• Record Label: Epitaph
  • Release Date: Sep 28, 2010
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 12 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 12
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 12
  3. Negative: 1 out of 12
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  1. Oct 29, 2010
    Bad Religion has to be one of the most consistent bands in the history of music today and once again they came up with another truly fantastic album in The Dissent of Man. Standout tracks on this album are: Only Rain, Wrong Way Kids,Cyanide and I won't say Anything. Bad Religion's fifteenths studio album and still no signs of slowing down is truly magnificent in any form of entertainment today.
  2. Oct 24, 2010
    This album is great, Every song sounds like Bad Religion, yet not one sounds stale or stagnant. Bad religion are one of only a few bands that can be making music for 30 years, yet still sound fresh and exciting without losing any of the sound that defines them. Dissent Of Man does this beautifully. From the opening track "The Day The Earth Stalled", to songs like "The Resist Stance" andThis album is great, Every song sounds like Bad Religion, yet not one sounds stale or stagnant. Bad religion are one of only a few bands that can be making music for 30 years, yet still sound fresh and exciting without losing any of the sound that defines them. Dissent Of Man does this beautifully. From the opening track "The Day The Earth Stalled", to songs like "The Resist Stance" and "The Devil In Stitches", and the re-working of the song "Won't Somebody" (originally released as a bonus acoustic track on the deluxe edition of their last album "New Maps Of Hell") This album just shines and proves that Bad Religion still give A **** about their music, even after 30 years, and that's no small feat. Expand
  3. Oct 3, 2010
    30 years into it they're still making music that is better than the majority of bands out there today! This may be there best collection of songs for the last 10 years and not one song on this album is a filler or could be missed. Even though most of the songs still have a rapid speed to them, they feel slightly slower due to the heavy melodic use in the songs and makes it sounds like they30 years into it they're still making music that is better than the majority of bands out there today! This may be there best collection of songs for the last 10 years and not one song on this album is a filler or could be missed. Even though most of the songs still have a rapid speed to them, they feel slightly slower due to the heavy melodic use in the songs and makes it sounds like they have taken less influence from early 80's punk and more influence from bruce springsteen.....this may sound like a bad thing, but when executed well makes them sound fresh and excited about the music they make again! One of the best albums so far this year in my collection and I can see myself listening to this album 10 years down the track! Collapse

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Dec 21, 2010
    What this all amounts to is the fact that, in most relatable terms, The Dissent of Man sounds very much like Bad Religion, with all the good and bad that the characterization entails.
  2. Dec 20, 2010
    This should have been a fiery celebration of three decades of waving the ragged punk rock banner; instead, it's a laurel-resting plodder.
  3. Mojo
    Dec 13, 2010
    On tracks such as The Day That The Earth Stalled and The Resist Stance, frontman and sometimes professor palaeontology Greg Graffin's folkish lilt and incisive anti-capitalist lyrics ensure Bad Religion never become cartoonish, while guitarist and label owner Brett Gureqitz's frenzied soloing reminds that after 30 years Bad Religion still strive to show those bands who are half their age--and twice as wealthy--how it is really done. [Nov 2010, p.110]