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Universal acclaim- based on 75 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 65 out of 75
  2. Negative: 5 out of 75
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  1. Sep 23, 2021
    Such a powerful album... Thanks for the memories on this one! There is a lot of tracks that gonna be forever in our minds.
  2. Sep 11, 2021
    The Ascension is an epic adventure. It feels like an eventful journey with mountains of highlights; by the time you get to the end, the beginning seems like forever ago, and you have changed as a person. Best part is, you get to start it all over again
  3. Jan 22, 2021
    I'm not and have not been a fan of Sufjan Stevens. Although I hate to use the word, for me he's one of those musicians who's quite overrated. But I respect very much that he's not interested in satisfying any public since he usually explores various genres on his albums.

    After the folk of Carrie & Lowell, he has decided to release an electrop album. His first solo album is 5 years.
    I'm not and have not been a fan of Sufjan Stevens. Although I hate to use the word, for me he's one of those musicians who's quite overrated. But I respect very much that he's not interested in satisfying any public since he usually explores various genres on his albums.

    After the folk of Carrie & Lowell, he has decided to release an electrop album. His first solo album is 5 years.

    The Ascension is very different from Carrie & Lowell and it's also different from the last 3 albums that he released, which were collaborations.

    It's true that it can be said that he didn't need to explore so much in this genre, however, her own ambition ends up playing against him.
    I say this because The Ascension is too long and there are several songs that I really think could have been left out.

    And the best moments on this album happen when Stevens is more interested in being atmospheric than sounding like a pop singer.

    I'm not so sure if his fans will love him, but considering they know that he likes to switch styles, I think the reception will be good, I've seen that so far.

    Notable Tracks

    > Run Away with Me
    > Tell Me You Love Me
    > Ativan
    > Sugar
    > America
  4. Dec 28, 2020
    Sufjan Stevens has been involved in a few releases since, but really "The Ascension" is the follow up proper to 2015's "Carrie & Lowell". It's a pretty amazing record for a number of reasons. Stylistically it is a complete change from the lo-fi, bare bones approach to "Carrie & Lowell". "The Ascension" is an electronic album, closer to the glitch pop of Thom Yorke/Nigel Godrich than theSufjan Stevens has been involved in a few releases since, but really "The Ascension" is the follow up proper to 2015's "Carrie & Lowell". It's a pretty amazing record for a number of reasons. Stylistically it is a complete change from the lo-fi, bare bones approach to "Carrie & Lowell". "The Ascension" is an electronic album, closer to the glitch pop of Thom Yorke/Nigel Godrich than the indie folk of its predecessor. Glitchy as it may be, it's still based in a pop tradition and is full of melody. One could argue that at times it drags on and could do with some editing but it has more than enough interesting ideas to keep the listener engaged across the 80 minutes or so. One of the better records of 2020 and one that I have no doubt I'll be heading back to repeatedly. Expand
  5. Oct 19, 2020
    I've been listening every day since it came out and still hooked. This is prime Sufjan; it hits the sweet spot in between a lot of his past work. It's got the electronic experimentation of Age of Adz but at the same time it feels much more grounded and focused. I've seen the word "bloated" used a few times and I have to vehemently disagree; it is no more so than Come on Feel the Illinoise,I've been listening every day since it came out and still hooked. This is prime Sufjan; it hits the sweet spot in between a lot of his past work. It's got the electronic experimentation of Age of Adz but at the same time it feels much more grounded and focused. I've seen the word "bloated" used a few times and I have to vehemently disagree; it is no more so than Come on Feel the Illinoise, for instance. There are a lot of ideas here, but each has its own merit and carves its own place out on this beautiful compilation. Sometimes this album can be a bit darker than some past work but at the end of the day Sufjan always brings it around with revelation and manages to show how true hope and joy can be found even in the most dire and tragic times. Expand
  6. Oct 17, 2020
    Amazing album. Sufjan Stevens has proved us again to be one of the best artists ever!!
  7. Oct 8, 2020
    A beautiful LP. Closer to Age Of Adz in it's style (but still very different) with intricate, interesting and beautiful arrangements. After several listens it keeps growing on me. Sufjan is back!
  8. Oct 7, 2020
    Another great album from one of the most important musicians currently operating .
    Likened to Age of Adz due to its electronic construction which is fair .
    Packed full of his wonderful melodies .
    Potential album of the year for me
  9. Oct 4, 2020
    Sufjan proves time and again that he deserves his place amongst the musical greats, and The Ascension is the perfect solo project follow-up to his poignant, vulnerable masterpiece Carrie and Lowell. Touches of humanity dabbled throughout a digital fever dream remind listeners of the familiar charm of a Sufjan album with new horizons.
  10. Oct 4, 2020
    I was expecting to be a little underwhelmed after the reviews but after multiple listens I can assure this is top Sufjan. It's very long but it never loses time, from the beginning with the best opening track in a Sufjan record, Make Me an Offer I Can Not Refuse to America, the record is full of intricate sounds and depressing/hopefull beautiful lyrics.
  11. Sep 27, 2020
    After about 7 play-throughs I am settling on a 9. Many would compare this to Age of Adz, and they're not wrong. The opening track "Make me an offer I cannot refuse" is like the climb of a dystopian space mountain rollercoaster that takes you to the darkest corners of his mind. "Run Away with Me" maybe my favorite song by how simply haunting it is. ( I get similar feelings when listening toAfter about 7 play-throughs I am settling on a 9. Many would compare this to Age of Adz, and they're not wrong. The opening track "Make me an offer I cannot refuse" is like the climb of a dystopian space mountain rollercoaster that takes you to the darkest corners of his mind. "Run Away with Me" maybe my favorite song by how simply haunting it is. ( I get similar feelings when listening to the AoA track "I Walked") "Videogame", "Landslide", "Death Star" and "Sugar" are standouts for their urgency and their sweeping soundscapes. "Tell Me you Love Me" and "Goodbye to all of that" honestly remind me of some of the amazing work he did on his Christmas originals on Silver and Gold. They give me chills. Many are commenting on the title track "The Ascension" as standout, and I couldn't agree more. It's another vulnerable and moving piece that is an evolution of his best work from Seven Swans and Carrie & Lowell (Think John My Beloved or The Transfiguration). Overall the album is fully realized, albeit bloated. I hope the world lasts long enough for us to hear these tracks live. Expand
  12. Sep 27, 2020
    I’ll start this off with a positive note: I’m very glad that Sufjan is trying something new. I do love his older material, but all of his music in the last decade had kind of converged on the same sound. It was time to change things up.

    I think there are good ideas here. It does feel like there could be a great album buried somewhere under here, but the way it is presented just isn’t
    I’ll start this off with a positive note: I’m very glad that Sufjan is trying something new. I do love his older material, but all of his music in the last decade had kind of converged on the same sound. It was time to change things up.

    I think there are good ideas here. It does feel like there could be a great album buried somewhere under here, but the way it is presented just isn’t tasteful.

    Prior to this release, a Sufjan album in 2020 felt like an unbelievable dream. But upon the release of all the singles, I started to lose hope. America was too long for what it was. Sugar is boring. Video game was silly and kind of terrible. And while these singles weren’t great, they weren’t terrible either. And nothing really prepared me for the deep cuts here.

    The deep cuts are what just absolutely ruin this album. Many of them are extremely boring and go absolutely nowhere. And the other half are loaded with grating and annoying electronics. Die Happy, Ursa Major, and Gilgamesh can all evoke a headache upon listening. Loud, distasteful, and abrasive electronics and sounds plague these songs, recalling something a lot like Danse Manatee from Animal Collective. And unfortunately, just about every song falls to either one of these problems. I have no desire to revisit this album.

    I think that Sufjan could make a great album out of these ideas and sounds, but in the case of a trial and error, this is an error. I hope the next album is better, because this is one of the biggest disappointments I can think of in recent memory.
  13. Sep 27, 2020
    In the words of Jeremy Clarkson “it’s wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.”
  14. Sep 27, 2020
    It's a mess of an album. Just nothing like his other work and full of annoying sounds.
  15. Sep 25, 2020
    Taking cues from Bjork and Beck, Sufjan Stevens delivers this year’s Ghosteen - a haunting, mournful, religious, orchestral, stunning, operatic masterpiece. Equally dreamlike and beautifully unnerving, it echoes Stevens’ memorable work from Call Me By Your Name - glimmering New Wave sounds surrounded by ambient baroque-pop and soft electronica.
  16. Sep 25, 2020
    yesss he did it again
    ativan is my favorite he made for me album of the year
  17. Sep 25, 2020
    amazing album, Age of adz , Aporia , Planetarium into one unity...
    very unique from instrumental side
  18. Sep 25, 2020
    Sufjan has made a banger once again and I am happy for it once again in five years.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. Oct 21, 2020
    The Ascension ranks with Carrie & Lowell as his most personal and affecting work to date.
  2. Oct 6, 2020
    The Ascension harks back to the heavy electronics of 2010’s Age of Adz but with adroit focus on the themes of existential dread and the quest for meaning with a bounty of angry yet hopeful songs that satisfy melodically and metaphysically.
  3. 60
    The Ascension, Stevens’ eighth studio album over all, and the follow-up to his highly lauded outing Carrie & Lowell, diminishes the accessibility factor in favor of a more amorphous imprint, one that finds all manner of effects and an ever-constant shift in sounds that drift through practically every selection.