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Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 111 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 30 out of 111
  2. Negative: 61 out of 111
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  1. Oct 17, 2021
    Another messy effort (yet his very first one as an album) from rapper Lil Yachty. If the tracks punctuating the record do shine by their respective versatility here and there, the main feeling about 'Teenage Emotions' is quite bad.

    Yachty certainly did some work on his voice and his monotone tone by including different artists to his album, as YG, Diplo, Stefflon Don or Migos (yup they
    Another messy effort (yet his very first one as an album) from rapper Lil Yachty. If the tracks punctuating the record do shine by their respective versatility here and there, the main feeling about 'Teenage Emotions' is quite bad.

    Yachty certainly did some work on his voice and his monotone tone by including different artists to his album, as YG, Diplo, Stefflon Don or Migos (yup they also gathered to crash the party). However I really can't say it is a decent work since listening to songs as 'No More', 'All I Had to Say' or 'Harley' was a true pain in the ears. I still have to admit female voices do go pretty well with some of Yachty's choruses and verses. However nothing could counteract the overall repetitive patterns of the majority of the songs. Tracks like 'Priorities', 'Say My Name' or 'Peek A Boo' honestly sounds like hymns to profound and incurable debility. Did he really think that all he had to do in order to become famous was repeating dumb lyrics on an unoriginal trap instrumental ? Did people really enjoy it ? Apparently yes. Are we dreaming ? It's surely a nightmare !

    About lyrics, I won't even speak about it. Just know it's garbage depsite some (very) minor passages as in 'Made of Glass' or in 'Running With A Ghost'. But don't expect much more than drugs and sexxxx over and over again. Yachty only repeated one more time his endless formula: regular beats with some confettis here and there (beat switches, semi-original ideas, different structure) in addition to trash vocals and lyrics. In addition to all that he made this album last forever. Eventually I have to admit Yachty made me have some laughs due to his awkwardness and cringeness. Who did give this guy a pencil ? Please take it back and break his mic.
  2. Nov 17, 2017
    I didn't want to hate this album honestly. Out of all the trap/mumble rappers, I think Lil Yachty has some potential being fun and care free in the rap game. Heck his breakout mixtape, Lil Boat, actually grew on me a fair bit. And even some of my stances on trap rap has grown on me coming around to admitting to enjoy some albums and songs from the likes of Future and Young Thug and theI didn't want to hate this album honestly. Out of all the trap/mumble rappers, I think Lil Yachty has some potential being fun and care free in the rap game. Heck his breakout mixtape, Lil Boat, actually grew on me a fair bit. And even some of my stances on trap rap has grown on me coming around to admitting to enjoy some albums and songs from the likes of Future and Young Thug and the Migos. So I went in looking to at least enjoy but not love this album. And I ended up hating this **** thing...

    For one, the auto tune! Oh god! The auto tune! If you have a low tolerance of auto tune, you will HATE this album! And it's not like him using it like an effect like when Daft Punk or 808s-era Kanye uses auto tune, Yachty thinks that abusing the poor machine on all of his rap tracks is special to him despite almost every other trap rapper using it, especially Future! Right off from the first track, Like a Star, the auto tune never lets up. And the ear torture ranges from the silly voices on Say My Name to ruining good tunes like All Around Me to him stretching his weak singing like on All You Had to Say and Forever Young, to the slurry mess of Bring It Back, it is super present! The only time where it works is on the tropical ballad Better, where his croons are actually decently performed.

    Granted even without auto tune there are a TON of problems! For one, it's long! The entire album clocks in at almost 70 minutes. That's over an hour of Lil Yachty mumbling! Hell-to-the-no! And it really shows because Yachty barely has enough ideas to sustain that run time. Between boring trap ballads like Moments and Lady in Yellow and the corny Bring It Back, and generic trap rap "bangers" like Peek a Boo, FYI (Know Now), and X-Men, and that week ass DM Freestyle and Otha **** interlude, the album is full of filler and padding that could easily be cut out of the end product. Sometimes the production does have some colorful ideas here and there with the instrumentation, but of course is drowned out by the typical trap production of high hats and loud, distorted bass kick-drums that just makes the album a slog to get through. And while Yachty may be trying to be lighthearted, his use of rap cliches of **** and hoes anthems and weak wordplay and rhymes (just look at his infamous cello line) that undercuts his whole ideals. And honestly makes him un-charismatic throughout this album. Most of guest features are probably the best performance on the album, with Migos, Kamaiyah, YG, and Grace outshine Yachty whenever they get the chance!

    There are a few good songs here. Dirty Mouth is a banger, All Around has a great instrumental beat and a melody that is ruined by the auto tune, Forever Young is probably the best song on here and it's all because of Diplo, and Better is actually a solid, albeit generic, tropical ballad. However with the few highlights on here it is not enough to save this drag of a record! If you enjoy this album, you know what good on you. I wanted to enjoy it, really, but Jesus this problems are just so glaring that I cannot ignore them! It's albums like these that makes me remember why trap rap is mostly hot garbage.
  3. Aug 29, 2017
    Yachty tries to be something he really isn't in this one. Filled with lackluster and lazy tracks that are not very memorable. Yachty`s lyrics are really amateur and awkward on these tracks. Yachty lost his freeform and fun flow for most of the album. This project is pretty disappointing and inconsistent overall. I wanna rate this album higher, but I cant because it just lacks so much inYachty tries to be something he really isn't in this one. Filled with lackluster and lazy tracks that are not very memorable. Yachty`s lyrics are really amateur and awkward on these tracks. Yachty lost his freeform and fun flow for most of the album. This project is pretty disappointing and inconsistent overall. I wanna rate this album higher, but I cant because it just lacks so much in a decent album. Expand
  4. Aug 21, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album has more cringe worthy than funny lyrics, because Lil Boat is trying to be cool on this album. Yachty trying to do R&B tracks while sounding like T-Pain is probably funnier than the lyrics. This album is insanely long, and most of the 21 tracks sound the same or share the same topic about "making hoes wet". Overall a disappointing debut album. Expand
  5. Jun 26, 2017
    This album is 21 songs long and maybe 6 are good... From what Lil Yachty said about the album you would expect it to be about the emotional struggles of teenagers but the entire album is about Lil Yachty, while he's not drinking beer, having sex with his step sister, or getting his dick blown like it was a stringed instrument. I did really enjoy Lil Boat and Summer Songs 2 but... thisThis album is 21 songs long and maybe 6 are good... From what Lil Yachty said about the album you would expect it to be about the emotional struggles of teenagers but the entire album is about Lil Yachty, while he's not drinking beer, having sex with his step sister, or getting his dick blown like it was a stringed instrument. I did really enjoy Lil Boat and Summer Songs 2 but... this album is just whack as **** Expand
  6. Jun 12, 2017
    teenage emotions, the only emotion this album made me feel was pain

    like a star: 0/10 1:14 die DN freestyle: 2/10 peek a boo: 8/10 dirty mouth: 5/10 the baby bottle line just stop harley: 4/10 i got nothing all around me: 3/10 the most forgettable song on the album say my name: 2/10 the 2nd most boring song on the album also 1:47 all you had to say: 4/10 stop singing in your
    teenage emotions, the only emotion this album made me feel was pain

    like a star: 0/10 1:14 die
    DN freestyle: 2/10
    peek a boo: 8/10
    dirty mouth: 5/10 the baby bottle line just stop
    harley: 4/10 i got nothing
    all around me: 3/10 the most forgettable song on the album
    say my name: 2/10 the 2nd most boring song on the album also 1:47
    all you had to say: 4/10 stop singing in your upper range it hurts
    better: 5/10 but in every other song your with several women
    forever young: 5/10 i like the bridge but the hook sucks
    lady in yellow: 0/10 you need counselling
    moments in time: 0/10 works as a lullaby also most boring song
    otha sh!t: 1/10 this is an interlude
    x men: 4/10 that beat doesn't fit
    bring it back: 0/10 what the hell is the opening also he's offbeat
    running with a ghost: 3/10 forgettable
    fyi: 2/10 every instrument
    priorities: 0/10 this song has everything i hate and i don't know why
    no more: 0/10 that opening is one of the worst things i've ever heard
    made of glass: 2/10 i'm bored
    momma: 5/10 he killed it in a bad way she killed it in a good way
  7. Jun 12, 2017
    I wanna know what kind of drugs the guy at The Guardian was on when he gave this piece of garbage a damn 80. I couldnt get through ONE **** LISTEN without taking a break every 6 or 7 songs. I usually dont mind Lil Yachty that much. Sometimes his singing wasn't that annoying, some of his songs were catchy, and he had a pretty good flow when he rapped. But on this album right here.... thisI wanna know what kind of drugs the guy at The Guardian was on when he gave this piece of garbage a damn 80. I couldnt get through ONE **** LISTEN without taking a break every 6 or 7 songs. I usually dont mind Lil Yachty that much. Sometimes his singing wasn't that annoying, some of his songs were catchy, and he had a pretty good flow when he rapped. But on this album right here.... this man just fell the **** off... On this album, his singing is unbearable, he loses his sense of tempo on some songs, and I knew the lyrics were gonna be bad (that's the **** you expect from a Yachty project) but I didn't know they were gonna be THIS bad. They're EXTREMELY bad. "She blow my dick like a cello" "She suck my dick like a baby bottle" "My **** **** pink just like Kirby/My **** suck it up just like Kirby" I know that he said nobody really explained to him what a Cello is, but i don't understand couldn't he just use GOOGLE TO LOOK THE THING UP. ITS NOT THAT DAMN HARD! The hook on Peek-A-Boo "PEEK A BOO PEEK A BOO PEEK A BOO" sounds like Yachty's just spitting in the ****ing microphone. I could feel his spit through my ****ing headphones like god damn... the singing on Harley made me nearly wanna kms. YG and Kamaiyah were garbage on All Around Me, I thought they could actually save this album but I was wrong. All You Had To Say made me realize that when Yachty REALLY tries to sing on a song.... it makes the song even worse... Better with Steflan Don made me wanna listen to Logic's Suicide Hotline song, Forever with Diplo made me get a hearing check up at the Hospital, Evander Grim tries to be a fake ass playboi carti on X Men, Bring It Back nearly made me pour myself a cup of bleach, and No More was the perfect answer for this 21 track long ass unbearable trash Yachty calls an album. No more, please. The only decent song on here is Priorities but thats really it. This is trash. Expand
  8. Jun 6, 2017
    One of the worst albums I have ever heard. Chainsmokers are stellar music geniuses comparing to this stream of sh**t. Pinnacle of all is that Rolling Stone gave it 7/10 and Guardian 8/10. What the heck your are on guys? You are afraid of racism accusation or what!? 1 point for production.
  9. Jun 4, 2017
    Not one strong or sensible musical decision by Lil Yachty appeared on this debut album, which deflated his attempt to sound like the industry's Godchild and rather made this a very irritable, ugly, and disdainful work of music. My Score: 57/180 (Trash) = 3.2/10
  10. Jun 2, 2017
    This album is not only terrible but it is a flop. The three Lil Yachty fans left in 2017 must have even abandoned him after this abomination of an album. Please, do your ears a favor and listen to literally anything else. By the way shoutout to all the idiots on KTT that thought it would sell more than 60k.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Aug 1, 2017
    The back half is full of heartbreak, happiness, and all things teenage life over some really good instrumentals varying from trap to reggae to ballads. It has arc. It has feeling. But for some reason, Yachty thought that bragging about himself, calling out haters, and trying to prove that he can rap (he shouldn’t so much) was more important than creating something focused and sincere.
  2. Jun 6, 2017
    Yes, he’s weird and he knows it. He’s wildly successful because of it rather than in spite of it. Teenage Emotions doesn’t have a defined aesthetic and feels like Yachty is still experimenting, and his refusal to rely on formulas is commendable for a 19-year-old overnight sensation.
  3. Jun 6, 2017
    The album's 70-minute length allows enough space for a bounty of mostly nondescript trap productions that support these simplistic boasts. In these tracks, Yachty sounds like he's going through a phase more than refining his individualism.