• Record Label: Datpiff
  • Release Date: Jul 13, 2011
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 51 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 51
  2. Negative: 18 out of 51

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  1. Feb 3, 2020
    As someone else already said "This was a great mixtape. Honestly some of the "critics" are against rap culture..."
  2. Sep 29, 2018
    This was a great mixtape. Honestly some of the "critics" are against rap culture...
  3. Jan 1, 2012
    this mixtape has 1 good song "Rollin" other than that he's terrible i wan a lil wayne fan till tha Carter III dropped he fell off and i lost respect for him cuz of that
  4. Aug 23, 2011
    Lil Wayne takes other people's songs and uses them to make one of the greatest rap albums of all time. And it's only a mixtape meant to apologize for taking so long on his REAL album, Whatever it is, it is CLASSIC, and Lil Wayne is about to hold the throne.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Aug 15, 2011
    Some of the hunger and electricity he displayed in his pre-prison era seems to have diminished. This is something to tide people over until his next record, not an artistic statement by any means.
  2. Aug 3, 2011
    The majority of Sorry 4 The Wait reinforces that he's still capable of doing this [dismantling aggressive beats with purpose and flair], even if it doesn't exactly live up to classic mixtapes in his catalog.
  3. Aug 3, 2011
    He literally gives over five minutes of shout-outs, thanking people for their patience, but by the time we get here, our patience is run ragged.