• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Oct 5, 2004
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 117 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 82 out of 117
  2. Negative: 28 out of 117

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  1. May 6, 2011
    I grew up with GC. I love them. This cd is my childhood. It's there best cd and they will never come abck to this stuff again. They just won't. This cd is deep and sad. it's a beautiful album and i will not stop loving it. No matter what GC is today.
  2. Andrea
    Aug 4, 2009
    The record has bad songs, I could save only three-four tracks. Not the best by this band, only a commercial product.
  3. Paul
    Nov 24, 2007
    I bought this album as an impressionable 13-year old when it first came out. I didn't enjoy it much at the time, and upon returning, realise what a humourless, soulless turd it is. The pre-packaged predictability, the psuedo-goth lyrics (apparently free of irony in songs such as 'The World is Black') and the microwaved, rehashed power chords all reek of product. The I bought this album as an impressionable 13-year old when it first came out. I didn't enjoy it much at the time, and upon returning, realise what a humourless, soulless turd it is. The pre-packaged predictability, the psuedo-goth lyrics (apparently free of irony in songs such as 'The World is Black') and the microwaved, rehashed power chords all reek of product. The transparent punk facade only adds further insult to the listener's intelligence. Album number five might as well be titled: 'My Daddy Left Me But At Least I Have A Platinum Record'. Collapse
  4. SimonB
    Jun 1, 2007
    I'm sorry, no. There's just so much in this album that sounds like a change of heart. Every song makes it appear like the guys were drinking their asses off while writing the album, smoking some ganja. Did it ever occur to them they were making music? The hits displayed on T.V. show how careless the band is and how "rebellious" they want to be while still sticking in some dumb I'm sorry, no. There's just so much in this album that sounds like a change of heart. Every song makes it appear like the guys were drinking their asses off while writing the album, smoking some ganja. Did it ever occur to them they were making music? The hits displayed on T.V. show how careless the band is and how "rebellious" they want to be while still sticking in some dumb bowl. Pancake music is what I call this. Flat, regurgitative, tasteless music that is eaten and then made into fecal matter the next moment. Expand
  5. josepha
    Mar 19, 2007
    a really good album. i just wanna live is a great song
  6. DavidH
    Sep 24, 2006
    Pop OR punk, it's bloody awful.
  7. kylef
    Aug 28, 2006
    not a bad album could ave been better
  8. AndrewV
    Jun 9, 2006
    it's not bad..definitely better than last (which i d/l cause wasnt good enough to buy) not punk tho..and in response to spike its both the sound and the lyrics make it punk. some songs are decent (in this world, mett my maker) others are quite poppy (i just wanna live, chronicles). It is a good place to start and then go on to grittier like Green Day, Nofx and mature punk like JEW it's not bad..definitely better than last (which i d/l cause wasnt good enough to buy) not punk tho..and in response to spike its both the sound and the lyrics make it punk. some songs are decent (in this world, mett my maker) others are quite poppy (i just wanna live, chronicles). It is a good place to start and then go on to grittier like Green Day, Nofx and mature punk like JEW and Matchbook Romance Expand
  9. Anika-
    May 6, 2006
  10. Spike
    Apr 21, 2006
    This CD is good and I've listened to it a lot. I still like their first CD, the self-titled album a lot better. And for other stupid poseur morons, it's not the sound that makes it punk, it's the lyrics. Punk's about not falling in line and being yourself. They are punks.
  11. ffsfssdfsd
    Mar 10, 2006
    this cd is the best gc cd ever!
  12. JoeW
    Dec 27, 2005
    its more of a book then a cd , bt i like it and i think its good bt could be alot better. long time since ive heard any good charlotte nd this was a sad reminder lol
  13. LaurenP
    Dec 18, 2005
    chronicles was a real growth from thier last album.it's more serious therefore it made me take them more seriously.the young and the hopeless was much too poppy to truly be considered punk.this album.....i would NOT call it punk but more of alternative rock.
  14. Sofia
    Nov 24, 2005
    Some songs are in the cd just for enlarge the cd but any songs aren't without sense...Songs like predictable, meet my maker, walk away, the truth, s.o.s....Generality is a great cd...But young&hopeless is better than this
  15. TylerA
    Nov 18, 2005
    Good Charlotte are no talented punk wannabes. They do ugly music and they dress punk when they are nowhere near it. They are posers basically who don't do any good music and woulkdn't know proper punk if it was right in front of them. Listen to good music like Bad Religion, NOFX, Blink-182 and Rancid.
  16. AhmedE
    Oct 24, 2005
    It's been a while since I heard an album that captivated me this way. Chronicles is definatley a giant step from where they previously were.
  17. BenS
    Oct 8, 2005
    Hmmmm, there are some moments worth savouring but they are few and far between. 'Just wanna live', although vaguely hypocritical has spirit and infectiousness and several others are enjoyable enough but really some is torrid. 'chronicles of life and death' is dull and frankly embarrasing while 'predictable' grates
  18. Jem
    Oct 6, 2005
    This strayed from their previous albums, but showed that Good Charlotte has matured a great lot. Their songs have meaning to them, such as the war, and Joel and Benji sing with such emotion that it reaches your heart. I give this album 10 out of 10.
  19. SamD
    Oct 3, 2005
    no talent, and no originality worse than simple plan!
  20. billb
    Sep 17, 2005
    wow, just plain bad. use ur money on something less painful, like getting castrated.
  21. CarlosP
    Sep 7, 2005
    Cheer up emo kids.
  22. MeGaN
    Sep 4, 2005
    i loved their old albums, but it was time for a little change in the way they sang their songs. i think they can sing anything and they'll sound awesome! but loved all their albums even the chronicles.
  23. JB
    Aug 19, 2005
    more tattoos than talent...
  24. Thyz,the
    Aug 19, 2005
    IT sucks. they cant play instruments, he cant sing and theyre just a total gimmick
  25. AdrinaA
    Aug 14, 2005
    the album was nice but i still prefer the old album
  26. janes
    Aug 8, 2005
    this album was passable, they had a few good songs in the beginning, but they don't have nearly enough emotion as i thought they would, i think gc should stick to happy music
  27. GreenDayFan
    Jul 7, 2005
    I enjoyed thier new album The Chronicles of Life and Death. It shows great depth and insight which have not been seen before. To those who nay sayers who think that these young man are not a true punk band, well they clearly didnt listen to the CD very carefully. I think thier sound is very unique and have been a fan since they emerged with thier first album The Young and Hopeless and I enjoyed thier new album The Chronicles of Life and Death. It shows great depth and insight which have not been seen before. To those who nay sayers who think that these young man are not a true punk band, well they clearly didnt listen to the CD very carefully. I think thier sound is very unique and have been a fan since they emerged with thier first album The Young and Hopeless and enjoy their imaginative and ecclectic styles. I also think bands like green day, good charlotte, and others a breath of fresh air in this time which is heavily rule d by single "artists" which populates the Pop genre. Expand
  28. VezA
    Jun 29, 2005
    I love the music, its so motivating.
  29. JACOBF
    Jun 24, 2005
    Now one of my favorie bands of time. There last CD was better but this one wasn't that bad.
  30. HannaB
    Jun 13, 2005
    Good charlotte rocks!! This is real music!! Good Charlotte's songs have meaning, and that I think is imporant- Especially I like The Truth, In this world and Walk Away. But all in all. THEY'RE GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  31. JesseB
    May 8, 2005
    This is the best album ever !!!!
  32. kaseys
    May 2, 2005
    i luv good charlotte. theyhave aaweosme sound and beat. i luv grinding to i just wanna live even no its not the best.but i luv the song predictable aonther good gringing song.
  33. Isabelle
    Apr 21, 2005
    You know what I hate about birthdays? The amount of crap I get given. I mean, I'm not a selfish person - I will happily accept a knitted jumper or some Marks and Sparks undies BUT when I opened my gift and I found this piece of $h!t in my hands, I felt offended. Although, I listened to it with an open mind, just to give it a fair chance, but what I heard pained me. It's not like You know what I hate about birthdays? The amount of crap I get given. I mean, I'm not a selfish person - I will happily accept a knitted jumper or some Marks and Sparks undies BUT when I opened my gift and I found this piece of $h!t in my hands, I felt offended. Although, I listened to it with an open mind, just to give it a fair chance, but what I heard pained me. It's not like my expectations were high (especially after having heard Predictable a bzillion times on the radio), but this CD really had me wincing. The lyrics are embarrassing, juvenile and lack any sincerity; the music is generic and recycled; and I will never understand what their image is all about.....are they deliberately trying to put people off and make them laugh?! Anyway, I'm glad they're around because, as a cynical person, I enjoy taking the piss out of those who offer themselves up for public ridicule........WoOo!! GO GC!!!!! Expand
  34. MarieC
    Apr 17, 2005
    I love the feeling each song portrays. They go from depressingly sad, to deleriously happy, and then to really mature. Good Charlotte is so awesome. Joel looks so cute and then when you add in his compassion for animals, it makes him all the cuter! I love the whole band, though. They're all so different ,yet all so alike.
  35. siobhana
    Apr 3, 2005
    hey i think good charlotte on this earth,ionly went 2 1 of there concerts in inireland dublin 29/3/05 me and my friend seen benji out side at the back door but we were not really sure that it was him coz it was dark, but when we went in it woz him coz we new by the hair stlye. but when the concert started i could hardly sand up i was goin crazy and when every body else was quite and hey i think good charlotte on this earth,ionly went 2 1 of there concerts in inireland dublin 29/3/05 me and my friend seen benji out side at the back door but we were not really sure that it was him coz it was dark, but when we went in it woz him coz we new by the hair stlye. but when the concert started i could hardly sand up i was goin crazy and when every body else was quite and stilll i was goin crazy lol!!! if they eva read this i was the 1 with the 2 colouered glow sticks in each hand they were skinny 1s!!! and joel had tthe irish flag wraped round his back,a nd benji said 2 the crown that he was goin 2 fing an irish g/fand marry her and have kids and raise them in ireland and that he was goin to have son and name it adam and he was goin to move here!!! and joel was like i no u want us 2 strip but we cant coz ur perants are ere!!!! and the water bottles they were drinking out of they were throwin them at the crowed not fare i did not get any:( and the the towls they wre wipin there sweat on they were throwin the down and beji but his towl dwn his pants and up his shirt then throw it doewn at the croweed lol!!! not fare i did not catch it!!!! Expand
  36. kresos
    Mar 21, 2005
    I just love the "i just wanna live!" song... straight to the point. Good work!
  37. JoeR
    Mar 7, 2005
    NME is actually quite the well-known prestigious alt. music magazine in the world. But hey, you haven't heard of it so it must be terrible. Anyways, I must say this is terrible. And don't moan on about depression and angst. You want depression and angst in music? Try Joy Division, try The Doves first and third albums, try The Smiths, try The Dears. For God's sake, TRY NME is actually quite the well-known prestigious alt. music magazine in the world. But hey, you haven't heard of it so it must be terrible. Anyways, I must say this is terrible. And don't moan on about depression and angst. You want depression and angst in music? Try Joy Division, try The Doves first and third albums, try The Smiths, try The Dears. For God's sake, TRY SOMETHING GOOD!!! Expand
  38. AmberO
    Mar 2, 2005
    i love the new cd, it shows how they have grown as musicians and writers, the whole cd is different, from song to song, and i think thats an aweosme idea that alot of other bands should try.
  39. AndrewW
    Mar 2, 2005
    Well .... this cd has a few good songs... few good riffs.. but other then that I think gc really screwed them selfs over... even though theyve always been pop/emo/punk.. I actually thought The Young and Hopeless was a decent cd... but this cd sucks...Benjamin H pretty much summed up everything I was gonna say... Rock on man!
  40. ScottH
    Feb 13, 2005
    Very good album, some verry classic stuff.
  41. tylern
    Jan 9, 2005
    More BS from the leaders of the MTV "pop-punk" bandwagon who believe in the "Lil' Punk Bad Girl" image rather than actual punk. Just thinking about them makes me sick.
  42. DanielS
    Jan 9, 2005
    I think that this is the best album GC have out. I used to listen to old records and stuff. Then i started watching the charts countdown. Everyweek when i saw Lifestyles of the rich and famous i turned the volume full and sang loudly. Then from there i got The young and the hopeless and Good Charlotte, and i have watched how the band has grown from those two albums to The chronicels of I think that this is the best album GC have out. I used to listen to old records and stuff. Then i started watching the charts countdown. Everyweek when i saw Lifestyles of the rich and famous i turned the volume full and sang loudly. Then from there i got The young and the hopeless and Good Charlotte, and i have watched how the band has grown from those two albums to The chronicels of life and death. That album has it all, when ever i feel down and out or angry, this music just makes me feel relaxed and happy. My favs are well all of them!!!!!!!!!!!!! if u dont have nething good to say dont say nething.!!! Expand
  43. krystig
    Dec 26, 2004
    This CD is awesome! I love almost every song on this CD. Good Charlotte has matured & has a darker side & this CD showed it.
  44. JillFromTheCrookedHill
    Dec 23, 2004
    A 10 for sure! Notice how most of the magazines that rated it super low are really unknown magazines.. likw what the hell is "New Musical Express"?? Anywho, my comments on the album... I just love it. It's showing Good Charlottes growth as a band and their music is obviously changing, and I admire that in a band. Good Charlotte does NOT sound like Blink 182 most of the time.. Thats A 10 for sure! Notice how most of the magazines that rated it super low are really unknown magazines.. likw what the hell is "New Musical Express"?? Anywho, my comments on the album... I just love it. It's showing Good Charlottes growth as a band and their music is obviously changing, and I admire that in a band. Good Charlotte does NOT sound like Blink 182 most of the time.. Thats like saying Silverchair sounds like Nirvana, which they don't. Expand
  45. bobs
    Dec 22, 2004
    good charlotte r musical master minds and thats all i can say
  46. Susan!!!!
    Dec 22, 2004
    i really like this album... i have liked all good charlottes music it rocks
  47. DK
    Dec 20, 2004
    Good Charlottes AWESOME! This CD is a bit darker then some people are used to, but alot of people will relate to this a lot more then some of their songs, this is definitly their best cd yet!
  48. peggyl
    Dec 16, 2004
    OMG... i just can´t take the freakin´people who don´t like GC!!!the CD is soooooo cool (hells yeah guys u did a great job again!) it rox specialy mountain n s.o.s. n walk away n of course predictable!
  49. KarlB
    Dec 12, 2004
    Its an ace CD the best yet, there not pop rock there punk. best band out.
  50. AC
    Dec 12, 2004
    Takes quite a while to get into ... but once you do its really good, not their best album but still wicked !!
  51. JonO
    Dec 10, 2004
    Hell yeh! This cd is sik just like their other 2 albums. If u don't like the cd nobody is makin u listen 2 it, so instead of criticizin just dont listen 2 it. makes sense 2 me and i am an idiot!
  52. MattH
    Dec 6, 2004
    Somewhere between here and there a fomulaic pop-punk outfit known as Good Charlotte was born to exceedingly annoy indie kids, and appeal to the thirteen year old girl population with their "Cute Boy Mall Punk" image. Not long after we see the demise of their predecessors. Gone, are the days of musical revolution in the mainstream. This album is exactly what it's supposed to be. An Somewhere between here and there a fomulaic pop-punk outfit known as Good Charlotte was born to exceedingly annoy indie kids, and appeal to the thirteen year old girl population with their "Cute Boy Mall Punk" image. Not long after we see the demise of their predecessors. Gone, are the days of musical revolution in the mainstream. This album is exactly what it's supposed to be. An uninventive approach to a cut-n-paste genre; A fellowship of loyalties so that teenage girls can justify wearing black eye-liner and striped arm warmers. It's an excercise in misunderstanding and "Because it sells" teenage angst, hammed up with a few changes to add false maturity. A definate avoidance for serious afficiandos, unless you like enduring ridicule. Expand
  53. jettao
    Dec 5, 2004
    good charlotte rox and if u dont think so well thats u
  54. rifraf
    Dec 2, 2004
    this cd is a lot like human feces. sure it TASTES good -- but is it nutritional?
  55. kary
    Dec 2, 2004
    the second album was the best one ever. this one had songs i did like and some i didnt.
  56. samANTHAw
    Dec 2, 2004
    i am GC's #1 fan an u no it!!! GC mixes perfect, awesome, and enlightning guitar riffs!!! I know how to play soooo many of their songs on the guitar!!!! Berk u r the biggest loser ever to live if u hate them!!! I went to their concert and man did they rock live!!! Benji u r the hottest guy living on the earth I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!! What could b better then GC???
  57. FergalK
    Dec 2, 2004
    Rubbish - this gang are one of the thousand power-pop/punk clones infesting the rock music scene at present - same boring boring riffs....come up with an original sound!!!
  58. BenjaminH
    Nov 29, 2004
    Good Charlotte attempts to be more mature, but falls flat on their face. The Chronicles of Life and Death sounds like N'Sync, Marilyn Manson, and Simple Plan did a collaboration album with a guest appearance by 50 Cent and they all stayed up late watching Harry Potter at night for inspiration. The musical experimentation on this album just DOES NOT WORK. The best way to describe it Good Charlotte attempts to be more mature, but falls flat on their face. The Chronicles of Life and Death sounds like N'Sync, Marilyn Manson, and Simple Plan did a collaboration album with a guest appearance by 50 Cent and they all stayed up late watching Harry Potter at night for inspiration. The musical experimentation on this album just DOES NOT WORK. The best way to describe it would be calling it Gothic Emo New Wave. It just sucks. Expand
  59. Emi
    Nov 22, 2004
    The second GC album was the best, but this album is worth buying-the mountain, track 10, and chronicles of life and death are my favs. love the rant in Predictable
  60. kathleens
    Nov 21, 2004
    This c.d is 1 of there best 1 but i like them all so its all good lol, i love them so much and every one of there songs have a beening to it and you can tell what they are going throug....and i hope they will never stop playing music :).......I LOVE GOOD CHARLOTTE.......
  61. carolyn
    Nov 21, 2004
    Very good,good charlotte has saved so many lifes!!!
  62. anisap
    Nov 20, 2004
    its good, a lot better than Y&H. there's a lot more depth, really good
  63. KcG.
    Nov 15, 2004
    I luv Good Charlotte and i think this is an awsome album!!! i got the death version and its da bestest!! If u said that this album sucks then f**k u!! i luv Joel Madden!!! ~lata
  64. ShavondaM
    Nov 10, 2004
    If you get the "Life" Version, wait 5 minutes after the song, "Falling Away", and see what happens.
  65. michelleb
    Nov 10, 2004
    I LOVED this alburm. it was good charlottes best alburm that has been released. the best songs were 'i just wanna live' and 'world is black'. Good charlotte fans wont be dissapointed
  66. EvED
    Nov 9, 2004
    I absolutly LOVE IT!! I own both the life and death versions and i listen to them every day!!! Good Charlotte is growing up.
  67. Berk_-_-_
    Nov 6, 2004
    Terrible ! Avoid at all costs ! Check out The Hives, The Strokes, The Faint and The White Stripes for REAL music.
    Nov 6, 2004
    I have to say I am a little disapointed with this album seeing as the last good charlotte album was a near masterpiece in my eyes. This however got old very quick. I like the music especially in the song I just wanna live. But these guys get old really fast with 3 albums which are all equally angry. These guys hold grudges... They want to be left alone and yet they are in the MUSIC I have to say I am a little disapointed with this album seeing as the last good charlotte album was a near masterpiece in my eyes. This however got old very quick. I like the music especially in the song I just wanna live. But these guys get old really fast with 3 albums which are all equally angry. These guys hold grudges... They want to be left alone and yet they are in the MUSIC BUSINESS! O well the music still rocks. Just ignore the vocals...i guess Expand
  69. gchaterssuck
    Nov 4, 2004
    album is awsome love all the tracks on it both versions rock, n 2 all u gc h8ers F*** YA'LL GC IS GONNA B AROUND 4 A LONG LONG TIME!!!!!
  70. AngelaH.
    Nov 4, 2004
    This album ROCKS! The lyrics are so much better and they are so much more deeper than the previous albums. The song S.O.S, This World is Black, and Ghost of You are my favorites so far. Thanks GC!
  71. mariel
    Oct 31, 2004
    It was okay, but I think the main reason they got into darker rock was to prove they aren't fake teeny-poppers. Little too depressing for my taste. But they did have some okay songs.
  72. Kel
    Oct 25, 2004
    Good charlotte was just starting to get old for me hearing "the anthem" for about the hundreth time when finally this album came out and EVEN THERE OLD FANS will like this considering I have been a fan of their work for quite some time, being a song writer myself. They up the ante and bring out a more rock sound which I think will appeal to more people rather then the old preppy pop sound Good charlotte was just starting to get old for me hearing "the anthem" for about the hundreth time when finally this album came out and EVEN THERE OLD FANS will like this considering I have been a fan of their work for quite some time, being a song writer myself. They up the ante and bring out a more rock sound which I think will appeal to more people rather then the old preppy pop sound they use to carry. My friends couldn't believe (being a mostly hard rock fan) that I had good charlotte in my cd player, and it has yet to come out since I have got it in. Expand
  73. DavidB
    Oct 25, 2004
    wow! just look at the first single predictable. predictable that they would release an alblum like this, the whole album btw sucks
  74. boxcarracer
    Oct 23, 2004
    Get the death version its awesome!
  75. BobB
    Oct 23, 2004
    The E! Online review is pitiful...
  76. heidiheidi
    Oct 23, 2004
    this album ROCKS go Good Charlotte
  77. JP
    Oct 22, 2004
    Most haters wrote their review BEFORE they listened to it. This is a great CD.
  78. GoodCharlotteSucks
    Oct 21, 2004
    This album doesn't even diserve to be rated because good charlotte is the worst band ever their music sucks and it always will
  79. DanniW
    Oct 21, 2004
    It Rocks, its not as good as the first, but certainly better then the second, i really like the songs on it and you can tell it took alot to put this together, i cant wait to attend their concert in Grand Rapids Michigan and Nov. 10th 2004 =D
  80. [Anonymous]
    Oct 20, 2004
    IT'S AMAZING! (How such crap can be sold)
  81. RhettS
    Oct 20, 2004
    GC have the gift of being catchy and melodic while being capable of great levels of depth. Green who?
  82. janeg
    Oct 17, 2004
    it sucks.
  83. jessw
    Oct 16, 2004
    its a great follow up to "the young and hopeless", it really captures what is going on in there lives,its utterly brilli!!!
  84. MarkP
    Oct 15, 2004
    Even their old fans won't like this one...
  85. TrinaC
    Oct 13, 2004
    very different. very good. awesome music and great lyrics. :)
  86. Randeh
    Oct 11, 2004
    This is utterly, the shit, and I mean that in the worst possible way

Mixed or average reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 16
  2. Negative: 2 out of 16
  1. The band takes its proven peppy rock sound to new heights.
  2. Good Charlotte's confessionals are typical teenage moans, and their music second-hand Green Day.
  3. New Musical Express (NME)
    Half the time, Good Charlotte sound like Blink-182 after the snip, the other half they sound like the Backstreet Boys without the songs. [16 Oct 2004, p.48]