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Universal acclaim- based on 71 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 64 out of 71
  2. Negative: 4 out of 71
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  1. Aug 29, 2023
    As good if not better than their previous effort. I particularly love the reliance on ambiance.
  2. Jun 9, 2021
    Not only my favourite album from the trilogy, but also my favourite album by Swans. WLFTMOI, SFTB, The Seer and To Be Kind and are brilliant, but this is just perfection at it's core!
  3. Jan 28, 2021
    The more i listen the more i realise that swans have absolutely nailed the final instalment of the current era of their discography. This album achieves the trademark tribal, marching feel of Swans, but takes a new twist with a spacey, levitating feel. The way such aggressive cacophonies of sound can be so calming leaves this album deserving of a 10.
  4. Dec 28, 2019
    Absolutely epic record. Perfect closer to their rock trilogy. Swans push the possibilities of creating worlds of sound through repetition. This is not an easily accessible record, it takes time and patience but when you think of this as an atmosphere - not your every day song - then it becomes increasingly thrilling. This record is not "boring" or "too long" it's incremental, it'sAbsolutely epic record. Perfect closer to their rock trilogy. Swans push the possibilities of creating worlds of sound through repetition. This is not an easily accessible record, it takes time and patience but when you think of this as an atmosphere - not your every day song - then it becomes increasingly thrilling. This record is not "boring" or "too long" it's incremental, it's creeping, it's growing. Expand
  5. Sep 15, 2019
    The perfect way to end this era of Swan's discography. More meditative and transcendental than the rest, the band creates massive soundscapes that captivate the listener and feel biblical in scale.
  6. Oct 27, 2016
    The Glowing Man is the best album I've heard in years. Gira and his talented group of musical alchemists created a perfect piece of music. I could gush on and on about this project, but a 10 will suffice for now.
  7. Aug 20, 2016
    Note this actually the FOURTH Album in the Trilogy (like all Trilogies lately has more than three). Lets not forget "My Father will Guide Me Up a Rope to the Sky" otherwise known as MFWGMUARTTS . That was actually pretty good though shorter than the more recent three.
    Honestly i havent listened to the new one enough to write a further review but felt compelled to point out the 4th
    Note this actually the FOURTH Album in the Trilogy (like all Trilogies lately has more than three). Lets not forget "My Father will Guide Me Up a Rope to the Sky" otherwise known as MFWGMUARTTS . That was actually pretty good though shorter than the more recent three.
    Honestly i havent listened to the new one enough to write a further review but felt compelled to point out the 4th thing. Can i edit this comment later?? (btw: just had bit of deja vu...really effin weird like when you watch a movie you think you have seen but then it starts to be familiar and then you realize you have seen it but can only vaguely remember...much like that..its gone now).
  8. Aug 18, 2016
    The more that I listen to this album, the more that I realize that it is my favorite album in the 3 album trilogy that has comprised the latest era of Swans. This album, in its most abrupt moments kicks ass, but also leaves you with a sense of calmness. This is heavy music that isn't exactly aggressive, but peacefully chaotic and beautiful. One of the best albums of the year so far.

Universal acclaim - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. Jul 29, 2016
    Consolidation more than innovation, The Glowing Man still presents the current incarnation of Swans in its best light, as if this is the record the band has been working toward these past seven years.
  2. Jul 28, 2016
    With a running time of just under two hours, The Glowing Man may prove too punishing for some but those willing to invest time in its fiery depths will discover yet another remarkable Swans album.
  3. Jul 11, 2016
    While their long, drawn-out, circling dark clouds remain potent, ultimately The Glowing Man is the weakest of the three powerful epics they've released since 2012. It can be muted and jammy, the build-ups are not as dramatic and it brings little in new ideas for Gira's dead-eyed yowl.