• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Aug 12, 2022
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 13 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 13
  2. Negative: 2 out of 13
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  1. Aug 12, 2022
    Wonderful album, extremely good considering their lead vocal changes. Had a really great time listening to it.
  2. Aug 12, 2022
    Fantastic return by Kasabian, sure the sound has changed to a less aggressive one but it's a beautiful journey through the album. A few stand out tracks, almost anthemic, that will be sure to please crowds at gigs and festivals. The album flows well and doesn't feel padded out at any point. Clearly Serge has plenty left in the tank when it comes to songwriting and makes an excellent frontFantastic return by Kasabian, sure the sound has changed to a less aggressive one but it's a beautiful journey through the album. A few stand out tracks, almost anthemic, that will be sure to please crowds at gigs and festivals. The album flows well and doesn't feel padded out at any point. Clearly Serge has plenty left in the tank when it comes to songwriting and makes an excellent front man. The rest of the band are sounding as tight as ever. Only slight gripe is I would've loved a slightly longer album! Expand
  3. Aug 17, 2022
    Wasnt sure what to expect with this album but the more i hear it the more i like it.particually tae and rocket fuel.Serge has done it again !!!! They are winding in a slightly different direction but this album is a cracker !!! Some more chilled vibes on a few tracks but the lyrics sound from the heart and obviously about the turmoil thats gone on in his head the last few yrs.All in all aWasnt sure what to expect with this album but the more i hear it the more i like it.particually tae and rocket fuel.Serge has done it again !!!! They are winding in a slightly different direction but this album is a cracker !!! Some more chilled vibes on a few tracks but the lyrics sound from the heart and obviously about the turmoil thats gone on in his head the last few yrs.All in all a cracking album yet again.Serge is not afraid to push the boundries again.!!!1 Expand
  4. Aug 18, 2022
    A decidedly different flavor of Kasabian, less rocky and more electronic, but their strongest album since West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum in my opinion. Haven't been able to stop listening to it since its release. It's clear the band is exploring different directions, but somehow the album manages some cohesion. There aren't any bad tracks. The standouts for me are SCRIPTVRE and T.U.E.A decidedly different flavor of Kasabian, less rocky and more electronic, but their strongest album since West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum in my opinion. Haven't been able to stop listening to it since its release. It's clear the band is exploring different directions, but somehow the album manages some cohesion. There aren't any bad tracks. The standouts for me are SCRIPTVRE and T.U.E. with honorable mentions for CHEMICALS and ALYGYTR. Expand
  5. Aug 14, 2022
    A hugely experimental album that doesn't seem to know what direction it's heading in. The album opens with real promise with the superb tracks ALCHEMIST and SCRIPTURE, but then takes a really weird about-turn and things go downhill a bit. There are definitely some good tracks and the hooks are there, but in many places, it's just a bit too over produced, swapping trademark guitars forA hugely experimental album that doesn't seem to know what direction it's heading in. The album opens with real promise with the superb tracks ALCHEMIST and SCRIPTURE, but then takes a really weird about-turn and things go downhill a bit. There are definitely some good tracks and the hooks are there, but in many places, it's just a bit too over produced, swapping trademark guitars for electronic synth and every digital sound effect under the sun. In short, it's a bit repetitive and messy. Best tracks are hands down, ALYGATYR and CHEMICALS, but these sound really out of place and just thrown in to please fans like myself (not that I am complaining). T.U.E gets the ambition right ending with a glorious instrumental that is Pink Floyd meets the Gorillaz. Most of the other tracks sound like cheap electronica tracks from the 90s. STARGAZER definitely improves towards the tail end of the track, and I have a feeling fans of Stranger Things might like this one. The last track Letting Go is a wasteful ballad that just sounds too out of place. Overall, a bit unrecognisable as a Kasabian album but just enough hooks to warrant repeated listens. I think this one will divide fans a bit. If you prefer the guitar heavy Kasabian, you might not gel with this one so much. Note: I have given a 6, but this is probably closer to a 6.5 Expand
  6. Aug 27, 2022
    Very disappointing album. I usually find a song here or there that I like on thier albums. But this one is bad. Didn't like any songs.
  7. Oct 3, 2022
    Some of this sounds great (V. Loud on a small speaker) Unfortunately who ever mastered this should be shot... when listening on a half decent system in the never ended loudness wars, Kasabian have ended up with grating distortion...also my meters are constantly tripping into digital 'overs' (CD version). has anyone had this experience with the vinyl version?

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Aug 15, 2022
    The eerie indelibility of Days are Forgotten, or Fire’s lumpen power, are missing, leaving the strings of lyrical cliches that Pizzorno ladles up horribly exposed. Alygatyr, Rocket Fuel and Chemicals are all right, but this feels like a coda, not a new movement.
  2. Aug 12, 2022
    ‘The Alchemist’s Euphoria’ is arguably one of the most daring, cohesive bodies of work that Kasabian have rendered to date; it demonstrates that when it comes to evolving, all it takes is courage, innovation and a dose of pure alchemy.
  3. Aug 12, 2022
    What Kasabian have lost in aggression they have gained in depth and sensitivity, and the result is a vivid, adventurous album set at the outer limits of rock and techno.