• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Oct 18, 2019
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 25 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 25
  2. Negative: 3 out of 25
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  1. Oct 19, 2019
    A long time coming and the wait was worth it! Welcome back JEW strikes again with a mix of emotions and just good rock and roll across the board.
  2. Oct 23, 2019
    Classic jimmy eat world sound, 555 is a very radio friendly poppy electronica track, whilst others stay true to the classic formula! Great album
  3. Oct 19, 2019
    They are alive! Jimmy Eat World did it once again. On Integrity Blues, they have already shown that they were slowly going in the right direction after couple of weak albums but Surviving is 2-3 leagues upper in terms of quality. It´s 36 minutes of pure rock 'n' roll. Vocals feels very refreshing in each track. Instrumentally there is nothing to complain about - drums are loud, guitarsThey are alive! Jimmy Eat World did it once again. On Integrity Blues, they have already shown that they were slowly going in the right direction after couple of weak albums but Surviving is 2-3 leagues upper in terms of quality. It´s 36 minutes of pure rock 'n' roll. Vocals feels very refreshing in each track. Instrumentally there is nothing to complain about - drums are loud, guitars are inventing and production of each song is perfect. Almost each song has its own style so they are not becoming annoying after couple of listenings. And JEW brings the best for the end - last song "Congratulations" is one of the best songs of JEW entire career.

    To sum up, Surviving is great modern rock record and definetely one of the best rock albums of the year. Well done JEW !

    Best songs: Congratulations, Diamond, All The Way (Stay)
  4. Jan 4, 2020
    Jimmy Eat World still shreds after 26 years and this album is one of the best overall albums of 2019. This bands deep, deep discography just keeps getting deeper and songs like Delivery, Criminal Energy, Love Never, One Mil and the title track will be on my playlists for years to come.
  5. Oct 19, 2019
    The album I was waiting for since Bleed American. Of course Futures was a great record but I must admit I only loved 7 songs on it, and it was the first time I disliked so many songs on a Jimmy eat world album.
    With Surviving, it's the opposite, I love all the songs, immediatly but also after 10 times listening to it.
  6. Oct 22, 2019
    I have been a fan of Jimmy Eat World all the way back to the 90’s when they started. I’ve watched them go from playing the legendary Fireside Bowl In Chicago to larger tours and Festivals. While many fell out of love with Jimmy Eat World’s music after Bleed American or Futures, I still heard greatness in every release. And while some of those albums may not have been perfect I dare youI have been a fan of Jimmy Eat World all the way back to the 90’s when they started. I’ve watched them go from playing the legendary Fireside Bowl In Chicago to larger tours and Festivals. While many fell out of love with Jimmy Eat World’s music after Bleed American or Futures, I still heard greatness in every release. And while some of those albums may not have been perfect I dare you to find one album where you can’t find a single song to like. With this album all 10 tracks are well written and classic Jimmy Eat World. Sure they put a saxophone on a song and sure they went synth heavy on 555, but remember they have always been ahead of the curve. Clarity made them the first Emo band (not goth punk which gets confused with the genre of nerdy guys and gals in khakis and sweaters) to use samples, loops, and synths to expand their sound. It’s awesome seeing that vision being taken to the next level. They have always been on this trajectory, but if you didn’t stay for the whole journey you missed a lot. Their 10th album is a 10 out of 10 for me, and it’s all I’ve been listening to since it was released. 25 years in they are still bringing it. I can’t wait to hear Surviving live on tour and hear how great their next 10 records are. Don’t ever count this band out like Capitol did. If a band has hits and even more important sustainability, support them and really give the music a chance. Expand
  7. Oct 25, 2019
    Strong from start to finish. Each song is an auditory treat, there are no sub-par moments. Perfect blend of nostalgic grunge and polished tracks, perfect harmonies and hidden, perfectly executed surprise instrumental solos - this album is everything we could have hoped for. I only wish there was more of it!
  8. Oct 18, 2019
    It's actually incredible to hear an album this good at this point in a band's career. I'll freely admit that I fell out of love somewhat with Jimmy during their albums between invented and damage and even to an extent chase this light (I didn't rate it as highly as others do). Something about Integrity Blues just really really clicked back into place for me and it's easily one of theirIt's actually incredible to hear an album this good at this point in a band's career. I'll freely admit that I fell out of love somewhat with Jimmy during their albums between invented and damage and even to an extent chase this light (I didn't rate it as highly as others do). Something about Integrity Blues just really really clicked back into place for me and it's easily one of their best albums as far as I'm concerned and then this album drops and somehow tops it? There isn't a bad song on the whole thing, just songs I like better than others. The guitar work is impeccable as always and the rhythm section feels like it gets more freedom to shine in cuts like congratulations which is the best closer they've done since 23 imo. Also the sax solo in the already incredible All The Way (stay) is the stuff of legend.

    Can't recommend this album enough.
  9. Oct 20, 2019
    A brisk 10 track punch of high energy, riff-laden alt-rock tracks that hit harder than almost anything Jimmy Eat World has released since 2004's Futures. All the while feeling familiar, Surviving isn't living in the past. Their 10th record feels inspired. Jim's lyrics are both universal and deeply personal, about acknowledging and honoring the past while learning how to finally live in theA brisk 10 track punch of high energy, riff-laden alt-rock tracks that hit harder than almost anything Jimmy Eat World has released since 2004's Futures. All the while feeling familiar, Surviving isn't living in the past. Their 10th record feels inspired. Jim's lyrics are both universal and deeply personal, about acknowledging and honoring the past while learning how to finally live in the present and not only accept, but have pride in who he (or you!) are. That theme is consistent musically as well, with the band pulling from a deep well of influences - (All The Way(Stay) is Springsteen gone full pop rock, One Mil could almost be a lost B-side of Weezer's Pinkerton, and Criminal Energy's got savvy hair metal licks) while throwing us thoroughly contemporary curveballs in songs like 555, which is as radio-ready as they've ever been while still being thoroughly them. Meanwhile, Delivery and Love Never are instant pure Jimmy Eat World classics like you'd come to expect from them. All of this leads to a blistering prog-rock crescendo called Congratulations featuring a rallying cry from AFI's Davey Havok, leaving you on the edge of your seat wanting more, which is my only critique of Surviving - it's perhaps a bit too short. But when a band 25 years into their career leaves you STILL wanting more, I suppose it's more of a compliment. Expand
  10. Mar 17, 2020
    Critics are pathetic .. Integrity Blues was a modern day rock masterpiece, but this one gets better reviews? This is a poor man's Integrity Blues .. but still good.
  11. Oct 22, 2019
    An entertaining and surprisingly effective, if familiar, amalgamation of workmanlike, Foo Fighters-lite plug-and-chug rock and the electronica-tinged emo of Blink-182's "NINE" that's unfortunately weighed down by the self-indulgent dreariness of the slower tracks.

    Choice Cuts: "Criminal Energy", "Diamond", "All the Way (Stay)"
  12. May 29, 2021
    Although having some lackluster creativity and some failed experimental cuts, Jimmy Eat World is still thriving, even if not the mainstream anymore.

    FAV TRACK: Congratulations
  13. Oct 18, 2019
    Surviving. This album runs the gamut of emotions for me. From loving a familiar sound and feel of one or three songs, to being blah on others and finally almost irrational anger about choices made with a couple of songs. Ok, really one choice that is just driving me crazy, but we'll get to that later.

    The album starts off with two fairly energetic and solid Jimmy rock songs. Surviving
    Surviving. This album runs the gamut of emotions for me. From loving a familiar sound and feel of one or three songs, to being blah on others and finally almost irrational anger about choices made with a couple of songs. Ok, really one choice that is just driving me crazy, but we'll get to that later.

    The album starts off with two fairly energetic and solid Jimmy rock songs. Surviving and Criminal Energy had me feeling pretty optimistic. I don't think I'll ever love either song, but I won't feel like skipping or changing them when I hear them. It gave me a lot of excitement for the third track. Jimmy Eat World has put out some fantastic track three songs. Work from Futures, It Matters on Integrity Blues, the driving pop of Always Be from Chase This Light and of course the song that propelled them into the spotlight, the Middle from Bleed American. Delivery doesn't quite live up to the lofty expectations of previous albums. It is a decent song and certainly sounds Jimmy, but I don't believe it is anything memorable.

    The album released with a video for the song 555. Is the video weird? Yes. But there are many weird videos for songs out there to watch on Youtube. My main problem is simply the song. It is certainly on the poppy side. Cool. I like poppy stuff, but to me it sounds like a bad Sting single off of a solo album. I'm going to end up skipping this song a lot. I simply don't enjoy the melody, especially in the chorus. It is certainly different for them, so kudos, but just not for me.

    One Mil is a solid rock song. I'm a fan. I look forward to getting to know it better as I get into double digit listens.

    All the Way (Stay) had the potential to be my favorite song on the record. It is very catchy. Crunchy, fun guitar riffs, a really good chorus melody and then the out of left field and completely uncalled for sax solo at the end. I really dislike it. I completely dislike it. I don't hate sax, but I prefer it in well written pieces with other horns. This solo just doesn't fit. Some people love it. I just can't. I'd love to find a version without it as the rest of the song is a Jimmy classic for me.

    Diamond and Love Never are both solid songs. Love Never is a tidy package of a poprock song, coming in under three minutes.

    The final two tracks are typical sounding Jimmy Eat World end of album songs. A bit darker and brooding in places. Congratulations finishes it up at over six minutes long with many musical changes, synths, soaring atmospheric guitars and some heavier guitar riffs. It makes me think of some of the great ending to certain King's X songs with strong musicianship, writing and riffs coming and going and swirling around.

    Overall I like this album better than Damages and about the same as Invented. I feel it is a step down from Integrity Blues, but that album is simply one of their best. It is up there with Bleed American, Futures, and Clarity.

    Surviving is a solid effort and I'm glad one of my all time favorite bands are still putting out great music after more than twenty years. Surviving indeed.
  14. Jan 8, 2020
    I don't get it, As a long, long time fan of the band, I don't get how people can like this album, which ultimately feels like Adkins has secured enough stock to enable the rest of the band to stand back and do as they are told, now we have this album 'Surviving'. After years of disappointing followups 'invented' 'integrity Blues' we now have this to add to the disappointing followups sinceI don't get it, As a long, long time fan of the band, I don't get how people can like this album, which ultimately feels like Adkins has secured enough stock to enable the rest of the band to stand back and do as they are told, now we have this album 'Surviving'. After years of disappointing followups 'invented' 'integrity Blues' we now have this to add to the disappointing followups since 'chase this light' which only just managed to scratch a suitable follow up to 'futures'. Where do I start with this album? Its a model for the new fans, Not the old, its saying good bye to clarity, Bleed american and hello to a new formula which will risk alienating the existing fans but ultimately try to keep them relevant. I couldn't connect on any level to this album, its message, if there was one, was not there for me. I felt that the songs just drone on and there is no feel of a Rock edge, rather than it wants to be a low grade Coldplay album. I know the 'We love you die hard's' that frequent the bands insta page will hate to hear this but,,,,this album is terrible. That my friends is from a fan of the band. So if you are expecting a Jimmy Eat world Album that leaves you going...ooooooooo then do not buy or listen to this.,..hopefully the kids pocket money will fund an actual Jimmy eat world album in 4 years time. Expand
  15. Mar 17, 2021
    This album is nothing short of amazing.
    There is not a weak song on it, with some belter singles types.
    But my favourites are the 2 final songs Recommit and Congratulations.....neither of which would ever be release as singles, but each in their own simply brilliant songs! Jimmy Atkins has lost nothing of his brilliant song writing craft. This is a welcome return to first-to-last song
    This album is nothing short of amazing.
    There is not a weak song on it, with some belter singles types.
    But my favourites are the 2 final songs Recommit and Congratulations.....neither of which would ever be release as singles, but each in their own simply brilliant songs!
    Jimmy Atkins has lost nothing of his brilliant song writing craft.
    This is a welcome return to first-to-last song album brilliance with no skip songs!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Oct 28, 2019
    The album on the whole is a solid, self-aware addition to Jimmy Eat World’s catalog, and if the band’s modest strivers’ outlook has proved anything, it’s that there will be another. A band whose biggest song is against writing oneself off always has work to do.
  2. Q Magazine
    Oct 22, 2019
    A gloriously adrenalised return to form. [Dec 2019, p.106]
  3. Oct 22, 2019
    It succeeds in bringing a 90s aesthetic kicking and screaming in to the 21st century, shedding the nostalgia in favour of contemporary pop pomp, all delivered with Jim Adkins’ trademark optimism and heart-on-sleeve lyricism.