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Generally favorable reviews- based on 7 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 7
  2. Negative: 2 out of 7
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  1. Oct 15, 2022
    it's a good album, but not at the level of the previous "blood bunny", literally I was suckerpunched by the opening track "popstar" something I didn't expect, then "fruity" (no words, hyperpop perfection), but when I was getting into the groove comes "trophy" and sonically ruined the excitement. "knockout" is one of the high points that save this album from a mixed reaction, "hell hounds"it's a good album, but not at the level of the previous "blood bunny", literally I was suckerpunched by the opening track "popstar" something I didn't expect, then "fruity" (no words, hyperpop perfection), but when I was getting into the groove comes "trophy" and sonically ruined the excitement. "knockout" is one of the high points that save this album from a mixed reaction, "hell hounds" hasn't grown much on me since its release, and "hotel for Clowns" although I like the lyrics, the way of singing, and the rhythm we can clearly see that it is a trap for tiktokers. "DRESS UP" was growing on me slowly, "celebrity", "plastic purse" and "CDbaby Collapse
  2. Oct 14, 2022
    Not as good as blood bunny at all but tolerable. Can't believe went from top 100 to this. Big step back.
  3. Oct 14, 2022
    I've been a big Chloe Moriondo fan since Rabbit Hearted all the way back in 2018. With Hell Hounds cdbaby and Fruity growing on me, I was hopeful about this album being a good release, but sadly it wasn't. The fact is that 70% of this album I do not want to listen to again, there are a few better than average songs here, but even so the songs are overproduced and sound generic, nothingI've been a big Chloe Moriondo fan since Rabbit Hearted all the way back in 2018. With Hell Hounds cdbaby and Fruity growing on me, I was hopeful about this album being a good release, but sadly it wasn't. The fact is that 70% of this album I do not want to listen to again, there are a few better than average songs here, but even so the songs are overproduced and sound generic, nothing like the brilliant hyperpop production I've come to love, no thanks to David Pramik's off-the-self sanitary and unadventurous production and writing that limits her sound, and poorly done autotune on Chloe's voice that takes away all her charm. It feels like she's forcing herself into the mainstream with songs that are trying so hard to sound retro but still poppy and TikTok-y enough they just sound tacky. Like the drop in Hotel for Clowns is a very clear and generic Tiktok dance trope that sounds like a cheap clone of Sub Urban. I'm a big fan of hyperpop, but unlike the production of my fav albums and others, there's no depth at all and everything just finishes making you feel not good. It doesn't make you want to scream or react in the way good hyperpop songs do. Even the songs with proven hyperpop producers feel limited. She's lost the emotional depth, the LGBT influence she had and this feels like such a handbrake turn from her last album. Diet Heartbreak and Cry seem to be the best songs but even those lack the depth of songs like Manta Rays, Slacker, Strawberry Blonde, What if it doesn't end well, etc. I don't think there is a in and out bad song on this album, but it's all just mid and run of the mill, which Chloe didn't used to be and it's a worrying change. Even calling this Hyperpop is a push. Hopefully she learns from this and churns out better songs that are more true to her style, rather than trend following as this seems to be. Expand
  4. Oct 7, 2022
    Blood Bunny was an underrated treasure. This album is truly a sucker punch to anyone who enjoyed its predecessor. This is generic, auto-tune-heavy dance pop. Truly awful with the exception of a few tracks.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. 80
    ‘Suckerpunch’ is a bold sonic adventure that thrives on excess. Throughout the record’s constantly shifting 13 tracks, Moriondo proves that she’s an artist that can do it all, all while having an absolute ball.
  2. Oct 7, 2022
    ‘SUCKERPUNCH’ sees Chloe Moriondo at their most daring and most confident on what is by far their most creatively impressive album to date.
  3. Oct 7, 2022
    There are plenty of good ideas across ‘Suckerpunch’. It just could’ve done with fewer bad ones.