• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Nov 30, 2018
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Universal acclaim- based on 396 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 37 out of 396
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  1. Dec 5, 2018
    This album was an immaculate masterpiece from start to finish. It is some of Earl Sweatshirt's best work since Doris. this is definitely album of the year. there is not a single track on this project that i did not have problems with or liked at all.
  2. Dec 1, 2018
    masterpice, possibly album of the year. Earl has proved himself to be one this generation's best.
  3. Jul 27, 2019
    Even if this album took 100's of years to make it would be worth the wait. The sound and delivery of this album is so fresh and original. It Feels way longer than its short runtime in, the best way possible, due to great pacing. This album makes me cum every second I listen to it.
  4. Nov 30, 2018
    Dilla? Madlib? DOOM? Which one is it? Earl Sweatshirt seemed to have beautifully meshed those three into one album—a dark and unsettling one at that. The production and the lyrics go hand in hand and it seems that he certainly perfected the sonic landscape and overall "vibe" of what he was trying to achieve. This album is one that will polarize hip-hop heads just like To Pimp a Butterfly.Dilla? Madlib? DOOM? Which one is it? Earl Sweatshirt seemed to have beautifully meshed those three into one album—a dark and unsettling one at that. The production and the lyrics go hand in hand and it seems that he certainly perfected the sonic landscape and overall "vibe" of what he was trying to achieve. This album is one that will polarize hip-hop heads just like To Pimp a Butterfly. All in all this album is a great piece of music... Its short and sweet.

    Favorite tracks:
    Cold Summers, The Bends, Azucar, Veins, and Riot!
  5. Dec 13, 2018
    This rating system sucks. Why won't it let me give this spectacular album an 11?
  6. Dec 5, 2018
    An incredibly groundbreaking, deeply disturbing, and brief look into the life and feelings of Earl Sweatshirt. I have nothing but great things to say about this masterpiece!
  7. Dec 1, 2018
    This album is a masterpiece. Everything from the beautiful production to the overall MADVILLAINY inspired sound really blew me away. Earl has managed to put together an experimental album that packs and punch and gives listeners an insight into Earl's psyche.
  8. Dec 3, 2018
    Can't get over the feeling like this is an extension of J Dilla's Donuts....I play the whole thing through on repeat like Donuts too and find something new to love about it each time.
  9. Dec 3, 2018
    A collection of songs where Earl somehow manages to only speak when necessary, leaving the listener amazed about how so little could mean so much. Earl produces 9 of the 15 tracks on this possible AOTY candidate and leaves a listener in a daze from how great his rhymes, production and lyricism are. Definitely proving himself to be the best rapper of his generation.
  10. Dec 21, 2018
    One of the best albums of the year, released 3 years after Earls magnum opus "i don't like **** i don't go outside". SRS is an experimental and mellow, jazzy and dark, short but sweet fully packed album. Even though its just around 25 minutes it gets its message across. It was hard to guess what the album was going to be like when the single "Nowhere2go" came, i wondered how a song likeOne of the best albums of the year, released 3 years after Earls magnum opus "i don't like **** i don't go outside". SRS is an experimental and mellow, jazzy and dark, short but sweet fully packed album. Even though its just around 25 minutes it gets its message across. It was hard to guess what the album was going to be like when the single "Nowhere2go" came, i wondered how a song like this would fit into an Earl Sweatshirt album, Thebe has always been a cryptic and dark rapper, one of the best lyricist and all around musicians still alive in the hip hop game. It could be a little hard to get into the album if you have not liked/listened to past Earl albums and/or experimental rap. Expand
  11. Dec 8, 2018
    I think, to say the least, I Don't Like **** felt in a way, inaccessible at first, it does not want to be a commercial effort at all, I remember not liking it at first, but the album grew on me and is now one of my favorite albums of the decade. So, when Earl was teasing the album, I was very excited, but I should have remembered exactly what happened with IDLSIDGO, because what this albumI think, to say the least, I Don't Like **** felt in a way, inaccessible at first, it does not want to be a commercial effort at all, I remember not liking it at first, but the album grew on me and is now one of my favorite albums of the decade. So, when Earl was teasing the album, I was very excited, but I should have remembered exactly what happened with IDLSIDGO, because what this album did to me is tenfold. When the album leaked, I was actually disgusted in a way, I couldn't hear Earl's vocals, everything felt "musty" and foreign, but it grew on me, immensely, and became my AOTY right next to Daytona. When this album released, the reaction was very polarizing, a lot of people hated it, and I understand why, this is not an album to fall in love with at first listen, similar to Madvillainy in a sense, when you first listen to it you're a bit confused, but the core of this album is nothing but Madvillainy like people say, instead of being Madlib's wet dream, I feel like the beats are more Dilla, and the beats, though repetitive, are colorful and diverse. The shortness of the songs are exactly what negate the repetitiveness, if some of these beats dragged on for 3-4 minutes I would actually die of boredom, but the brevity of the songs prevent this... Earl's lyricism is still at it's peak, he's not a word ninja spitting "Hop Bop Clappity Slop Knop" or some **** it feels more like a poem. To some a major label artist releasing this may seem obscure, a bold move, but it isn't, it's just Earl doing what he wants to do, and that's what music needs. Expand
  12. Dec 8, 2018
    Earl's three year hiatus is broken to deliver this masterpiece "Some Rap Songs". This album incorporates Avant-garde jazz, with each track full of samples. It feels slow, and kind of distant, but with a hopeful feeling. The raw vocals and stripped back lyrics provide a beautiful sonic experience, which not many records can claim to have
  13. Dec 8, 2018
    This album is a modern masterpiece. It is a slightly different sound to Earl’s older music, but it is
    definitely a new, accepted style from Earl.
  14. Dec 8, 2018
    Earls latest Album, is easily his most experimental and personal. Using unorthodox forms of mixing and sampling (reminds me of madlib) along with earls amazing lyricism this is easily his best and most intresting work to date.
  15. Dec 8, 2018
    The cohesiveness of SRS is something very special. Its imperfections only make it stronger considering the lyrical content, which deal with imperfection. The album cover, a call back to Earl feeling like there’s endless commotion around him via the Mr. Krabs meme, is also endearing. The production is rough but in a precise way. The concise lengths allow for repeat, repeat, repeat listen.The cohesiveness of SRS is something very special. Its imperfections only make it stronger considering the lyrical content, which deal with imperfection. The album cover, a call back to Earl feeling like there’s endless commotion around him via the Mr. Krabs meme, is also endearing. The production is rough but in a precise way. The concise lengths allow for repeat, repeat, repeat listen. The project bleeds with sincerity and shows a great maturity in his path. Expand
  16. Dec 8, 2018
    this is amazing, love it or hate it this man is a reincarnation of mf doom, the samples, the bars, damn.
  17. Dec 10, 2018
    This album says everything it needs to say, nothing more. As soon as the last song closes, the listener feels satisfied with the surreal, emotional, and provocative experience that Earl Sweatshirt presents with this album. Three years in the making and I couldn't be happier with the result.
  18. Jan 20, 2019
    Absolutely brilliant. near masterpiece of an album. Lyrically, Earl is as sharp as ever, his words carrying the awesome depth he is renowned for, his flows are innovative and carefully crafted, and his delivery is poignant, but where this project really stands out is in groundbreaking production. This, however, is also a point that is sure to stir a great deal of discord. Where some willAbsolutely brilliant. near masterpiece of an album. Lyrically, Earl is as sharp as ever, his words carrying the awesome depth he is renowned for, his flows are innovative and carefully crafted, and his delivery is poignant, but where this project really stands out is in groundbreaking production. This, however, is also a point that is sure to stir a great deal of discord. Where some will find it cutting-edge, lush, and perpetually alluring due to its auditory range, others will find it lazily executed and cobbled together due to the short track lengths, tight, compact mixing, and lo-fi aesthetic. Also, the avant-garde nature of this project will inherently bring its fair-share of detractors, and many simply will not be able to understand the soundscapes that Earl has crafted. Simply put, this album sounds nothing like any other album ever released (including, and especially Earl's own), within the hip hop genre and elsewhere, and stands at only 24 minutes long, despite having 15 tracks. The instrumentals throughout the project are lo-fi (as previously stated), sample-heavy, detailed, meticulously concocted, and altogether decidedly difficult to properly describe. At times they are clunky and disjointed, at others they are velvety and sleek, and everything in-between. There is a great deal of warmth in some, and in others a cold despondence, and this spectrum makes for an abundance of sonic diversity throughout. Overall, an open-minded listener who appreciates lyricism and conceptually and who is a Madlib fan (this is not required in order to enjoy Some Rap Songs, though), is in for an absolute treat, others, however, may be turned off by the experimentality of it. As someone who identifies with the former class, I was floored. This is one of, if not the album of the year, undoubtedly. Expand
  19. Mar 20, 2019
    I love this record. I didn't understand it on the first listen, but I listened to it again and stumbled on something. If you've listened to this album, you are probably aware that the first two words of "Shattered Dreams" (first track of the album) are: "Imprecise words". Why is that?

    The album is unlike any I've heard. Not just the best album of a year or decade or genre, but one of
    I love this record. I didn't understand it on the first listen, but I listened to it again and stumbled on something. If you've listened to this album, you are probably aware that the first two words of "Shattered Dreams" (first track of the album) are: "Imprecise words". Why is that?

    The album is unlike any I've heard. Not just the best album of a year or decade or genre, but one of the strongest pieces of music using the language of its time. Why is that?

    I'll prove my case by explaining one of the many musical jokes in the album.

    In the track "December 24th", after Earl is done rapping, you hear a common trope in hip hop music. When the artist stops rapping and the beat cuts only to come back harder than ever, sometimes, instead of complete silence, you get a headphone solo or evidence of a leaky channel being muted on a master console. In this case, you hear the instrumental Earl was rapping over. If you carefully listen, you'll notice the beat is the same as the one featured in the majority of the track, only pitch shifted up somewhere in the area of a major third. This is not an accident. This record is full of jokes like this; some obvious, others buried.

    Whether this is intentional or not is up to Earl to reveal. But make no mistake that, like the fake ending in "Shattered Dreams" where the introductory vocal sample (is it a sample or treated to sound like one?) repeats as soon as he says the word chosen.
  20. May 21, 2019
    Masterpiece. Earl yet again delivers the goods in this madvillainy inspired 30 minute, introspective masterpiece of an album. The production is hazy and highly experimental. Earls best work. 10/10 - Modern Masterpiece
  21. May 10, 2020
    Short and grimy, I listen to the whole thing all the time and enjoy more and more each time. The production is spot on, Earls lyrical talent is still very well intact (maybe not as flashy technically as IDLS but still perfect. Amazing record.

    Top 5 Songs: Riot!, December 24th, Loosie, The Bends, NoWhere2Go

  22. Oct 4, 2019
    I actually wanted to give it a 9.5 but since I cannot, I will choose a 10 ha. Ok anyway, this album is hard to get into, just like Danny Brown and others, but you also cannot be ignorant and overlook the depressing and way too let-down flow, beats and lyrics.This is a true masterpiece for sure.
  23. Feb 6, 2020
    Earl's opus quite simply. Mourning the death of his poet father in such a poetic way.
  24. Apr 16, 2021
    A fantastic display of emotion and creativity. Dreadfully sad yet impressive lyricism.
  25. Jun 1, 2021
    I have a big emotional attachment for this album. The way this rekord does not follow the usual song structure was mind blowing the first time i listened to it. Back then my friends would only listen to the popular rap songs, but this album really showed my that music is so much more than streams. That there is space for all types of sound, which i think this album portrays perfectly. ItI have a big emotional attachment for this album. The way this rekord does not follow the usual song structure was mind blowing the first time i listened to it. Back then my friends would only listen to the popular rap songs, but this album really showed my that music is so much more than streams. That there is space for all types of sound, which i think this album portrays perfectly. It is messy, depressive and hypnotizing. Expand
  26. Sep 26, 2021
    Everything about this album is good. The production, lyrics, everything. Can't say anything bad about it so I guess it's a 10.
  27. Aug 3, 2022
    I am not happy, This album is absolutely heart wrenching, it’s a absolutely journey but amazing
  28. Oct 17, 2021
    This is possibly one of the greatest albums I have ever listened to. Although it takes a little getting used to, Earl's production throughout the entire album serves to complement his dark lyrics in a perfect blend. This production has been seldom seen in his older music, and he even raps over 3 count beats, like in "The Mint."

    Throughout the entire album, his lyricism and pen game
    This is possibly one of the greatest albums I have ever listened to. Although it takes a little getting used to, Earl's production throughout the entire album serves to complement his dark lyrics in a perfect blend. This production has been seldom seen in his older music, and he even raps over 3 count beats, like in "The Mint."

    Throughout the entire album, his lyricism and pen game remains as sharp as ever; I could write an entire essay about the significance of the lyrics of a song like "Azucar."

    This album is simply a look into Earl's mind, and the wait was absolutely worth it. One of the most groundbreaking hip-hop records of the 2010s, undoubtedly.
  29. Apr 2, 2022
    Lyricism is perfect. Theme is perfect. Production is perfect. Had to grow on me but has definitely grew on me.
  30. Jul 1, 2023
    so good like omg, Redveil really sucks and Earl Sweatshirt is so good it's crazy
  31. Dec 25, 2018
    Sweatshirt's introspective mood, almost-organic and lo-fi sampling plus different textures in a narrow less 30-minute lenght makes this album good.
  32. Nov 13, 2019
    While this album is uncompromisingly experimental and off-beat compared to other new very good albums this album has the bars and interesting beats to pull it off. The album can be a challenging listen but all of the songs had value and substance enough to make them worthy of listening. There were even a few songs I found warranted going on my everyday music playlist, such as ShatteredWhile this album is uncompromisingly experimental and off-beat compared to other new very good albums this album has the bars and interesting beats to pull it off. The album can be a challenging listen but all of the songs had value and substance enough to make them worthy of listening. There were even a few songs I found warranted going on my everyday music playlist, such as Shattered Dreams.This is rare for experimental albums that are core challenging and often require more attentive listening to enjoy. Expand
  33. Dec 1, 2018
    Took me few listens to really enjoy this album, but if you give it a chance you will probably enjoy it. Earl tried something new with this album and I think that it's captivating. The beats are the way they are so you focus more on the lyricism over the beats. If you focus on the lyrics you will eventually be all over the album. It's been on repeat since it dropped for me.
  34. Nov 30, 2018
    Earl Sweatshirt returns after three years to deliver Some Rap Songs, a short, to the point album filled with his incredible lyricism as well as production. Through 15 tracks over 25 minutes, Earl details his mind state over the past few years, dealing with his depression and loss of his dad and uncle. Heavily influenced by the dusty, looping samples of J.Dilla and Madlib, Earl effortlessEarl Sweatshirt returns after three years to deliver Some Rap Songs, a short, to the point album filled with his incredible lyricism as well as production. Through 15 tracks over 25 minutes, Earl details his mind state over the past few years, dealing with his depression and loss of his dad and uncle. Heavily influenced by the dusty, looping samples of J.Dilla and Madlib, Earl effortless breezes through each one but gives listeners enough to decipher that rewards multiple listens. His voice sometimes gets lost in these samples, like he is rapping through them instead of on top of them but it creates the distinct atmosphere of Earl simply making some rap songs.

    And amazing ones at that.

    Favorites: December 24, Red Waters, The Mint, Riot!
  35. Nov 30, 2018
    It's 24 minutes, but it is without a doubt Earl Sweatshirt's best album to date. He brings a sound and style to his music that we have not heard before but still retains the quintessential Earl that we have heard on his other two albums.

    The first listen may be difficult for some, however a second and third listen prove much easier to pay close attention to and hear all of the unique
    It's 24 minutes, but it is without a doubt Earl Sweatshirt's best album to date. He brings a sound and style to his music that we have not heard before but still retains the quintessential Earl that we have heard on his other two albums.

    The first listen may be difficult for some, however a second and third listen prove much easier to pay close attention to and hear all of the unique sounds that Earl uses throughout this short journey into jazz and lo-fi territory. Highly recommend. Contender for best hip hop album of the year.
  36. Dec 8, 2018
    This album is simply fantastic on all levels. Earl Sweatshirt is at the top of his game.
  37. Dec 8, 2018
    Thank you fath for making some gud rap songs. fav tracks= shattered dreams, nowhere2go, ontheway, the mint, azucar, peanut, riot
  38. Dec 2, 2018
    Some Rap Songs is, in short, a phenomenal album. Earl has evolved his sound like never before, taking the general direction of loosies and snippets like Wind in My Sails and Hat Trick, and running with it. The resulting work of art is a deep, thoughtful, and difficult to digest one that requires many listens to truly sink one's teeth into.

    Watching Earl evolve over the years has been an
    Some Rap Songs is, in short, a phenomenal album. Earl has evolved his sound like never before, taking the general direction of loosies and snippets like Wind in My Sails and Hat Trick, and running with it. The resulting work of art is a deep, thoughtful, and difficult to digest one that requires many listens to truly sink one's teeth into.

    Watching Earl evolve over the years has been an exciting process. The hot and bothered astronaut we knew years ago is gone, as is the troubled youth trying to find his place in the world, and the poet who neither liked **** or going outside; instead we find a significantly matured Earl struggling to find peace in his relationship with his recently deceased father, and, thusly, himself.
  39. Dec 5, 2018
    This album is beautiful and depressing. I am very addicted to it at the moment.
    I love all the unique instrumentals and lyrics. My favourite songs from this album right now are probably Nowhere2go, Eclipse and Ontheway!
  40. Dec 7, 2018
    A experience that challenges the listener. Very influenced by underground hip-hop and by the recent events in earl's life, creating great sounds and lyrics.
  41. Dec 9, 2018
    I could see how you don't like this album, but it is a beautiful 25 minutes and something I wasn't expecting from Earl.
  42. Jul 13, 2019
    An extremely experimental, depressive, and emotional album. A very refreshing album compared to other recent projects in the hip hop and rap scene. Earl creates a very short (under 25 minutes) album but maintains the ability to portray his depression, emotions, and losses in his life.
  43. Sep 29, 2019
    One of the best produced albums of entire decade. My only complaint is that the production drowns out the rapping at points making it hard to focus on what he is saying.
  44. Dec 22, 2019
    One of the most depressing and sombre albums I've listened to in a long time.
  45. Aug 2, 2020
    feeling sorry for just listen this now, that is a masterpiece
  46. Aug 13, 2021
    never thought I could hear some much in just 24 minutes. I think this solidifies Earl Sweatshirt place as one of the best lyricists of all time
  47. Jul 19, 2023
    Review só pra lembrar a nota que eu dei pro album:
    album mt bom, agora só escrever pra passar dos 75 caracteres.
  48. Dec 3, 2018
    This will probably end up being one of the most important albums this year and maybe this decade. Showing the industry that you don't need 1h30min album, or a 5minute song to paint a complete picture.

    Although the distorted style production, won't please a lot of people, it even took me a while to appreciate, even though, i still think it doesn't fit in some songs. But the production is
    This will probably end up being one of the most important albums this year and maybe this decade. Showing the industry that you don't need 1h30min album, or a 5minute song to paint a complete picture.

    Although the distorted style production, won't please a lot of people, it even took me a while to appreciate, even though, i still think it doesn't fit in some songs. But the production is something i've never heard before, with the distorted like beats, showing us that Earl is lost and showing a whole new concept of depression in musically, bringing jazz/hip-hop to a whole new level.

    But if you don't enjoy the production, Earl's lyrics also make it count, the songs being very short, Earl rides, those beats, with great flows, and great lyrics, telling us what you can call it "short stories".

    The album doesn't come without it's small issues, but Earl has managed to deliver one of the best, and for some, even the best album of the year

    Favorite tracks: Shattered Dreams, Nowhere2go, December 24, The Mint, The Bends, Azucar, Veins
    Least Favorite Tracks: Red Water, Playing Possum
  49. Dec 4, 2018
    Lyrics are the best Earl's ever had and though it would sound better cleanly produced, the shaky production fits with the sinking and confused feeling of the album. Themes of family and death make the album emotionally stronger.
  50. Nov 24, 2021
    The project is distinctly rough around the edges, to great effect; there’s the sound of dust popping off vinyl and cassette hiss throughout. ... His uncle and father are gone, but Earl is still here, carrying on their artistic legacy--and, with the help of his collaborators, building his own.
  51. Apr 16, 2019
    Modern Earl Sweatshirt stereotypes are he is strong on lyrics but weak on instrumentals. This album is a huge example of that stereotype. Every song has deep meaning, and you want to find out everything about them. However, the instrumental in songs like Eclipse are disgusting. In my opinion, SRS is Earl's best album, but it is not a perfect experience.
  52. Feb 3, 2019
    Some Rap Songs is Earl Sweatshirt's most emotionally intense and artistically defined project yet.


  53. Mar 29, 2021
    this album is a 8 this album is a 8 this album is a 8 this album is a 8 this album is a 8
  54. Apr 24, 2021
    There's very great production on this album, great lyrics but his fan are so retard
  55. Mar 3, 2023
    This album is a masterpiece. Earl made a whole album expressing his feelings in a very original way, one of the best rap albums of the 2010s.
  56. Dec 4, 2018
    Earl talking about depression and the production match the feeling, we can see how the last 3 years has been difficult. The only reason, i give this album a seven instead of a 9 is the mixing of the album. Sometimes the beat takes over his voice and for me it is important to hear Earl because of his lyrics. For the production, we really see a Knxwledge, Madlib influences.
  57. Dec 6, 2018
    Always enjoyed Earl's stuff. I always dig the vibe to it and when he released a single, I was hyped. After I was done listening to it, I enjoyed a lot more than I thought.

Universal acclaim - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. The Wire
    Jan 25, 2019
    It’s hard to get with the tiresome self-deprecation of that album title, the way he hides his pain behind a smile and hides his smile behind a dope aesthetic on that artfully blurred cover. When Earl does choose to project beyond his navel he has a powerful, booming voice and an ear for novelty. Where his gaze shifts to the outside world he can be inspirational. [Feb 2019, p.56]
  2. Mojo
    Jan 23, 2019
    By combining the searing intimacy of a boombox-constructed mixtape with progressive and delirious bars, Earl's third album offers a rare kind of insight, sagacious from a 24-year-old. [Mar 2019, p.80]
  3. Dec 20, 2018
    For all its signs of progression, the record is never heavy-handed with its ambition. Its unforced attempt at making sense of the fraught present, at finding shelter without resorting to convenient escape, is a rare and, dare I say, sincere feat.