• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Mar 19, 2013

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Mojo
    Apr 10, 2013
    While impressive in their cinematic scope they can feel a touch superfluous. .[May 2013, p.96]
  2. Mar 21, 2013
    Taken strictly as an aural experience, it’s a brave and sometimes moving work that nonetheless falls well short of success.
  3. 60
    A lot of it is quite earnest, dealing with subjects like rejecting the mainstream (‘Run Boy Run’) and, on ‘I Love You’, unrequited love.
  4. May 6, 2013
    The Golden Age often tries to accomplish more than it’s capable of.
  5. Q Magazine
    May 13, 2013
    True, he sometimes overdoes the theatrical flourishes, but high drama is what this record is all about, so he can be forgiven for that. [Jun 2013, p.108]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 80 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 75 out of 80
  2. Negative: 3 out of 80
  1. Sep 1, 2013
    After listening to and loving the song "Iron" but this awesome guy Woodkid, I knew I needed to get this album. I sampled it out by buying "IAfter listening to and loving the song "Iron" but this awesome guy Woodkid, I knew I needed to get this album. I sampled it out by buying "I Love You", "Run Boy Run", and such, and loved them. I bought the whole album after listening to those two, and couldn't get enough of it. I can't help but see this album as the soundtrack for a movie...maybe I'll do that. The whole orchestral idea of this album, and the heavy drums, and the pretty piano pieces wedged in there as well, (along with the fact that this album is a story anyway) make for a perfect soundtrack.

    By the way, "Boat Song" have some damn good lyrics and a damn good piano part. It's one of the prettiest modern piano songs I've heard in a while, and I see it easily in a movie like "The Old Man and the Sea". Well hey, I want to be a music producer, so maybe I'll use it sometime like that.

    Kudos, Woodkid.

    The reason for 9 instead of 10 was the fact that some of the drum beats (when there were drum beats) were very similar, and maybe he'll vary them a bit in his next (hopefully very soon release of his next!) album. But that took off barely anything.
    Full Review »
  2. Jul 16, 2013
    Great start for Woodkid. Thought the record was innovative, emotional, and cinematic. There's nothing out there like it and that's a bitGreat start for Woodkid. Thought the record was innovative, emotional, and cinematic. There's nothing out there like it and that's a bit disappointing, to my ears emotion is at its best with a cinematic back drop. The album tells a tale of Lemoine's child hood and later explains the pain of losing true love with a robust and unique voice. This will probably be my favorite album this year and makes Woodkid my favorite singer. Full Review »
  3. Apr 4, 2013
    For a debut album, this is pretty spectacular, talk about imposing your own music mark from the start. I first heard Woodkid in a CGI trailerFor a debut album, this is pretty spectacular, talk about imposing your own music mark from the start. I first heard Woodkid in a CGI trailer for Assassins Creed Revelations, and I loved it. The song used was Iron, and this was back in around June or July 2011 that this trailer aired, roughly 21 or 22 months before this album was released. I wonder how many of the songs on the album he had finished at that point. Each song is very well produced, and they all have the feel of a veteran musician, not for a debut album. In my opinion, the standout song is Iron, it's the most epic piece on the album, but The Great Escape, I Love You, Conquest of Spaces, and The Other Side are all exceptional too. Basically every song is excellent, the ones that I didn't mention I like just as much but those songs above are the most epic I believe. I hope he releases many more albums, because I love this guys music. Full Review »