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Generally favorable reviews- based on 59 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 42 out of 59
  2. Negative: 8 out of 59
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  1. BFM
    Oct 2, 2022
    This is not "Vol. 3 on Steroids".
    This is Stone Sour on a sugar-free Red Bull.
    Only the song "H377" is actually a decent Slipknot song. The rest of the album is either cringy pop-music, or songs that start as promising Metal music, before transitioning into cringy pop-music at the first chorus. The worst thing about this album though are the clean vocals. Every single song (except
    This is not "Vol. 3 on Steroids".
    This is Stone Sour on a sugar-free Red Bull.

    Only the song "H377" is actually a decent Slipknot song.
    The rest of the album is either cringy pop-music, or songs that start as promising Metal music, before transitioning into cringy pop-music at the first chorus.

    The worst thing about this album though are the clean vocals.
    Every single song (except "H377") not just has the singer Corey Taylor do his best impression of cheesy pop-music singing, but they also always use a cheap effect where several recordings of his voice are layered on top of each other.

    It's a cheap to to make a voice appear to sound better, and it was the early 2000's version of auto tune.
    The fact that Slipknot's singer is still in love with this, shows how old and out of touch with current Metal fans he has become.
  2. Oct 1, 2022
    If Adderall was not the opening track, I would give it a 4. General tempo is slow, guitars sound over-produced-almost blunt at some point. Jay's drumming sounds very off, absolutely no tightness with other members. Scratching and other DJ stuff sounds muddy and have no context. Songwriting is absolutely boring, I know this is an 'experimental' album but I can't get what they are experimenting.
  3. Sep 30, 2022
    ive been a hardcore Slipknot fan for almost 15 years. previous albums have been everything from amazing to really good. but this one.. man. its so boring. opening track sounds like a Bowie song, I know corey is a hardcore Bowie fan, but this does not belong on a Slipknot album.
    And in general the vocals are so bad, he's a great vocalist and all but seem to have lost it. Taylor just sounds
    ive been a hardcore Slipknot fan for almost 15 years. previous albums have been everything from amazing to really good. but this one.. man. its so boring. opening track sounds like a Bowie song, I know corey is a hardcore Bowie fan, but this does not belong on a Slipknot album.
    And in general the vocals are so bad, he's a great vocalist and all but seem to have lost it. Taylor just sounds super tired and out of breath the entire album. the only thing that makes this album bearable are the drums, Jay Weinberg is really an amazing drummer..
  4. Sep 30, 2022
    The end so far is a mish-mash of terribly arranged songs. The album really doesn't start until 20 mins into it. Hive Mind, could be a decent song, except the chorus is quite annoying, Why do we need singy chorus in every song?

    warranty could be a banger, except the chorus is again bad. h377 could be a mosh pit song. But, it takes 2 mins to hit the groove and allow full metal
    The end so far is a mish-mash of terribly arranged songs. The album really doesn't start until 20 mins into it. Hive Mind, could be a decent song, except the chorus is quite annoying, Why do we need singy chorus in every song?

    warranty could be a banger, except the chorus is again bad.

    h377 could be a mosh pit song. But, it takes 2 mins to hit the groove and allow full metal banging., It starts out like it's gonna be good, and then the lame chant starts. Fast forward 2 minutes, then it kicks in after the lame "one of us " chants ends. The rest is pretty badass, classic slipknot mosh pit song. With a cool solo. But, then.... that's it. The end... so far , ends very bad

    Hive mind, H377, and warranty are decent, but they aren't anything great.

    Hopefully the next one on the new label, or their own independent is better. Because this was classic " here is something new, it's not very good. But, we did it... to get out of contract "
  5. Nov 11, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Is it possible to leave a negative rating for an album. That's rhetorical. In fact, I'm suggesting -10 for not only the album, but the band as a whole. God I hope they read this - like all neurotic and ignorant **** who create "art" to mask their idiocy do. Starved for attention, much? The band can suck every inch of my d$%k. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Oct 6, 2022
    The End, So Far may not be a home run, but it proves that the band are still in it to win it, even if they're playing the long game.
  2. 80
    With The End, So Far, Slipknot haven’t reinvented themselves, but returned to their roots with an older, wiser and more concise outlook, resulting in a record that chews its listeners up almost instantly, and spits them out an hour later feeling beaten, battered and ultimately, cleansed.
  3. Oct 3, 2022
    The End, So Far is lack-lustre at almost every turn.