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Generally favorable reviews- based on 74 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 60 out of 74
  2. Negative: 4 out of 74
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  1. Dec 16, 2019
    Same old, same old.
    At least, if you're bad, try and be original.
    I'm Glad I didn't pay to listen to it.
  2. Aug 21, 2019
    Was my album of the year for 2018. It's powerful and authentic. There are a lot of Post Punk bands coming out - some of them pretty fake (Idyls) some pretty amazing -these guys and Fontaines DC- for me, the difference is in an ability to write and to believe in what you do write not play dress-up
  3. Feb 23, 2019
    The debut studio album from this South London band is a passionately fierce affair that attacks with slabs of powerful, degenerate chaos (think Jesus Lizard, Sonic Youth, Birthday Party) and darkly soaring melodies (think Megaphonic Thrift, Manic Street Preachers, British Sea Power), plus bits of the slightly crazed and vigorously strange (think Fat White Family, The Fall, TheThe debut studio album from this South London band is a passionately fierce affair that attacks with slabs of powerful, degenerate chaos (think Jesus Lizard, Sonic Youth, Birthday Party) and darkly soaring melodies (think Megaphonic Thrift, Manic Street Preachers, British Sea Power), plus bits of the slightly crazed and vigorously strange (think Fat White Family, The Fall, The Moonlandingz). The songs are raw and sincere with a raucous intensity and an authentically fervent spirit. On first listen, it can be abrasive, in-your-face. On second listen, the strength of the songs and delivery starts to sink in, take over. On the third listen, you begin to understand, to feel why “Songs Of Praise” has such a powerful effect. I expect the fourth listen to reveal dark secrets that will change the world. Recommended. Expand
  4. Sep 30, 2018
    The whole punk rock genre has properly been done to death. Anytime I check out a new band branded as "punk" I'm pretty much always left disappointed. "Songs of Praise" doesn't. The opening track "Dust on Trial" is like a petrol bomb thrown from your speakers. The rest of the album isn't quite as vitriolic and it's probably more post punk than the pure substance but these lads areThe whole punk rock genre has properly been done to death. Anytime I check out a new band branded as "punk" I'm pretty much always left disappointed. "Songs of Praise" doesn't. The opening track "Dust on Trial" is like a petrol bomb thrown from your speakers. The rest of the album isn't quite as vitriolic and it's probably more post punk than the pure substance but these lads are definitely from the traditional punk school, no doubts about it. "One Rizla" is a (successful) stab at radio play only to be followed up immediately by "The Lick" with the screams of "bath me in blood" finishing this particular number. The rest of the album is bursting with highlights, songs full of licks and riffs all the while being driven by snarling, spat out lyrics. This is one of the true albums of the year, delivering on a multitude of levels. Expand
  5. Jul 23, 2018
    Songs of Praise has a good post-punk essence. An album full of energy and with a lot to offer.
  6. Jun 19, 2018
    Without a doubt one of the most enjoyable and energetic albums to come out of the UK scene in a long time. Shame provide a breath of fresh air for post-punk and rock alike, with a record throbbing with power throughout. Songs of Praise is a tongue-in-cheek name for an album whose lyrics serve their purpose as a sour commentary on the state of society and the state of the political sphere,Without a doubt one of the most enjoyable and energetic albums to come out of the UK scene in a long time. Shame provide a breath of fresh air for post-punk and rock alike, with a record throbbing with power throughout. Songs of Praise is a tongue-in-cheek name for an album whose lyrics serve their purpose as a sour commentary on the state of society and the state of the political sphere, from the frantic ramblings of 'Concrete' to the spitting disapproval of a sexual affair in 'Gold Hole'. A ride from start to finish, not one to be missed, perhaps the album of the year, and all in a debut record, making it all the more exciting. Expand
  7. May 29, 2018
    Solid debut that is unlikely to stick in the memory beyond being one of the first good cabs off the rank in 2018.
  8. Feb 27, 2018
    One of the best post punk albums in recent years. joy division, the fall, sex pistols, the clash roots are apparent in their music but yet they are a new lease on music!
  9. Jan 29, 2018
    One of the best post-punk albums releases in recent years. A masterpiece made perfectly above all in the sound and also the social and political messages are good mixed with the usual grit and classic aggression of the british punk bands. This album will be one of the higlights of this 2018.
  10. Jan 18, 2018
    Wow, these guys are so deep. Look at how deep these guys are. Listen to their game-changing lyrics like, "Do you know the difference between what is right and what is wrong?" So **** profound.

    Yeah, I'm sorry, but this isn't working for me. I've listened to this album thrice already and every time, I've been unable to resist rolling my eyes. These Talking Heads wannabes seem to be
    Wow, these guys are so deep. Look at how deep these guys are. Listen to their game-changing lyrics like, "Do you know the difference between what is right and what is wrong?" So **** profound.

    Yeah, I'm sorry, but this isn't working for me. I've listened to this album thrice already and every time, I've been unable to resist rolling my eyes. These Talking Heads wannabes seem to be getting a lot of praise, though, so maybe I just don't get it.

    Sorry, boys. You wanted your music to be debatable, not relatable. Well, you got your wish. And I debate no.
  11. Jan 14, 2018
    Songs of Praise doesn't offer up any real surprises, but that's not to say the band doesn't know how to rock. This debut sees Shame successfully replicating the formula of classic British punk groups, boasting loud, aggressive guitars and anti-establishment sentiments. While these guys aren't saying anything that hasn't been said before in music, their lyrics are clever and incisive enoughSongs of Praise doesn't offer up any real surprises, but that's not to say the band doesn't know how to rock. This debut sees Shame successfully replicating the formula of classic British punk groups, boasting loud, aggressive guitars and anti-establishment sentiments. While these guys aren't saying anything that hasn't been said before in music, their lyrics are clever and incisive enough to draw intrigue from listeners; with that being said, I'm interested to hear what Shame does next artistically.

    Highlights include 'One Rizla,' 'The Lick,' and 'Gold Hole'.
  12. Jan 14, 2018
    Two weeks into 2018 and I'm sure this album will be one of my favourites of the year. Best post-punk release I've heard in a long time.
  13. Jan 13, 2018
    Solid, consistent and full of political and social messages. A post-punk blast that will never fail to grab your attention a single minute, especially if you're a fan of rock music

Universal acclaim - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Oct 5, 2018
    If the post-punk revival needs a poster child, Shame is a good choice.
  2. Feb 20, 2018
    Despite Shame’s lyrical foibles, they evince a prodigious adeptness for musicianship, and though Songs of Praise isn’t the most arresting debut by a garage band, there are far worse places to start.
  3. Feb 20, 2018
    Songs of Praise is a modern, sneering punk explosion that adds up to more than a sum of its parts.