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Generally favorable reviews- based on 215 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 21 out of 215

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  1. dMusick
    Sep 17, 2009
    I don't know what critics hear but this album is Jay-Z on top of his game once again. It reminds of 'American Gangster' which was so eloquently laid. Awesome beats & on point samples!
  2. JaeJ
    Oct 31, 2009
    This album is a peace of art, from all the blueprints album i have heard this one is so far the greatest one.... Just by listening to it you can hear his pain, and how him feelings about everything.
  3. PetersonM
    Sep 20, 2009
    Great album.
  4. CandaceT
    Sep 9, 2009
    The beats are fresh and Venus vs. Mars is my suga honey iced tea!!!
  5. VictorM.
    Sep 13, 2009
    Dope album.
  6. B.dotBaby
    Sep 29, 2009
    For all the critics that said Jay was falling off this album is proof why he is still the best rapper out right now.. He doesnt need to talk about drugs and the streets throught the whole album. his lyrics are talking about millionare ceo type of things.
  7. DemoineO
    Nov 25, 2009
    HOV should retire I enjoyed the beats more than the lyrics.He is too overated go out and buy RELAPSE or BEFORE I SELF DESTRUCT to see true genius and lyrical prowess.
  8. JeanetteR.
    Sep 13, 2009
    This is a really hot album. Every song is a hit.
  9. OwenB
    Sep 17, 2009
    Amazing album that i can play straight through. Some tracks are a bit soft but the overall sound of the album is something new and refreshing. Now a days most hip-hop sound the same and just don't stand out. This is like my 4th favorite Jay album behind The Blueprint, Reasonable Doubt, and The Black Album. Its tied with American Gangster.
  10. mpain
    Sep 18, 2009
    This will be added as another GREAT album to an already long list of classics albums by Jay-Z.
  11. Jun 22, 2011
    My favorite Jay-z album. It truly has a great style and feel. If there was ever a rapper to stand up against eminem, after hearing this album, i'd say it has to be jay-z.
  12. Mar 21, 2020
    This is my personal favorite Jay-Z album, if not one of my favorite albums period. It has so many classic songs I remember loving as a youngster and I can still vibe with now. And Empire State of Mind is an absolute classic, just like this album. 10/10.
  13. BrettC
    Sep 11, 2009
    Loved nearly every track. A few I could do without.
  14. VijayV
    Sep 11, 2009
    The great thing about Jay-Z's new album is how he mixes styles and tones yet he still keeps his message of rap alive and well.
  15. KaranK.
    Sep 13, 2009
    The album is strong and so is the base. As always the lyrics are better than the music but music is also amazing. Jay-Z can never disappoint, its proven now. Tracks like Off That, Run this Town. Hate, Reminder, Venus vs. Mars and more are superb and the Death of Autotune is again a masterpiece and Jay-Z did it the fine way. Rap like him and you'll know.
  16. A.C.
    Sep 20, 2009
    This is not Jay-Z's best work. However, that statement should not define one's view of this album. Concisely, it is better than his last two offerings, and better than most rap offerings that have come out this year. It is neither uninspired, as some have suggested, nor should it be considered an attempt at remaking earlier albums. Appreciate what a former crack dealer sounds This is not Jay-Z's best work. However, that statement should not define one's view of this album. Concisely, it is better than his last two offerings, and better than most rap offerings that have come out this year. It is neither uninspired, as some have suggested, nor should it be considered an attempt at remaking earlier albums. Appreciate what a former crack dealer sounds like when he does not need to stay in the hood, but instead can make music from a position now open for youth to obtain. If that makes you angry, consider your perspective. And the sound of it? Enjoyable. Expand
  17. seanr
    Oct 20, 2009
    HOV. you cannot make a comeback;when you was never gone.
  18. JoshD
    Sep 10, 2009
    Slightly Underrated.
  19. PetersonM
    Sep 21, 2009
    Great album.
  20. DavidL
    Sep 24, 2009
    I think its a great album like all his albums after listening to it twice i appreciate that its production and hooks and excellent rap timing in place I love forever young and hate and a star is born and already home empire state of mind is also a almost perfect version of new york's beauty long live HOVA.
  21. Jan 9, 2011
    So many awesome guests in his songs. One of the best albums I ever listened to.
  22. Nov 14, 2011
    "Empire State of Mind" was a great song describing new york and Jay Z's life beautifully with rythmic raps and great support from Alicia Keys. Must listen!!!
  23. Apr 24, 2015
    The third opus in Jigga's Blueprint franchise still has quality lyrics, great guest features and an awesome production by Timbo and Kanye to create instant classics such as Empire state of mind and Young Forever.
  24. BarryA
    Oct 12, 2009
    One of the best hip-hop albums of recent times.
  25. Aug 22, 2011
    the album is good, the beats are what make it though. Jay Z on this album really made it clear that he's rich and the best and theres nothing nobody can do about it. This album was overall **** he bragged about his money and accomplishments. Talked about how he's on new stuff and other artist are far behind. Not Jay Z's best album or worst but it falls in between. I'm guessing thats whythe album is good, the beats are what make it though. Jay Z on this album really made it clear that he's rich and the best and theres nothing nobody can do about it. This album was overall **** he bragged about his money and accomplishments. Talked about how he's on new stuff and other artist are far behind. Not Jay Z's best album or worst but it falls in between. I'm guessing thats why its called the blueprint. Expand
  26. Mar 15, 2012
    His most complete album musically; only slight disappointment was D.O.A. (great idea, but Jay-Z singing "na na na na... hey hey hey goodbye" was not the greatest idea he every had). Overall, however, a very good album.
  27. Jul 9, 2021
    The third installment in the Blueprint trilogy, the Blueprint III is a strong outing for Jay-Z from 2009. Jay-Z is lyrically strong as always and flows well. His beats are for the most part pretty good, on this album they are more pop-oriented. The stand out tracks are Empire State of Mind, On to the Next One, Off That, Run This Town, Real As It Gets, and D.O.A.
  28. Apr 13, 2014
    I very much enjoyed The Blueprint 3. Jay Z produces an album that even someone who isn't the biggest rap fan will enjoy. A lack of shallow lyrics for the most part and catchy beats and tracks makes this a success.
  29. Mar 10, 2015
    Great album by Hov! It's a little different from previous Jay-Z album's but that's not a bad thing as he still kills it. Nice beats and nice rhymes by Jay-z. This album mainly speaks about how Jay-Z has not lost a step and he's still on top of the rap game. It's worth the money to buy this album.
  30. Mar 10, 2015
    Still bumping it 6 years after the initial release. "Young Forever" and "A Star is Born (feat. J. Cole)" are my favorite from the album but I still do get pretty hype over most of the songs off the album.
  31. Mar 11, 2015
    With a big horn section, strong beats, and creative lyrics, Jay-Z offers up a rap album to be reckoned with. Featuring an awesome artist on nearly every track, each song is a masterpiece.

    Recommended Tracks: Hate, Already Home, Young Forever
  32. SlimS
    Sep 16, 2009
    Not his best, but not nearly his worst. Listen to the lyrics people! Don't just skim through the beats and look for catchy hooks. The first 5 songs are all very good, it drops off a bit with Real As It Gets, Hate and So Ambitious are straight terrible but overall it's a good album.
  33. YoMan
    Sep 10, 2009
    Decent album but nothing really special
  34. PatrickJ.
    Oct 18, 2009
    Pretty sure this was supposed to be a Jay-Z album... yeah, that's right, I'm talking to you "timba". Let's be realistic. Jay-Z, you're an accomplished writer, producer, and successful Label owner. Why, oh God, why, are you getting Timbaland in to produce your stuff? BUT! that having been said, aside from the blatantly obvious timba parts, the album was well done.
  35. KentB
    Sep 9, 2009
    I was overpowered by the vocal presence of Alicia Keys on "Empire State of Mind" and really enjoyed Rihanna on "Run This Town." The collaborators all brought something unique and for the most part overwhelmed the contributions of Jay, for better or worse. This doesn't really differ from what I imagined I would hear on BPIII, but it did seem like Jay was getting a bit tired on some I was overpowered by the vocal presence of Alicia Keys on "Empire State of Mind" and really enjoyed Rihanna on "Run This Town." The collaborators all brought something unique and for the most part overwhelmed the contributions of Jay, for better or worse. This doesn't really differ from what I imagined I would hear on BPIII, but it did seem like Jay was getting a bit tired on some tracks. Overall, the highlights on the first half of the album outweigh the few clunkers. Expand
  36. Feb 2, 2012
    This is a record of highs and lows. It has got some fantastic tracks on it but also a few duds as well. Empire State of Mind works really well and Already Home is also a great track. One problem I have with the record in general is that it lacks the passion and spark of his best work. Apart from on a few tracks, there is no real fire here. He's almost on auto-pilot. Still sounds prettyThis is a record of highs and lows. It has got some fantastic tracks on it but also a few duds as well. Empire State of Mind works really well and Already Home is also a great track. One problem I have with the record in general is that it lacks the passion and spark of his best work. Apart from on a few tracks, there is no real fire here. He's almost on auto-pilot. Still sounds pretty good though. Expand
  37. Mar 26, 2015

Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. Blueprint is hip-hop as big business, and Jay retains his CEO throne.
  2. Jay overreaches, leaning too heavily on by-the-numbers production from Kanye West and Timbaland, and muffling his own voice in favor of a guest-heavy tracklist.
  3. Without its filler, this album could have been at least good, if not great. But, for better or for worse, this is what Jay wanted us to hear right now. It’s just a shame that it’s not entirely worth hearing.