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Generally favorable reviews- based on 17 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
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  1. Feb 19, 2020
    The Circus is 20 minutes of Mick lightly rapping over lo-fi hip hop beats.

    There are some moments where Mick shines, like the tracks "Same Ol'" and "Care-Free." Where Mick is in his usual bag of serving deep thoughts serves over jazzy, soulful beats. Beyond those 2 songs, the rest of the project falls flat. While it was nice to hear him rap over more aggressive, punchy beats - it felt
    The Circus is 20 minutes of Mick lightly rapping over lo-fi hip hop beats.

    There are some moments where Mick shines, like the tracks "Same Ol'" and "Care-Free." Where Mick is in his usual bag of serving deep thoughts serves over jazzy, soulful beats. Beyond those 2 songs, the rest of the project falls flat. While it was nice to hear him rap over more aggressive, punchy beats - it felt shallow and middle of the road. The EP in its entirety - is not perfect, but Mick was able to reinforce his brand of a thought-provoking lyricist while jumping in and out of new sounds and more typical styles - but it feels shallow - he brought up a lot of great ideas - introduced them - and left it at that. The start of his thoughts as opposed to the entire, thought out conversation.
    Or you could watch this review on my YT channel @paijebreaks
  2. Feb 13, 2020
    ( 80/100 )

    Un pequeño EP que, después de "Pieces Of A Man" en el 2018, demuestra a Mick Jenkins como trabajador constante que cuida mucho propia musica, le encanta rapear de su propia fe y filosofía en una tranquila colección de canciones cuya fuerza está en sus letras. Buena producción por parte Da-P, Black Milk, Coop The Truth, IAMNOBODI, Beat Butcha, Chirashe, Dj Fu, entre otros.
    ( 80/100 )

    Un pequeño EP que, después de "Pieces Of A Man" en el 2018, demuestra a Mick Jenkins como trabajador constante que cuida mucho propia musica, le encanta rapear de su propia fe y filosofía en una tranquila colección de canciones cuya fuerza está en sus letras. Buena producción por parte Da-P, Black Milk, Coop The Truth, IAMNOBODI, Beat Butcha, Chirashe, Dj Fu, entre otros.
    A little Ep that, after "Pieces Of A Man" from 2018, shows Mick Jenkins as a hard worker who takes care of his music, loves to rap about his own faith and philosophy in an easy collection of songs where the strength is in the lyrics. Good production from Da-P, Black Milk, Coop The Truth, IAMNOBODI, Beat Butcha, Chirashe, Dj Fu, and some others.
  3. Jan 22, 2020
    Mick Jenkins delivers an EP that sounds amazing, with one track after the other. Each song gets better and better and makes fans want an album.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 5
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 5
  3. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Jan 16, 2020
    The Circus is measured, soothing, and a suitable accompaniment to brandy and a cigar in a comfortable chair.
  2. 80
    After the huge success of his second critically-acclaimed album like ‘Pieces Of A Man’, this small EP steps into the big boots it needs to fill before Mick Jenkins’ next outing. ... Delightfully dainty.
  3. Jan 15, 2020
    Preaching the same elements on 'Different Scales', this EP shows us what is to come on Jenkins' forthcoming album. If 'The Circus' is just a prelude, then old and new fans alike are up for a special treat.