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Universal acclaim- based on 24 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 24
  2. Negative: 2 out of 24

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  1. Jan 17, 2012
    The album is a must-listen for the Britpop fans. The album is very satisfactory. Travis' songs cover a unique sense of melancholy that is bittersweet and enjoyable at the same time. 'Why Does It Always Rain on Me?', 'Writing to Reach You', 'The Fear', 'Driftwood' and 'Slide Show' are the songs in which a person will drown due to their depth! A fabulous experience!
  2. matta
    Jun 8, 2005
    This album is a british rock classic. There really isn't a bad track. Very sophisticated, moody, and beautiful. To be honest, the worst track is probably the catchy but lyrically-retarded "Driftwood" and that is saying something considering even that song is pretty good. This is easily their best album to date beating out Good Feeling(I'd say around a 6) The Invisible Band(8) This album is a british rock classic. There really isn't a bad track. Very sophisticated, moody, and beautiful. To be honest, the worst track is probably the catchy but lyrically-retarded "Driftwood" and that is saying something considering even that song is pretty good. This is easily their best album to date beating out Good Feeling(I'd say around a 6) The Invisible Band(8) and 12 Memories(7). Expand
  3. May 28, 2013
    Its a post-Britpop classic. Probably most famous for its inclusion of the incredible Why Does It Always Rain On Me, but this record offers other classic tunes with some beautifully arranged instrumentation and Fran Healy's soaring falsetto (particularly on The Last Laugh of the Laughter). Upon release it was criticised for its melodrama and depressing songwriting (the most depressing songIts a post-Britpop classic. Probably most famous for its inclusion of the incredible Why Does It Always Rain On Me, but this record offers other classic tunes with some beautifully arranged instrumentation and Fran Healy's soaring falsetto (particularly on The Last Laugh of the Laughter). Upon release it was criticised for its melodrama and depressing songwriting (the most depressing song on the album would have to be the aforementioned song) and its move away from the sound of the previous record (though the hidden track Blue Flashing Light is reminiscent of that record, with Healy shouting his way through a story about domestic abuse). However despite these criticisms there is simply no denying that this is a beautifully crated album and a must have. A TRUE CLASSIC. Expand
  4. Nov 21, 2021
    Good sounds from the Scottish band. Why does it always rain on me is one of the best songs.

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