• Record Label: BMG
  • Release Date: Mar 26, 2021
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Universal acclaim- based on 165 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 15 out of 165
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  1. Jan 11, 2022
    I love evanescence so maybe my review is a bit biased. In short, I think this is a great album with only maybe 2 skippable tracks. I do however feel like they could have released more songs given the 10 year time gap.
  2. Sep 3, 2021
    O álbum mais maduro e verdadeiro da banda, com vocais de Amy poderosos como sempre, e um instrumental de tirar o fôlego!
  3. Jun 11, 2021
    Not one song on here got my blood pumping or sent chills down my spine the way I expect Amy Lee’s powerful voice to. Their last album was leagues better. A wasted decade.
  4. May 22, 2021
    Apart from the opening two tracks I've not found much I enjoy listening to. I prefer Fallen and the self titled album.
  5. Mar 26, 2021
    This album is masterpiece! A gift to the fans!
    Heavy, dark and mature. The lyrics are amazing!
  6. Apr 29, 2021
    Worth the long wait, its too short tho! i wish it had 2-3 more songs on it but overall amazing. im glad theyre still making music
  7. Apr 20, 2021
    Melhor álbum da banda já feito!!!! Álbum da carreira, esperamos muito, mas no fim valeu muito a pena esperar!!! Mesmo assim espero que um próximo álbum não demore tanto , pois Amy Lee é minha paixão
  8. Apr 18, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Sem dúvidas algo totalmente novo, mas respeitando o legado de tudo o que já foi. Wasted on you, Broken pieces shines e Used my Voice são os pontos altos, e Yeah Right o ponto mais baixo. Expand
  9. Apr 8, 2021
    1- Instrumental:

    Ponha uma música do Fallen, ou do The Open Door, e após escute qualquer música do The Bitter Truth, e você irá perceber a diferença na qualidade da gravação, da mixagem, e da escolha dos timbres dos instrumentos. Em The Bitter Truth a gravação dos instrumentos está completamente abafada, a mixagem está terrivelmente mal feita, onde a maioria das músicas parece um
    1- Instrumental:

    Ponha uma música do Fallen, ou do The Open Door, e após escute qualquer música do The Bitter Truth, e você irá perceber a diferença na qualidade da gravação, da mixagem, e da escolha dos timbres dos instrumentos. Em The Bitter Truth a gravação dos instrumentos está completamente abafada, a mixagem está terrivelmente mal feita, onde a maioria das músicas parece um emaranhado de bateria, guitarras, piano e sintetizadores, e as escolhas dos timbres dos instrumentos, em principal as guitarras, não estão corretas! No que diz respeito aos solos, compare também com os CDs amteriores e verá o quão simplista The Bitter Truth se apresenta. Não há solos de piano memoráveis, não há solos de guitarra memoráveis, ou mesmo batidas e sons eletrônicos que impactem. Há um grande erro, também, na arquitetura das músicas. A maioria das músicas foi arquitetada de forma errada, onde muitas vezes não existe um clima de explosão ou ritimo corretos. Ao ouvir o álbum Evanescence, de 2011, pode-se perceber que o produtor Nick não sabe produzir de forma correta um CD, e isso se agravou ainda mais em The Bitter Truth. Há uma tremenda queda técnica entre o The Open Door e o Evanescence, que se agravou ainda mais no The Bitter Truth. Basta pôr uma música de cada um desses Cds em sequência, e verá o quanto, a partir do Evanescence, as músicas começaram a ficar mais abafadas e mal mixadas, culminando nesse desastre do The Bitter Truth.

    2- Voz da Amy Lee

    Em estúdio, um cantor precisa ter um bom produtor do lado, além de fazer aula de canto e aquecer adequadamente a voz antes de qualquer gravação. Em The Bitter Truth, a voz da Amy, por diversas vezes, se torna inaudível, devido a gravação abafada e mal mixagem por parte do produtor Nick, além de em alguns trechos soar desgastada e forçada. Um erro comum em iniciantes, que querem cantar de uma forma que não é correta para sua própria voz. A voz da Amy não é tão potente, apesar de alcançar notas incríveis, ela é uma voz suave, e o produtor Nick deveria instruir o processo do canto para que em alguns momentos a voz da Amy não saísse tão gritada e forçada. Novamente: Compare, por exemplo, Snow White Queen com Feeding The Dark, e você vai perceber claramente uma diferença de sonoridade da voz da Amy Lee, onde na Música do The Open Door a voz soa mais suave e descansada, e na música do The Bitter Truth a voz soa forçada e rasgada. Faltou, do produtor Nick, conduzir a voz da Amy para que soasse da melhor forma possível, dizendo onde estava demais ou onde estava de menos.

    3- Letras

    As letras do The Bitter Truth me decepcionaram bastante. As letras eram pra trazer verdades amargas, mas, no final, só trouxeram uma análise rasa de questões políticas e sociais que poderiam ter sido muito mais aprofundadas. Músicas como a Use My Voice, que poderia ser um baita protesto como This Is America, do Childish Gambino, ou mesmo a música Obama, do Anohni, por falta de profundidade, acabaram por se tornar irrelevantes, ainda mais com tantos artistas atuais fazendo letras politicas incrivelmente profundas e lancando clipes políticos extremamentes bem produzidos e diretos em suas mensagens.

    The Bitter Truth poderia ser o melhor disco da banda, mas, por questões técnicas, acabou se tornando o pior, perdendo apenas para o Synthesis, e, por mais que os Evfãs tenham, em sua maioria amado, o álbum vem sendo um fracasso, tanto de marketing, quanto de visualizações e engajamentos. Para uma banda que tem mais de 6 vídeos acima de 100 milhões de visualizações, e 2 álbuns com mais de 7 milhões de cópias vendidas, os números, até agora alcançados pelo The Bitter Truth, soam como um "É, nada muito impressionante" do restante das pessoas. E, realmente, The Bitter Truth não é nada impressionante para mais de 10 anos de espera.
  10. Apr 5, 2021
    10 years are worth the wait for “The Bitter Truth” and Evanescence does not disappoint. The album is filled with bangers after bangers as Amy Lee delivers phenomenal vocal performances on top of powerful drumming and heavy guitar riffs. Melodies are haunting and immersive, bringing listeners to higher transcendental planes. The band does not mask the truth throughout their work: reality10 years are worth the wait for “The Bitter Truth” and Evanescence does not disappoint. The album is filled with bangers after bangers as Amy Lee delivers phenomenal vocal performances on top of powerful drumming and heavy guitar riffs. Melodies are haunting and immersive, bringing listeners to higher transcendental planes. The band does not mask the truth throughout their work: reality can be grim and depressing, yet we have the will and power to pursue the lives we wish for. “Survival hurts, but I see breathing in, I’m alive. I’m not fine; I don’t know if I will be alright, but I have to try,” the second track “Broken Pieces Shine” emphasizes to remind us a very simple message that it is normal to be overwhelmed and anxious - just relax, face the real world courageously, and let your imperfections shine amidst this turbulent society. The album has been particularly catharsis after over a year of a global pandemic. The overall listening experience is heavy and dramatic at times but equally evocative and beautiful. The band’s contemplation on COVID-19 life is realistic and optimistic as hope and love persist in a merciless world. Taken altogether, the album represents quintessential Evanescence in the quality of songwriting, instrumentation, artistic creativity, musical prowess, and thematic cohesion. My greatest critique is that Amy’s vocal has occasionally been drowned out by overly loud instrumental sounds due to poor mixing as many has pointed out, but frankly this does not hinder the listening experience much. This is definitely one of the greatest rock albums of the year so far and it definitely worths to listen to.

    Highlights: Broken Pieces Shine, The Game Is Over, Yeah Right, Feeding the Dark, Far From Heaven, Part of Me
    Rating: 8.5/10
  11. Apr 4, 2021
    Sem condições. Tudo que um fã espera ouvir depois de tanto tempo sem um album de ineditas. Nao da pra citar uma música ruim, pelo contrário, é possível citar várias excelentes. A abertura e o fechamento do album por exemplo compõe esse grupo.
  12. Apr 4, 2021
    Evanescence: The Bitter Truth - ★★★½

    Evanescence has long flirted with a more pop-oriented sound, but without forgetting the rock hooks and of course the vocal power of Amy Lee, which cannot be contained by simple songs. The Bitter Truth doesn't reinvent anything in the band's sound, but it feels like a stronger album. Being honest since their debut album this band had been a
    Evanescence: The Bitter Truth - ★★★½

    Evanescence has long flirted with a more pop-oriented sound, but without forgetting the rock hooks and of course the vocal power of Amy Lee, which cannot be contained by simple songs.

    The Bitter Truth doesn't reinvent anything in the band's sound, but it feels like a stronger album.
    Being honest since their debut album this band had been a notable and constant source of disappointment.

    And considering this is their first true album in 10 years, it goes without saying that the expectations were high.

    The record may not be great, but it's well done and I enjoyed a lot of the songs, and in these times that's a remarkable trait.

    I like it. That's enough.

    Notable Tracks

    > Broken Pieces Shine
    > The Game Is Over
    > Feeding The Dark
    > Wasted On You
    > Part Of Me
  13. Apr 3, 2021
    I really enjoyed this album from start to end..Pretty decent album. the opening song Artifact/ the turn is so beautiful, actually kinda sets the mood for the rest of the songs. the lyrics are amazing honestly.. Amy lee's vocals as usual amazing.. the "song the game is over" has got great riffs.. "yeah right" is kinda pop-ish but actually not really bad. This whole album is very emotionalI really enjoyed this album from start to end..Pretty decent album. the opening song Artifact/ the turn is so beautiful, actually kinda sets the mood for the rest of the songs. the lyrics are amazing honestly.. Amy lee's vocals as usual amazing.. the "song the game is over" has got great riffs.. "yeah right" is kinda pop-ish but actually not really bad. This whole album is very emotional and energetic. very rebellious haha ; "use my voice" for example.. also "wasted on you" is a beautiful ballad.

    favourite tracks: the game is over, better without you, take cover

    i don't think there are any bad songs, all are decent. it's worth a listen. I will listen again and again :V

  14. Apr 2, 2021
    The album is so gorgeous, you can see the old evanescence from the first albuma but now grown with powerful and kinda dark messages (even though sometimes is hard to hear Amy Lee's voice)
  15. Mar 30, 2021
    An amazing album just like everything that they do. Great to have you back, Evanescence.
  16. Mar 30, 2021
    After so many years finally we have new album that caries Evanescence legacies
  17. Mar 29, 2021
    Álbum extremamente maravilhoso e inspirador. Acredito ser o melhor melhor projeto já lançando pelo Evanescence
  18. Mar 29, 2021
    What a masterpiece! I've been listening on repeat since the release. Thank you so much for this!
  19. Mar 28, 2021
    This is their best record so far! It needs few shuffle but you will realize it's a masterpiece
  20. Mar 28, 2021
    The band that sparked an entire generation of attention grabbing self-harmers and dudes who date underage girls are BACK! AND THIS TIME THERE'S A PILL ON THE ALBUM COVER. #edgy
  21. Mar 28, 2021
    The Bitter Truth mostra o quão maduro está a banda em relação ao seu primeiro disco, Fallen. Nos entregando algo novo e ao mesmo tempo sendo o que eles são, o Evanescence dos anos 2000.
    Produção, instrumental e a doce voz de Amy Lee estão de parabéns.
  22. Mar 27, 2021
    I waited for this album for many years, until I gave up on the band in Synthesis, which made it very clear that Amy Lee no longer had the capacity to lead Evanescence on the levels of the great Fallen, and then, mainly, The Open Door. (I have my personal reasons against Amy Lee on that, because she makes the band nothing more than a solo project with guest musicians whose name she keepsI waited for this album for many years, until I gave up on the band in Synthesis, which made it very clear that Amy Lee no longer had the capacity to lead Evanescence on the levels of the great Fallen, and then, mainly, The Open Door. (I have my personal reasons against Amy Lee on that, because she makes the band nothing more than a solo project with guest musicians whose name she keeps because that's what is profitable for her). I've found this work to be all about screaming lack of inspiration, creativity, cohesion and fidelity to the story that Evanescence built, since when it was just a trio (Amy, Ben and David). In a general context, the disc sounds without the slightest impact: the tracks don't converse with each other, which gives off the feeling that the album is a kind of compilation, with tracks from several distinct and unrelated compositional moments; the lyrics don't carry any depth: as much as some songs have tried to simulate that, neither Amy Lee nor the band have reached a level of transmission of any emotional heaviness that is minimally convincing about it; Amy Lee's vocals are muffled in multiple layers of effects, causing them to not reach any climax anywhere - in fact, the sound as a whole gets disordered in many passages due to bad mixing issues; the instrumental is something absolutely tasteless, and doesn't bring back anything that has always been highlighted in the band's discography, such as the classical piano and other instruments that have always been used to give an erudite atmosphere to many tracks, in a great contrast to the weight of the guitars, or the orchestrations, or even the choirs, that since the great second album have been so sorely missed, and which she could have used in Synthesis to make it magnanimous. If she wanted to completely change the essence of the sound, she should have put something nice in the place of everything she took away, and not just pad it out with tons of electronics like she did. For a return after 1 decade of so much difficulty to conceive new material, for me it was not worth the wait, not a single year. In my opinion, if she's up to keep things at this level, she'd better, artistically saying, dedicate herself to her solo career because though very shy yet, she might find herslf less blocked and may be able to find much more creative freedom, diversity, and quality than anything Evanescence released after The Open Door (which is not at all difficult to achieve, and this record proves it). Expand
  23. Mar 27, 2021
    The mixing is almost terrible, but keeping this aside, the album is perfect. The song themes, the voice of Amy, and the energy.
  24. Mar 27, 2021
    the most consistent album so far. is super intense, dark, strong and full of beautiful learnings about life. amazing work
  25. Mar 27, 2021
    I completely loved it! I'm really in love with this new album!
    So excited to new tour when we're all safe...

    Hugs and love from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  26. Mar 27, 2021
    Best album ever produced, incredible, exciting music, everything we needed for this moment.
  27. Mar 26, 2021
    The Bitter Truth is an opulent and raw refreshment of reality after all these plastic pop singers last releases!!!
  28. Mar 26, 2021
    Álbum perfeito❤ Esse é o "Evanescence" voltou com tudo!
  29. Mar 26, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Evanescence makes their return after 4 years of absence with an album so raw and as real as the ground we walk on. This album includes some scrapped tracks from previous albums (from their eponymous album and their debut), thus integrating a solid material. With current themes as lies and self benefit at other people's expense, the American band makes a great reverence to their musical trajectory and show their fans a darker and serious musical facet and that they are not absent from the present-day issues. Expand
  30. Mar 26, 2021
    O problema do álbum de 2011 é que as músicas são muito homogêneas, o que não é o caso desse novo álbum. As faixas navegam por gêneros diferentes, e ao mesmo tempo mantém a mesma atmosfera e se completam. Fora alguns problemas pontuais na mixagem dos vocais, o álbum é perfeito.
  31. Mar 26, 2021
    Épico, sensacional. Melhor retorno que poderíamos querer para a banda, em dez anos. Parabéns à todos os envolvidos.
  32. Mar 26, 2021
    They are better and better every time, this is their best album so far, as a fan i couldn't be more happier
  33. Mar 26, 2021
    The best album ever! I can't describe the feeling that I had when I heard it!
  34. Mar 26, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It is a completely different album, but there are songs that could be better but still this album is beautiful, it has that little magic that still characterizes them, it is bitter and sweet at the same time. Expand
  35. Mar 26, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Eu sempre esperei que o Evanescence me surpreendesse depois do Album de 2011, mas dessa vez Amy Lee transcendeu. Este sem dúvida é o álbum mais coeso e completo de toda a carreira do Evanescence, necessário, atual e libertador, é como um grito de luz na noite mais escura. Expand
  36. Mar 26, 2021
    There is a mixing problem on the album where Amy's voice is a little low compared to the instrumental. But that doesn't make the album bad, it's perfect. Use My Voice should come as a bonus track as it does not match all songs.
  37. Mar 26, 2021
    Great album, super greate, loved every song, the sound, everything, it's simply the best right now, at least from my opinion
  38. Mar 26, 2021
    Álbum perfeito, pesado, leve, nostálgico, com os vocais poderosos da Amy, impecável, espero uma versão Deluxe com mais umas 4 músicas
  39. Mar 26, 2021
    For me this is like they going back to their roots with a more garage like sound, I love the mixture between heavy sounds and electronic sounds. Great Album.
  40. Mar 26, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. THE BEST ALBUM EVANESCENCE EVER l! I love this album !! Career Album’s. Ev Expand
  41. Mar 26, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. É o álbum de carreira da banda! Evanescence retorna com músicas cruas e perfeitas! Com toda certeza, o álbum do ano! Expand
  42. Mar 26, 2021
    It's an amazing and heavy album that is unfortunately brought down by its mediocre mixing. This album is a great listen but be warned, the vocals are very low in some places.
  43. Mar 26, 2021
    Simplesmente o melhor álbum desde os primórdios de Origin.
    O Evanescence está em sua melhor fase atualmente e espero que a banda aproveite essa sua melhor versão e não deixe os seus melhores fãs aguardando por mais 10 anos :-)
  44. Mar 26, 2021
    So powerfull! The bitter truth is a journey of doubts and mourning, filled with anger, power, love and hope. A real walk throughout the band's career. it's a heavy and dark masterpiece.
  45. Mar 26, 2021
    Eu tinha 16 anos quando o Evanescence lançou seu último álbum, 10 anos depois tenho diante de mim a maior verdade da banda desde seu início... e essa verdade pode ser bem amarga! Obrigado Evanescence por ser minha válvula de escape para meus problemas e conflitos internos!
  46. Mar 26, 2021
    This is the best album from Evanescence. It's addictive, mature and seductive.
  47. Mar 26, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Su intro empieza tan suave y dulce, pero que no te engañe! Su hard rock te sorprenderá Expand
  48. Mar 26, 2021
    Awesome as always. The best Evanescence's album. It brings back a lot of sounds that reminded me of The Open Door and Fallen. I love it
  49. Mar 26, 2021
    Hermoso álbum, una catarsis de emociones, sin duda este es un nuevo Evanescence renovado y mejorado, todas las canciones muy bien producidas.
  50. Mar 26, 2021
    The bitter trith shows the world a new mature evanescence far away from the people that let them down. They are a new band, with a new sound that we can always give into the dark music
  51. Mar 26, 2021
    This album is awesome! Amy lee eterna reina del rock esta al par con the open door! Me encanta!❤
  52. Mar 26, 2021
    Beautiful, melodic and heavy at the same time. This album is solid! Definitely one of the best albums of 2021.
  53. Mar 26, 2021
    The mixing of the album is terrible, the arrangement of the songs is simple, without an orchestra and confusing, the band did not take any chances and made a totally predictable album. It is a pity to have to wait another 10 years to see if something comes up at The Open Door level.
  54. Mar 26, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Amazing, this is the definition of this album.
    “Artifact/The Turn” start what we expect for the rest of album: athmospheric sounds, electronic, dramatic, powerful and very very minimalistic details for this journey.
    “Broken Pieces Shine” an hard rock push to reminder “ok, we are a rock band and we are here to reminder you. We are a rock star”.
    “The Games is Over” help us to continue the rock dramatic vibe.
    “Yeah Right Start” to dance and move to lyrics movement into a flow (reminder me some dark wave sounds, no?)
    “Feeding the Dark” is one of the most beautiful parts, Jen backing vocals is perfect!!! “Wasted on You” is wasted on you, no words to describe.
    “Better Without You” is another amazing surprise. An piano rock ballad, strong words!!! Omg my evanescence is alive!!! The choirs!!!
    “Use my Voice” necessary for this amazing politics moment in 2020.
    “Take Cover” rocks rocks rocks rocks rocks!!!!
    “Far from heaven” why you do that Amy? Why? She touch inside of my heart on this music. I believe Amy is one of the most amazing person inside an piano, and how she can touch us. I’m crying. I’m hate you Amy(no, I love you!).
    “Part of Me” is one of my favorites!!
    “Blind belief” close the album as we want: dramatic. Love love!!!
    So, the conclusion is: for the people are fans, is one of the best albums and for the people not fans, is the reason to turn fans. I don’t have specific words to define this album, but honestly is one of the best rock albums of the last years and we start this decade as 2003 with Fallen.
    Amazing job, amazing!!!!
  55. Mar 26, 2021
    Fantastic album preserving all those core Evanescence vibes with a heavier sound. But the mixing is a little off. A different and more refined production choice would make it 10/10 for me.
  56. Mar 26, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The new Evanescence's album "The Bitter Truth" is a masterpiece. In the beginning, "Artifact/The Turn" introduces you softly to this rock-goth-synthetic new world. The transition to "Broken Pieces Shine" (and, obviously, the song per se) shows that the ol' good Evanescence still makes high quality music. The third and fourth songs, "The Game os Over" and "Yeah Right" were released before the album and shows the versatility (and power) of Amy's vocals. "Feeding the Dark" is an incredible song, which sends us back to Fallen's "Haunted" song (2003), but with strong chords (actually, my favorite from the new album). Another soft transition leading to "Wasted on You", the first single of T.B.T., that gave us an idea of the powerful album that was to come. The (fast) sweet music box beginning of "Better Without You" is replaced by synthetic beats, riffs, and Amy's quite high notes. The "Use My Voice" song (and music video) is revolutionary, calling on everyone to use and raise up their voices to bring positive and key political and social changes. "Take Cover" is an old song (I remember from the 2012 Porto Alegre's concert), but now seem mature enough to, which resembles a bit of "What You Want", from Evanescence' self-titled album (2011). "Far From Heaven" is a delicate, sweet, but heavy song, exposing for all of us Amy's fragility after their personal struggles from the past years. "Part of Me" is simply delicious to hear, preferably at the highest volume, because, one more time, Amy deliver to us all of her best vocals. The last song of the album, "Blind Belief", begins softly, with piano notes, but the music grows, and grows, and ends kinda abruptly, with another Amy's high and long note. In summary, it is the best work of the group since the anthological "Fallen" album. Amy"s vocals are more powerful than ever. seems like there is a lot of communication between the instruments in the group. Everything on this new album was carefully prepared, every detail, every note, everything. Simply impressive. Expand
  57. Mar 26, 2021
    Muito bom, perfeito... Já devia ter sido lançado.... Realmente muito bom !!
  58. Mar 26, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. 10 years and the wait was totally worth. It was heavy, dramatic, reminded me the banda in the early years. Yes, sometimes we have some problems with Amy's voice being faded by the instrumentals, but this doesn't prejudice the whole work. Expand
  59. Mar 26, 2021
    It’s a masterpiece. It’s better than the previous album 100%. Just love the way it sounds. Amy Lee started talking about things she never did before. I appreciate the darkness of the album, cause life is not fine and happy. And I’m sick of songs which are about happiness overall. Cmon. We are in a dark place and instead of feeding the dark, let’s make some cool and dramatic stuff.
  60. Mar 26, 2021
    The wait has been long and it has definitely been worth it. Maybe the "weakest" point is the mixing but still makes it so interesting, the concept and lyrics are perfect and transmit an honest and important message, the vocals and instrumentation are insane! I couldn't have asked for anything more
  61. Mar 26, 2021
    This is everything I was exepting from them, a masterpiece. Hope that the Amercican public willn't sleep on it.
  62. Mar 26, 2021
    Tuvieron que pasar 10 AÑOS para que Evanescence sacara un disco completamente nuevo y valió la pena la tan larga espera
  63. Mar 26, 2021
    This album saved my life. I was thinking about suicide and Broken Pieces Shine is a masterpiece. The best album!!!!
  64. Mar 26, 2021
    sem defeitoooos, albúm da carreira sem duvidas, to muito apaixonado, não tem UMA música ruim, simplesmente PERFEITO
  65. Mar 26, 2021
    Evanescence's return... it never disappoints. "The Bitter Truth" cointans all their essence, from "Fallen" to "Evanescence", their eponymous album. Pounding, hammering, rock ' roll, alternative, there's no better way to describe it. I really enjoyed it and I've never expect it to be so powerful and moving. It's a great comeback. And we hope to hear others like that.
  66. Mar 26, 2021
    This is a masterpiece! Beautiful, dark and glamorous raw rock! The album cover match perfectly what we're going through these days
    "A little too much time by yourself
    And you become the enemy" Friedrich Nietzsche would think the same Amy, trust me! This album starts almost like Amy leading us to a golden dreamy heaven to then break our playful wings and bring us to our knees for the bitter
    This is a masterpiece! Beautiful, dark and glamorous raw rock! The album cover match perfectly what we're going through these days
    "A little too much time by yourself
    And you become the enemy" Friedrich Nietzsche would think the same Amy, trust me! This album starts almost like Amy leading us to a golden dreamy heaven to then break our playful wings and bring us to our knees for the bitter truth, such as death, politics, mental confusion, pandemic, accepting to be broken but not giving up, there are still hints of the old Evanescence
  67. Mar 26, 2021
    Powerful and nostalgic without any shallow reasons from female pop singers that has been putting their music out lately in this pandemic, music about how hard their men can f*ck them in bed while there's millions of people out there dying... But this album The Bitter Truth is a question for the faith, politics and culture, some moments akin to The Open Door album but less ludic, more realPowerful and nostalgic without any shallow reasons from female pop singers that has been putting their music out lately in this pandemic, music about how hard their men can f*ck them in bed while there's millions of people out there dying... But this album The Bitter Truth is a question for the faith, politics and culture, some moments akin to The Open Door album but less ludic, more real and raw as the title says "The Bitter Truth" This album is about to face the world the way our real world is! By the way Amy Lee said in a recent interview that she saw in person when she was just a child the Space Shuttle Challenger from 1986 exploding and the sky went all in black and shining I believe that's why the song "Broken pieces shine" starts with that atmosphere and countdown and this song is a good one about self acceptance and some "loss" acceptance like "oh ok we're broken but we can overcome and shine" I guess... This song is definitely one of that all white hot forever Evanescence songs Expand
  68. Mar 25, 2021
    An absolutely stunning album. The band, at its greatest moments. It deserves every attention. Well done guys

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Classic Rock Magazine
    Apr 29, 2021
    Not a great comeback, but just good enough. [Jun 2021, p.81]
  2. Apr 6, 2021
    All that conflict and drama might be a little too overpowering if not for Lee’s abiding faith in the power of a nice hoo. The album’s best moment is also its most self-assuredly poppy.
  3. Mar 30, 2021
    Altogether, The Bitter Truth carries listeners on a journey both familiar and fresh, recapturing the heavy-yet-melodic hallmarks that made Fallen one of the most successful albums of the 2000s and pushing Evanescence into the future with a graceful maturity and worldly perspective.