• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: May 23, 2006
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 142 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 17 out of 142

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  1. Patrick
    Jun 29, 2007
    Anybody who gives it a 0 or 1 obviously holds a huge bias. There are so many great songs on this album. 10 because it deserves it
  2. EdM
    Jun 20, 2006
    I have listend 5 times, and I really want something to stick. It just doesn't get any better. And I really wanted to love this. I miss Patty Griffin's writing and a wider variety of material. Only "Not ready to make nice" had the wonderful Dixie Chicks combination of power and thoughtful lyrics.
  3. Bobnothappy
    May 25, 2006
    I'll quote the Incredibles, "Not happy Bob, not happy!" is it fair to criticize the President of the United States is who the President for everyone who voted for him and who did not vote for him? When Clinton was in office, not once did I protest, write letters to the editor, or include my input on something like this. Just like Neil Young's cd... it's not right to Bash I'll quote the Incredibles, "Not happy Bob, not happy!" is it fair to criticize the President of the United States is who the President for everyone who voted for him and who did not vote for him? When Clinton was in office, not once did I protest, write letters to the editor, or include my input on something like this. Just like Neil Young's cd... it's not right to Bash the President, any president for that matter. Musicians are good at what they do for the music they make, but when they try to throw politically lyrics into a song, it doesn't work. I wish that Sean Hannity, Savage, Limbaugh all had musical talent. Freedom is not free! Expand
  4. TheseReviewsR.BS
    May 30, 2006
    Isn't it strange how all of the reviews on this CD sound like it was written by someone in marketing. Hmmm...wonder why?
  5. JackR
    Jun 1, 2006
    Total sellout. This is pure pop and fluff.
  6. TheCritic
    Jun 19, 2006
    Once again these Bush bangers have put out another piece of liberal garbage that should be banned from everybody's ears but communists. Dixie Chicks GO TO HELL!!! If you want real country check this out: "I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning" by Bright Eyes
  7. AllenK
    May 24, 2006
    Surprisingly and impressively mature. Those looking for cowboy balladry and apologetic musings need to look elsewhere. They may never get country airplay again, but as artists, the Chicks are now on a whole different level. The music is in turns tough, uncompromising, thoughtful, and somber. They take on their critics directly, while at the same time revealing the pain the rift with Surprisingly and impressively mature. Those looking for cowboy balladry and apologetic musings need to look elsewhere. They may never get country airplay again, but as artists, the Chicks are now on a whole different level. The music is in turns tough, uncompromising, thoughtful, and somber. They take on their critics directly, while at the same time revealing the pain the rift with friends and the public has wrought. The production on this album is flawless--the layering of vocals and textured instumentation beautiful. Again, there are no weepy ballads here. It does take some getting used to, but after a couple of listens, the New Chicks' carve out a place firmly and permanently in your ear and gut. Those who tune out are losing out on one of the finest cd's of the year--a bravely carfted/won triumph. Welcome back ladies. We missed you. And congratulations. Expand
  8. Nick
    May 23, 2006
    I honestly didn't expect much; I loved the bluegrass-tinged Home and thought their next album would find them reverting to earlier (albeit still good) form. Instead it's their best, most cohesive, hook-filled album to date - even better than Home. Enough about the politics; this is just damn good music.
  9. JudyL
    Jun 7, 2006
    This is music for music fans who are not in the top 1% economically in this country. If you are part of the 99%, and not listening to this, you are simply a fool. You are being played for a sucka.
  10. LisaL
    May 23, 2006
    This album is an undeniable masterpiece. Music with this much honesty and integrity, and above all, talent, is certainly a rarity in the music industry.
  11. GregD
    Jun 2, 2006
    Even though their music is bland, overprocessed countrypolitan crap, I've been on their side ever since they denounced Bush.
  12. LuisG
    Jul 5, 2006
    ....dixie chicks show promise as musicians and as commentators....judging the MUSIC !!! i say by far the best album of the year.... im glad it debuted at # 1 and is now PLATINUM rick rubin provided his genious to great writing ...light at the end of the tunnel....for those of you bashing take a moment and think how ugly it is to spread hate around words are powerful so it showed but what ....dixie chicks show promise as musicians and as commentators....judging the MUSIC !!! i say by far the best album of the year.... im glad it debuted at # 1 and is now PLATINUM rick rubin provided his genious to great writing ...light at the end of the tunnel....for those of you bashing take a moment and think how ugly it is to spread hate around words are powerful so it showed but what behaviour breads behavior teach yourself about choice off words....agree to disagree ....IN ALL AN AMAZING ALBUM FROM START TO FINISH !!!! A+ Expand
  13. AdamM
    Jul 8, 2006
    Excellent to have them back! Different from earlier work, but that's all right. Melodic, thoughtful, compelling work. And they're still country gals - always will be.
  14. S.J.Donovan
    Oct 10, 2006
    It's a relief to hear this after their first three albums. Gone are the melodically challenged tunes of the nineties, though they were pretty good, and out we come with this amazing album. Personally, I like the alternate country maturity of "Long Way" compared to the pop country monotony of their prior albums. They have pretty good lyric ability, even if "Favorite Year" and It's a relief to hear this after their first three albums. Gone are the melodically challenged tunes of the nineties, though they were pretty good, and out we come with this amazing album. Personally, I like the alternate country maturity of "Long Way" compared to the pop country monotony of their prior albums. They have pretty good lyric ability, even if "Favorite Year" and "Everybody Knows" could use some work. "I Hope" is a gorgeous gospel ballad, while "Not Ready To Make Nice" and "Silent House" are the best tracks by far, especially the imagery of "Silent House". Well done, Dixie Chicks. Expand
  15. MattM
    May 23, 2006
    For the first time they sound 100% engaged with the emotional base of each song. It's touching, poignant, and only lacking a great Patty Griffin tune. These are the Dixie Chicks of "Goodbye Earl," but with an experience that rings more true and a melody far more wispy and lovely. For the funtime rockabilly it eschews "Taking the Long Way" recasts the Chicks as songwriters and For the first time they sound 100% engaged with the emotional base of each song. It's touching, poignant, and only lacking a great Patty Griffin tune. These are the Dixie Chicks of "Goodbye Earl," but with an experience that rings more true and a melody far more wispy and lovely. For the funtime rockabilly it eschews "Taking the Long Way" recasts the Chicks as songwriters and musicians determined to avoid knee-jerk punditry for profound art. Expand
  16. RonG
    May 24, 2006
    Another self serving album, preceded by a self serving media blitz that details, once again, their political views. The first song released is childish and has none of their prior energy except foot pounding temper tantrums. She's not ready to make nice, well fine, how about making good music instead.
  17. SuzieK
    May 24, 2006
    I Love It! Forget they hype. These are just great songs.
  18. EricS
    May 24, 2006
    Absolutely beautiful! I've always been a fan of the Chicks and have been eagerly looking forward to this cd for a long time. They have truely outdone themselves with this album. Anyone who won't listen to great music simply because they don't agree with the artists political views is an idiot. I have just one thing to say to those people... Grow Up!!! And a big THANK YOU to Absolutely beautiful! I've always been a fan of the Chicks and have been eagerly looking forward to this cd for a long time. They have truely outdone themselves with this album. Anyone who won't listen to great music simply because they don't agree with the artists political views is an idiot. I have just one thing to say to those people... Grow Up!!! And a big THANK YOU to the Dixie Chicks for this album. Expand
  19. Spiffy
    May 25, 2006
    Finally the Chicks are more than just pleasant sounding--they're relevant. It only misses a 10 becuse it's a few songs too long. Not that 14 tracks is INHERENTLY too much, but making it this long (and they apparently had more that are going to be bonus tracks in some packaging), is a mistake if they aren't all winners. Well one or two of these songs are just slow. Finally the Chicks are more than just pleasant sounding--they're relevant. It only misses a 10 becuse it's a few songs too long. Not that 14 tracks is INHERENTLY too much, but making it this long (and they apparently had more that are going to be bonus tracks in some packaging), is a mistake if they aren't all winners. Well one or two of these songs are just slow. That's mostly balanced out by at least four brilliant songs, and a lot of good and very good ones, but if they'd merely shaved a bit of fat off, it would have been perfect. Expand
  20. veronicac
    May 25, 2006
    I have been a long time Chicks fan and this album blew me away. They seem to have raised the bar on their musicianship. Unapologetic and straight forward, it is their very best effort to date
  21. zeldar
    May 25, 2006
    These songs blow away the tripe Nashville is spewing out these days. It's nice to see mainstream country show some guts. Damn pansies! -mainstream Country Fans that is. Dixie Chicks Kick it!
  22. MattB
    May 25, 2006
    This is a beautiful album! First off, I disagree completely with their political views, but they have a right to say what they want. And people have a right to hate them and not buy their cd's if they want to be crybabies. Everyone who doesn't hear this because of what Maines said is missing a fantastic cd. The first 11 (of 14) songs are all excellent. Personal fav might be This is a beautiful album! First off, I disagree completely with their political views, but they have a right to say what they want. And people have a right to hate them and not buy their cd's if they want to be crybabies. Everyone who doesn't hear this because of what Maines said is missing a fantastic cd. The first 11 (of 14) songs are all excellent. Personal fav might be Everybody knows. I hope grammy doesn't shun them like the Country Music Awards did for Home. That was childish. Expand
  23. PatT
    May 25, 2006
    Just a great album. Period. The melodies are fantastic and every song drips with passion.
  24. DanW
    May 26, 2006
    Glad they didn't go crawling back to the people that treated them like dirt for expressing an opinion. They were bold enough to continue to express themselveson this album. In a time when the country charts are polluted with songs like "Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off" and "I Ain't As Good As I Once Was", it's good to see that the Dixie Chicks are still writing songs Glad they didn't go crawling back to the people that treated them like dirt for expressing an opinion. They were bold enough to continue to express themselveson this album. In a time when the country charts are polluted with songs like "Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off" and "I Ain't As Good As I Once Was", it's good to see that the Dixie Chicks are still writing songs about something MEANINGFUL. In truth, I was disappointed with the backlash against them; I always thought that the negative stereotype of country music fans was just a stereotype; but it seems a large number of them fit the "ignorant and angry" archetype well, including many of its singers. However, the Dixie Chicks have put that behind them, and this album has many close-to-the-heart, thoroughly enjoyable songs on it. Get it today! Expand
  25. JohnT
    May 26, 2006
    Their talent, heart, and values shine through this spectacular CD. It is music with warmth, but it is also written with a thouhtful artistic depth that separates the "Chicks' from the musical formulas that characterize so many other recording artists.
  26. RobertS
    May 27, 2006
    Sounds a lot like Sheryl Crow (which is good ). Ultimately "the thing" is going to prove to be a major career boost as it's forcing them to seek a wider audience outside the traditional country demographics. They aren't completely there yet, but if they keep going this direction they end up being a whole lot bigger than the country stars who were criticizing them.
  27. MarkA.
    May 28, 2006
    I can't say it any better than Entertainment Weekiy, "Finally, they put their music where their opinionated mouths are".
  28. rudib
    May 29, 2006
    Country music has long celebrated "the rebel." But apparnetly not when the rebel is a strong, free thinking woman (or three) who's willing to speak honestly when public opinion is running the other way. The Chicks' honesty and heart shines through in this album. Thie music will move you.
  29. TommyT
    May 31, 2006
    This album is their best yet. I think it shows the real maturity of the Dixie Chicks. Natalie Maines still has the best voice in America; regardless what she thinks about the president. I think many people would agree with her today.
  30. ValarieS
    May 30, 2006
    It really saddens me that the people who the Dixie Chicks really could speak to and make a difference with have chosen to bury their collective heads in the sand. This CD is incredible, and they don't even care. Blind patriotism was big in Germany not so long ago too!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 18
  2. Negative: 1 out of 18
  1. Finally, they put their music where their opinionated mouths are.
  2. On first listen, Taking the Long Way seems too somber--in need of a bit of levity and more than a couple of uptempo songs (like the sexy, '60s-flavored "I Like It") to resonate for the long haul. It also seems to lack the writing quality that Darrell Scott, Patty Griffin, and Bruce Robison brought to Home. But on repeated plays, those concerns dissipate.
  3. Blender
    This album has some of what was missing from Home: fire, ugliness, resentment. [Jun 2006, p.135]