• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: May 10, 2005
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 82 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 51 out of 82
  2. Negative: 19 out of 82

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  1. RyanW
    Aug 7, 2005
    While Dave Matthews Band leaves room for improvisation in most of the songs on the album, the end result is a hollow sound with room for improvement. Let's hope the tour is filled with more energy and spirit than the album portrays.
  2. Matt
    Jun 9, 2005
    There's a noticeable lack of focus in this album, but there is some energy - especially in the second half of the album.
  3. NathanD
    Jun 1, 2005
    I'm a huge fan of the band and as always appreciate their tallent, but nothing they've ever put out has been as dissappointing as this album. I'm trying to give it more time, but even for diehard fans, i suggest waiting to buy this one. They're always at their best live, so maybe this album will somehow be better after a live performance
  4. loh
    May 25, 2005
    I am a huge DMB fan and it is painful to hear this album. It represents very little of what I feel DMB is about. They need to go back to the studio and do this album "unplugged". This producer is hurting them as well.
  5. MatthewR
    May 18, 2005
    The Dave Matthews Band seemed to keep growing and getting better from Under the Table to Crash to Before These Crowded Streets. They hit a major roadblock with Everyday and still don't seem to be over it. They had the potential to keep growing and getting better after Before These Crowded Streets, but so far seem to have failed at it. The album boasts a few good tracks yet overall is The Dave Matthews Band seemed to keep growing and getting better from Under the Table to Crash to Before These Crowded Streets. They hit a major roadblock with Everyday and still don't seem to be over it. They had the potential to keep growing and getting better after Before These Crowded Streets, but so far seem to have failed at it. The album boasts a few good tracks yet overall is a disappointment. I hope and pray the next album will be better, but won't hold my breathe. Expand
  6. petef
    May 17, 2005
    What happened to the jam band that once was? What is this overproduced lyrically shallow nonsense?
  7. ForrestB
    May 17, 2005
    DMB has finally sold out. Though recent recordings had hinted at this, this stinker makes it official. Why God? Why?
  8. TravisS
    May 17, 2005
    I have been a big Dave Matthews fan since Remember 2 Things came out. But Everyday and now Stand Up have definitely turned me away from even being relatively interested in thier new material. I understand that they are trying to progress as a band an everything but this is not the right direction for them.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Entertainment Weekly
    Grander-sounding and more ambitious than Some Devil... Stand Up is brimming with potential singles. [13 May 2005, p.84]
  2. Stand Up is as democratic a record as you can expect from a band named after the singer. Unfortunately, that organic feel comes at the expense of Matthews' personality, a combination of pervy extroversion and armchair philosophizing that Everyday channeled more purely.
  3. The official return of the DMB shows them in full force and stretching way Up.