• Record Label: Geffen
  • Release Date: Jun 29, 2004
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 63 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 50 out of 63
  2. Negative: 7 out of 63

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  1. Mar 25, 2016
    I think this is the most underrated Cure album. Maybe it is not perfect, but it is great. Songs like Us or Them, The End of the World, Lost are really fantastic.
  2. Nov 5, 2015
    Brilhante, e esse termo que uso pra dar outro nome a este álbum. The Cure conseguiu nos levar de volta a seu auge nos anos 90, um feito muito difícil e praticamente impossível, mas não pro The Cure.
  3. Jan 30, 2014
    Ok so first off, The Cure have maintained a standard on the vast majority of their albums that many other artists could only hope too achieve. Three Imaginary Boys has been my favourite album of all time for a while now. It's energy is just out there. I understand that many would disagree and say that Three Imaginary boys isn't even half good. But I couldn't care less. This album is aOk so first off, The Cure have maintained a standard on the vast majority of their albums that many other artists could only hope too achieve. Three Imaginary Boys has been my favourite album of all time for a while now. It's energy is just out there. I understand that many would disagree and say that Three Imaginary boys isn't even half good. But I couldn't care less. This album is a little sub-par if you ask me. It's lyrics are brilliant as I've come to expect. But the album seems a little dreary if I'm honest. All in all I'd still say the album is a success. But Robert seems to be trying to stick to the usual stuff instead of pushing himself further. Expand
  4. Nov 17, 2011
    Some of this is good, definitely 5 or 6 tracks that cut the mustard but then some of it is so poor it tarnishes the Cures legacy. Lost, The End of the World and Before Three are the highlights. Unless your big into the Cure you won't find a whole lot more here although I have to say the production is very interesting - gives the band/Smith a heavier sound than you'd normally associated with them.
  5. JonathanE
    Jul 5, 2007
    I am a die hard Cure fan, I love everything they've done including (Wild Mood Swings). But this album was a huge disappointment. It's the absolute worst Cure album ever. After the brilliant beauty of "Bloodflowers" I was expecting something great. Instead we got...this atrocity. Thanks Ross Robinson.
  6. tompupet
    Jun 19, 2007
  7. JonD
    Mar 16, 2007
    Not a single stand out track, the few listenable songs are only decent and teh rest is just awful. The tracks are terribly written, the first 2 songs on the CD are 80% intros, they just build up to something and that something never comes. It was almost impossible for me to listen to this cd seriously it was so awful i really couldnt, it gets a 1 because if not taken seriously then you Not a single stand out track, the few listenable songs are only decent and teh rest is just awful. The tracks are terribly written, the first 2 songs on the CD are 80% intros, they just build up to something and that something never comes. It was almost impossible for me to listen to this cd seriously it was so awful i really couldnt, it gets a 1 because if not taken seriously then you can laugh at how terrible it is. Expand
  8. Sebastian
    Jan 27, 2007
  9. aaronw
    Feb 15, 2006
    A little late on reviewing this, but it's started to bug me a bit, even in 2006. My god, what happened? people ask. I will tell you what happened to this record: Ross Robinson. Evidently, Robert Smith, instead of producing the album like he always used to, decidedly to hand pick a new producer to give the Cure a new sound and perspective. They just so happened to choose a guy A little late on reviewing this, but it's started to bug me a bit, even in 2006. My god, what happened? people ask. I will tell you what happened to this record: Ross Robinson. Evidently, Robert Smith, instead of producing the album like he always used to, decidedly to hand pick a new producer to give the Cure a new sound and perspective. They just so happened to choose a guy who's claim to fame is producing Korn, Slipknot, and Limp fucking Bizkit. Why, Robert? Why??? And it shows, my friends. This is absolutely the worst Cure album I have ever heard. This is coming from somebody who actually really liked Bloodflowers and Wild Mood Swings ("Want" is probably the quintessential Cure song for me, and the closer is phenomenal, so stop bitching.) But no fear! It seems that Robert has gotten his shit together since firing two of the band members and getting Porl Thompson, the guitarist for the Cure during their glory days. He will be producing their new album. Hopefully, mundane and trite shit like their self-titled will be a brief stain on an otherwise amazing career. Expand
  10. DavidB
    Aug 20, 2005
    A splendid album!!!
  11. DavisW
    May 9, 2005
    I love the Cure and I enjoy this album although I don't find myself listening to it all that much. I guess they just don't sound like they used to, but I'm still glad that they're around keeping it real.
  12. nickg
    Nov 14, 2004
    this album is fucking awsome the critics dont know what they are talking about
  13. ChristinaG
    Oct 25, 2004
    The Cure album is another one to add to your collection of Cure greats. There are so many awesome tracks on the cd that it is hard to choose one favorite. Some stars on the album though are The End of the World, Alt.End, and Taking Off. Truly every song reflects the growth and artistic capability of The Cure.
  14. dianed.
    Sep 22, 2004
    "I dont know whats going on" ... but obviously the CURE has it going on! They did it again! Their latest self-titled album, released 2000, has got to be their best one out there! The hit single, "The End of The World", is one of my favouites from all of the 11 tracks. Other hits like "Lost", "Anniversary, "Us or Them", and "The Promise" are all songs i like listening to. To sum it all up, "I dont know whats going on" ... but obviously the CURE has it going on! They did it again! Their latest self-titled album, released 2000, has got to be their best one out there! The hit single, "The End of The World", is one of my favouites from all of the 11 tracks. Other hits like "Lost", "Anniversary, "Us or Them", and "The Promise" are all songs i like listening to. To sum it all up, the CURE's music will "Never" die ... ROCK ON!!!! Expand
  15. BaronS
    Sep 22, 2004
    I'm not sure what really happened here but I was really looking forward to hearing this record. I thought now was a perfect time for the triumphant return The Cure. Espically considering the monumental influence they've obviously had on some of today's most respected new acts like Interpol, The Rapture, and The Strokes, but Robert Smith and the boys really come off as a bit I'm not sure what really happened here but I was really looking forward to hearing this record. I thought now was a perfect time for the triumphant return The Cure. Espically considering the monumental influence they've obviously had on some of today's most respected new acts like Interpol, The Rapture, and The Strokes, but Robert Smith and the boys really come off as a bit of a caricature of themselves here. There are a couple tracks here that are unltimately unlistenable and the record is clearly missing those one or two unforgettably catchy pop tunes that Smith, in the past, has delivered even on the bad records. There is an energy and exhuberance displayed here but it's not enough to make up for the lack of quality tunes. Expand
  16. TomJ
    Aug 4, 2004
    Before buying this CD I would definitely not consider myself a Cure fan, however, I figured I give it a shot and I was absolutely blown away with how good this album is. After the first couple of tracks I could easily put them in the top ten of my favorite bands. Not only are Robert?s lyrics simply amazing but the music is fantastic as well. The passion, anger, and sadness that Robert Before buying this CD I would definitely not consider myself a Cure fan, however, I figured I give it a shot and I was absolutely blown away with how good this album is. After the first couple of tracks I could easily put them in the top ten of my favorite bands. Not only are Robert?s lyrics simply amazing but the music is fantastic as well. The passion, anger, and sadness that Robert displays really give the songs the true emotion that most artists and bands lack. ?Us or Them? would be the best example of this and is my favorite track on the album. ?Lost? and ?The Promise? are also two of my favorites on the CD. This is one of the best CDs I?ve heard in a long time. I highly recommend this album to any and all music fans. Expand
  17. BenjaminBunny
    Jul 24, 2004
    Where Bloodflowers alternated between being quietly beautiful and being yawnfully drawn-out, The Cure alternates between being energetic and "cathartic" (noisy) and being screechy and tuneless. Robert--where's the melody? As much as I love this band, I really wish they'd just stop making records.
  18. talonn
    Jul 19, 2004
    Love the cure, hate the production on this record. Muddy. Don't like Limp Bisquick or Korn (what cure fan does?) and I guess I don't like their producer either. Something for me is just kinda missing, and I have been a fan for over 20 years. I have seen them live as many times- and some of my all time favorite songs are cure songs. Not one of them is coming off this album, which Love the cure, hate the production on this record. Muddy. Don't like Limp Bisquick or Korn (what cure fan does?) and I guess I don't like their producer either. Something for me is just kinda missing, and I have been a fan for over 20 years. I have seen them live as many times- and some of my all time favorite songs are cure songs. Not one of them is coming off this album, which is disapointing. Hoping that maybe some of the real joy from Mr. Smiths real life would show up here... Some variety is song styling, but for me it just drones on... can't wait for the next one, and that's a sad thing to say a week after this one came out. Expand
  19. PaulH
    Jul 19, 2004
    A nice Solid Cure Album, i was one of the few who loved Bloodflowers, but this one is even better then that, good to see this band still releasing great material after so long.
  20. joshuaw
    Jul 13, 2004
    this album is great so go and buy it already (but buy the 14 track japanese version)
  21. FloraG
    Jul 12, 2004
    Wonderful wonderful wonderful. Moody, melancholic, and menacing soundscapes. One of the best in their canon.
  22. gB
    Jul 10, 2004
    Very nice return to form after a painfully underthought Bloodflowers. Could have received a 10 but for the overproduction applied across the top of the well thought (and felt) material. Don't miss it. The more you play it, the more you will hear through the studio sheen to the beauty this album contains.
  23. JeffM
    Jul 8, 2004
  24. craigs
    Jul 6, 2004
    A few tracks are a little muddled and unfocused, but the tracks that are on target soar. In fact, the first 4 songs rank as one of the best connections of cure songs on any album.
  25. FreezerPopped
    Jul 5, 2004
    This album is absolutely terrible. Robert Smith's voice sounds like a fat cat choking on a chicken bone while the music is drab, and not drab in the good way like Pornography, but in the Wild Mood Swings disaster way.
  26. rebeccak
    Jul 2, 2004
    I don't think I could find a better cd coming out right now. This is an amazing album. First of all the cd has a key to the secret website which you gotta see. Which your not gonna find while your burning. The childlike artwork is very creative and it's got some great songs. Including End of the World, a great way to start off the album. I highley recommend you pick this one up
  27. nonew
    Jul 1, 2004
    Absolutely engaging. This is their best.
  28. michaelc
    Jul 1, 2004
    This is a really good cure album. I'm a little surprised that they didn't release the same version everywhere, though -- the UK release has 13 tracks and the vinyl release has 15 tracks. Break out your turntables, kiddies...
  29. J.Mulero
    Jul 1, 2004
    Are we ever going to get another great cure record? The best in my opinion are Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me, Distergration, and almost 1/2 of Bloodflowers. Now I've read all the reviews and some people really like the new disc. But theyre probaly either : 1. wanna be goth kids or 2. love is blind cure fans. The truth of the matter is none of this album soars. You know, like the guitar Are we ever going to get another great cure record? The best in my opinion are Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me, Distergration, and almost 1/2 of Bloodflowers. Now I've read all the reviews and some people really like the new disc. But theyre probaly either : 1. wanna be goth kids or 2. love is blind cure fans. The truth of the matter is none of this album soars. You know, like the guitar intro to The Last Days of Summer. None of the songs hit and make you feel. Remember how you felt the first time you heard Pictures of You? I hope you do, Because if Robert keeps this up, you might never have that feeling again. Oh and and I'd like to publicly thank Geffen Records for the worst bonus DVD ever created. Wont catch me buying any of those ever again. Expand
  30. nickw
    Jul 1, 2004
    The music is much better mixed and far more energetic than the last two albums they released. The passion is there, and that's what is important. The new sound is suprising, but very welcome. Great disc.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. Blender
    They come off more than ever like a caricature. [Aug 2004, p.130]
  2. Nothing on The Cure really soars.
  3. This is a much better effort than anything they've done in quite some time.