• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Aug 28, 2020
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  1. Aug 28, 2020
    Parabéns é bem melhor que o Witness, mas não sai muito do lugar comum dos outros álbuns.
  2. Aug 28, 2020
    While other artists are making albums so you can dance in your house, Perry's "Smile" makes you think and reflect about your life until this moment. It is true some of the songs are forgettable but I believe Katy didn't want to make a commercial pop album.
  3. Aug 31, 2020
    So Katy Perry is known for releasing some powerful songs in the past and that was what set her apart from most pop stars, so the built up to the release of Smile was mediocre, with lack luster songs, so maybe there was a surprise lurking on the album, and again mediocre. To me it feels like songs were just slapped on the record to complete it, but this album falls short against all theSo Katy Perry is known for releasing some powerful songs in the past and that was what set her apart from most pop stars, so the built up to the release of Smile was mediocre, with lack luster songs, so maybe there was a surprise lurking on the album, and again mediocre. To me it feels like songs were just slapped on the record to complete it, but this album falls short against all the other albums, in my opinion Witness delivered better songs and singles that this album. You can put this on and it would be background noise, not her best effort! Expand
  4. Aug 28, 2020
    Un álbum con canciones olvidables y que no logran encajar en su anterior discografía.
  5. Aug 28, 2020
    Smile lacks an engaging production, something that screams passion, same with Perry’s writing, instead of hovering on the surface of the emotion she tries to provoke, she could dig deep and straightup go literal with the happiness, hope, and resilience she wants to project.
  6. Aug 28, 2020
    good album but it's not extraordinary. The album is the worst of katy perry
  7. Aug 29, 2020
    It’s not a bad album, the production is really good, but the lyrics are very weak
  8. Aug 28, 2020
    Si bien hay excelentes canciones como Cry About It Later, Champagne Problems, Teary Eyes y Only Love, Katy Perry nos sigue dando más de lo mismo, sigue sin verse una evolución como artista, existe un gran contraste entre tracks y en ocasiones parece que reciclo ritmos de Teenage Dream y PRISM, siendo que no puede dejarlos atrás ya que fueron sus eras más exitosas y quieter seguirSi bien hay excelentes canciones como Cry About It Later, Champagne Problems, Teary Eyes y Only Love, Katy Perry nos sigue dando más de lo mismo, sigue sin verse una evolución como artista, existe un gran contraste entre tracks y en ocasiones parece que reciclo ritmos de Teenage Dream y PRISM, siendo que no puede dejarlos atrás ya que fueron sus eras más exitosas y quieter seguir replicando ese éxito. Espero que para la próxima era por fin logre reinventarse y planear mejor la temática ya que ni en eso cuadra con las canciones, dio una temática cirquense que fuera de Smile no hay nada más que la respalde. Expand
  9. Aug 28, 2020
    It was ok, just typical Katy music, so I guess we stan, but eh, it’s already outserved by all the other bops this year
  10. Apr 15, 2023
    Em meio tanta negatividade, Katy serviu um álbum cheio de alegria, vocais e muito conceito e ainda por cima com uma produção maravilhosa que faz o impulso de dançar e sorrir ser incontrolável! Dentre tantas músicas negativas lançadas recentemente, é bom poder parar e só se divertir escutando música boa.

    update: envelheceu muito mal, as músicas se demonstraram bem fracas.
  11. Aug 28, 2020
    4/14 musicas, esperava mais e tem umas faixas que são bem fraquinhas... acho q são elas que estraga a sintonia do album e faz as medianas parecer ser "ruins"
  12. Aug 28, 2020
    a lot of songs on the album sounded very similar and some were pretty boring. my favorites were champagne problems and tucked but everything else was meh
  13. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I wanted it to love but the albums doesn’t fully do it for me. There are some standout songs like the awesomeness from What Makes A Woman but the album needs soul and I can’t see the resiliency in her journey. Expand
  14. Aug 28, 2020
    this is just another regular katy perry album
    it has amazing dongs like nro, daisies, only love and what makes a woman
    but it also has a lot of forgettable pop songs which unfortunate
  15. Dec 26, 2020
    ‘Smile’ is quite reminiscent of Perry’s old works, especially ‘Teenage Dream’. It has catchy and cheerful bops. The clown theme doesn’t really fit the record and there are many tracks that just sound like rushed fillers (looking at you ‘Resilient’!)
  16. Aug 28, 2020
    lo siento Reinaty pero tus fans son unos colapsados, pobre reina aparte de filtrarte el álbum te dejan mal.

  17. Aug 29, 2020
    É bom, gostoso de ouvir, porem não tem nada de muito grandioso. Apesar de tudo, katy sempre será incrível.
  18. Aug 28, 2020
    not her best, but better than her last

    best moments: cry about it later and teary eyes
  19. Aug 29, 2020
    Smile es una travesía confusa de emociones encontradas; hay canciones que provocan euforia y algarabía, y otras que sumergen a uno en la más profunda pena. Por desgracia, la ilación entre canciones no fue la correcta. La metáfora del disco sugiere que sonrías mientras ocultas tristeza. La verdad es que lo más penoso fue desperdiciar el concepto.
  20. Aug 30, 2020
    only 3 songs are good
    End of the world
    champagne problems
    Never really over
  21. Aug 28, 2020
    I expected better. Lyrics are nothing special. Overall, pretty mediocre album.
  22. Aug 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. E um álbum muito bom, porém soa desorganizado e incoerente. Muitas musicas são bem dançantes e animadas, e outras tem um teor mais relaxante, porem a interação entre as musicas não funciona tão bem. Parte do álbum parecem ser tiros para todos os lados e acaba fazendo-o perder seu conceito. No fim das contas ainda a muito ouro a ser descoberto nas musicas, Vale muito a pena ouvir! Expand
  23. Oct 30, 2020
    No es un disco malo, para nada, pero no destaca como otros discos pop que han salido este año.
  24. Aug 28, 2020
    just like in a circus this album is full of boring and monotonous jokes but they still manage to make us laugh at times, even for a brief moment. In general, it showed that even though it is a very personal album it does not show any decent difference from the previous ones, which always showed us who Katy Perry is as we see her and how she wants to dress, this album only shows that Katyjust like in a circus this album is full of boring and monotonous jokes but they still manage to make us laugh at times, even for a brief moment. In general, it showed that even though it is a very personal album it does not show any decent difference from the previous ones, which always showed us who Katy Perry is as we see her and how she wants to dress, this album only shows that Katy can also make bad songs. Expand
  25. Aug 28, 2020
    Anyways, I was going to rate this album a 0 score bc Katy stans are rating Folklore with 0 too, but... i'm giving it the score it deserves
  26. Aug 28, 2020
    Un álbum que no innova en la carrera de Katy, suena igual que sus anteriores álbumes, pero da algunas muy buenas canciones como NRO o HIH
  27. Aug 28, 2020
    É um álbum mediano, algumas faixas são excelentes, os singles lançados antes do lançamento poderiam ser facilmente descartados e substituidos por outros.
  28. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A good album, yet it lacks consistency and Katy once again falls into clichés and cringey lyrics. The production is top notch tho. Cry About It Later, Teary Eyes, Not the End of The World and Tucked are definetly the album highlights. Expand
  29. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The is pleasant and cheerful but unfortunately it lacks energy and innovation and that made it shallow and underwhelming Expand
  30. Aug 28, 2020
    I love Katy but I don't like the albums visual. Not a time to pull out something like this, through her career she has never reinvented herself like other female artist do. Katy needs to grown!
  31. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I expected the album to sound more like Harleys in Hawaii. It’s not a cohesive body of work, it was kinda disappointing. It’s just a meh album. I expected so much more because of the teasers she gave. Expand
  32. Aug 28, 2020
    The initial singles of the album were good but I didn't like the other songs on album
  33. Aug 28, 2020
    I love the album, but i really miss the old katy with a bop song. Hope she trully find herself. Still love u katy.
  34. Sep 7, 2020
    I was quite excited to listen to this album, carved out time to properly listen to the whole thing from beginning to end. However, I quickly started skipping parts of songs, hopefull that the next song would be another typical Katy Perry hit. But there weren't any for me on this album. I know she might want to do something different. It felt like she wanted to go more emotional, moreI was quite excited to listen to this album, carved out time to properly listen to the whole thing from beginning to end. However, I quickly started skipping parts of songs, hopefull that the next song would be another typical Katy Perry hit. But there weren't any for me on this album. I know she might want to do something different. It felt like she wanted to go more emotional, more personal. But she never quite reached a place of vulnarebility on this album. Expand
  35. Aug 29, 2020
    Never Really Over 7
    Cry About It Later 8
    Teary Eyes 8
    Daisies 6
    Resilient 5
    Not The End Of The World 4
    Smile 5
    Champagne Problems 7
    Tucked 6
    Harleys in Hawaii 9
    Only Love 7
    What Makes A Woman 5
  36. Aug 29, 2020
    The album was not terribly bad, but after a while it became very generic. Like music you’d hear in a Forever 21. It was also forgettable at times, not a lot of the messages stuck. But overall not bad.
  37. Aug 29, 2020
    This album has great singles and inspiring writing. On the negative, so far it seems like there’s not as much replay value as I expected with the new tracks. The rollout was confusing and messy. She also left one of the best songs off the standard edition, Small Talk. I believe she left that song off the album due to poor feedback from fans.
  38. Aug 29, 2020
    Achei OK! Tipo bem normal msm, mas as músicas são boazinhas as que eu consegui ouvir até o fim
  39. Aug 30, 2020
    Carino, i brani estratti fin'ora molto orecchiabili ma non supera Prism e Teenage dream
  40. Aug 30, 2020
    Algumas canções boas mais não inovadoras, o álbum em si e bem fraco e mal planejado.
  41. Aug 30, 2020
    Hmmm....I have mix feelings about this album I mean the singles were good but....I just don't really...like it that much...
  42. Aug 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Nada muito surpreende. Mas eu consigo ouvir coisas legais em algumas músicas específicas. Expand
  43. Sep 3, 2020
    In general terms I think it is a good pop music album, it is a pleasure to listen to and the composition and production of the songs reflects a clear reference to Katy's early albums. Anyway, I don't like everything, I feel like something is missing, even considering all the expectations there was. I feel like songs like 'Teary Eyes' or 'Not The End of the World' are incomplete or justIn general terms I think it is a good pop music album, it is a pleasure to listen to and the composition and production of the songs reflects a clear reference to Katy's early albums. Anyway, I don't like everything, I feel like something is missing, even considering all the expectations there was. I feel like songs like 'Teary Eyes' or 'Not The End of the World' are incomplete or just repetitive. Regarding the best ones, my personal favorites are 'Harleys in Hawaii', 'Tucked', 'Champagne Problems' and the catchy sound of 'Smile'. I like the evolution of Katy since Witness but it is still missing. Expand
  44. Mar 20, 2021
    Katy made this album for her fans, while being pregnant, which grants her a lot of respect.
    Still yet "Smile" lacks the constant delivering of bops and songs worth re-listen.
    While "Never Really Over", "Daisies", "Cry About It Later" or "Tucket" are pieces of pop-art, other kinda experimental songs like "Smile" fall of a lot. Katy's album just isnt feeling consistent enough to be worth
    Katy made this album for her fans, while being pregnant, which grants her a lot of respect.
    Still yet "Smile" lacks the constant delivering of bops and songs worth re-listen.
    While "Never Really Over", "Daisies", "Cry About It Later" or "Tucket" are pieces of pop-art, other kinda experimental songs like "Smile" fall of a lot. Katy's album just isnt feeling consistent enough to be worth being called one of the best albums of 2020.
  45. Nov 15, 2021
    Even at its sweetest, «Smile» still feels like the the too-familiar work of a star committed to remaining pleasantly, fundamentally unchanged and that may be the only mortal sin pop music can't forgive. Rather than build on any of the sounds she experimented with in the past, Perry seems content to stay in her lane when, at this point, she has nothing to lose.
  46. Aug 28, 2020
    Katy Perry ha pasado por una mala administración de su contenido creativo. El constante bombardeo de singles ha hecho que se pierda el interés en su música por parte del público general, logrando que se incluyan singles de hace más de un año de lanzamiento en "Smile". De este nuevo material discográfico solo pudieron apreciarse siete nuevos tracks, pues cinco ya habían sido estrenados. ElKaty Perry ha pasado por una mala administración de su contenido creativo. El constante bombardeo de singles ha hecho que se pierda el interés en su música por parte del público general, logrando que se incluyan singles de hace más de un año de lanzamiento en "Smile". De este nuevo material discográfico solo pudieron apreciarse siete nuevos tracks, pues cinco ya habían sido estrenados. El concepto de circo no encaja más que con la canción que le da título al álbum. Si bien, se puede apreciar una mejora en las letras y en el rendimiento vocal, los tracks siguen sonando a demos o descartes de "Prism" pero tampoco llegan a ser tan pegajosas como el memorable "Teenage dream" para resultar ser un éxito. Katy aún no ha definido hacía donde ir, "Witness" había logrado trazar un nuevo camino que fue descartado inmediatamente e hizo que Perry regresará a su zona de confort pero con tropiezos en el camino, resultando el destino en "Smile". Espero que su filosofía de sentirse cómoda sin importar las críticas la haga ir a un lugar más arriesgado pero de una manera bien lograda. Expand
  47. Gvm
    Aug 28, 2020
    Buenas canciones, pero más de lo mismo no se reinventa, ocupamos cosas nuevas, talvez un poco más de interés, hacia lo que hace
  48. Aug 28, 2020
    Podría haber sido un mejor álbum. Para mi tiene buenos aciertos, como Smile, Cry About it Later y Never Really Over, pero el resto del Album no destaca la voz de Katy y las melodías no son muy llamativas. No es un mal álbum, pero podría haber sido mejor
  49. Aug 28, 2020
    I loved the full album, the story of the music's is so beautiful. So fun listen.
  50. Aug 28, 2020
    O álbum tem músicas boas de fato, porém sua divulgação inicial acabou pecando, lançando singles fracos enquanto as melhores musicas ( Cry about it later & Teary Eyes ) presentes no álbum estavam apenas preenchendo lugar no álbum.
  51. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The same pop music that she always does Nothing impressive and nothing new 2-3 song are great but the rest of the album goes down to the river Expand
  52. Aug 28, 2020
    An album that could deliver more, I listened to 4-5 songs almost half of the album in the last year, this part of the album did not bring me excitement despite the track Never Really Over being a great track. The rest of the tracks have good intentions but lack sparkle, but not bad, just not fresh.
  53. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's good but not her best. Its production is simple and its handwritten isn't catchy.
    I can't understand how the katyclowns are given bad rating to Gaga and Taylor. So... 5
  54. Aug 28, 2020
    I didn't like it that much. Only a few songs catched my attention and it's the pre-released singles.
  55. Aug 29, 2020
    Estubo bueno. Pero no tan bueno, esperaba otra cosa. Aun asi hay canciones lindas.
  56. Aug 28, 2020
    As a Katy Perry fan who has seen her live twice and has stanned her music since 2010, it has been hurtful to see the downfall she's been experiencing since her previous musical era. Seeing her depressed due to the lack of interest the general public suddenly had in her because of a simple haircut has been extremely unpleasant. With "Smile" I was expecting a project about self esteem andAs a Katy Perry fan who has seen her live twice and has stanned her music since 2010, it has been hurtful to see the downfall she's been experiencing since her previous musical era. Seeing her depressed due to the lack of interest the general public suddenly had in her because of a simple haircut has been extremely unpleasant. With "Smile" I was expecting a project about self esteem and healing and well, after a couple listens, I don't really understand the point of this album at all.
    Since she announced her pregnancy, I thought KP5 was being called "Bloom" due to her marriage with Orlando Bloom and the little life that was blooming inside her. Narrating her own personal story of huring, healing and loving and having the color green as the main attraction of the album, "Bloom" would start with "Daisies" as its introduction track. Also, why not rescuing Camila Cabello's inital idea of a "The Hurting. The Healing. The Loving" album with a midnight sound (comparable to "Not the End of the World" (aka my personal favorite) and some deep lyrics? I would have been totally in for this personal musical diary for her daughter to show her the bad and the beautiful parts of this world or lesson for the people who don't believe/regret the existene of mental illnesses due to Internet bullying.
    As for the artistic direction, I think this has been one of the most confusing factors on this record since once everything as flower-themed with "Really Never Over" and now its suddenly focused on clowns; this has just been a negative consequence of bad planification that has caused me a couple headaches.
    Anyway, focusing on the music, "Smile" has a less teen sound than Katy's previous well-known records and focuses more on a less colorful and more realistic artistic expression by touching a bit of politics and a tiny bit of loving. At some points the songs feel a bit recycled and monotone arriving to a soulness pop kind of music that destroys your heart if you are sensitive when it comes to melancholy. The album in its whole is kind of cohesive but lacks the charisma and magnetism that all Katy Perry projects have. This is just... boring and unbelivable for an A-list pop artist who has all the money and all the help she needs to compose a 5-star album with a great intro and a way better outro than "What Makes a Woman".
    Maybe "Smile" isn't a Katy Perry creation but a boomer Capitol Records one. Perry has been around for more than a decade and has delivered a ton of memorable songs during her career. From "I Kissed a Girl" to "Roar", I am sure everyone knows her material to the point that it is very difficult to chose which is the signature song of Katy Perry. "do you ever feel like a plastic bag?" is still a meme and "you're gonna hear me roar" is still a war cry for late nostalgic teenagers. Every album by the California gurl since 2008 to 2015 has been a hit to remember With the catchiest lyrics alongside the most pure pop sound, Perry created the brightest most colorful cartoon world everyone dreamed to travel to. Using the early formula/road to success of the late 2000s based on sending songs to thousands of radio stations massively, every project by Perry was meant to be a number one single. The arrival of 2-minute songs and adaptation to the new musical platforms like Spotify, YouTube or Amazon Music after a couple years of progressive drop in sales due to piracy is a very important factor that has made the general public lose many interest in Katy Perry. If you don't adapt to the current situations in order to make your product profitable and worth a listen, you'll fail. Its not me who says that, both science and common sense do. Thus, I really think that the faillure of Perry and its image downfall has a lot to do with the ones who are above her. Maybe signing a less traditional discography such as Republic, Columbia or RCA could be a smart move for her career. Why do I say that? Because I really feel like they could have surrounded her with other people than... Charlie Puth. Like... wtf man; just stop it, this duo won't bring us anything good. Maybe working again with musical mathematical Max Martin or Frank Dukes could make her reach commercial success once again. But, honestly, I am not sure if she wants to. Maybe having a little less spotlight is what she needs. Maybe this is just how she feels and does not really know how to express it. Maybe this is Katy Perry know. Now the question is: are we loving Katy or dislike her? At the end, she is the girl who has filled our house of color and joy through music and helped us have the best time of our lives.
  57. Aug 28, 2020
    Despite nearly flawless highlights ('Never Really Over', 'Not The End of the World'), Smile does not meet expectations. The album is only 37 minutes long, yet it feels way too long, the same can be said of many tracks even though they are barely 3 minutes long. Most tracks are way too repetitive and the album feels monotonous, tracks like 'Only Love' and 'Harleys in Hawaii' are the rareDespite nearly flawless highlights ('Never Really Over', 'Not The End of the World'), Smile does not meet expectations. The album is only 37 minutes long, yet it feels way too long, the same can be said of many tracks even though they are barely 3 minutes long. Most tracks are way too repetitive and the album feels monotonous, tracks like 'Only Love' and 'Harleys in Hawaii' are the rare songs to slightly change the sound of the album. When 4 out of 12 tracks should have been cut, the album is average at best. Expand
  58. Aug 28, 2020
    O melhor álbum da Katy Perry, ela fala sobre assuntos tão necessários sobre o que ela já passou, fico muito emocionado por representar tanto para ela e pra mim como fã
  59. Sep 5, 2020
    Actually, the album is pretty basic. It's a cute album but nothing more. In my opinion it has one of Katy's best song (Harleys in Hawaii) but the other non-singles songs ain't that new. I love Katy but this year the others Pop Girls did a better work.
  60. Aug 29, 2020
    Unfortunately not her best work. It's an album full of things we have already heard through her career. Considering a large amount of promo, I would have expected an album as catchy as "Teenage Dream" which "Smile" is not at all.
    Best tracks: "Daisies" ( the only song I'd listen to a second time).
  61. Aug 28, 2020
    Would she ever reinvent her sound? This is same old tiered recycled sound we’re used to hearing from Katy. It’s getting boring at this point.
  62. Sep 1, 2020
    A bit improvement after Witness. Not that much childish as it's predecessor and that is a huge plus. Who's expecting sweet pop for teen girls from 30 years old woman.
    My personal pick is Daisies - a strong touching ballad that is for me her strongest song since Prism era.
    Tbh, I don't know what to think about Smile. It's catchy, a bit childish but not much. But I¨ve got a feeling a heard
    A bit improvement after Witness. Not that much childish as it's predecessor and that is a huge plus. Who's expecting sweet pop for teen girls from 30 years old woman.
    My personal pick is Daisies - a strong touching ballad that is for me her strongest song since Prism era.
    Tbh, I don't know what to think about Smile. It's catchy, a bit childish but not much. But I¨ve got a feeling a heard that song a million times before. It's catchy, happy I believe it has kinda a message but it's reppetitive as.
    Harleys in Hawaii is perfect easy going song to hear in the beach bar, One of albums pick as well.
    The rest of the songs are average. No bad song at all in my opinion.
  63. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It is something that she has done. Basic and generic. I wish it was more experimental. Expand
  64. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I like Katy, but just about every song on this album sounds the same. The songs are nice and the beats are good, but for sure is missing something. We need something new from Katy she should consider doing something totally different: Expand
  65. Aug 28, 2020
    A perfect album to listen to in such a perilous times. It just lights me up. A skipless masterpiece indeed. That's the way she is. She drops bops after bops and blesses us. In love with this record!
  66. Aug 28, 2020
    Básico, ultrapassado, e preso no pop. Sem referência de novas tendências. É falho, apesar de alguns pontos altos (Champagne Problems, Never Really Over)
    No geral, o álbum é descartável e esquecivel
  67. Aug 28, 2020
    This álbum is A BOP and you can’t change my mind !!! i don’t know what the critics san, katy is a real queen and she’s finally happy and it shows in this album. KATY QUEEN
  68. Aug 28, 2020
    not really impressed love katy tho. it has some bops like Harleys in Hawaii etc.
  69. Aug 28, 2020
    I'm not a huge Katy Perry fan but this album has been the best she's released in years.
  70. Aug 28, 2020
    I ended up liking 5 of the 12 songs. With "Champagne Problems" we are left with essentially the same verse twice and an annoying chorus. Overall, the choruses (and pre-choruses) fell flat for me on 'Smile'. I also thought a track named "Resilient" would be a stand-out but what should've felt more tender and empowering comes off as a bit bland and lacking emotion. Maybe some of it isI ended up liking 5 of the 12 songs. With "Champagne Problems" we are left with essentially the same verse twice and an annoying chorus. Overall, the choruses (and pre-choruses) fell flat for me on 'Smile'. I also thought a track named "Resilient" would be a stand-out but what should've felt more tender and empowering comes off as a bit bland and lacking emotion. Maybe some of it is falling short production-wise and doesn't carry her vocal well? Either way, I was expecting more and looking forward to the emotional exploration of obtaining her "Smile" and finding more happiness and love for herself and the content of this album is very watered down. Stand out tracks: Never Really Over (this and 365 with Zedd are chef's), Teary Eyes, Not the End of the World, and What Makes A Woman. The collection of tracks released in 2019 -- 365, Never Really Over, Small Talk, and even Never Worn White from earlier in 2020 -- seemed to be from a prior version of a would-be album then remade into what eventually came about with Smile. Sticking to the sound of those tracks and running with it would have made for a more enjoyable album. Anyhow, who am I but a pop music fan in his 20s leaving a review on here. Katy's making money, has become a new mother, and is proud of this album so cheers to her. Expand
  71. Aug 28, 2020
    La mera neta se siente bien el álbum en algunos aspectos, pero luego todo el álbum se termina pareciendo en ritmos y aburre al rato
    Es recomendable pero a medias, destaco Smile, Harley's in Hawaii, son las buenas del album a mi parecer
  72. Aug 28, 2020
    I do not love or hate him I like some of his songs this album is not one of my favorites but I like the way he makes me bring the 2009 katy
  73. Aug 28, 2020
    O mesmo de sempre. Músicas totalmente esquecíveis e descartáveis, fora as letras infantis e utilizando frases de pára-choque de caminhão
  74. Aug 28, 2020
    The songs needs to be heard separately, there's no match, and almost there are no nothing new of what we know from her past works
  75. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Love it , boy the end of the world si the Best for mi . ..................... Expand
  76. Aug 29, 2020
    Buen álbum
    Está bien
    Aún así con todas las malas críticas es un buen álbum
  77. Aug 28, 2020
    Katy Perry vuelve a las vibras características de sus antiguos álbumes. Juveniles. Explosivos y brillantes. Sin embargo. Lo que me suele causar conflicto con el álbum es su elección de singles. Siento que el álbum por si mismo los acabo opacando. No obstante. Me gustaría haber visto un poco más de la Katy de Witness.
  78. Aug 28, 2020
    some of the songs are real bops and I love the lyrics to Daisies, but overall I don't love the album.
  79. Aug 28, 2020
    Regular cute pop. Couple of good music, little enjoyable, less danceable, but still a good work. Not much as a reference.
  80. Aug 28, 2020
    Katy a pesar de sus hermosas melodías y su gran mejoría a nivel de voz que nos ha entrega en su nuevo trabajo Smile, pierde su concepto al agregar temas que ya se fueron publicados un año antes...
  81. Aug 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view.
  82. Aug 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Masterpiece................................................................. Expand
  83. Aug 29, 2020
    Un álbum poco conciso, que deja entrever las dificultades que tuvo Katy para su creación, así como la indecisión de su equipo por elegir los sencillos apropiadamente, cosa que no se veía desde ARTPOP, aunque sin ser ambicioso, experimental y polémico.
  84. Aug 29, 2020
    Owls are medium level. It contains many topics that are considered expendable or we can say that they are repeated and do not remain in the memory
  85. Aug 30, 2020
    Im a Littlemonster and gonna give Katy a good calification even when the clowns are tanking down Gaga's user score.
    Cuz in Chromatica war doesnt exist.
  86. Aug 30, 2020
    Although I do appreciate her bravery for not resorting to Ariana Grande or Black Pink in blatant desperation for a hit after the backlash of her last album, I still find this album desperate for approval so much so that there is absolutely no excitement nor innovation to be found. With the exception of Harleys In Hawaii, everything else sounds either like a PRISM reject or a different demoAlthough I do appreciate her bravery for not resorting to Ariana Grande or Black Pink in blatant desperation for a hit after the backlash of her last album, I still find this album desperate for approval so much so that there is absolutely no excitement nor innovation to be found. With the exception of Harleys In Hawaii, everything else sounds either like a PRISM reject or a different demo of the same song, at least thematically speaking. However, this album is not bad at all, it’s worse: it’s forgettable. Expand
  87. Sep 1, 2020
    katy perry’s new album, smile, is another mediocre album by her. she’s obviously a singles artist & don’t have anything more to offer on the album as usual. apart from its singles, only “what makes a woman” stands out as an ok song.
  88. Sep 1, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Ella ha vuelto a su antiguo estilo Me gustan algunas canciones Pero no se no me satisfecce tanto escucharlo Como Prism Expand
  89. Sep 25, 2020
    Um álbum extremamente mediano e algumas faixas se tornam extremamentes genéricas e esquecíveis,Katy errou muito colocando Smile como pré single,pois Smile é totalmente fraco e parece trilha sonora de um novo filme infantil da Netflix,Daiseis é uma boa faixa mas não deveria ter sido trabalhada como foi,se ela tivesse divulgado Never Really Over ou Harley's in Hawaii no lugar talves elaUm álbum extremamente mediano e algumas faixas se tornam extremamentes genéricas e esquecíveis,Katy errou muito colocando Smile como pré single,pois Smile é totalmente fraco e parece trilha sonora de um novo filme infantil da Netflix,Daiseis é uma boa faixa mas não deveria ter sido trabalhada como foi,se ela tivesse divulgado Never Really Over ou Harley's in Hawaii no lugar talves ela teria um #5 na Hot 100,Cry About It Later,Champange Problems,Not The End Of The World e Harleys IN Hawaii se tornam as mais legais do álbum. Expand
  90. Nov 28, 2020
    I really had high hopes for this album - it looks visually so fun, but unfortunately the tracks just... weren't. I was really hoping Katy would deliver something fresh and new for her, but I didn't find that here. I've found with Katy albums that she's got a couple album tracks that are beautiful gems but Smile fell short in that department for me as well. Just overall disappointed, butI really had high hopes for this album - it looks visually so fun, but unfortunately the tracks just... weren't. I was really hoping Katy would deliver something fresh and new for her, but I didn't find that here. I've found with Katy albums that she's got a couple album tracks that are beautiful gems but Smile fell short in that department for me as well. Just overall disappointed, but I'm looking forward to her next serve! Expand
  91. Mar 19, 2021
    Secondary and stagnant. A little interesting, a lot of repetitions and annoying moments. This "Smile" makes me cry.
  92. May 15, 2021
    El álbum es bueno, algunas canciones demuestran el crecimiento del artista, otras no, pero tiene ese estilo único de la artista que la caracteriza, si bien podría sonar un poco como si aún estuviera estancada en el 2014 y ser algo aburridas, no hace que sea un mal álbum, pero si uno que se olvida con el tiempo, destacó de este "what makes a woman" y "resilient"
  93. Aug 28, 2020
    We know for the lyrics that this álbum had some deep means to her, in the songs shes approaches some personal stuf. But in the end, thats what you expect from an artist, kind like a moral obligation as a lyricist music singer. The album is very simple, reminds me of some pop radio songs that she made in the beggin of her carrer. In fact, any song of this project could be in a album fromWe know for the lyrics that this álbum had some deep means to her, in the songs shes approaches some personal stuf. But in the end, thats what you expect from an artist, kind like a moral obligation as a lyricist music singer. The album is very simple, reminds me of some pop radio songs that she made in the beggin of her carrer. In fact, any song of this project could be in a album from Selena Gomez or whatever ex disney act. There is nothing knew or memoreble. Not that this is a bad album or the songs aren't worth it, is just that, theres better things to listen in 20k Expand
  94. Aug 28, 2020
    It's not a good album and it doesn't deserve public universal acclaim, people are giving high scores here just for pain wich is no good in my opinion.
  95. Aug 28, 2020
    Not the best but boy worst.
    It just sounds like what she has done in the past with the difference that now she cries for the Witness flop
  96. Dec 7, 2020
    imo literally the worst work from her. it has good songs i cannot lie. such as: teary eyes, never really over, harleys in hawaii and small talk. however, after smile (the single) i decreased my expectations about the album. even that did not work.
  97. Nov 15, 2020
    Despite my love for Katy, I think this album was far from what I achieved with a prism or witness, however the album comes with songs that make hope for a better Katy album
  98. Aug 28, 2020
    Plz Katycats just mind your own business, smile is a nice work but because of lack of billboard hot 100 debut 1, it makes me feel like Katy Perry is flopped
  99. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. 1. NEVER REALLY OVER.- canción con potencial, me recuerda a la época de Teenage Dream. Sin embargo me parece un poco mal calculado para ser la canción que abra el disco, yo la habría puesto para cerrar. Empieza un poco de golpe y me hace pensar que solo es una compilación de canciones al azar nada mas. Error en detalles pero linda canción. TOP
    2.- CRY ABOUT IT LATER.- entiendo la relación con Smile y el hecho de que el álbum haya sido terapéutico para Katy pero me parece un poco pobre en letras. Musicalmente si me parece una mezcla equilibrada entre Pop dance y melancolía pero no es una canción muy recordable. El coro me parece demasiado sencillo. NEXT.
    3.- TEARY EYES.- AHORA SI esta si me gustó mas. Sigue con el concepto del anterior track pero melódicamente mejor trabajada. Al llegar al coro puedes sentir la profundidad de "just keep on dancing with those teary eyes". ¿Potencial como sencillo? no mucho pero es algo que escucharía fuera del disco. TOP
    4.- DAISIES.- En cuanto a letra y melodía no tiene nada que desear. Mantenemos la onda pop nostálgico - terapéutico. Como parte del disco suena bastante bien pero a pesar de sencillo no me parece el gran trabajo como para ser exitazo. Bien pero hasta ahí. NEXT
    5.- RESILIENT.- No estoy muy conforme con la melodía del coro pero linda letra. Me hace recuerdo un poco a Fireworks en cuanto a composición. En general me parece tierna pero un poco aburrida. No la escucharía de nuevo. NEXT
    6.- NOT THE END OF THE WORLD.- Me suena a la versión depresiva de Dark Horse y una muy buena adaptación! Lo único que le cambiaría un beat un poco mas agresivo al terminar el coro. Por fuera de eso MI FAVORITA DEL DISCO HASTA AHORA! DEFINITIVAMENTE DEBE SER SENCILLO. TOP
    7.- SMILE.- De nuevo la escucho similar a anteriores trabajos es un poco como la fórmula KP. Pop fresco ya no tan melancólico en la melodía. Me parece buena opcion como sencillo porque es bastante pegajosa. No es LA GRAN CANCION pero no es mala tampoco. MEH
    8.- CHAMPAGNE PROBLEMS.- Buena producción de sonido. Me gusta porque es como una canción personal pero no llega a sonar tan depresiva como anteriores. De nuevo dentro del disco me gusta pero no creo que pueda triunfar en un general public. De todos modos creo que tiene potencial como sencillo. NEXT
    9.- TUCKED.- Me gusta mucho más! la guitarra de fondo me da una vibra de One Of The Boys y me encanta. Melodía genial. Letra en su punto. De nuevo creo que tiene potencial para sencillo pero no uno sobresaliente. En general me gusta. TOP
    10.- HARLEYS IN HAWAIi.- Sale del esquema de catarsis del álbum pero musicalmente le da el toque que necesitaba. Como sencillo me parece una buena canción que con la promoción correcta podría haber tenido mas éxito. De nuevo no es un sencillo sobresaliente como lo que conociamos de Katy pero no es una cancion para nada mala. TOP
    11.- ONLY LOVE.- Linda balada. Me suena un poco a Zedd o Chainsmokers. Podria haber sido una linda colaboracion. De nuevo, linda cancion con potencial para sencillo pero necesitamos sencillos sobresalientes por ahora, tal ves para cerrar la era. En general bien no mas. NEXT
    12.- WHAT MAKES A WOMAN.- Otra balada, esta vez un poco mas profunda pero aun al estio Katy. Melódicamente me suena bastante similar a The Climb de Miley Cyrus. En general linda cancion pero me parece mas para los fans que para un publico en general. NEXT

    EN GENERAL: No es el comeback de Katy que todos esperábamos. Tiene canciones con potencial de sencillo pero son sencillos en calidad Witness no mas. Lo cohesivo del álbum se siente relativamente pero más que todo en las letras. Le doy un plus por el arte (fanmade). Sin embargo no me parece un trabajo muy bien pensado, sino mas como un álbum personal, de catarsis, un poco desesperado por lanzar algo y para complacer a sus fans y que puedan compartir con ella este momento en su vida. Además que solo contiene 8 canciones nuevas (4 ya las conociamos). Quedo un poco corto. Definitivamente no es un álbum que volvería a escuchar. Sorry Katy

Mixed or average reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 18
  2. Negative: 1 out of 18
  1. Sep 8, 2020
    Without fleeting moments of bad taste, Perry does indeed sound mature, but she's also not quite as fun. That's a conscious choice, though. Smile is intended to evoke memories of her frivolous younger days while pointing toward a sustainable pop future.
  2. Sep 4, 2020
    While Perry finds the occasional moment of quality here (Smile and Tucked both feel like the best possible music we could get from Katy Perry in 2020), Smile is an album searching for an identity—and when it fails, it falls back on lazy writing.
  3. Aug 31, 2020
    Like Joanne before Chromatica, Smile plays like a necessary centering exercise, indulging her insecurities and less surefire instincts. If Witness was overdetermined, Smile is an earnest exhale, for better or for worse. It delivers an image of her journey towards inner peace that is honest (if corny) and catchy (if not exactly inventive).