• Record Label: Sub Pop
  • Release Date: Apr 17, 2020
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 21 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 21
  2. Negative: 1 out of 21
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  1. Apr 20, 2020
    Ishmael & Tendai still making great music, i appreciate the hustle fellas!!
  2. Jun 5, 2020
    This has a downright monster first half, a good but unremarkable second. But it's an example of an album where I actually think front-loading worked well. Shabazz's post-Black Up output's biggest weakness has been that they've watered down their best moments with a lack of quality control - Lese Majesty had way too many tracks for its "Forerunner Foray" and "#cake"s to really buoy, andThis has a downright monster first half, a good but unremarkable second. But it's an example of an album where I actually think front-loading worked well. Shabazz's post-Black Up output's biggest weakness has been that they've watered down their best moments with a lack of quality control - Lese Majesty had way too many tracks for its "Forerunner Foray" and "#cake"s to really buoy, and then after that they dropped two albums on the same day. Hearing four increasingly hot bangers in a row on a Shabazz album ("Ad Ventures" through "Chocolate Souffle") was almost a revelation in 2020 and made me more patient with the weaker moments of the second half. At its best, it stretches hip-hop like bubble gum in various ways to brilliant, psychedelic effect. Expand
  3. Apr 21, 2020
    nice record. i really appreciate the chocolate souffle groove, is sick; unfortunately the rest just fall off ear, but still is pleasant tho.
  4. Jun 14, 2020
    ( 76/100 )

    Shabazz Palaces es el Art-Rap duo conformado por Ishmael Butler y Tendai "Baba" Maraire de Seattle. Debutaron en el 2009 con un par de Eps de que captaron una atención inmediata por su estilo Experimental y Ambient que fusionaban con el Rap y Hip-Hop para crear una experiencia espacial y mística. En este álbum, Shabazz Palaces entrega una colección de canciones espesas y algo
    ( 76/100 )

    Shabazz Palaces es el Art-Rap duo conformado por Ishmael Butler y Tendai "Baba" Maraire de Seattle. Debutaron en el 2009 con un par de Eps de que captaron una atención inmediata por su estilo Experimental y Ambient que fusionaban con el Rap y Hip-Hop para crear una experiencia espacial y mística. En este álbum, Shabazz Palaces entrega una colección de canciones espesas y algo aceitosas. Son algo pesadas de escuchar, especialmente por su falta de melodía y coro y, en parte, pueden sonar redundantes con la cantidad de loops que usan. Sin embargo hay una serie de detalles y arreglos que logran equilibrar la esencia de varias canciones haciendo de este álbum un viaje interesante, pero no entretenido, que se disfrutará más en segundo plano, durante un viaje espiritual.
    Shabazz Palaces are the Art-Rap duo conformed by Ishmael Butler and Tendai "Baba" Maraire from Seattle. They debuted in 2009 with a couple of Eps that captured immediate attention for their Experimental and Ambient style merged with Rap and Hip-Hop to create a spatial and mistic experience. In this album, Shabazz Palaces delivers a collection of dense and oily songs. They are kind of heavy to hear, especially because of their lack of melody and chorus. In part, they can sound redundant with the extend of loops used. Nevertheless, there is a series of details and arrangements that manage to balance the essence of few songs, making this album an interesting journey, but not an entertaining one, that can be enjoyed better in the background, during a spiritual trip.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Mojo
    May 21, 2020
    Twisting the familiar sounds into altogether more challenging forms. [Jul 2020, p.84]
  2. May 6, 2020
    It is the right combination of introspective and funky. It makes these long, endless days and weeks much more manageable. If you need something both banging and relaxing, Shabazz Palaces got you covered.
  3. The Wire
    Apr 28, 2020
    For those who appreciated the rigour of old, the new album might offer a challenge due to its lyrical sentiments and a base literalism that might be ironic. [May 2020, p.60]