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Universal acclaim- based on 94 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 81 out of 94
  2. Negative: 5 out of 94

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  1. AllyG
    Jun 8, 2005
    i love ALICIA KEYS....she is the best...i dun noe how she's gonna top this one and i cant wait till she puts out her next cd
  2. ajat
    Dec 1, 2003
    this album is off the hook she is someone i can really relate to we go through alot of the same things her album is like therapy to me
  3. KarlaL
    Jan 21, 2004
    I love every song on the album. Although she can work on the "Like a desert needs water/ I need you alot", the cd is HOT!!
  4. NseE
    Jan 25, 2004
    A masterpiece, superior to it?s predecessor which, don?t get me wrong, was very good. There is a relaxed, breezy feel to the whole cd, and the songs catch you instantly. The lead off single ?You don?t know my name? is a brilliant song, reminiscent of classic 70s soul. On ?If I aint got you?, ?If I was your woman? (an excellent remake by the way) and ?Dragon days?, she has a raspy growl A masterpiece, superior to it?s predecessor which, don?t get me wrong, was very good. There is a relaxed, breezy feel to the whole cd, and the songs catch you instantly. The lead off single ?You don?t know my name? is a brilliant song, reminiscent of classic 70s soul. On ?If I aint got you?, ?If I was your woman? (an excellent remake by the way) and ?Dragon days?, she has a raspy growl seeping with passion, akin to Mary J bilge. There?s the retro funk of ?Heartburn?, and ?So simple? is simply fab. There were few soul cds released in 2003 which can dream of coming close to this soon-to-be-classic. Awesome!!! Expand
  5. jgxgfjfj
    Mar 16, 2004
    this album is better the the 1st one
  6. YeseniaE
    Mar 4, 2004
    I loved this album! I mean I think her first album is still good, but for this one, alicia really killed it this time!
  7. tias
    Jul 8, 2004
    I think Alicia Keys is a very brilliant singer, and inspires me to want to sing. But unfortunatly I don't have a voice as good as hers!
  8. JasonR
    Sep 17, 2004
    Alicia Keys at her best! Her lyrics only get better and more intense. I'm feeling her ability to express herself to the world through song. She has a style of her own, and deserves more respect from everyone, because after all, how many artists do you know that write their own lyrics, compose their own music, play their own music, and sing it. Big ups to my girl Alicia Keys.---Holla Alicia Keys at her best! Her lyrics only get better and more intense. I'm feeling her ability to express herself to the world through song. She has a style of her own, and deserves more respect from everyone, because after all, how many artists do you know that write their own lyrics, compose their own music, play their own music, and sing it. Big ups to my girl Alicia Keys.---Holla Back from Brooklyn girl!--Jason Expand
  9. JamesH
    Jun 25, 2005
    Alicia Keys is the new Aretha Franklin. While no one thought it would be possible for her to out do her debut album she has. This, in my opinion is miles better with the best song of her career so far, 'If I Ain't Got You'. This album shows you why she has so many fans around the world with that incredibly voice and musical background. No one comes close to the wirting Alicia Keys is the new Aretha Franklin. While no one thought it would be possible for her to out do her debut album she has. This, in my opinion is miles better with the best song of her career so far, 'If I Ain't Got You'. This album shows you why she has so many fans around the world with that incredibly voice and musical background. No one comes close to the wirting ability of Keys at the moment. The songs will live forever. A timeless classic masterpiece. Expand
  10. LydiaR
    Nov 30, 2006
    Absolutely brilliant album, its good to hear actual instruments in the background as so many artists don't do this. Everyone can listen to this album despite whole fam loves this album:)
  11. karmac
    Dec 30, 2003
    all i can say is WOW
  12. JaniceG
    Dec 5, 2003
    Just when you think Alicia Keys is amazing...she comes out w/ an album like the Diary of Alicia Keys. It is a fabulous piece of art. Her voice and piano skills are amazing and the work on this cd is priceless.
  13. chrisschis
    Feb 13, 2004
    I love this album! her voice, the songs its just all good
  14. Nake-yaB
    Feb 25, 2005
    If your looking for REAL talent, and great singing and song writing. You get it all with the incomperable,talented,gorgeous Alicia Keys. She is one my favorites and I don't have that many
  15. JoycelynC
    Dec 12, 2003
    This is a great album. I rate it really over 10. Ms. Keys please keep the good work. I cant not put this CD down. Loving IT.
  16. HattieW
    Dec 25, 2003
    The best album I know of. Great,great, great job. If anyone rates her less than 10, something is wrong. A classic, real soulful music for all ages. I am 49 and my loves her, she is 7.
  17. DylanL
    Jan 13, 2004
    I like the song after you don't know my name and that will be my wedding song when I get married
  18. CameronD.
    Feb 15, 2004
    If this isnt good music to you, you don't know music.
  19. michellef
    Dec 27, 2003
    you don't know my name is a brilliant track of the album an d hopefully will be a no 1 very soon.
  20. Aug 10, 2011
    é o que se pode chamar de obra perfeita. as músicas tem letras muito bem escritas, o vocal é bem destacado , os arranjos são muito bons. Enfim, é um diamante.
  21. Aug 16, 2017
    Es para mí, el mejor álbum de Alicia K. Muestra la verdadera Alicia y la que queríamos conocer desde adentro, es sin duda un obra maestra y maravillosamente mágica.
  22. slobodan
    Apr 1, 2005
    Very good.
  23. [Anonymous]
    Jan 9, 2004
    Awesome CD!!
  24. SherrellM
    Dec 5, 2003
    Keys proves that there is no sophomore slump for her. This almost is refreshing during a period of hip-hop commercialism where music is only talking about bling-bling, pimps, hoes, selling drugs and glorifying the "hood" lifestyle. Keys introduces musical concepts and ideas previously unheard of since the soul singers of the 60 s and 70s. She is a throwback to an age when music had Keys proves that there is no sophomore slump for her. This almost is refreshing during a period of hip-hop commercialism where music is only talking about bling-bling, pimps, hoes, selling drugs and glorifying the "hood" lifestyle. Keys introduces musical concepts and ideas previously unheard of since the soul singers of the 60 s and 70s. She is a throwback to an age when music had purpose and message. From the soulful first-single "U don't know my name" to the gospel-like ballad "If I ain't got you" to the hard beats and urban grooves of "So Simple" "Diary" has everything that music has been missing. Real music. Expand
  25. janedoe
    Dec 8, 2003
    It's a great album, with beautiful songs. Just like the first album.
  26. alex
    Mar 9, 2004
    i really like this cd especially track #7 Diary.alicia keys is my fav artist and my idol.(im even gonna start taking piano lessons)
  27. chelseap
    Feb 24, 2004
    i love this album she is the best . i wish i can meet her. she is my best singer for r&b.
  28. Apr 28, 2022
    Great Debut Album
    Neo Soul and R&B style as its Best with Alicias unique Piano Playin and her unusual Sexy Voice
  29. JD
    Sep 2, 2005
    Very good album, however, I feel this will be the last and the only album she will ever make as good as this. I can listen to every amazing song up until Dragon Days. After Dragon Days is over I put the CD back on the shelf because the rest isn't good at all. Definetly talented, but she isn't the next Mariah Carey
  30. NickV
    Jun 15, 2005
    A very good R&B CD. Plenty of soulful tracks.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. Vibe
    Brimming with updated old-school joints, original balladry, and classic-sounding R&B, Diary finds Keys more relaxed, confident, and committed to the tunes of the '70s than ever before. [Feb 2004, p.127]
  2. The project is clearly laboring to be relevant to the current marketplace and thus suffers from a serious lack of cohesion.
  3. Keys plays it far too safe here: There's nothing that will offend, and the content is patently generic enough that almost anyone, lovelorn or heartbroken, can build a personal soundtrack of romantic woe from its raw materials.