• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: May 15, 2007

Mixed or average reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 6
  2. Negative: 1 out of 6
  1. Aside from grand moments like "All Hands on Deck - Part 1: Raise the Sail" and the orchestral wall that builds on "The Sweetest Wave," you don't get the feeling that a continuous story binds the album together.
  2. While frontman Matt Davies' transition from apocalyptic yoof-preacher to hoodied motivational speaker will definitely leave listeners with an extended sense of self-belief, the winsome angst that once drove songs such as "Streetcar" has all but disappeared.
  3. 40
    At its best ("Great Wide Open"), Tales recalls Foo Fighters' wimpier singles, but for the most part, it's just a reminder of why even Dave Grohl turns up the screaming now and then.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 23 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 23
  2. Negative: 7 out of 23
  1. Jul 13, 2012
    Don't listen to the heaters, this is their opus.
    You think a great albums peaked then 'walk away' storms in and makes your scalp tingle.
    Don't listen to the heaters, this is their opus.
    You think a great albums peaked then 'walk away' storms in and makes your scalp tingle.
    This should be on the all time top 100, so very good..
    Full Review »
  2. Jan 22, 2011
    This is what a great album should be: a story. I don't remember how exactly I ended up listening to this entire album. I was expectingThis is what a great album should be: a story. I don't remember how exactly I ended up listening to this entire album. I was expecting something more similar to their previous work, but boy was I wrong and for the better. Nothing captures the imagination quite like a story and this what albums gives you. A chance to let your mind wander. Full Review »
  3. BenA.
    Oct 4, 2008
    Incredible album; my favourite ever. Nearly everything on here is good, with such epic songs as The Sweetest Wave and One for the Road making Incredible album; my favourite ever. Nearly everything on here is good, with such epic songs as The Sweetest Wave and One for the Road making it an amazing album. It's a great step forward for the band, moving away from the heavy, screamy sound of their previous work. Full Review »