• Record Label: Ipecac
  • Release Date: Apr 5, 2005
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 14 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 14
  2. Negative: 1 out of 14

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  1. BingoI.
    Sep 15, 2008
    this album is great!
  2. DavidF.
    Jan 11, 2008
    I found this to be their most accessible release yet, and almost gave it a 9.
  3. AaronH
    Sep 2, 2006
    I know, I know, putting a 10 may seem like a crass move. But the more I listen to this album, the more I'm convinced that it's one of the greatest albums of the last couple of years. Patton & Co. have done it again!
  4. Joost
    Nov 28, 2005
    + Yes, it's still quite weird sometimes. But when being used to listen to some voice-crap of Patton, this use of his voice makes more a true combination with other instruments, sometimes you can't even distinct one from the other. Watch more cartoons. - No real "songs"
  5. ChrisXXX
    Jun 1, 2005
    While somewhat similar to the first Fantomas record, this is much better executed. The vocals, riffs, and sound effects gel together beautifully. I can only hope this leads to The Director's Cut Part 2!!!!! (Note to Patton: Do some music from Sin City. Please!)
  6. SheaE
    May 23, 2005
    Another overall quality product from Mike Patton. Great musicianship alongside beautiful artwork and packaging.
  7. MarkB.
    May 11, 2005
    I got this disc on a whim and did not expect to like it. I felt it was more like a duty, like buying a copy of Carl Orff's "De temporum fine comoedia." You know it's probably good for you, but do you really want to sit through all the tempo shifts and caterwauling? Well, three listens to "Suspended Animation" convinced the answer is "yes." These are not pop songs, or even songs, I got this disc on a whim and did not expect to like it. I felt it was more like a duty, like buying a copy of Carl Orff's "De temporum fine comoedia." You know it's probably good for you, but do you really want to sit through all the tempo shifts and caterwauling? Well, three listens to "Suspended Animation" convinced the answer is "yes." These are not pop songs, or even songs, particularly. But neither are they random nonsense. This is structured, heavy music that pushes the boundaries of the genre, and it does so brilliantly. I wasn't expecting to like this album. Now I love it. Expand
  8. victor
    May 9, 2005
    amazing to hear something new.... Patton is one of the greats, his voice speaks for itself, sure everyone would like more singing from Patton, but just put on this album, watch some cartoons on mute and u'll trip out....... trust me, wicked project...
  9. AlecS
    Apr 23, 2005
    A tribute to the freewheeling, larger-than-life, id-driven impulses and perceptions of childhood. Phenomenal musicianship. Great.
  10. ollyh
    Apr 15, 2005
    love it. fast and mental, lots of skill on show too.
  11. ScottS
    Apr 14, 2005
    For what they are trying to do this is a pretty solid album. I just saw Fantomas live and have a much greater appreciation for them now than before. Seeing Patton orchestrate what, to the unknowing listener, seems to be a bunch of noise really clarifies for you that this is carefully written material and that they recreate it well. In the end, I'm happy I picked this album up.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Although this LP is sequenced into tiny fragments of varying speeds of mood, the LP feels like one super-caffeine express fairground ride.
  2. 'Suspended Animation' is less a compendium of songs and more a splurging, raging, raping jazz metal fusion machine, weaving in samples, gong noises and assorted cartoon horror.
  3. A fascinating blend of the macabre and the lighthearted, something that will appeal to anyone who appreciates the darker side of both comedy and music.