• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: Aug 17, 2018
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 3093 Ratings

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  1. Aug 31, 2019
    Sweetener is arguably Ariana’s best album. Sweetener proved Ariana won’t just be releasing pop bangers anymore, she’s grown and matured and tapped into a different sound
  2. Feb 17, 2019
    Apesar de não ser o melhor álbum da Ariana na minha opinião, eu vejo que o Sweetener é o álbum mais sincero dela e o mais conceitual, aborda temas de feminismo, ansiedade, superação... Acho que as pessoas deveriam pesquisar um pouco mais sobre o Sweetener e ver o quanto ele é um álbum sincero e cheio de significados..
  3. May 22, 2019
    amazing just as all of her albums to be completely honest, love her work!!!
  4. Aug 19, 2019
    Ariana definitivamente saiu da zona de conforto do pop genérico do Max Martin e fez um álbum totalmente diferente do habitual e do que estamos acostumados. Desde do início da carreira fazendo um som que se destacasse dentre as outras cantoras, Grande apenas se consolidou mais com o Sweetener, onde de fato está tudo doce.
  5. Aug 6, 2019
    Uma sonoridade diferente para a Ari, com músicas mais imponderadas e pessoais. A maldição do quarto álbum passou longe
  6. Aug 16, 2019
    the best album of the year, for me she released everytime and goodnight n go as a single, but she didn't want to do what right
  7. Sep 1, 2019
    This album is a beautiful experimental album, one of her top albums for sure
  8. Jun 8, 2019
    Esto tiene demasiado arte en cada parte de sus canciones su primer single NTLTC es súper artistico y fue una forma impresionante forma de darle inicio a su nueva era, la amo.
  9. Jun 1, 2021
    Favorite album yet by her!! she experimented so much with her sound and pharrell definitely was the producer she needed to help her get out of her shell. Going from pop anthems like "No tears left to cry" "God is a woman" "breathin" "everytime" to dreamy mid-tempo songs "get well soon" "better off" "r.e.m" to the sultry 2000s r&b inspired banger "borderline"
  10. Jun 4, 2019
    no skips what so ever such an amazing album, she’s amazing!! stop sleeping on this album!
  11. Jun 5, 2019
    Sweetener is one of her best body of work. Sweetener has amazing deep lyrics and its sounds are literally dreamy, this is an amazing album and deserves everything.
  12. Jun 8, 2019
    Você quer um álbum com conceito, então toma sweetener, não é atoa que é o meu álbum preferido dela
  13. Jan 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. el mejor álbum del 2018, es la indiscutible princesa del pop, las demás jamás podrían Expand
  14. Dec 23, 2019
    Álbum perfeito, todas as musicas são maravilhosas, principalmente as mais “tristes”. Ariana Grande com esse álbum mostrou todo seu talento.
  15. Aug 23, 2019
    O melhor álbum da carreira dela. Ariana seguiu um som arriscado que não é muito mainstream e diferente de tudo que ela já fez na carreira dela. O álbum é coeso, tem ótimos visuais, ótimos videoclipes, as músicas são espetaculares e trazem assuntos importantes para os jovens da realidade atual, como relacionamentos tóxicos, ansiedade e etc. Grande é uma excelente artista e merece maisO melhor álbum da carreira dela. Ariana seguiu um som arriscado que não é muito mainstream e diferente de tudo que ela já fez na carreira dela. O álbum é coeso, tem ótimos visuais, ótimos videoclipes, as músicas são espetaculares e trazem assuntos importantes para os jovens da realidade atual, como relacionamentos tóxicos, ansiedade e etc. Grande é uma excelente artista e merece mais reconhecimento! Expand
  16. Aug 30, 2019
    Excellent vocals and addictive songs. She decided to venture further in pop compared to dangerous woman. She keeps getting better everytime omg
  17. Aug 23, 2019
    best album of 2018, nothing left to say, this album is a masterpiece and ariana the best singer in the industry
  18. Aug 25, 2019
    On this album, Ariana came up with a new sound, unlike anything she had ever done. Without a doubt, it is the most cohesive album of her career. She made no mistake for giving us this album and I am proud of her for doing this amazing job.
  19. Aug 24, 2019
  20. Aug 30, 2019
    OH MY GOD. This album is a mastserpiece and i can’t stop listening since its release. so much love for all the tracks
  21. Aug 24, 2019
    so so so good that I just could stop listening to it for a whole year. Breathin was the perfect single together with ntltc
  22. Aug 24, 2019
    well it’s such a bop I can’t even relate. This is a masterpiece and a must listen for everyone
  23. Aug 25, 2019
    Maravilhosooo, claramente o melhor trabalho de Ariana Grande. Totalmente conceitual, God is a woman, R.E.M, NTLC, totalmente hinos igual todas as faixas.
  24. Aug 30, 2019
    this is total perfection. a perfect production, lyrics and instrumentals. Goodnight n go is a must listen, such a perfect track
  25. Aug 30, 2019
    underrated. deserves 100 goodnight and go, everytime and the light is coming ❤️
  26. Feb 3, 2020
    First listen , it ok for but I can't stand some song in it .After a few times listening it became grower but it still not my meal .If you guys think that swt is her best album. Ok It everyone opinion .Don't @ me .My fav is tun and dw.
  27. Aug 31, 2019
    amazing, show stopping, never been done before, truly snapped on a piece of work that is one of her most personal pieces of work yet.
  28. Aug 31, 2019
    This album did what it was meant to do, steer Grande in a new direction. Her best album
  29. Aug 31, 2019
    All songs are great! No skips! It deserved the grammy it got.
  30. Aug 31, 2019
    Her best album in my opinion, she did that. The album was definitely too ahead for people...

Universal acclaim - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Aug 31, 2018
    Grande’s new sound, the Williams-produced Not-Bangers, only make up half of the album. These standout tracks are interspersed between standard pop tracks. ... That’s not to say that the Bangers on Sweetener are bad--it’s more that they belong in previous era of Grande and they spoil the flow between songs. Sweetener may not be the dawning of a new age for Ariana but it could be a step towards somewhere weird and wonderful.
  2. Aug 29, 2018
    Ms. Grande backs up her statements with song-and-dance mastery. ... She’s her own choir, support group and posse. While a few guest vocalists (Mr. Williams, Nicki Minaj, Missy Elliott) provide a little grit for contrast, Ms. Grande sails above any fray, past or present. Her aplomb is her triumph.
  3. Aug 28, 2018
    An album that coheres in a way other Ariana Grande albums don't, which means Sweetener is something of a double triumph: she's come through a tough time stronger and better than before.