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Generally favorable reviews- based on 76 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 55 out of 76
  2. Negative: 6 out of 76
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  1. Jan 29, 2020
    Note that this review came 4 years after they realesed it.
    At first i couldn't give more than 6.5/10, but since then I've realised The Astonishing is more than a Dream Theater album, it's a musical journey, with a Hunger Games storylike, Ayreon style and 70s prog-concepts feeling. While many will say it's full of filers and uninspiring long, I firmly disagree! The Astonishing creates a
    Note that this review came 4 years after they realesed it.
    At first i couldn't give more than 6.5/10, but since then I've realised The Astonishing is more than a Dream Theater album, it's a musical journey, with a Hunger Games storylike, Ayreon style and 70s prog-concepts feeling. While many will say it's full of filers and uninspiring long, I firmly disagree! The Astonishing creates a world of its own, and brings the listener in it just as good as a book could do!
  2. Feb 22, 2017
    I've been listening to Dream Theater since the debut album and this is seriously one of the worst things this band has ever done. It's awful. For some reason James LeBrie has been given full reign to sigh/whimper into the microphone every chance he gets and it's relentless throughout the entire double cd. If you can stomach his constant sighing, there's Jordan Rudess plunking away at theI've been listening to Dream Theater since the debut album and this is seriously one of the worst things this band has ever done. It's awful. For some reason James LeBrie has been given full reign to sigh/whimper into the microphone every chance he gets and it's relentless throughout the entire double cd. If you can stomach his constant sighing, there's Jordan Rudess plunking away at the keys making noises akin to that of a robot having a seizure in a junkyard. The guy can actually play so I'm not sure why he decided to go with the robot seizure template. My only guess is that he's being told what to play at this point by LeBrie. Where's John Petrucci on this cd? I have no idea. He's barely present, at all. There's an occasional riff tossed in here and there but they are so few and far between that they are irrelevant. He obviously didn't have much say in this double cd mess or somehow knew it was going to suck and didn't give it much of his attention. Where's Myung? No idea. You can barely hear him and when you do he's not doing much at all. The drums are also pretty ho hum considering the theme and content. This is without any doubt the worst thing Dream Theater has done since the beginning and a giant waste of your money and or download time. There's a lot of other better prog out there to enjoy. Dream Theater has pretty much given up at this point and I know I've completely given up on Dream Theater. Expand
  3. May 9, 2016
    This album is the proficiency of Dream Theater taken to a rather self-indulgent extreme. There are some nice melodic musical passages that take you back to albums such as Images and Words or Scenes of a Memory, but compared to the band's earlier work, it's very underwhelming and there's not enough that really stands out to me across this 130 minute mammoth to demand repeated listens. It'sThis album is the proficiency of Dream Theater taken to a rather self-indulgent extreme. There are some nice melodic musical passages that take you back to albums such as Images and Words or Scenes of a Memory, but compared to the band's earlier work, it's very underwhelming and there's not enough that really stands out to me across this 130 minute mammoth to demand repeated listens. It's worrying that albums such as SoaM and Octavarium were able to pack three times the impact and emotion in one disc than this album could in two. I was hopeful that the band could remain strong and consistent in quality following Portnoy's departure but their sound just feels cheapened now. There's little in the way of atmospheric diversity here, which doesn't help John Petrucci's case as to why people should make more time for music. I praise singer James LaBrie for trying to bring out the best of the crazy bloated storyline, but I can't say the same for all of the other bandmembers; the rhythm section does not stick out to me as being well utilized either. Expand
  4. Apr 21, 2016
    This is my first review on Metacritic, I registered to share my opinion on the album, and to make a long story short - this album is simply excellent.

    I've been into progressive music for years and in my opinion this album is among the 3 best prog albums ever composed. Both music-wise and lyric-wise - incredibly great. Listening to it is like watching an epic movie, it's so
    This is my first review on Metacritic, I registered to share my opinion on the album, and to make a long story short - this album is simply excellent.

    I've been into progressive music for years and in my opinion this album is among the 3 best prog albums ever composed. Both music-wise and lyric-wise - incredibly great.

    Listening to it is like watching an epic movie, it's so compelling and immersive.
    I couldn't recommend it more.
  5. Apr 2, 2016
    If you're expecting a Dream Theater album up there with "Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence" or "Scenes from a Memory", don't listen to this album. The album is good, but doesn't rank in the top tier of Dream Theater albums. The band's ambition can't be ignored here, nor can their talent as instrumentalists, but the album's length is also a tad bit unnecessary. Certain tracks seemed toIf you're expecting a Dream Theater album up there with "Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence" or "Scenes from a Memory", don't listen to this album. The album is good, but doesn't rank in the top tier of Dream Theater albums. The band's ambition can't be ignored here, nor can their talent as instrumentalists, but the album's length is also a tad bit unnecessary. Certain tracks seemed to continue on much longer than necessary, and others seemed completely unnecessary. However, the story line, while arguably not the most original, nor the most touching, is fun to follow. as long as you go in expecting a fun (almost a bit silly, but in a positive way) story with some great music, you'll enjoy the album.

    Highlights: NOMAC instrumental tracks (interesting and creative), instrumentation (bagpipes, trumpets, sound effects), signature dramatic sound

    Low Lights: length, tempo (some songs are just far too slow), lack of variety (not that it had none, but could have used more to compensate for the length)
  6. Mar 12, 2016
    This is one of the greatest concept albums made! Soon It will be with Pink Floyd's era and Iron Maiden's Seventh Son of a Seventh Son. If you enjoy dystopian governments, then this is for you.
  7. Feb 27, 2016
    As a long-standing DT fan my first reaction on listening to this album was Hmm.... I found it very long and somewhat cheesy. I struggled with the linking songs and some of the lyrics "remember Bug?" WTF! However, I don't give up easily and already had a ticket to see the first live performance at The London Palladium. So, I determined to give it several more runs-through. This is a rockAs a long-standing DT fan my first reaction on listening to this album was Hmm.... I found it very long and somewhat cheesy. I struggled with the linking songs and some of the lyrics "remember Bug?" WTF! However, I don't give up easily and already had a ticket to see the first live performance at The London Palladium. So, I determined to give it several more runs-through. This is a rock opera and really benefited from being seen as a live performance. By the time I came away from The Palladium I was totally on board with it and often have the music in my head! There are some brilliant ballads( good old James!) and plenty of virtuoso instrumental moments from Petrucci and Rudess. If it doesn't make it as a theatre production at the very least it'll be another great live DVD. Expand
  8. Feb 10, 2016
    I think every DT album has a great opening, at least the 10 first albums got it, but
    The Astonishing is really an album with no glow, an album perhaps made for new fans or
    just for who likes progressive rock, because for those who really like heavy metal, man, this is a boring album, without passion. I don't know what's going on with DT, but they really need to restart and maybe don't
    I think every DT album has a great opening, at least the 10 first albums got it, but
    The Astonishing is really an album with no glow, an album perhaps made for new fans or
    just for who likes progressive rock, because for those who really like heavy metal, man,
    this is a boring album, without passion. I don't know what's going on with DT, but they really
    need to restart and maybe don't think like a rock star, because albums such Coma Ecliptic are a thousand times better than "this Astonishing".
  9. Feb 7, 2016
    I had never registered for Metacritic before, nor am I even a lifelong Dream Theater fan, but I am aware of their music since their early days. I have seen many people wanting something heavy and metal-y for a project like this, and I felt I had to speak up. This is art-- and amazing feat of music to merge the metal world with that of the operatic. I heard they did it before, but this oneI had never registered for Metacritic before, nor am I even a lifelong Dream Theater fan, but I am aware of their music since their early days. I have seen many people wanting something heavy and metal-y for a project like this, and I felt I had to speak up. This is art-- and amazing feat of music to merge the metal world with that of the operatic. I heard they did it before, but this one I have found oh so much more captivating. Yes, at times it seems cheezy if/when put to graphics, but to me it is (or better be) just in its infancy as to how to build it out better for visual presentation. I recommend you check out their website for a deeper explanation of the story-line to better understand how the lyrics and music are progressing, but if you want to simply apprehend the whole thing by listening, I spent time doing that myself for the first act and it took several listens. Once it becomes clear, it is crystal clear, and it is awesome. After seeing the Green Day production, I would love to see this come to Broadway or some equivalent. To everyone that thinks that metal music is just noise, you should have a listen to this work of art. Expand
  10. TDA
    Feb 4, 2016
    I may have to listen to it again but, as a longtime DT fan, I found this album to be kind of difficult to sit though. It was very long without much variety in sound or style (variety in style is something that has always made the band great in my mind) and didn't hold many memorable moments that I wanted to listen to over and over. Usually when I listen to DT albums I find dozens ofI may have to listen to it again but, as a longtime DT fan, I found this album to be kind of difficult to sit though. It was very long without much variety in sound or style (variety in style is something that has always made the band great in my mind) and didn't hold many memorable moments that I wanted to listen to over and over. Usually when I listen to DT albums I find dozens of musical passages that I end up going "MAN! THAT WAS SICK!" and rewind that 12 second passage over and over because it blew my mind. I can honestly say that that did not happen once with this album. I came into it really eager to sink my teeth into some meaty DT musicianship and songwriting, I ended up still very hungry. I own the album and am proud to support the band still but I have to be honest and say that this album just isn't an album ill be singing the songs to or humming the melodies at work. In fact, at the end of the album I thought to myself "If I knew DT was coming to town to play a show and knew ahead of time that they were playing this album in its entirety and not playing anything else, I probably wouldn't go." And that makes me sad because they are truly my favorite group and some of the most talented guys out there. Still waiting for the next SDOIT,Train of Thought, Awake, Metropolis 2 or Octavarium. Those albums blew me away. Those albums had balls even when they were being soft, those albums were albums I could show my music buddies and I could say "dude, you wanna hear a bass solo? i'll show you a bass solo!" or "Listen to these crazy changes, Like what kind of freaks are these guys?" If this album was 1/2 as epic as John Petrucci's beard I would have loved it, well on the bright side, I still have John Petrucci's beard to idolize! Expand
  11. Feb 1, 2016
    Arguably one the most ambitious progressive rock/metal concept albums ever made, The Astonishing incorporates an immense and entrancing world with well written characters and plot. It almost feels like a musical or fantasy novel at times. Though it can be a bit cliché at times, the instrumentation and sheer encompassing power of the music and its lyrics overpower any reservations aboutArguably one the most ambitious progressive rock/metal concept albums ever made, The Astonishing incorporates an immense and entrancing world with well written characters and plot. It almost feels like a musical or fantasy novel at times. Though it can be a bit cliché at times, the instrumentation and sheer encompassing power of the music and its lyrics overpower any reservations about predictability in plot. Easily DT's most valiant effort since Scenes From A Memory and well worth the time. Collapse
  12. Feb 1, 2016
    Best album since Six Degrees. More melodic than the previous ones, but definitely a great piece of rock-opera music.
    Pros: Rudess at his best, conceptual album very solid, technically flawless
    Cons: Myung a bit "backwards", many very good songs but it misses one giant song (but it's okay)
  13. Jan 31, 2016
    Dream Theater performs in over two hours through a complete fairy tale, in which both the musical patterns and singing are completely dominated by the story. Musically the quintet looks, with the support of David Campbell and his orchestra, for various ways to give depth and emotion to the characters and developments in the story. How far the musical passages are drifting away from eachDream Theater performs in over two hours through a complete fairy tale, in which both the musical patterns and singing are completely dominated by the story. Musically the quintet looks, with the support of David Campbell and his orchestra, for various ways to give depth and emotion to the characters and developments in the story. How far the musical passages are drifting away from each other sometimes, there is always the basic piano and orchestra sounds from which the story is constructed. However, this is applied to a production-and melodious high level that it never affect the qualities of the band members. The role of John Myung may be somewhat limited at all, and the drumming of Mike Mangini does occasional sounds mechanically, the story is worn with devotion by the applied instrumentation. James LaBrie impersonates the eight characters in a successfully way in his various voices and emotions. The solos of John Petrucci and Jordan Rudess are shorter in length than we are used to by some of their classics, but perfectly responding to the passages of the story. The message conveyed in the power of the music can easily be translated to today's society and the technological developments that are taking place. John Petrucci does not only proves to be highly responsive to the changing world, but he also knows how to wrap this up in an intriguing way in a powerful story. Dream Theater thus creates a fairytale rock opera of high class, supported by the story and resulting in a compelling musical spectacle.

    Full Review:
  14. Jan 31, 2016
    "The Astonishing" takes the irksome nuisance that has been John Petrucci's knack for religious platitudes and makes it the crux of bloated double-disc LP. If you like ham-fisted soap opera plots with religious overtones presented as a bloated two-hour marathon, "The Astonishing" is for you.
  15. Jan 29, 2016
    If you are a longtime DT fan, who really enjoyed the more reserved sense portrayed in earlier DT work, then you will enjoy this album! Combining the conveyed emotion alike to Scenes From A Memory, The Astonishing really draws emotion from the listener and makes you remember that one loves music because of the way it makes them feel, not because of how fast or crazy the band can play. AIf you are a longtime DT fan, who really enjoyed the more reserved sense portrayed in earlier DT work, then you will enjoy this album! Combining the conveyed emotion alike to Scenes From A Memory, The Astonishing really draws emotion from the listener and makes you remember that one loves music because of the way it makes them feel, not because of how fast or crazy the band can play. A true epic, The Astonishing really pleased me and put Dream Theater back in the spotlight, making me want to go see them live for the U.S. tour. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 6
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 6
  3. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Feb 1, 2016
    With seamless storytelling through its 34 songs, magical moments of intricate instrumental interplay abound, magnified by an orchestra and massed choirs, while a template for the staging of a musical production sees the principals realising a grandiose next-step in their creative development.
  2. Kerrang!
    Jan 29, 2016
    An epic adventure that is, in every single way, truly astonishing indeed. [16 Jan 2016, p.51]
  3. Jan 29, 2016
    The results won't please every Dream Theater partisan, nor will they convert the skeptical. But it would take a hard heart to deny Petrucci, co-composer and keyboardist Jordan Rudess and their mates credit for the boldness of their aspirations and the assurance with which they achieve them.