• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Feb 27, 2015
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 73 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 54 out of 73
  2. Negative: 10 out of 73
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  1. Aug 25, 2022
    Jack Ü doesn't exactly roll the ball forward, or do much else to make listeners rethink the principal actors here, it's dumb, loud fun from two architects of the dumbest, loudest fun of the 2000s. Higlight:where are you now?
  2. Jun 18, 2017
    Jack U is a party-EDM-banger album, and it pulls up its job effectively. Dirty beats of Skrillex mastered by Diplo made the slightly overwhelming but catchy-to-dance-to Pop Trap album, making "Pop Trap" effectively mainstream where House-related genres were the only thing you used to expect in mainstages of EDM festivals such as Ultra.
  3. May 28, 2016
    With crazy beats, melodies this album would make you wonder the wisdom of Diplo, Skrillex and other co-venturers. At points it gets very very wonderful. The annoying production never gets annoying. The album can put you into the groove. I was surprised to listen the Kiesza sung "Take U There". How crazy it is!
    Favourite tracks - "Where Are U Now", "To U", "Take U There".
    Jewel of the
    With crazy beats, melodies this album would make you wonder the wisdom of Diplo, Skrillex and other co-venturers. At points it gets very very wonderful. The annoying production never gets annoying. The album can put you into the groove. I was surprised to listen the Kiesza sung "Take U There". How crazy it is!
    Favourite tracks - "Where Are U Now", "To U", "Take U There".
    Jewel of the album - "Where Are U Now"
  4. May 15, 2016
    Um divertido e breve passatempo para os amantes da música eletrônica. (B-)
  5. Jan 26, 2016
    Really great mix of different genres on this one: Trap, Dubstep, House, etc... The music just seems to make you want to get up and dance. If innovation and "avant-garde" EDM sounds is your thing, then yeah, go out and get this one.

    Good Songs: "Take Ü There (Missy Elliott Remix)", "To Ü", "Mind", "Holla Out", Where are Ü Now"
    Bad Songs: "Beats Knockin"
  6. Nov 28, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Favourite Songs: Take Ü There (feat. Kiesza), Where Are Ü Now (feat. Justin Beiber)
    Least Favourite Songs: Mind (feat. Kai), Holla Out (feat. Snails & Taranchyla), Don't Do Drugs Just Take Some Jack Ü
    This was very obviously just made for fun because it's by Diplo and Skrillex and their musical ability usually consists of BEAT DROP BEAT DROP BEAT DROP, although I can't help but dance to their stuff sometimes and that pretty much goes for this album as well. It's definitely a lot of fun and I'm sure it's great at festivals but actually sitting down and listening to the album more than once isn't. Most tracks are painfully formulaic and a couple of beats border on annoying here because (suprisingly) loud tribal sounding instruments on loop for mutiple minutes isn't always easy to get through. This record started off **** with 'Don't Do Drugs Just Take Some Jack Ü' which is basically 2 minutes of muffled speaking that I'd need a translator to understand. Seriously what the **** is that opener? But luckily the closing track 'Where Are Ü Now', which I'm pretty sure everyone's heard a hundred times at this point, ends the record on a high note (even though it has Justin Beiber's whiney voice on it.)
    Better Than Previous Project?: n/a
    Try This If You Like: Recess by Skrillex
  7. Aug 24, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It is horrible, the drop is boring and strange, the worst skrillex song. For skrillex working with diplo is even worser than working with justin bieber, its just awful. Bangarang and Equinox are awesome Expand
  8. May 3, 2015
    Holy. Damn. This album is AWESOME. Who knew that moombah and dubstep could fuse like this and create epic trap like this? One of the best tracks is Febreze, which, regardless of your opinion of 2 Chainz, will make you chuckle unintentionally due to the silly lyrics. Mind is also a gem, including a wonderfully strange duet between Kai and Skrillex accompanied by a bassy, pulsading drop.Holy. Damn. This album is AWESOME. Who knew that moombah and dubstep could fuse like this and create epic trap like this? One of the best tracks is Febreze, which, regardless of your opinion of 2 Chainz, will make you chuckle unintentionally due to the silly lyrics. Mind is also a gem, including a wonderfully strange duet between Kai and Skrillex accompanied by a bassy, pulsading drop. I don't even know why I'm telling you what to listen to. Just buy the whole thing and listen to it! You will not be disappointed. Expand
  9. Mar 27, 2015
    It is horrible, the worst thing that Skrillex and Diplo. They have made bad songs with bad melodies and bad lyrics. If they want to continue with this project, they should think about another way for this, because, for me, it is terrible to listen and I was expecting for something better.
  10. Mar 7, 2015
    This album is amazing, just it. Skrillex and Diplo managed to unite their sounds and produce extremely welcoming and detail music.

    It isn't almost impossible to admit that songs like "Take Ü There", "To Ü", "Jungle Bae", "Mind" and "Where Are Ü Now" were perfectly unified and produced with so many attention, because they are great to hear. Bring Kiesza, 2 Chainz, Justin Bieber,
    This album is amazing, just it. Skrillex and Diplo managed to unite their sounds and produce extremely welcoming and detail music.

    It isn't almost impossible to admit that songs like "Take Ü There", "To Ü", "Jungle Bae", "Mind" and "Where Are Ü Now" were perfectly unified and produced with so many attention, because they are great to hear.

    Bring Kiesza, 2 Chainz, Justin Bieber, AlunaGeorge and Missy Elliott in the same album was a great marketing play by the way. I just loved it too much.
  11. Mar 7, 2015
    I owned the album from iTunes. Skrillex and Diplo well done. It deserves 7. It is not like the old skrillex but it is good. I liked Take Ü there, To Ü, Mind and Where Are Ü Now

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Mar 11, 2015
    The combination of pop and EDM is nothing new, but rarely has it felt quite so enjoyable as it does here.
  2. Generally speaking, the Jack Ü project is fully functional party music that hedges its bets with collaborations and does little in the way of genuine innovation.
  3. Mar 6, 2015
    Lesser guests are occasionally lost amid the restless drums and ricocheting synths. For listeners, though, getting lost in these tracks is half the fun.