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Universal acclaim- based on 153 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 11 out of 153
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  1. Jan 25, 2022
    her best so far! what a piece of art! you start with everything matters by far one of the best songs of the album....

    my favorites are:
    everything matters
    a dangerous thing
    exist for love
  2. Nov 24, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It is the singer's best album for bringing a more diversified album in musical genres such as folk and Latin music in addition to the genres she is already used to following such as alternative pop, EDM, electropop and pop rock. The album also has a really cool theme and each song represents a mythological god from Greece. Expand
  3. Jan 25, 2022
    A touch of divine. Elegant, contemporary and exciting. An adventure that passes through the divide and the heart of Aurora. She's an amazing artist!
  4. Jan 23, 2022
    I can't put into words how amazing this album is. Her writing has changed so much for the better. Her lyrics in this albums is on another level. I love every aspect of this album.
  5. Jan 22, 2022
    Amazing album, amazing artist. Aurora explores new sounds mixing them with her old sound and great compositon. Left me speechless.
  6. Sep 26, 2022
    An amazing album, created by her with help from producers, but she always give its magic to their albums, that's something we can mark about Aurora, she works too hard.

    Album has good meanings, good rhythms, to be honest she deserves more points in Critical Reviews.
  7. Jan 22, 2022
    Este album es maginifico de principio a fin, nunca antes habia escuchado sobre los dioses griegos y sus responsabilidades, aurora nos mostro el fondo de su corazon, SHE IS AMAZING
  8. Apr 16, 2022
    the best 2022 album ever. aurora really make it worth. SHE'S A LEGEND, SHE'S AN ICON. SHE IS AURORA
  9. Jan 21, 2022
    Aurora's third album is completely wonderful. The songs are largely very different in pace and tone, but they all seemingly mesh together well. And, at the end of the day, the Norwegian songstress's incredible voice brings it all home. A fantastic album lyrically and sonically. A pleasure to listen to. Well done, Aurora!
  10. Jan 21, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This project have got me shocked, every song is unique and has personality, there's fun and sadness and I love how the album approches us to the gods, we can find humanity in the divine. Expand
  11. Jan 22, 2022
    El álbum es increíble, cada canción te llevará a un mundo diferente. En este álbum podemos notar el gran crecimiento de AURORA como artista.
    Sabía que sería bueno el álbum, pero superó mis expectativas. Escúchalo te gustará. :)))
  12. Feb 15, 2022
    Es la primera vez que escucho a Aurora, y mi primera impresión fue ARTE. ella debería ser mas conocida por el mundo. te identificas y hace reflexionar específicamente en un track.
  13. Jan 21, 2022
    her best album by far, she never stops growing as an artist and this is proof of that.
  14. Jan 21, 2022
    This singer who raises the greatest music with her voice, she has just made one of the best albums of the decade. Songs that take you to heaven like "Blood In The Wine" or that make you want to dance like "A Temporary High." without a doubt this singer has exceeded all of my expectations and really since her first debut album I consider myself a fan and I never imagined a GREAT album likeThis singer who raises the greatest music with her voice, she has just made one of the best albums of the decade. Songs that take you to heaven like "Blood In The Wine" or that make you want to dance like "A Temporary High." without a doubt this singer has exceeded all of my expectations and really since her first debut album I consider myself a fan and I never imagined a GREAT album like The Gods We Can Touch Expand
  15. Jan 21, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it. Expand
  16. Jan 21, 2022
    Amazing album. AURORA surely shows us she can get even better. 15 songs with a lot of different sounds and that keeps you interested in the album even though is a long one. No skips at all and very cohesive concept too. Congratulations!!
  17. Feb 2, 2022
    It perfectly encapsulates a dream for me and just makes me feel like it’s a rainy night. Amazing album!
  18. Jan 21, 2022
    ÁLBUM DIVINO, do início ao fim. Produção, vocais, composições, tudo é fielmente retratado ao conceito geral da obra, que por si só é espetacular.
  19. Feb 1, 2023
    Completely different project than before. changing the sounds and increasing the number of high notes is what makes this album just perfect.
  20. Jan 22, 2022
    Mais uma vez a Aurora usando os meios digitais para propagar arte. As músicas dela são incríveis e transmitem uma conexão incrível. Eu amooo
  21. Jan 21, 2022
    An album which combines modern and ancient, divine and human motives, with enchanting storytelling and a unique sonic experience. Impressively cohesive, yet excitingly varying. Her voice, the production, the lyrics, the visuals, the harmonies, are all remarkable.
  22. Jan 21, 2022
    Literal legend, she never disappoints. Gamble of more international music influence worked beautifully on this album.
  23. Jan 22, 2022
    No song on this album sounds like All My Demons. No song on this album feels like Infections Of A Different Kind. No song on this album feels like A Different Kind. AURORA, YOU MANAGED ONCE AGAIN TO INNOVATE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
  24. Jan 22, 2022
    Not so much a change of direction from what would be expected of the Aurora sound, but rather a natural evolution of an artist that has grown, evolved, and refined her already insightful and relevant writing and music composition. The album is testament of not only the natural abilities of Aurora as a performer, which long ago she proved beyond any doubt, but of her natural capacity toNot so much a change of direction from what would be expected of the Aurora sound, but rather a natural evolution of an artist that has grown, evolved, and refined her already insightful and relevant writing and music composition. The album is testament of not only the natural abilities of Aurora as a performer, which long ago she proved beyond any doubt, but of her natural capacity to explore and develop different avenues to express herself and her message. This album will be regarded in the future as a landmark, a turning point, in her career. excellent work. Expand
  25. Jan 22, 2022
    The Gods We Can Touch... El album que toca la divinidad.

    Muchos eran los ojos puestos en el tercer album de estudio de AURORA Asknes, si bien por las altas expectativas de sus fans después de sus dos anteriores magníficas y mágicas producciones o por los críticos de la industria músical quienes estaban escépticos de que se pudiera mantener el nivel después del éxito contundente de la
    The Gods We Can Touch... El album que toca la divinidad.

    Muchos eran los ojos puestos en el tercer album de estudio de AURORA Asknes, si bien por las altas expectativas de sus fans después de sus dos anteriores magníficas y mágicas producciones o por los críticos de la industria músical quienes estaban escépticos de que se pudiera mantener el nivel después del éxito contundente de la bruja nórdica.

    Pues bien, ella ha regresado a romperlo todo con un album que no solo cumple con las expectativas de todos, si no que las supera con creces pues vemos a una AURORA más sólida, más madura en voz y más confiada en explorar distintas tonalidades y estilos musicales sin perder su característico mágico misticismo y por el contrario, lo escala al siguiente nivel en donde toca la divinidad.

    15 canciones que fluyen como el maná de principio a fin, envolviéndote en un hechizo que te engulle a su mundo de fantasía en dónde podrás danzar con los dioses de la obscuridad, la luz y el amor en temas narrativos que van desde mujeres que han conquistado libertades, la salud mental, la espiritualidad o bien desafiar el cuerpo con el que nacimos.

    Es exquisito escuchar las influencias de AURORA reflejadas en ésta producción, solo por mencionar algunas: El saxofón y violines tan elegantemente colocados en "This Could Be A Dream" de verdad es una caricia al alma. El bandoneón estilo tango que recuerda a Madredeus con ese aire fantasmagórico en "Artemis". La mandolina y coros celestiales tipo Enya para generar la canción de cuna más hermosa escuchada en "A Little Place Called The Moon". Un piano que parece tocado por la mismísima Tori Amos en Everything Matters. O electrónica ochentera en "A Temporary High" entre otros muchos gestos musicales sutiles, languidecidos y con clase que ella hace a lo largo de las canciones.

    Todo el album en un perfecto equilibrio de armonía, ritmo y estilo, con una producción espectacular nada exagerada de synt, reverbs, beats y lo-Fi. Creando la atmósfera ideal para que la voz celestial de AURORA brille en todo su esplendor.

    Por último solo quiero añadir que ha nacido uno de los albumes más hermosos de los últimos tiempos del corazón de AURORA que nos invita a encontrar esa divinidad que yace en nosotros mismos.
  26. Jan 23, 2022
    Aurora reaches Etherial heights supported by textured production that sheds a new light on her voice. Her clarity of tone allows her to imitate goddesses and seduce the listener. The Producer Magnus on the album creates ear worm motifs across many songs that keep them in your head ensuing that they are not forgotten. It is album you wake up in the middle of the night singing and dancing toAurora reaches Etherial heights supported by textured production that sheds a new light on her voice. Her clarity of tone allows her to imitate goddesses and seduce the listener. The Producer Magnus on the album creates ear worm motifs across many songs that keep them in your head ensuing that they are not forgotten. It is album you wake up in the middle of the night singing and dancing to because of compelling production and vocal performances. Expand
  27. Jan 23, 2022
    A very beautiful album, filled with experimentation. Each track having it's own uniqueness.
  28. Jan 23, 2022
    An incredible synergistically themed collection of songs by perhaps the greatest female singer/songwriter on the scene today! Aurora just continues to grow and branch out as an artist of the first magnitude!
  29. Jan 25, 2022
    It’s an elegant, facsinating and mature album with exquisit sounds explored, Aurora and her team give us a wonderful masterpiece, she is an artist with all the words, she superarte herself every single time, there’s no limit to her talented, she still amaze me with her wonderful and extraordinary vision. One of her kind just like her music. Able to take us to the moon like anyone else andIt’s an elegant, facsinating and mature album with exquisit sounds explored, Aurora and her team give us a wonderful masterpiece, she is an artist with all the words, she superarte herself every single time, there’s no limit to her talented, she still amaze me with her wonderful and extraordinary vision. One of her kind just like her music. Able to take us to the moon like anyone else and I’m proud of her with all my heart and soul. Expand
  30. Jan 26, 2022
    O melhor álbum que eu já escutei em toda minha vida.Tanto as músicas quando a ordem delas no trazem diversas emoções, esse álbum para mim foi espiritual de muitas formas.

Universal acclaim - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Feb 10, 2022
    The Gods We Can Touch feels like a very round pop record, a little bit of everything for everyone, and it's been smartly complemented by great visuals (the video for "Cure for Me" is mesmerizing) and an impeccable production job by Magnus Skylstad, who doubles down as a drummer in her live performances, and multi-instrumentalist and producer Matias Tellez. Definitely a strong contender for one of the most interesting pop albums of the year.
  2. Mojo
    Jan 24, 2022
    It's hard not to wonder whether Aksnes has been crowded-out on her own album [Mar 2022, p.83]
  3. Jan 21, 2022
    These songs are her most heartfelt to date, reaching into the depths of her character. The influence of Björk is occasionally audible, but so are inflections from as far afield as Enya and composer Karl Jenkins. Yet Aurora is very much herself, one of the most exciting female singers around – and The Gods We Can’t Touch adds another set of strings to her generously filled bow.