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Generally favorable reviews- based on 58 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 44 out of 58
  2. Negative: 5 out of 58

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  1. JeffS
    May 3, 2006
    An incredible album which takes diverse influences and emulsifies them into catchy, relexive pop-rock songs. Can't stop saying enough good things about this album. Clear pavement influence is not "ripping off"... not when it all sounds this fresh. Malkmus only wishes his tunes were this good at this point.
  2. Gonzo
    Sep 25, 2006
    This album is breathstealing!Fantastic riffs,melodies and a lots of energy...
  3. Quin
    May 1, 2006
    For straight up rock and roll, this is about as creative and imaginative as it gets. Considering I bought this along with about 7 other new releases, this is the one I can't stop listening to... it's still growing on me after a dozen listens.
  4. boxkite
    May 1, 2006
    these guys are great. really. people (aka jason) can always say this band sounds like that band and whatever. but if you go back about 10 years people could say that stuff about the pixies and pavement so its a losing battle. just check these guys out and !CRANK IT UP! so you can't hear all the whiners.
  5. dantec
    May 26, 2006
    great of the besti have heard in a long time.i saw them in austin and nobody has impressed me live in a long time since elliot smith in the mid 90s or white stripes pre elephant
  6. AaronS
    Jun 14, 2006
    A wonderful album that you may find yourself hopelessly addicted to listening to. I tried to avoid this one due to all of the internet hype, but damn it, it was all deserved. Great little disc. One of the best records to come out last year and since it's only really gained attention and a major push this year, it's one of this year's best too!!
  7. FlinchBot
    Sep 23, 2006
  8. paulk
    Sep 26, 2006
    My favorite album this year. Yes, you hear their influences, and I found that very distracting at first and almost dismissed this out of hand. But, the more you listen to it, the less you hear others and the more this sounds like Tapes 'n Tapes. This isn't the best album this band is going to make by far, and I expect that looking back on it later I'm going to be a lot more My favorite album this year. Yes, you hear their influences, and I found that very distracting at first and almost dismissed this out of hand. But, the more you listen to it, the less you hear others and the more this sounds like Tapes 'n Tapes. This isn't the best album this band is going to make by far, and I expect that looking back on it later I'm going to be a lot more critical of it again in retrospect. I love this bad though, and this is good stuff. FYI, it's not Pavement you twat, it's way more Pixies. If you're intelligent enough to get over the Artic Monkeys sounding like the Libertines, then you'll enjoy this. Expand
  9. NicoleL
    Mar 27, 2007
    I love this CD. It's different. It's not a "moody" CD. I can listen to it when Im happy, tired, sad, mad....anything. They know their stuff and they're wicked live!
  10. Marc
    Mar 31, 2008
    This is just really, really good. Pure and simple.
  11. KarlC.
    Dec 11, 2007
    Totally amazing! This album rocks throughout. Tapes is so refreshing to hear, a blend of Pixes-Violent Femmes- and their own sound. Totally recommend.
  12. wackyman
    Apr 29, 2006
    great effort! although not to original
  13. MihaiV
    Sep 6, 2006
    It's a grower, but with pacience it's rewarding. Best track:Insistor.
  14. RobertG
    Apr 28, 2006
    Great album, I see this being on my year end top 10 list.
  15. DaveB
    May 17, 2006
    Original, energetic album that really sticks with you after a couple listens. The sequencing, style and dynamic changes really make this a great album to listen to straight through, yet each song stands up well on its own. Simply put, as the DOA reviewer stated, "You will not be able to tear yourself away from this album."
  16. clayw
    Jul 28, 2006
    I love this album. Cannot stop listening to it!! I love this band live and the album is a must hear for true music lovers!
  17. HeidiS
    Jul 28, 2006
    I agree with others that say AFTER A FEW LISTENS this album just won't let you go. I had high hopes when first listening to the album and felt a little let down, and only liked "the singles" (insistor, just drums, etc.) but after a few listens I just love it, all of it. Having not been a music buff a decade or so ago, I think it sounds very original. ;P btw - i get SOOOOOO sick of I agree with others that say AFTER A FEW LISTENS this album just won't let you go. I had high hopes when first listening to the album and felt a little let down, and only liked "the singles" (insistor, just drums, etc.) but after a few listens I just love it, all of it. Having not been a music buff a decade or so ago, I think it sounds very original. ;P btw - i get SOOOOOO sick of reviews that say, "this is a cheap rip-off of ...." or "a weak imitation of....." The Pixies and Coldplay seem to be most often used to complete this sentence. but anyhow - if you like the band they're "ripping off" then who the hell cares? seriously. I do not understand why this matters. review the album for what it is. (and if someone makes good quality music, why wouldn't you want it to be imitated, as long as it's imitated well?) sorry, rant over. Expand
  18. JoshW
    Aug 3, 2006
    fell in love after the first listen. one of the best new bands I have heard in a long time.
  19. TomCasual
    May 22, 2006
    This album is a tremendous listen. Ignore the guy who hates this just because Pitchfork liked it. This is a great album, easy to listen to, and yet stretches the imagination. It's not going to blow you away with originality, but it definitely will keep your attention and be a captivating listen.
  20. EricL.
    Dec 31, 2007
    It's awesome dude. As indie groups seem to be moving away from the fury, Tapes N Tapes keeps it alive with their Sonic Youth or Smashing Pumpkin screeches of distortion. The Loon kicks ass.
  21. Mar 26, 2012
    Sweet collection of slick, well crafted songs. Every one sounds different from any other; some are explosive, some are laid back and chill. And it has its own unique energy running through. I've never heard anything quite like it.
  22. jay
    Dec 3, 2006
    This album reminds me why I stay on metacritic. To find something that stands out that I might not have found. A cross between The Strokes and Arcade Fire with more of an upbeat. Take that suckas!!!
  23. BenT
    May 5, 2006
    so far, best indie rock of the year, but hardly comparable to some of the best & runners up of the last few years. however, this was originally a demo & we could see big things from this group.
  24. romanmc
    May 5, 2006
    It's kind of amusing that someone would call these guys out for ripping off certain bands when he's ripping off certain critics who've already made the Pavement and Pixies connections. Just listen to it and forget what you may have read by some critic. TnT's approach is novel and not anymore derivative than 99% of the music out there. "Manitoba," "Just Dreams" and It's kind of amusing that someone would call these guys out for ripping off certain bands when he's ripping off certain critics who've already made the Pavement and Pixies connections. Just listen to it and forget what you may have read by some critic. TnT's approach is novel and not anymore derivative than 99% of the music out there. "Manitoba," "Just Dreams" and "Transistor" are awesome. Some of the rest of it those three tracks make it worth the effort. Expand
  25. DrunkenMaster
    Aug 31, 2006
    Best Pavement cover band EVER.
  26. thebigstanator
    Jul 26, 2006
    good album, fun, not too great but not bad by any stretch. paul h's comment about pitchfork is so fucking stupid. firstly pitchfork gave it 8.3. wow, 8.3! not huge praise and far away from the highest it has recieved. people seem to think insulting pitchfork is clever and cool for some reason. admittedly they have some fairly dubious reviews at times, but the fact that their scores good album, fun, not too great but not bad by any stretch. paul h's comment about pitchfork is so fucking stupid. firstly pitchfork gave it 8.3. wow, 8.3! not huge praise and far away from the highest it has recieved. people seem to think insulting pitchfork is clever and cool for some reason. admittedly they have some fairly dubious reviews at times, but the fact that their scores are more often than not very similar to the average that metacritic gives them is proof that they are not super hype builders or givers of crazy reviews, they are pretty middle of the line and reasonable with their scores. just because many of their writers write fairly pretentious reviews, the scores are often accurate in my opinion. Expand
  27. Ross
    Jul 28, 2006
    When I read reviews of this album, I thought I was going to love it. Pavement? The Pixies? Hell yes! And when it works, this album is indeed quite awesome. "Insistor," "Buckle" and "The Illiad" are all catchy and propulsive rockers. Unfortunately, the album doesn't always work out that well, and when it fails, it really is quite boring. Overall, though, it's a promising debut When I read reviews of this album, I thought I was going to love it. Pavement? The Pixies? Hell yes! And when it works, this album is indeed quite awesome. "Insistor," "Buckle" and "The Illiad" are all catchy and propulsive rockers. Unfortunately, the album doesn't always work out that well, and when it fails, it really is quite boring. Overall, though, it's a promising debut from a promising band. Expand
  28. JustinD
    Sep 5, 2006
    Decent. Kind of fun to listen to. But grossly overrated and overhyped and not really that great. I've lived in the Twin CIties my whole life so I feel some hometown obligation to love and push this record but I can't do it. Too much of a rip off. Most of them aren't even from here anyways ;)
  29. garrisonF
    Jul 28, 2006
    thebigstanator...this band would be nothing right now without pitchfork. the word mediocre instantly comes to mind. i feel bad for pitchfork. 99% of the music in '06 sucks, so they over hype anything even listenable. Girl Talk, Danielson, Sunset Rubdown, TV on the Radio, Scott Walker...god the list can go on forever. Scott Walker made my ears bleed prefusely. I dunno about you thebigstanator...this band would be nothing right now without pitchfork. the word mediocre instantly comes to mind. i feel bad for pitchfork. 99% of the music in '06 sucks, so they over hype anything even listenable. Girl Talk, Danielson, Sunset Rubdown, TV on the Radio, Scott Walker...god the list can go on forever. Scott Walker made my ears bleed prefusely. I dunno about you guys...definitely not the hipsters...but the only review i care about is my own. Expand
  30. GrayW
    Jul 28, 2006
    Grated I haven't actually listened to the full album in full- just heard most it in a record store. I've heard the singles numerous times since though and I remain throughly unimpressed. All those big alternative bands that the critics champion almost always fall into my favourite bands pile. I don't like a few of them, these guys fall into that pile. A big problem I have Grated I haven't actually listened to the full album in full- just heard most it in a record store. I've heard the singles numerous times since though and I remain throughly unimpressed. All those big alternative bands that the critics champion almost always fall into my favourite bands pile. I don't like a few of them, these guys fall into that pile. A big problem I have is how they are trying to be all crazy and wacky. But the biggest problem I have with this is that they fall into a scene thats getting a bit old now, yip its 3rd-tier Arcade Fire people and I don't like it. Expand
  31. jb
    Sep 30, 2006
    Totally overhyped stuff.
  32. PaulH.
    May 12, 2006
    Man, people really will eat up anything Pitchfork tells them is good, right? To summarize this record in one word: yawn!
  33. David
    Aug 9, 2006
    Snore... Uninspired
  34. rkye
    Jun 27, 2006
    I guess I'm missing out, but I find almost nothing in this album worthy of praise or anything more than ambivalence. I was recommended this by a friend of mine who has never steered me wrong before. When I got it, I was surprised. It is an album that takes cues from the legends, Pixies and Pavement, but goes nowhere. While I have no problem with wearing your influences on your I guess I'm missing out, but I find almost nothing in this album worthy of praise or anything more than ambivalence. I was recommended this by a friend of mine who has never steered me wrong before. When I got it, I was surprised. It is an album that takes cues from the legends, Pixies and Pavement, but goes nowhere. While I have no problem with wearing your influences on your shoulder (Serena Maneesh's debut basically is a carbon copy of My Bloody Valentine, but it's one of my favorite recent albums), I do have a problem with lazy and weak writing that simply isn't interesting or fun to listen to. The music had almost no hooks to speak of and lyrics try and fail to match cleverness of Black and Malkmus. I listen it to few times, and felt nothing. No enjoyment, no intrigue on why I didn't like it. Just an album I got nothing out of. If you like it, cheers to you. But my opinion is 2006 is a sad year if this is one of the best it has to offer. Expand
  35. dickw
    Aug 31, 2006
    bought it. after a few listens im pretty sure i resent buying it. they sound a bit like annoying f**kers to me. whiny white turds.
  36. jason
    Apr 28, 2006
    given their wholesale ripping off of pavement, with much credit also being due the pixies, this band offers nothing unique. move along; nothing new to hear here.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
  1. The Loon is nothing short of an incredibly focused song suite, minus all the extraneous frivolities that you’ve gotten too used to hearing from an "incredibly focused song suite."
  2. You will not be able to tear yourself away from this album. This is no daringly outrageous, Kid A-esque “progressive” music that nobody really enjoys listening to. This is rock 'n roll.
  3. The first must-listen record of the year.