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Universal acclaim- based on 20 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 20
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 20
  3. Negative: 1 out of 20

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  1. BillyC
    Mar 22, 2006
    This is an extraordinary record. Howe Gelb at his best and most consistent. The vesions of older songs and Rainer's songs are great (tho' Rainer's version of The Farm iis superior. There is a Tom Waits-ness about the prroduction. The mix of the choir and Gelb's low voice (he has a high register which is not so likeable) is a complete success. Such a relief after This is an extraordinary record. Howe Gelb at his best and most consistent. The vesions of older songs and Rainer's songs are great (tho' Rainer's version of The Farm iis superior. There is a Tom Waits-ness about the prroduction. The mix of the choir and Gelb's low voice (he has a high register which is not so likeable) is a complete success. Such a relief after Alternator Amp (which was good but depressingly self-indulgent. This is the best thing Gelb has done since Chore of Enchantment and (having been in a choir or two in my time) perhaps the choir discipline worked in a similar way to the discipline of working to a 'major' record companies expectations (Chore was paid for by V2). Buy this record. It's really fun. Expand
  2. erike
    Jul 3, 2006
    another billiant album by giant howe !
  3. Wig
    Sep 20, 2006
    Another excellent release - you MUST see him live to fully appeciate his work...
  4. DavidM
    May 3, 2006
    Actually would give it a 8.5 if could, not quite a true nine. No single song is a masterpiece, though the closing minute of Chore of Enchantment comes close, but ever song on this disc is solid, and the interplay between the choir and Gelb's countrified Lou Reed delivery totally works. In a weak year for music, a front-runner for album of the year, though would only rank in low Actually would give it a 8.5 if could, not quite a true nine. No single song is a masterpiece, though the closing minute of Chore of Enchantment comes close, but ever song on this disc is solid, and the interplay between the choir and Gelb's countrified Lou Reed delivery totally works. In a weak year for music, a front-runner for album of the year, though would only rank in low teens/maybe twenties for me for 2005. Expand
  5. AJ
    Jul 10, 2006
    This is like the good twin of Nick Cave's "Abattoir Blues." Gelb sounds self assured and the gospel choir lends a sense of religious authority to his quirky nuggets of alliterated wisdom. You get the feeling that he toned things down a bit with the choir involved, but it actually aids the final product. The album feels like an album. It has a sense of direction and cohesiveness This is like the good twin of Nick Cave's "Abattoir Blues." Gelb sounds self assured and the gospel choir lends a sense of religious authority to his quirky nuggets of alliterated wisdom. You get the feeling that he toned things down a bit with the choir involved, but it actually aids the final product. The album feels like an album. It has a sense of direction and cohesiveness without sacrificing the whimsical nature of Gelb's musings and vocal style. Fans of Gelb know that he can stray too far at times. He doesn't here. Expand
  6. VladaT
    Mar 22, 2006
    If you like this( and I think you should,'cos it's so truly magnificient) then please check out for 'Arizona Amp and Alternator',another great album from Gelb realised in late 2005. and very sadly neglacted.'Sno Angel Like You + Arizona AAA=maestro in peak of his power.
  7. matta
    Apr 28, 2006
    The score here is maybe a little high, but this is still the best Gelb (Giant Sand) album yet. A few parts feel forced, and the choir feels out of place, but for most part, it is an extremely strong release. Actually, an 8.2.
  8. TobeyT
    Jun 2, 2006
    howe gelb really does sound like a southwestern lou reed. it definitely takes a few listens to get into this album.
  9. dannyc
    May 26, 2006
    I'd be interested in how many of the reviewers still listen to this album? - it is quality but the female vocals have started to bug me to the point of turning off, any chance of a male only vocal version howe? > listen again and see what I mean.

Awards & Rankings


Universal acclaim - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 15
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 15
  3. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Gelb has produced his most focused work in ages.
  2. While nothing wholly spectacular, 'Sno Angel is no less an exceptional effort from a charmingly earnest, yet still somewhat self-conscious, lyricist and singer.
  3. An immensely pleasing and happy album.