" are unreal tracks. Takes me back to my college days (early 90's) when when music mattered. Late Husker, edgy Sugar and solo efforts all fused into a fantastic offering. Thank you Bob.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 29 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 29
  2. Negative: 0 out of 29
  1. Oct 30, 2012
    Now in his 50s, Bob Mould returns not as the forefather of modern indie rock, but as a vital contemporary.
  2. Kerrang!
    Oct 29, 2012
    Silver Age is a fun ride, then, but it won't warrant racing back for any tine soon. [6 Oct 2012, p.53]
  3. Mojo
    Oct 22, 2012
    Silver Age is the most consistently exciting record he's made since Sugar's Copper Blue. [Nov 2012, p.86]