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Universal acclaim- based on 39 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 37 out of 39
  2. Negative: 1 out of 39
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  1. May 5, 2022
    Infinite amount of replay value, Catchy hooks, deep lyrics, banging beats, mellow beats, What more can I say this album to me is a modern day classic and top 5 releases from TDE at least. It is a shining moment where Isaiah really was able to let it all go and release an album he really wanted to release. Something for everyone on this album. This album is perfection to me.
  2. Aug 14, 2021
    Perfect album. Fantano wishes he could make music half as good.

    Favorite track: HB2U
  3. Nov 22, 2021
    Fantastic album. I recently bought the deluxe version and it adds some great music to an already solid album. A very chilled album but hoping the next album is much darker but still, a fantastic album that puts Donda (and Whatever Drake released) to absolutely shambolic shame. This kid has some serious talent.
  4. Aug 7, 2021
    This album is great, definitely the sort of record you put on when you are just chilling out or going for a late night drive. The lyrics are often more simple and washed out into the mix than previous projects and that might be a turn off for people looking for something to really dissect from a lyrical perspective. There is enough of his previous style mixed in that indicates that IsaiadThis album is great, definitely the sort of record you put on when you are just chilling out or going for a late night drive. The lyrics are often more simple and washed out into the mix than previous projects and that might be a turn off for people looking for something to really dissect from a lyrical perspective. There is enough of his previous style mixed in that indicates that Isaiad did this intentionally and wanted something you could vibe out to and I would be surprised if his next album did not feature his lyricism more heavily. The standouts for me were RIP Young, Chad, HBTU, and Score. Expand
  5. Aug 9, 2021
    After the first listem, I had my instant favourites such as, don't shoot, HB2U, score, claymore, RIP Young and the singles that came out prior to album release. I also had my reservations, cuz I didn't feel that Zay gave me his best as far as "spitting the bars" was concerned.

    Having listened to the album, many times over since, as with every Zay project, it has taken on a whole new
    After the first listem, I had my instant favourites such as, don't shoot, HB2U, score, claymore, RIP Young and the singles that came out prior to album release. I also had my reservations, cuz I didn't feel that Zay gave me his best as far as "spitting the bars" was concerned.

    Having listened to the album, many times over since, as with every Zay project, it has taken on a whole new life for me. Front to back, no skips, this project is a vibe, a vibe, a vibe.

    In conclusion, I have come to terms with a few things, and they are as follows;

    - Initially, it felt as though the features outshined him on his own project.
    - Zay has held his own, against some of the GOATs, like Kendrick Lamar in the past, so was Zay being lazy? I was disappointed.
    - However, the more I listened, the more I understood it.
    - Isaiah has an uncanny ability to ease every feature into a certain head space, while drawing out their best performance simultaneously.
    - How does he do this? he doesn't try to out perform his feature, instead he becomes a big fat cushion for them to bounce off of.
    - The features may shine bright on the songs, but Isaiah is still the star of this album, with his buttery smooth vocals and his impeccable flows that set the tone throughout.
    - Zay is more of a curator of sound on this project than simply a rapper. Like a mini Kanye if you may.
    - He sets the vibe to every song by mixing in his flows and vocals at just the right frequencies, with a little message blended in.
    - The flows are so good, they almost distract you from what he is saying. But if you sit with it long enough, the album will resonate.

    All in all, this is yet another solid addition to Zay Wop's discography. It's his most daring project yet. I'm good for another 5 years, but man, please don't make us wait that long Zay! Peace!
  6. Aug 7, 2021
    Not as lyrical as some past releases, but is bumpable from top to bottom. Keep putting on one track and accidentally cycling through the whole album. One of the best albums of the year without question.
  7. Aug 31, 2021
    Although this album is probably worse than Cilvia Demo or The Sun Tirade, it's still a pretty good album. Isaiah Rashad never misses and is so consistent, deserves way more credit imo.
  8. Sep 3, 2021
    This is a good album but I feel like I need to be in a certain mood for it.

Awards & Rankings


Universal acclaim - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 8
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 8
  3. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Aug 23, 2021
    The House Is Burning does exactly what it’s intended to do, it allows Rashad to dust off the cobwebs going back to the southern sound he so deeply admires, while also proving to listeners he hasn’t lost a step.
  2. Aug 11, 2021
    While THIB is a back-to-front vibe and an intriguing experiment for Zay's mellowed-out sound, it's one that's still negotiating its own limits.
  3. Aug 4, 2021
    He sounds freer than ever. ‘The House Is Burning’ subverts expectations. ... Rashad’s music is like a sonic encyclopaedia of Southern rap reference points.