• Record Label: Decca
  • Release Date: Nov 5, 2021
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 13 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. Dec 17, 2022
    I loved this so much. I hate the critics... Diana Ross living legend. Take your grammy queen.
  2. Nov 6, 2021
    Diana Ross! Musically-uplifting the masses all-of-my-life & then some. Her newly released "Thank You" LP is by Diana-design - all-affirmations. On-point & on-purpose. Love is the appetizer, the entrée, and the desert. Listen with your heart & the songs may serve you in ways surprisingly fulfilling. Little did I know that "I Still Believe" would have my inter-generational familyDiana Ross! Musically-uplifting the masses all-of-my-life & then some. Her newly released "Thank You" LP is by Diana-design - all-affirmations. On-point & on-purpose. Love is the appetizer, the entrée, and the desert. Listen with your heart & the songs may serve you in ways surprisingly fulfilling. Little did I know that "I Still Believe" would have my inter-generational family twirling-together and singing along. Big-FUN! Also dig the smartly-arranged title track, and "If The World Just Danced" with it's South African gqom-element another rousing surprise. My favorite may be the simple/intimate truth shared on the exquisitely sung - "Just In Case". (remember when the grammys would nominate album tracks?...exactly)
    "Count On Me", "Time To Call", "Beautiful Love" - all heartfelt & soul-full. "All Is Well", indeed! "In Your Heart", of course! ..In lieu of greetings cards - Diana Ross's new CD will line my close friends/family stockings this holiday season; 'Twill be a very special Thanksgiving "Come Together". And to The Truly-Legendary Miss Diana Ross, I just wanna say - "Thank You"!
  3. Nov 6, 2021
    Diana Ross is admirable for her enthusiasm. On the album, she excellently confirms that she still sings and phrases well. As the Rolling Stones review, the album recalls a time when pop was proud to be pop. In her generation, Diana is one of those who keeps up without losing her individuality. She continues her legendary career, many of the songs on this album sound familiar, referring toDiana Ross is admirable for her enthusiasm. On the album, she excellently confirms that she still sings and phrases well. As the Rolling Stones review, the album recalls a time when pop was proud to be pop. In her generation, Diana is one of those who keeps up without losing her individuality. She continues her legendary career, many of the songs on this album sound familiar, referring to songs from past decades. In Just in Case Diana Ross shows her strong point in an emotional statement and recalls the days when The Lady Sings The Blues, for which she was nominated for an Oscar. The album is dramaturgically colorful and has a clear opinion: it does not want to be another messenger of bad news, it wants to be therapeutic, positive and uplifting after almost two years of global depression. Expand
  4. Nov 7, 2021
    Still has that unforgettable tone that set her apart from the other soul singers. Melodies abound on this offering and its a welcome respite from some of the music of today. Ross still has her gift and its grounded in old school Motown (Thank You) new club dance (If The World Just Danced) and futuristic pop funk (Tomorrow). The latter is one of the best cuts on the album and has been onStill has that unforgettable tone that set her apart from the other soul singers. Melodies abound on this offering and its a welcome respite from some of the music of today. Ross still has her gift and its grounded in old school Motown (Thank You) new club dance (If The World Just Danced) and futuristic pop funk (Tomorrow). The latter is one of the best cuts on the album and has been on repeat. The slow tempo songs have her lullaby tone that allows her to show off her understanding of a lyric and a mood. The song All Is Well is pure Diana Ross and judging from this album and the intactness of her voice after all these years it felt like a fitting title for this legend. Expand
  5. Nov 8, 2021
    Let's get the bad news out of the way first: there is one bad song on this album. Based on what I've read elsewhere, I'll probably be in the minority, but I'm going to say it. "Come Together" is dreadful. She's in fine voice, the backup singers and musicians are great, the message is wonderful, but it is just horrible. It's way too preachy. I'm all for message songs, positivity andLet's get the bad news out of the way first: there is one bad song on this album. Based on what I've read elsewhere, I'll probably be in the minority, but I'm going to say it. "Come Together" is dreadful. She's in fine voice, the backup singers and musicians are great, the message is wonderful, but it is just horrible. It's way too preachy. I'm all for message songs, positivity and spreading love in the world, but this song should never have made it on the album. It just doesn't groove for me. And I'm a huge Diana fan! I worship her musicality: I have about a dozen of her albums framed in my living room. I have loved her for many decades, but I call it as I see it. Now that we've got that out of the way, let me get on with the good, make that great news! The other 12 songs are so, so very good! My personal favorite is Tomorrow. It's so unique for her and I truly hope it gets released as a single (in my humble opinion, it should have been the first released as it would have announced to the world that Diana is back!), they make a video for it (I have a great idea for one if you're listening Diana), and that someone at Decca wakes up and promotes this as it should be. Thank You, and If the World Just Danced are very good at making me want to move! Great lyrics for both, Thank You sounds the most like a throwback to Motown (a good thing) and I've been enjoying it since it's release. I Still Believe is probably my second favorite song on the album. Again, it's something different for Ms. Ross and I'm loving it every time I listen to it. Which has been a lot! Triangle Park is amazing because I also adore In Your Heart (the best mid-tempo song and what should have been the 2nd single after Tomorrow) and Let's Do It. Both are super fresh and get better with each listen. All is Well is good (it grows on me each time I hear it), but for my money, Time to Call should have been the first ballad released. It finds Diana in great voice and the melody is sublime. Count on Me and Just in Case are, at first, underrated, but with each listen, they get more and more under my skin (in a good way) and I find myself searching them out. Beautiful Love and The Answer's Always Love are also solid, modern ballads and they round out the album very well. In summary, 12 out of 13 songs that fall into my "love 'em" category is not bad. A lot of effort went into this album and it shows. I supremely (pun intended) hope this album sells well and shows that a 77-year old icon still has the moxie, the pipes and the vocal phrasing to make a hit album. I love this album now and will listen to it for the rest of my life and enjoy the mix of slow, mid and up-tempo songs; it's what Diana does best (mix it up) and I thank her for that! Expand
  6. Nov 5, 2021
    "Thank You" takes me to her "Take Me Higher" era in which Ms. Ross mixed her essential with new sounds, and this album is no exception, but in this case is a good effort for the eternal supreme of music. I'm not saying this is a bad album, not at all, it has strong moments, but it certainly has weak ones. It really is enjoyable.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Nov 9, 2021
    On Thank You, Diana Ross’ musical star shines strong after six decades of inspiration, offering signs of renaissance even as she teases tender farewells.
  2. 80
    Diana Ross simply has no right to produce music this engaging, this vital, at this point in her life - and this devil may care attitude has enabled her to produce one of the most definitive bodies of work in her entire career.
  3. 75
    Thank You is a powerful showcase for how good Ross is even after a two-decade absence.