• Record Label: Virgin
  • Release Date: Nov 4, 2003
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 16 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 16
  2. Negative: 3 out of 16

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  1. MachuP
    Aug 22, 2003
    I think that my rate atributed to this amazing disc album says it all... But The Thrills debut album deserves at least a explanation about my grade: It's by far the best sound that passed by my earing channels this year and, who knows, of all years. It's useless to refer a most relevant music of the album, because they are all «rate 10» songs. My advice is to biy I think that my rate atributed to this amazing disc album says it all... But The Thrills debut album deserves at least a explanation about my grade: It's by far the best sound that passed by my earing channels this year and, who knows, of all years. It's useless to refer a most relevant music of the album, because they are all «rate 10» songs. My advice is to biy right away this album and to consume it with no reservations at all... Expand
  2. TomI
    Oct 1, 2003
    Easily one of the best albums of he year. These guys hav mixed the California 80's sounds of the Beach Boys with their own British influenced mix. The album makes great listening with 'Don't Steal Our Sun' and 'Hollywood Kids' being my favourites. The words and the music fuse together to produce something totally unique but identifiable. No wonder they were Easily one of the best albums of he year. These guys hav mixed the California 80's sounds of the Beach Boys with their own British influenced mix. The album makes great listening with 'Don't Steal Our Sun' and 'Hollywood Kids' being my favourites. The words and the music fuse together to produce something totally unique but identifiable. No wonder they were nominees for the Mercury Music Prize. Sensational!! Expand
  3. LiamM
    Jan 6, 2004
    Feel good music....which we all need from time to time.
  4. Sanne
    Nov 11, 2003
    Great album!!! When I was in Italy this summer I played it alot.. it really helped me trough some bad times.. its music that makes you from sad to happy :-)
  5. ChrisH
    Oct 28, 2003
    First listen did nothing. This isn't the kind of music that I usually enjoy. After the second listen I started whistling it to myself. By the third, I was (reluctantly) hooked. Nearly every track is a potential single. They've accomplished originality (although with obvious reference!) with great composition and arrangement. I urge anybody to give this album time. Don't let First listen did nothing. This isn't the kind of music that I usually enjoy. After the second listen I started whistling it to myself. By the third, I was (reluctantly) hooked. Nearly every track is a potential single. They've accomplished originality (although with obvious reference!) with great composition and arrangement. I urge anybody to give this album time. Don't let the happy retro sound put you off. The best thing since 'Is this it?' as far as I'm concerned. Expand
  6. Vera*
    Sep 15, 2003
    It is a great album. I live in Holland, and had never heard of this band. But I saw their video 'Santa Cruz' on tv and directly ran to the cdshop to buy the cd. And I'm not sorry I buyed it! This music is exactly the music I like. Too bad there are not many other bands playing as good as The Trills....
  7. LiamM
    Jan 6, 2004
    Feel good music....which we all need from time to time.
  8. conord
    Jul 20, 2003
    LEGEND! This is a great album which should have got higher reviews. Santa Cruz and Dont steal our sun, two of the best in a list of fantastic music.
  9. karlisd
    Jul 25, 2003
    It's beautiful as a roadtrip with a friend. There's a lot of sun & tears in this lp, but surely, it's my one of this tears favourites.
  10. kathh
    Jul 9, 2003
    I first heard these guys on the radio while visiting Dublin. Thought they were some unheralded American band. What a shock to find out they were actually Irish! They sound like a combo of Neil Young, the Beach Boys, and The Left Banke. Nearly every song on this album name-checks California, so if you don't like shimmery pop, don't bother. Everyone else, enjoy this sunny postcard I first heard these guys on the radio while visiting Dublin. Thought they were some unheralded American band. What a shock to find out they were actually Irish! They sound like a combo of Neil Young, the Beach Boys, and The Left Banke. Nearly every song on this album name-checks California, so if you don't like shimmery pop, don't bother. Everyone else, enjoy this sunny postcard from an unlikely locale. Expand
  11. Jun 8, 2012
    For a debut record it was really excellent looking back in hindsight. It was commerically successful but also critically well received. Its front loaded with 4 chart singles in the first 5 tracks. The first 3 songs have you thinking this is a classic summer pop album. It doesn't manage to keep the tempo up to the blistering start but the remainder of the album is still very strong withFor a debut record it was really excellent looking back in hindsight. It was commerically successful but also critically well received. Its front loaded with 4 chart singles in the first 5 tracks. The first 3 songs have you thinking this is a classic summer pop album. It doesn't manage to keep the tempo up to the blistering start but the remainder of the album is still very strong with only one or two tracks that border on forgettable. Very enjoyable and the big pity is that The Thrills never followed up on the promise they showed on this. Expand
  12. AleakaC
    Nov 3, 2003
    sucked so bad! really just bad!!!!!!!! i mean that too he he he just laugh at this one and laugh with me otay ! bye bye

Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. Sure, this is a very *accomplished* album by a band who can play their instruments: organs, pianos and strings sit gracefully beside each other, and there are some deft vocal harmonies, but The Thrills simply don’t have the songwriting skill or the sheer personality to make this anything more than a passable debut.
  2. Q Magazine
    Genuinely and heart-stoppingly bittersweet. [jul 2003, p.112]
  3. Filter
    A modern day West Coast classic. [#7, p.90]