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Generally favorable reviews- based on 240 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 36 out of 240
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  1. Jun 4, 2020
    Terrible sounds exactly like the last three previous records. It sounds like I am listening to the same record I listened to five years ago. Every song sounds almost identical to some other song they wrote on a previous album. Come one guys, you are way better than this ****
  2. Dec 21, 2018
    Lol, more **** from Muse. Embarrassing, more than they are usually embarrassing, now their gimmick is they're ridiculous on purpose. Try to cash in on Stranger Things & Sci-fi, but they kinda forgot the music. Ah, well, nothing new, then.
    This is really gross.
  3. Dec 2, 2018
    Очень печально об этом писать, но одна из двух моих любимейших групп скатилась. В целом, задумка альбома хорошая, но в процессе ее реализации группа потеряла свое качество и самобытность. Ранние альбомы Muse отличались хорошей стабильностью, практическим отсутствием на них плохих, проходных песен, и данная тенденция продолжалась +- до этого альбома. На этом альбоме можно выделить лишь двеОчень печально об этом писать, но одна из двух моих любимейших групп скатилась. В целом, задумка альбома хорошая, но в процессе ее реализации группа потеряла свое качество и самобытность. Ранние альбомы Muse отличались хорошей стабильностью, практическим отсутствием на них плохих, проходных песен, и данная тенденция продолжалась +- до этого альбома. На этом альбоме можно выделить лишь две песни, которые отдают стилем группы, но даже их не хочется слушать продолжительное время. В целом, альбом провальный и если группа продолжит идти в данном направлении, то фанаты получат очередной Linkin park, BMTH, BFMV. Надеюсь, что я неправ. Expand
  4. Nov 12, 2018
    Muse have deconstructed their music career step by step.. Big pity. From the 4th album they drive until the worst commercial band in the world.. This album is a new proof.
  5. Nov 10, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Horrible. One of the worst albums of the year, really. So sad, because "Muse" WERE a great band. WERE. Expand
  6. Nov 9, 2018
    Can't blame Muse from trying new things. Sometimes, this worked well (Black Holes & revelations, Resistance), sometimes it worked about ok (Drones). Even 2nd law, which I didn't really like, had a few good songs. Here.. it's the void. Back are the electronic shenanigans from 2nd law, mixed in a more current manner, with the same Muse epic singing. yet, overall result doesn't feel fresh atCan't blame Muse from trying new things. Sometimes, this worked well (Black Holes & revelations, Resistance), sometimes it worked about ok (Drones). Even 2nd law, which I didn't really like, had a few good songs. Here.. it's the void. Back are the electronic shenanigans from 2nd law, mixed in a more current manner, with the same Muse epic singing. yet, overall result doesn't feel fresh at all. And apart the Dark side maybe, nothing good popped to my hears. Easily the worst album of Muse of all times. Let's hear you in 3 years maybe. Yup, not even wanting to hear that garbage on tour this time (for the first time in almost 2 decades...) Expand
  7. Nov 9, 2018
    This album was utter garbage. I'm a big fan of Muse and I respect that they tried to do something a little bit different. But the album has absolutely no flow. Every song just sounds like it's designed to be played individually at a party in a club. It also doesn't mix well with the lyrics which are as usual quite cool. But this is the first album by Muse that I really won't listen toThis album was utter garbage. I'm a big fan of Muse and I respect that they tried to do something a little bit different. But the album has absolutely no flow. Every song just sounds like it's designed to be played individually at a party in a club. It also doesn't mix well with the lyrics which are as usual quite cool. But this is the first album by Muse that I really won't listen to anymore with the exeption of one or two songs. In an interview Bellamy said that they didn't want to have big musical passages like in the albums before... but that was the mail selling point of muse in my opinion. I'm really disappointed... What a shame Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 19
  2. Negative: 1 out of 19
  1. Nov 15, 2018
    This is a band that has given up on trying to look cool to most anyone, so Muse do here what they have always done and likely will always do—throw money at their latest fancy with the indiscriminate, earnest taste of a teenage boy. ... If there’s anything Muse truly nail here, it’s at last embracing just the right amount of camp.
  2. Nov 14, 2018
    There’s obviously still an audience for Muse, given by the size of the venues they still sell out, and this will definitely please the die-hards, but most of Simulation Theory simply fizzles out without leaving much of an impression.
  3. Nov 12, 2018
    It is like Prince meets The Allman Brothers Band, on an approximate dosage of 40–50ug of acid. ... And that makes it a certified...