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Generally favorable reviews- based on 240 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 36 out of 240
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  1. Nov 9, 2018
    Probably the best overall album since The Resistance. Yes, I missed big instrumental parts. But you can not hear the songs and deny they experimenting in music and exploring new sounds, as always. As a whole, I feel the album has the same overall flow, high quality production and the song are just cool. I particularly loved "Algorithm"

    In a way I feel it opposed to Drones. For me
    Probably the best overall album since The Resistance. Yes, I missed big instrumental parts. But you can not hear the songs and deny they experimenting in music and exploring new sounds, as always. As a whole, I feel the album has the same overall flow, high quality production and the song are just cool. I particularly loved "Algorithm"

    In a way I feel it opposed to Drones. For me Drones has some of the best songs of Muse, but the album is just too uneven in quality (some songs are just bad). The Simulation Theory is just a good and smooth ride from start to finish.
  2. Nov 15, 2018
    Gotta love MUSE. One of the best bands of all time.
    They are allowed to experiment with their sound, takes big brass balls to do that.
    They make albums that sound amazing at their live shows.

    Big respect! Go MUSE!
  3. Nov 14, 2018
    This album is an absolute triumph. Every song just reels you in and doesn’t let go. From the synth heavy Algorithm, to the mellow, and somber Void, it’s like each song has its own personality. It’s no wonder that even in the age of hip-hop, Muse have still managed to captivate their listeners. Even if you haven’t heard their earlier work, I’m sure you’ll still highly enjoy this album.This album is an absolute triumph. Every song just reels you in and doesn’t let go. From the synth heavy Algorithm, to the mellow, and somber Void, it’s like each song has its own personality. It’s no wonder that even in the age of hip-hop, Muse have still managed to captivate their listeners. Even if you haven’t heard their earlier work, I’m sure you’ll still highly enjoy this album. Phenomenal work, 10/10. Expand
  4. Nov 9, 2018
    Imagine riding on a rainbow unicorn through a synthetic world filled with neon purples and pinks. That's Simulation Theory.

    Simulation Theory is a return to quality by Muse for the most part. While this album suffers some of the problems that plagued Drones and T2L, namely too much repetitiveness, lack of those real genuine ideas that their earlier albums embraced, Simulation Theory
    Imagine riding on a rainbow unicorn through a synthetic world filled with neon purples and pinks. That's Simulation Theory.

    Simulation Theory is a return to quality by Muse for the most part. While this album suffers some of the problems that plagued Drones and T2L, namely too much repetitiveness, lack of those real genuine ideas that their earlier albums embraced, Simulation Theory manages to take the 80s outrun aesthetic and inject so much pop into it for an awesome experience.

    Although it's too early to tell whether it's canon Muse, it's definitely fun experience. Standout tracks for me were Propaganda and Break it to Me
  5. Nov 9, 2018
    Simulation Theory is anything but more of the same, while at the same time retaining an essential Muse vibe. The most familiar element is certainly the vocals, but most everything else is very new. It's what 2nd Law should have been, fully embracing an electronic palette, but instead pulling from retro influences rather than dub-step. True to its' cover art, the album at times feels likeSimulation Theory is anything but more of the same, while at the same time retaining an essential Muse vibe. The most familiar element is certainly the vocals, but most everything else is very new. It's what 2nd Law should have been, fully embracing an electronic palette, but instead pulling from retro influences rather than dub-step. True to its' cover art, the album at times feels like the musical equivalent of the TV show "Stranger Things". The entire album is masterfully produced and artfully layered, and while some songs stand out stronger than others, each one is polished and entertaining in its' own right.

    For those looking for a standout single, try "The Dark Side". It's the closest this album gets to a more typical Muse sound. With that said, I recommend listening from start to finish as there is plenty to like, and it's far from boring.
  6. Nov 10, 2018
    Simulation Theory is a solid effort. It combines 80's synth and excellent production to create one of Muse's most cohesive albums. There are no immediate radio singles and there is no filler. It's a great listen from start to finish as long you are a fan of Bellamy's out of this world vocals and over the top bombastic musicianship. I'm still amazed that 3 guys can continue to make suchSimulation Theory is a solid effort. It combines 80's synth and excellent production to create one of Muse's most cohesive albums. There are no immediate radio singles and there is no filler. It's a great listen from start to finish as long you are a fan of Bellamy's out of this world vocals and over the top bombastic musicianship. I'm still amazed that 3 guys can continue to make such large scale sound. No one combines Radiohead, Queen, and Prince better.

    Every Muse album lands on a scale somewhere between straight alternative rock and electronic, Simulation Theory lands more on the electronic side. The songs are not as memorable right away, but each song is concise with little instrumental meandering as in the past.

    Propaganda and Break it To Me are successful experiments. Everything else on here sounds like Muse of the past tweaked enough to be different. The Dark Side, Pressure, and Blockades are highlights. Weakest Track: The Void
  7. May 16, 2019
    The Most Unusual Álbum from de Band Of Teighnmouth, But Is that His accoolishment
    be really different from themselves adopting Synth-Pop
  8. Nov 9, 2018
    Such an amazing album. Muse have't been so creative in years.
    I coud write an essay on how good this album is, but who cares, I'm off to listening again.
  9. Nov 9, 2018
    Their most creative, fresh and entertaining release in a while. Simulation Theory its a good continue point, proving that Muse know how to reinvent themselves every time they need.
  10. Nov 9, 2018
    This one is both a masterpiece and motivational as such, brilliant in every way!
  11. Nov 12, 2018
    Muse have deconstructed their music career step by step.. Big pity. From the 4th album they drive until the worst commercial band in the world.. This album is a new proof.
  12. Nov 9, 2018
    The best Muse album since OoS. Melodies, arrangements, and Matt's voice - oh my god, that "war with your creator" thing gave me goosebumps. Perfect. Just perfect.
  13. Dec 17, 2018
    Muse is on fire, this album is the best since The Resistance. All the songs gave me Cyberpunk vibes.
  14. Nov 9, 2018
    Amazing album. Muse always change it up. Never boring always pushing creativity. They don't regurgitate the same old stuff. Bellamy's vocals on the opening track are phenomenal.
  15. Nov 9, 2018
    this album is a masterpiece muse have delivered a classic in love this album.Finally muse are back with a bang. I love this album to the core .My review for this album is perfect 9 on 10.)))
  16. Nov 9, 2018
    This album was utter garbage. I'm a big fan of Muse and I respect that they tried to do something a little bit different. But the album has absolutely no flow. Every song just sounds like it's designed to be played individually at a party in a club. It also doesn't mix well with the lyrics which are as usual quite cool. But this is the first album by Muse that I really won't listen toThis album was utter garbage. I'm a big fan of Muse and I respect that they tried to do something a little bit different. But the album has absolutely no flow. Every song just sounds like it's designed to be played individually at a party in a club. It also doesn't mix well with the lyrics which are as usual quite cool. But this is the first album by Muse that I really won't listen to anymore with the exeption of one or two songs. In an interview Bellamy said that they didn't want to have big musical passages like in the albums before... but that was the mail selling point of muse in my opinion. I'm really disappointed... What a shame Expand
  17. Nov 9, 2018
    Love this new album. muse somehow find the way to surprised me always with new music, and still be amazed with the quality! SuperB Album!
  18. Nov 9, 2018
    Can't blame Muse from trying new things. Sometimes, this worked well (Black Holes & revelations, Resistance), sometimes it worked about ok (Drones). Even 2nd law, which I didn't really like, had a few good songs. Here.. it's the void. Back are the electronic shenanigans from 2nd law, mixed in a more current manner, with the same Muse epic singing. yet, overall result doesn't feel fresh atCan't blame Muse from trying new things. Sometimes, this worked well (Black Holes & revelations, Resistance), sometimes it worked about ok (Drones). Even 2nd law, which I didn't really like, had a few good songs. Here.. it's the void. Back are the electronic shenanigans from 2nd law, mixed in a more current manner, with the same Muse epic singing. yet, overall result doesn't feel fresh at all. And apart the Dark side maybe, nothing good popped to my hears. Easily the worst album of Muse of all times. Let's hear you in 3 years maybe. Yup, not even wanting to hear that garbage on tour this time (for the first time in almost 2 decades...) Expand
  19. Nov 10, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Horrible. One of the worst albums of the year, really. So sad, because "Muse" WERE a great band. WERE. Expand
  20. Nov 9, 2018
    So I have a three album rule for bands and artists that start to slip up. One bad album, no problem. Two bad albums, concern. Three bad albums, swear off being a fan of the band and just stick with the records that I like. Muse has gotten to that point in their career. While I will admit to getting into the Muse game a bit late, it's not like their music was never a part of my life. TheSo I have a three album rule for bands and artists that start to slip up. One bad album, no problem. Two bad albums, concern. Three bad albums, swear off being a fan of the band and just stick with the records that I like. Muse has gotten to that point in their career. While I will admit to getting into the Muse game a bit late, it's not like their music was never a part of my life. The Guitar Hero and Rock Band games have been huge in my musical evolution, and I really enjoy albums like Absolution and Black Holes. Sure they aren't masterpieces, but they are fun in a Queen sense. Hell I even like the Resistance! However ever since the 2nd Law, which isn't terrible but very inconsistent, I haven't enjoyed a Muse album since. Drones was just an embarrassing attempt at making a rock opera, and Simulation Theory isn't as bad as Drones, it certainly made me lose faith in the band making good music. While the first three tracks aren't too bad, they feel like some weaker moments from the Resistance, but I was on board. Then the album takes a hard shift on track 4 when they went for an electro-R&B vibe and the album just lost me! They might have some success in making a decent R&B and funk track in the past, like with Undisclosed Desires and Panic Station, tracks like Dig Down, Propoganda, and Break It to Me just do not work as dance tracks, often being too chunky and choppy with the grooves and rhythm, and the production, while polished sure, often feel either too overproduced with bombast. Other than that most of the rock songs here are just either forgettable or boarder on Imagine Dragon type sterile rock. The only song I like from here is Blockades. Other than that, I probably won't return to this album in the future. It's a shame that Muse has lost what they did well, make bombastic prog-rock in the style of Queen. The trio still has it with their instrumentation and playing, they are a highly skilled band, but they just feel more like riding trends in rock when they could have just played to their guns. I'm not sure sellout is the right term, they haven't gone full imagine Dragons, but at the same time the old spark isn't there anymore. Expand
  21. Jun 4, 2020
    Terrible sounds exactly like the last three previous records. It sounds like I am listening to the same record I listened to five years ago. Every song sounds almost identical to some other song they wrote on a previous album. Come one guys, you are way better than this ****
  22. Dec 21, 2018
    Lol, more **** from Muse. Embarrassing, more than they are usually embarrassing, now their gimmick is they're ridiculous on purpose. Try to cash in on Stranger Things & Sci-fi, but they kinda forgot the music. Ah, well, nothing new, then.
    This is really gross.
  23. Nov 10, 2018
    The synth-themed instrumentals are a nice shake up for Muse, but the vocals are pretty typical Muse and a lot of the songs on this album sound like so many of their other hits.
  24. Nov 23, 2018
    Big fan of the Music but I usually see them as pioneers in their sound and originality. The 80s themed releases have been a thing for years now. I don't know if people are getting tired of it but it just doesn't feel innovative at this point. Also, Kavinsky wants his album back.
  25. Oct 21, 2020
    Muse are without a doubt, my favourite band. I saw this tour live too, and it was incredible. The album is very good, there's no denying it. Exciting, polished, rock, electronic. However, personally I'm just not a fan of some of the more experimental tracks (Break It To Me, Propaganda). Overall, it's a good album, it's on par with The Resistance, but much like their last 4 albums, fails toMuse are without a doubt, my favourite band. I saw this tour live too, and it was incredible. The album is very good, there's no denying it. Exciting, polished, rock, electronic. However, personally I'm just not a fan of some of the more experimental tracks (Break It To Me, Propaganda). Overall, it's a good album, it's on par with The Resistance, but much like their last 4 albums, fails to quite hit the Origin/Absolution/BlackHoles heights. Expand
  26. Nov 9, 2018
    I went to sleep last night thinking, "The new Muse album will be releasing in the morning but I have a feeling it won't be that good." But after listening to it I was happy to be completely wrong not only is it a solid album but it's also very unique. My favourite songs from Simulation Theory are Break It To Me(it's one of their most weird songs), Propoganda(Muse and Timbaland have comeI went to sleep last night thinking, "The new Muse album will be releasing in the morning but I have a feeling it won't be that good." But after listening to it I was happy to be completely wrong not only is it a solid album but it's also very unique. My favourite songs from Simulation Theory are Break It To Me(it's one of their most weird songs), Propoganda(Muse and Timbaland have come out with a brilliant track) , The Dark Side and Thought Contagion. My least favorite songs are Something Human and Get Up and Fight. Muse have come out with a wicked album once again. Expand
  27. Aug 31, 2022
    This album feels weak. I like retro 80s feel but come on most of the songs are forgettable. I like Algorithm, Pressure and The Dark Side but that is it. Break it to me sounds like a bad RATM song. Something human, thought contagion and stand up and fight sounds bland. Dig Down sounds like a bad gospel song. I think this worst album Muse ever did.
  28. Yco
    Dec 17, 2018
    Technical mastery, creativity, soaring highs and savage depths. It's grungy, poppy, melodic, discordant, thunderous and smooth as honey-milk.
  29. Nov 11, 2018
    Let’s be honest: there are a lot of Muse albums that can be considered better than Simulation Theory. In my opinion, it's their worst album up to date. It would be better to say ‘their least good album’ though, because Simulation Theory is yet another proof that Muse are one of the greatest living rock bands on the planet (even if not that rock anymore), since every record they release isLet’s be honest: there are a lot of Muse albums that can be considered better than Simulation Theory. In my opinion, it's their worst album up to date. It would be better to say ‘their least good album’ though, because Simulation Theory is yet another proof that Muse are one of the greatest living rock bands on the planet (even if not that rock anymore), since every record they release is just so exciting and different from the previous one. You can either agree or disagree on the fact that Simulation Theory is an experimental album. What’s sure is that this album is a massive display of creativity from the band. Sometimes they exaggerate going out of their comfort zone (Get Up And Fight), but when they successfully do that (Propaganda, Break It To Me), the results are simply awesome. Classic Muse never disappoint (Pressure, Blockades, Thought Contagion, The Dark Side) and 80s influences (Algorithm, Dig Down) are maybe the most emblematic characteristic of this album. Old school Muse are miles away, but saying that Simulation Theory is a bad album just doesn’t make sense to me. Expand
  30. Aug 29, 2019
    It’s not as bad as it could be, and I can at least thank Muse for at least adding soft padding to their plane crash. I must say, whoever created the cover was extremely talented because the cover tells you exactly what to expect from this album. Most of the songs are just pretty boring, honestly. There is an overuse of electronica, but there’s nothing you can spit at and call absolutelyIt’s not as bad as it could be, and I can at least thank Muse for at least adding soft padding to their plane crash. I must say, whoever created the cover was extremely talented because the cover tells you exactly what to expect from this album. Most of the songs are just pretty boring, honestly. There is an overuse of electronica, but there’s nothing you can spit at and call absolutely atrocious. I did find myself enjoying the moments that strayed into a poppier territory, though.
    Favourites: Pressure, Thought Contagion
    Least Favourites: Dig Down, Propaganda, Break it To Me

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 19
  2. Negative: 1 out of 19
  1. Nov 15, 2018
    This is a band that has given up on trying to look cool to most anyone, so Muse do here what they have always done and likely will always do—throw money at their latest fancy with the indiscriminate, earnest taste of a teenage boy. ... If there’s anything Muse truly nail here, it’s at last embracing just the right amount of camp.
  2. Nov 14, 2018
    There’s obviously still an audience for Muse, given by the size of the venues they still sell out, and this will definitely please the die-hards, but most of Simulation Theory simply fizzles out without leaving much of an impression.
  3. Nov 12, 2018
    It is like Prince meets The Allman Brothers Band, on an approximate dosage of 40–50ug of acid. ... And that makes it a certified...