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  1. Jun 30, 2021
    I found this mini-album to be kind of a hit-and-miss. Most of the performances are somewhat redeemable; however, the production makes this album unenjoyable, and the album doesn't stick out amongst the other indie-rock artists because of it. The songs I think are okay usually don't have so much depth other than "they are pretty good." But the worst track on this album is "My Dream," andI found this mini-album to be kind of a hit-and-miss. Most of the performances are somewhat redeemable; however, the production makes this album unenjoyable, and the album doesn't stick out amongst the other indie-rock artists because of it. The songs I think are okay usually don't have so much depth other than "they are pretty good." But the worst track on this album is "My Dream," and it's a 1-2 minute long instrumental. The biggest issue I have with it is that the performance and mixing are absolutely sloppy. I know that perhaps the song is supposed to replicate the feeling of having a dream, like things not making sense and so on; however, I feel like she could've at least made it a bit more bearable to listen to. Overall I can't find anything else to say about this other than that it's a kind of a generic and very "meh" indie-rock album.

    Overall score: 6.4/10
    Favorite tracks: Hold My Hand, U Can Wish All U Want, New TV
    Least favorite tracks: My Dream

Universal acclaim - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 4
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 4
  3. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. 80
    PACKS take the listener on an adventure of love, lust, pain, and dreams that’s beautifully melodic and instrumentally fascinating - it’s certainly one hell of a ride.
  2. May 25, 2021
    Throughout Take the Cake, PACKS put an intimate, warped spin on what are fundamentally great rocks songs. The result is a debut that's likely to compel return visits.
  3. May 25, 2021
    At times, take the cake feels like it’s at an ennui crossroads, trying to define listlessness while side-stepping its intentions. But how many artists have we seen hover around an emotional bullseye on their first album only to hit it on their next go-round? Even if take the cake doesn’t show PACKS’ full potential, it still gives us much to look forward to.