User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 16 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 16
  2. Negative: 3 out of 16

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  1. PreciousH
    Nov 13, 2005
    Oh..Wow!! This c.d made the charts so hot, Nelly did his thang from start to finish with this c.d. This man works hard to keep his image and this c.d shows it. Another thing that I love about this album is that Nelly actually opens up to his fans and he tells more about his life in this c.d.
  2. LC
    Aug 17, 2005
    most songs are good... woodgrain is the only thing keeping this CD from being a 10
  3. NiklasK
    Feb 16, 2005
    Great!!! =)
  4. Manas
    Sep 27, 2004
    Excellent! Every song is great except 'Woodgrain or Leather'
  5. hiphopfan
    Sep 19, 2004
    great album from nelly, no fillers, good from start to finish. he takes risks and pulls them off, such as song with country artist and pop singer.
  6. ChipR
    Sep 15, 2004
    Unlike the really lame "Sweat," the "Suit? cd is everything that Nelly should strive to become. This set is modern R&B with melodies and depth and great guest turns. The strength of ?Suit? is what makes ?Sweat? such a disappointment.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 16
  2. Negative: 3 out of 16
  1. Los Angeles Times
    In these moments of reflection, Nelly emerges as a serious songwriter who moves the mind as effectively as he does the body. [26 Sep 2004]
  2. Each CD is crammed to a full 50 minutes with some of the most heinous crimes against good taste since Wham's "Wham Rap! '86." [Joint review of both discs.]
  3. As much as Nelly likes to portray himself as everybody’s favourite fun-filled club star, “Suit” suggests that writing thoughtful, intelligent and enduring R&B is where his heart really lies.