• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: May 10, 2005
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 82 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 51 out of 82
  2. Negative: 19 out of 82

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  1. PetrE
    May 18, 2005
    Definitely very good but very different album. Many great song that will be even greater when they will play them live. I really appreciate the progress the band is trying to do and I must admit that it was a good move. They easily could make "classic" DMB CD but they refused to do it. Good job!
  2. EricaA
    May 19, 2005
    While this is by far not the best of Dave Mathhews Band's efforts it still outshines the majority of the drivel currently being released by today's "top artists". "Dream Girl", "Stolen Away", and "Steady As We Go" are early favorites for me, while the title track annoys me so that I skip over it with every listen - not a problem I have ever had with a DMB release before While this is by far not the best of Dave Mathhews Band's efforts it still outshines the majority of the drivel currently being released by today's "top artists". "Dream Girl", "Stolen Away", and "Steady As We Go" are early favorites for me, while the title track annoys me so that I skip over it with every listen - not a problem I have ever had with a DMB release before including both studio and live albums. I am sure some of the other tracks will grow on me in time. This album feels very much the way Everday did to me upon it's release (too "studio"), but even it has moved it's way up in my catalog of frequently played discs. I intend to have faith and give patience to Stand Up, and we'll see how it ranks in a few months. Expand
  3. rjHolman
    May 20, 2005
    After the 2nd time I listened to it it began to grow and most of the album is just awesome. This is a great album by one of the greatest band of this generation.
  4. GriffinW
    Jun 30, 2005
    Amazing!!!!! I can't get the songs out of my head. The lyrics are some of the best ever. The band with the new producer is really producing their best work ever. This is truly the bands master piece so far. I think they are back on track.
  5. ReyP
    Nov 4, 2005
    The first sentence in Rolling Stone's review could not have gotten it more wrong. The problem with this album is that it is a democratic method rather than Dave coming in with a bunch of songs already written. Still, it's the Dave Matthews Band, and there's great stuff here. Just not all of it.
  6. AndyD
    May 26, 2005
    Not as solid beginning to end as Everyday or Crash. But at least half these songs are good songs and a lot of them kick ass.
  7. BrianC
    Jun 4, 2005
    I just don't think DMB are being given as much credit where credit is due. They sound very much like a band here, one who really connected and worked together as every band should, and I happen to think this is a strong effort. Only "Under The Table And Dreaming" is superior.
  8. MattyB
    Jun 6, 2005
    Let's face it... DMB had to change their sound a little at some point. That is the bottom line here. Does it work as well as Before These Crowded Streets or Crash... maybe not. But those records cannot be topped merely by rehashing what made them so great. DMB had to move on to a new sound, and so do the fans. Ultimately what you have here is very competent record. This album Let's face it... DMB had to change their sound a little at some point. That is the bottom line here. Does it work as well as Before These Crowded Streets or Crash... maybe not. But those records cannot be topped merely by rehashing what made them so great. DMB had to move on to a new sound, and so do the fans. Ultimately what you have here is very competent record. This album features more of Stephan which is welcome in my opinion, and it is more than catchy, its straight up different. So stand up and get the damn record. Just prepare yourself for something new, and not Busted Stuff Part 2. Expand
  9. AndrewL
    Jul 19, 2005
    There are definitely some catchy numbers on this. It's a light, easy-to-listen-to kind of record- maybe a little too much so. The production could have been slightly better, but it's still a great album, top to bottom, from a great band.
  10. CodyT
    Jul 29, 2005
    Hey Shawn M...Go see them on tour this summer and then come back and tell me how much Dave's voice is fading. Better than ever! As for the album...its hard not to give it a 10. It is their best work in the studio and as a "team". Everyone seems to have equal input, equal expectations, equal output. If you see them live this summer this rings very true. American Baby Intro blows my Hey Shawn M...Go see them on tour this summer and then come back and tell me how much Dave's voice is fading. Better than ever! As for the album...its hard not to give it a 10. It is their best work in the studio and as a "team". Everyone seems to have equal input, equal expectations, equal output. If you see them live this summer this rings very true. American Baby Intro blows my mind...you hear DMB of old and new combined perfectly into this 2 min. masterpiece that has very few lyrics. All of DMB seems to have intensified their performance, creativity and passion. Stand Up translates so well in concert and mixes perfectly with their old tunes. I anticipate some remarkable set lists to come! Expand
  11. CurtW
    Mar 6, 2006
    Big fan of dave, but i find that this cd lacks acoustic which is one of the things i look for in dave. still a good cd but is missingsomething
  12. JordanB
    Jan 2, 2007
    This album really shows the flexibility of the band. Could have done without a lot of the special effects, but over all each song has a very unique drive.
  13. BrianS
    Nov 18, 2005
    People who say this album is week are foolish, this albums has some great tracks and shows that band isnt afraid to try new things, Smooth Rider is a short but amazing track and Dirlt Hill will become a clasic im sure of it, I've been a fan for over 10 years now and this album ranks up there with my favs
  14. JuanitaA
    May 17, 2005
    I find this album to be a great mix of what each band member is about..I think it is the kind of album that will grow on you and one that you will go back to time and time again.
  15. DaveH
    May 18, 2005
    A fresh new taste from DMB while still having subtle references to their older material!
  16. LynnB
    May 21, 2005
    This album is still true form of DMB. I can't wait to hear the new tracks in concert where all of DMB songs always sound better. I do like the new twist in the tunes. Old Dirt Hill is becoming one of my new favorites.
  17. kristend
    May 23, 2005
    At first I was unsure but, being the avid DMB fan, I listened to it in its entirety. In my opinion, it grows on you by the 3rd time around. I think it would be a better live album though.
  18. MattD
    May 27, 2005
    While the past couple of Dave CDs will not top the genious of the first CDs they ever put out, Stand Up is a strong CD. We can't expect the the band to not evolve through the years. I think they are evolving gracefully, and although some songs aren't consistent of old Dave recordings, most of them do a great job of providing enough of the that Dave Matthews Band sound to keep While the past couple of Dave CDs will not top the genious of the first CDs they ever put out, Stand Up is a strong CD. We can't expect the the band to not evolve through the years. I think they are evolving gracefully, and although some songs aren't consistent of old Dave recordings, most of them do a great job of providing enough of the that Dave Matthews Band sound to keep the nostalgia flowing. It hasn't left my CD player yet, and won't for a while! Expand
  19. RandyM
    Jun 4, 2005
    Dave Matthews Band are back, my friends. Their best since "Before These Crowded Streets"
  20. JuliaG
    Jun 4, 2005
    The spirit of the band is still alive. They're still a stand-out, fun-loving group!
  21. ShawnM
    Jul 15, 2005
    Much better than the overproduced Everyday. Dave's voice seems to be aging, hindering the overall performance in many songs. Yet the talent and creativity demonstrated by the band on this album leave the listener with a sense that they are evolving from the Clear Channel-muck they delved into with the last studio album.
  22. JustinM
    Jul 23, 2005
    Finally their production skills are improving! Listening to DMB used to be like listening to a group of musicians all intent on being heard simultaneously - a mess. Now though, things are cleaner; the result pure. Most tracks are very good. Only the title track bothers me.
  23. duncs
    Jan 23, 2006
    a sleeper album. first time i heard i thought hmmm, average but a bit of a waste. but it grows and grows on you. then to hear songs like smooth rider and louisana bayou live you understand how good they actually are.
  24. TabithaK
    Feb 8, 2006
    I really Like This CD And I Like The Dave Matthews Band
  25. MatC
    May 16, 2005
    It's an excellent album. It is a testament to the band's musicality, and a stark contrast to most popular music. Much more piano, a lot of depth, and further proof of the versatility of DMB. It's not a 10 because some of the tracks don't really blend, and frankly I'll routinely skip. They're good songs, but lose a little in repeat value. It's not as It's an excellent album. It is a testament to the band's musicality, and a stark contrast to most popular music. Much more piano, a lot of depth, and further proof of the versatility of DMB. It's not a 10 because some of the tracks don't really blend, and frankly I'll routinely skip. They're good songs, but lose a little in repeat value. It's not as different from Some Devil as some of the critics elude to. It's more of a continuation of that evolution into exploring emotions. Each set of lyrics is so varying, it demands a different sound. Early in any bands' career, they stick with what they know (see: Nickelback) and adjust within their own comfort zone. Not here, and that may be the most exciting part. Yes, there will be singles, but with most DMB material, much of the good stuff will never make the airwaves. That's fine anyhow - it's on my ipod. You're a long way from Rockabilly now, DMB. Keep it up! Expand
  26. NoahE
    May 18, 2005
    It comes to no suprise why this sort of release would create a schism, or at least a faultline, through their fanbase, where this album will determine who will leave or stay for the ride. Being a great Dave Matthews Band fan myself from the very beginning when "Remember Two Things" quietly came out, I admit myself I yearn for them to return back to those lengthy, soulful jam session sort It comes to no suprise why this sort of release would create a schism, or at least a faultline, through their fanbase, where this album will determine who will leave or stay for the ride. Being a great Dave Matthews Band fan myself from the very beginning when "Remember Two Things" quietly came out, I admit myself I yearn for them to return back to those lengthy, soulful jam session sort of tracks again. ("Dancing Nancies", "Warehouse", "#41", "Tripping Billies", "Recently", "Don't Drink The Water", "Seek Up"). However, I also just want to take a moment and try and see it from the band's point of view themselves. They obviously had a lot of fun writing and producing this record, and this sort of cooperative behavior and sense of community often produces the more intriguing and complete material. Moreover, there's a sense of spirit to this record, a spirit "Everyday" virtually completely lacked. And so "Stand Up", while still a little out of tune with their roots of "Before These Crowded Streets" and "Under The Table And Dreaming", is still innovative and fresh. Some tracks indeed stand out while others are less enticing, but the sense of spirit of a band endures. "Louisiana Bayou" is the closest track to a jam session on the record, with Matthews' drawl roll-offs and country-fried diatribe, while tracks like "Hunger For The Great Light" and "Dreamgirl" take us back to the familiar songwriting themes and capers of Dave Matthews; sex and romance. Matthews also revisits some of the darker themes of life like from "Before These Crowded Streets", genuflecting on a post-911 climate dominated by fear and anger ("American Baby", "Out Of My hands", "Everybody Wake Up"). "Stand Up" may not be their most memorable release, but the band's bravery and effort in being adventurous with their sound and musical personality will be enough to win much of their fanbase for future helpings. Expand
  27. JasonS
    May 25, 2005
    It was a good album, but they tried too many different types of things in this album.
  28. LoriB
    Jun 21, 2005
    The best DMB Album since Busted Stuff!!! Their musical talent has grown so much! I can't wait to see them in concert this year!! They are truly one of the most unique sounding bands that come together and naturally produce the greatest music!
  29. JustinE
    Jul 28, 2005
    I didn't like it (a lot of that was also because I couldn't rip it and bring it with my on my yepp mp3 player), but then saw them at alpine, and it put it all together for me. They are way better live, but that's why I now have the news songs in flac that someone kindly recorded for the world and put up on btetree.com (bit torrent) of the concert I went to. The whole I didn't like it (a lot of that was also because I couldn't rip it and bring it with my on my yepp mp3 player), but then saw them at alpine, and it put it all together for me. They are way better live, but that's why I now have the news songs in flac that someone kindly recorded for the world and put up on btetree.com (bit torrent) of the concert I went to. The whole concert was up 3 days later! Dave allowing taping is the best thing ever. Expand
  30. MilesG
    Feb 23, 2006
    Who on Earth can call themselves a DMB fan, and hate this album? DMB is, and always will be about pushing the limit, and this is just another example of it. They want to open up to an African American audience, and this is the first step. After all, three of the members are African Americans... This album is definitely one of my favorites... It's not Before These Crowded Streets, but Who on Earth can call themselves a DMB fan, and hate this album? DMB is, and always will be about pushing the limit, and this is just another example of it. They want to open up to an African American audience, and this is the first step. After all, three of the members are African Americans... This album is definitely one of my favorites... It's not Before These Crowded Streets, but it's still damn good! Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Entertainment Weekly
    Grander-sounding and more ambitious than Some Devil... Stand Up is brimming with potential singles. [13 May 2005, p.84]
  2. Stand Up is as democratic a record as you can expect from a band named after the singer. Unfortunately, that organic feel comes at the expense of Matthews' personality, a combination of pervy extroversion and armchair philosophizing that Everyday channeled more purely.
  3. The official return of the DMB shows them in full force and stretching way Up.