• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: May 23, 2006
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 142 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 17 out of 142

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  1. Patrick
    Jun 29, 2007
    Anybody who gives it a 0 or 1 obviously holds a huge bias. There are so many great songs on this album. 10 because it deserves it
  2. franciscog
    Apr 10, 2007
    The best album of the year without a doubt.... flawless!!!
  3. AaronL
    Mar 7, 2007
    Another amazing album by one of the most incredible groups to date.... Taking The Long Way is sure to hold a place in my cd player for a long time to come... "Taking The Long Way", "Not Ready To Make Nice", "Silent House", and "I Hope" are certainly heart felt, personal works of art!! Enjoy!
  4. QIM.
    Feb 22, 2007
    It is truely a great album ,so meaningful,chicks go down ur own way like this ,I will show my best support,PS,bush goes the hell
  5. debm
    Feb 3, 2007
    dixie chicks rock!
  6. CaryS
    Jan 20, 2007
    I am not a country music fan. Nor was I a DC fan before this album. This album has the guts to tackle personal issues (Voice inside my head) and of course political issues. No other group I know has the guts to challenge its listeners to think like the DC have on this CD. I guess that explains why some don't like it.
  7. S.J.Donovan
    Oct 10, 2006
    It's a relief to hear this after their first three albums. Gone are the melodically challenged tunes of the nineties, though they were pretty good, and out we come with this amazing album. Personally, I like the alternate country maturity of "Long Way" compared to the pop country monotony of their prior albums. They have pretty good lyric ability, even if "Favorite Year" and It's a relief to hear this after their first three albums. Gone are the melodically challenged tunes of the nineties, though they were pretty good, and out we come with this amazing album. Personally, I like the alternate country maturity of "Long Way" compared to the pop country monotony of their prior albums. They have pretty good lyric ability, even if "Favorite Year" and "Everybody Knows" could use some work. "I Hope" is a gorgeous gospel ballad, while "Not Ready To Make Nice" and "Silent House" are the best tracks by far, especially the imagery of "Silent House". Well done, Dixie Chicks. Expand
  8. TomP
    Sep 13, 2006
    The Chicks' best work so far. Every piece of music on this CD is powerful enough to stand alone. Together, they are a powerful statement about talent, anger and love. Superb!
  9. JeffN
    Sep 11, 2006
    GR8! This album really lets you in how the girls have been reeling about those well-known events, in a way that's appealing and appreciated.
  10. MelissaP
    Aug 30, 2006
    Although not the usual twangy get up and dance tunes the new CD is fabulous and very mature and has substancial heart felt meaning! A classic in it's own right!
  11. jennifers
    Aug 16, 2006
    I give this alblum a 10 because these girls finally said what no one elese had the guts to.And for this alblum good lyrics good music as always girls keep truckin' you are awesome.The home album by the way all who doubt is a great alblum and the rest as well i have all their cds and i will buy them to the end.
  12. izata
    Aug 11, 2006
    these chix rocks!!!!! absolutely better than home!!
  13. Comebackkid
    Jul 24, 2006
    slant magazine can eat it
  14. JyotirmayaD
    Jul 22, 2006
    When the Dixie Chicks first came out I found their name ridiculous and their pop-country boring. Then the famous "Bush" bashing statement onstage in London. That statement and the afterlash of what they went through after it, has given these girls some much needed attitude -- it's punk! (well, not really "punkish" is more like it.) It's an album full of things to get off their When the Dixie Chicks first came out I found their name ridiculous and their pop-country boring. Then the famous "Bush" bashing statement onstage in London. That statement and the afterlash of what they went through after it, has given these girls some much needed attitude -- it's punk! (well, not really "punkish" is more like it.) It's an album full of things to get off their chests, minds and hearts. I am now a Dixie Chicks FAN! Four years ago, I would NEVER have thought that could possibly happen. Maybe his being President sucks for the country but it's not doing country-music (in this case) very bad at all! (Did I just SAY that? Yech!) Expand
  15. ArielG
    Jul 15, 2006
    I'm not a big fan of country music, so I approached this album with a little caution. I've heard some of their songs on the radio and they were all very fun and melodic. I bought the album today and it has turned me into a total fan. I'll be buying their Home album tomorrow. Rock on, girls!
  16. DineshP
    Jul 12, 2006
    Good Overall. Not a country fan. But good music. lot of power and emotion. Valid points, Beautiful arrangement with the typical DC delivery makes this one a must have. And more importantly they made a point and stuck to it. Bush should listen to this and Pink's Im not dead.
  17. AdamM
    Jul 8, 2006
    Excellent to have them back! Different from earlier work, but that's all right. Melodic, thoughtful, compelling work. And they're still country gals - always will be.
  18. LuisG
    Jul 5, 2006
    ....dixie chicks show promise as musicians and as commentators....judging the MUSIC !!! i say by far the best album of the year.... im glad it debuted at # 1 and is now PLATINUM rick rubin provided his genious to great writing ...light at the end of the tunnel....for those of you bashing take a moment and think how ugly it is to spread hate around words are powerful so it showed but what ....dixie chicks show promise as musicians and as commentators....judging the MUSIC !!! i say by far the best album of the year.... im glad it debuted at # 1 and is now PLATINUM rick rubin provided his genious to great writing ...light at the end of the tunnel....for those of you bashing take a moment and think how ugly it is to spread hate around words are powerful so it showed but what behaviour breads behavior teach yourself about choice off words....agree to disagree ....IN ALL AN AMAZING ALBUM FROM START TO FINISH !!!! A+ Expand
  19. tomhunnicutt
    Jul 5, 2006
  20. MorganF
    Jun 26, 2006
    Bitter-sweet melodies with conviction. A cross-over success / will not dissapoint.
  21. SamD
    Jun 24, 2006
    It's good, but the fact that it has ONE amazing song just makes the album. FUTK!
  22. JDWilliams
    Jun 23, 2006
    EVERY SONG ON THIS CD PLEASES MY EARS! everyone should own this cd i havent heard a cd this good in so long.
  23. MARKL
    Jun 22, 2006
    "Silent House" has been overlooked - it bears close listening.
  24. KethryG
    Jun 20, 2006
    As someone who have been listening to the Dixie Chicks since their first album - they sounded different in this album which I gladly welcomed. Getting new people to work with (such as Rubin, Wilson, and Crowe) worked for me but tehre are times when I do miss Griffin's touch. Also, I am offended that someone would imply that I am a communist for listening to them.
  25. Donna
    Jun 20, 2006
    The best of 2006 so far!
  26. Mike
    Jun 20, 2006
    awesome. each song is better than the next.
  27. AndyZ
    Jun 20, 2006
    This is an outstanding album with a number of great and memorable songs. The best Chicks album ever and a moving declaration of defiance.
  28. JaneB
    Jun 18, 2006
    Best female group ever. Chicks kick a**.
  29. ClaytonS
    Jun 14, 2006
    This is an excellent album by a very fine Texas group. Go Chicks!
  30. TammyH
    Jun 13, 2006
    Because of reduced radio play, this album took a few extra listens to really enjoy. And now just like their previous album Home which spent at least 16 months in my car cd player this too has become an outstanding favorite.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 18
  2. Negative: 1 out of 18
  1. Finally, they put their music where their opinionated mouths are.
  2. On first listen, Taking the Long Way seems too somber--in need of a bit of levity and more than a couple of uptempo songs (like the sexy, '60s-flavored "I Like It") to resonate for the long haul. It also seems to lack the writing quality that Darrell Scott, Patty Griffin, and Bruce Robison brought to Home. But on repeated plays, those concerns dissipate.
  3. Blender
    This album has some of what was missing from Home: fire, ugliness, resentment. [Jun 2006, p.135]