• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Mar 25, 2022

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 5
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 5
  3. Negative: 0 out of 5
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  1. Mar 29, 2022
    An album that's trying to move forward and ultimately relieved things are ending, Tell Me That It's Over may not find Wallows any luckier at love, but they're a little older, a little wiser, just as catchy, and more sonically adventurous.
  2. Mar 29, 2022
    Wallows are at their sunshine best on tracks like ‘Marvelous’ and ‘I Don’t Wanna Talk’, bouncy bright tracks which hold clear influences from Tame Impala, Vampire Weekend, Mac DeMarco and the likes.
  3. Mar 29, 2022
    ‘Tell Me That It’s Over’ is a superlative ode to vulnerability, permitting these indie wallflowers to flourish in technicolour.
  4. Mar 29, 2022
    Throughout the LP, Wallows show an ease in incorporating unexpected sonic textures and multi-genre influences while still remaining immediately recognizable, accomplishing what every band must hope to achieve on their sophomore album.
  5. Apr 11, 2022
    Wallows accomplishes the sophomore album goals of proving they can produce quality work and build a fanbase, but through different means. They retrospectively examine their place in pop culture to assert their status as trending artists.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 16 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Apr 5, 2023
    The sophomore album from Wallows, "Tell Me That It's Over", combines the band's talent for catchy melodies with more abstract production thanThe sophomore album from Wallows, "Tell Me That It's Over", combines the band's talent for catchy melodies with more abstract production than their debut. "Hard to Believe" mixes an orchestra with a shoegaze-esque ending to create an attention-grabbing outro. "Marvelous" is a sweet and energetic 70s track that sounds like a cross between something from David Bowie's "Young Americans" and Al Green's "Let's Stay Together". "Missing Out" is a song of production contradictions, but it works so well, with an intro befitting a 90s hip-hop instrumental track and a chorus a la Sum 41. The only track that bogs down the tracklisting is "Permanent Price", which feels a bit too relaxed and muddled. The band's latest album is a step forward in the right direction. The Wallows boys' debut album in 2019 explored indie rock and pop and this album sees them venture further into synth-pop, lo-fi, and a bit of post-punk as well, Full Review »
  2. Apr 6, 2022
    Though Wallows don't exactly break new ground in territory that's already been well-trodden by other similar artists, this ultimately works toThough Wallows don't exactly break new ground in territory that's already been well-trodden by other similar artists, this ultimately works to their benefit as much as their detriment on "Tell Me When It's Over," with the warmly hazy and subdued indie pop instrumentals/production style and husky vocals on display here capably evoking a feeling of nostalgia and longing for better times.

    Choice Cuts: "Hard to Believe," "Permanent Price," "Missing Out," "Guitar Romantic Search Adventure"
    Full Review »
  3. Mar 31, 2022
    it may not have that nostalgic, relatable, angsty feel like their first album did, but it definitely shows a new side of wallows, a muchit may not have that nostalgic, relatable, angsty feel like their first album did, but it definitely shows a new side of wallows, a much original side i must say. may not have thought about it as a 10/10 with just the singles, but then of finishing this body of work did i realise what a masterpiece i had just heard. congrats wallows! another amazing album Full Review »