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Universal acclaim- based on 26 Ratings

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  1. Positive: 25 out of 26
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  3. Negative: 1 out of 26
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  1. Feb 3, 2020
    I am not typically someone that listens to Metal. However what drew me to Sabaton was the source of inspiration for their work. They are grounded in historical conflicts, and real acts of courage and valor by the heroes that lived them.

    The title song "The Great War" encapsulates the nature of trench warfare and the sense of futility and senselessness it carried with it. "Where is
    I am not typically someone that listens to Metal. However what drew me to Sabaton was the source of inspiration for their work. They are grounded in historical conflicts, and real acts of courage and valor by the heroes that lived them.

    The title song "The Great War" encapsulates the nature of trench warfare and the sense of futility and senselessness it carried with it.

    "Where is this greatness I've been told?
    This is the lies that we been sold
    Is this a worthy sacrifice?"

    The lyrics themselves are powerful and evocative and offer a commentary not only on the first world war itself but war as a whole.

    Many of the songs are also excellent. However what really clinches it and bumps this album to a full perfect 10 is the beautiful rendition of Flander's Fields. The original Flander's Fields was written by Canadian Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae who was a poet, physician and soldier upon the burial of his friend Alexis Helmer. Helmer was killed during the 2nd battle of Ypres in Flanders, Belgium.

    The song is hauntingly beautiful. It's unexpected in a Metal Album and is wonderfully performed by a female vocalist and what sounds like a choir.

    That a metal band can approach such a grim period in history and deliver such powerful songs about those events is a testament to this album.
  2. Dec 9, 2021
    This album is honestly my favorite from the band. The sheer power presented by quite honestly all instruments is outstanding. If you like power-metal, you'll like Sabaton.
  3. Jan 22, 2023
    A good album from Sabaton. For those who don't know: Sabaton is a Swedish heavy metal band. Their themes are about military history, futility / cruelty of wars, heroes and battles. The album “The Great War” is about World War I and has many great tracks. Also they perform on English which gave them more momentum in the music business. Lets give a summary: “The future of warfare” is aboutA good album from Sabaton. For those who don't know: Sabaton is a Swedish heavy metal band. Their themes are about military history, futility / cruelty of wars, heroes and battles. The album “The Great War” is about World War I and has many great tracks. Also they perform on English which gave them more momentum in the music business. Lets give a summary: “The future of warfare” is about the introduction of tanks into warfare. “Seven pillars of wisdom” is about the Arabic revolt against the Ottoman Empire and Lawrence of Arabia (He wrote a book of the same name that I actually own but have to read). By the way they got betrayed by Britain and Sabaton made an awesome music video.”82nd all the way” is about Alvin York an American war hero. “The attack of the dead man” is the inspiration for all zombie soldier myths. They got attacked with deadly chemicals and had no protection. Some survived and counterattacked in a state looking like zombies. “Devil Dogs” is about the battle of Belleau Wood where many US marines died because of poor reconnaissance. “Red Baron” is about the legendary Manfred von Richthofen aka Red Baron. He is a pilot with 80 victories, respected by friend and foe and immortalized as ultimate flying ace. My favourite song of the album. “Great war” about the true face of war aka cruelty, dying for nothing, dirt and suffering. “A ghost in the trenches” is about native Canadian war hero Francis Pegahamagabow. “Fields of Verdun” is about the battle of Verdun. This was a meat grinder that killed over 600.000 soldiers without archiving anything for both sides. A true statement of the insanity of war. Great video and my second favourite song of the album. “The end of the war to end all wars” is another song abut the price and cruelty of war. Lastly “Fields of Flanders” is what I read based on a poem by John McCrae a veteran who lost his friend in another battle that neither side accomplished a victory (Other will claim it was one but I look at the casualties and wont rate this as victory). The album fully delivers and is what I expected. Overall a really good album. Not my favourite by Sabaton but a 9/10 seems fair. Expand
  4. Jan 27, 2020
    Basically everything you could want in a power metal album, it's pretty rare when every song in an album is an absolute belter.
  5. Sep 9, 2023
    One of their best albums for sure!
    There are some songs that may get boring with time, but most of them are absolute bangers. It's really great that also every single song in the album has something that makes it significantly different from the others while sounding great or even beautiful.
    Basically if you are into power metal you are gonna absolutely love the album and if you aren't
    One of their best albums for sure!
    There are some songs that may get boring with time, but most of them are absolute bangers. It's really great that also every single song in the album has something that makes it significantly different from the others while sounding great or even beautiful.
    Basically if you are into power metal you are gonna absolutely love the album and if you aren't then you will probably think it's mediocre at best.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Classic Rock Magazine
    Jul 25, 2019
    The barrage of noise that results is undeniably epic, oddly stirring and gloriously daft. [Aug 2019, p.81]
  2. Jul 25, 2019
    Stories unfurl with an infectious nerdiness that undulates between giddy Boys’ Own exuberance and a museum curator’s painstaking attention to detail. [20 Jul 2019, p.57]
  3. 80
    If you’re a fan of this stuff – powerful, bruising, operatic, performed with absolutely no sense of irony whatsoever – then there’s no question that Sabaton are amongst the best of the best. ... This is the album that could take Sabaton upwards.