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Universal acclaim- based on 115 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 9 out of 115

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  1. Jun 3, 2015
    I love this album. Andrew Bird shows power both musically and lyrically, reflecting on drug use, mental disorders, existence, and suicide. He also shows off his unique skills as a whistler.
  2. Mar 29, 2012
    Great album from a real multi talented artist. Andrew Bird's music has a distinct style and this record brings a number of different elements together to make some brilliant music. Mixing his amazing violin work with guitars on some really catchy songs, there's not much to fault with this. The record has some beautifully subtle moments, a few numbers where Bird just lets loose and thenGreat album from a real multi talented artist. Andrew Bird's music has a distinct style and this record brings a number of different elements together to make some brilliant music. Mixing his amazing violin work with guitars on some really catchy songs, there's not much to fault with this. The record has some beautifully subtle moments, a few numbers where Bird just lets loose and then there are some psychedelic aspects as well, The only drawback for me is that it's possibly a little too long and could do without a track or two. Expand
  3. JoeG
    May 14, 2007
    Baroque pop, wIth Joanna Newsom, Rufus Wainwright and Sufjan Stevens is in fine shape and AB is up with the best of them. The ballads are sweet and sensual, while the uptempo numbers have these wonderfully clever twists and turns in the music that make most artists seem mundane. Add to that AB's handsome and limber voice, and Nora O'Connor's perfectly matched harmonies. If Baroque pop, wIth Joanna Newsom, Rufus Wainwright and Sufjan Stevens is in fine shape and AB is up with the best of them. The ballads are sweet and sensual, while the uptempo numbers have these wonderfully clever twists and turns in the music that make most artists seem mundane. Add to that AB's handsome and limber voice, and Nora O'Connor's perfectly matched harmonies. If there's a better whistler or violinist in pop music, I'd love to here them. Expand
  4. martinc
    Mar 23, 2007
    This may sound odd, but Andrew Bird rekindled my passion in music with this album. I altogether gave up looking for any new artists being burned so many time by 1 hit CD's, but I ran into this album while traveling, and fell in love with every track on this album. The feel, the tempo, the playfullness is what makes these songs superior to just about any new artist out there today!
  5. DanielK
    Mar 6, 2007
  6. MorganG
    Jan 17, 2007
    A great laid-back album. This is something you would listen to on a nice summer day while sitting on your porch. Some of the lyrics are convoluted and senselss in Bird's efforts to rhyme, but the songs aren't meant to be taken seriously. A little more energy would've helped. He has a very sexy voice.
  7. AlexW
    Jul 30, 2006
    Please marry me, Andrew Bird.
  8. RG
    Jul 28, 2006
    i bought the cd a week before i was going to go see him live. Two experiences are totally different but the core of his music stays the same. brilliant lyricist, obsessed with science and he can play any instrument. i cannot get enough of this album
  9. atuttle
    Jul 18, 2006
    magnificent feat of personal expression. haunting and soothing.
  10. StephanieI
    Jun 15, 2006
    I play the viola, and I have seen some of the greatest orchetras in the world, but Andrew Bird has to be the best violinist I have ever heard and seen! And I thought my sister could whistle?!, Yeah let's just say she is nothing compared to Andrew Bird. Simply Brillant!
  11. kd
    Jun 8, 2006
    I'm pretty sure that Tables & Chairs is one of the more significant songs penned in 2005. It's a really good listen - whether you're concentrating or not.
  12. AllenS
    May 4, 2006
    Man, I hate this guy he's amazing! It's the closest thing to strawberry pez that music can get!
  13. KateD
    Mar 21, 2006
    A perfect, beautiful, intelligent pop album. Yes, I like it quite a lot.
  14. bolisj
    Mar 5, 2006
    Great record & a solid 8, with lots of suprises with repeated listens, but is let down by the last couple of songs
  15. CarrieD
    Feb 8, 2006
    brilliant and unique
  16. heathert
    Jan 26, 2006
    I've been living with this album for months and I can't wait to hear him play it live next week. Clever lyrics, interesting and beautiful is unique and one of the best albums of the year.
  17. ScottY
    Jan 15, 2006
    Much better than his previous album, Weather Systems. This album is really pleasant to listen to and even drift off to sleep to. It's mellow, but not super-mellow. My favorite song on it would be Fake Palindromes.
  18. DC
    Dec 29, 2005
    It's friggin' brilliant!
  19. JessicaE
    Dec 19, 2005
    The music is the kind you would associate with your own personal soundtrack. The music itself puts you in a mood of awareness of your surroundings and inner thoughts. With many references to childhood ("come to the front of the class"), and random words ("electro static rain") Bird seems to make them come together and make sense. It's obvious that Paul Simon is strong in his music, The music is the kind you would associate with your own personal soundtrack. The music itself puts you in a mood of awareness of your surroundings and inner thoughts. With many references to childhood ("come to the front of the class"), and random words ("electro static rain") Bird seems to make them come together and make sense. It's obvious that Paul Simon is strong in his music, but Bird takes it to his own and makes it a part of his voice. I can't stop listening to this album! Seeing him live is 5x better than the album, so that should say something about his overall roundness as a musician in the studio and on stage. 5 Stars!! Expand
  20. Josh
    Dec 18, 2005
  21. Intonator
    Nov 21, 2005
    A brilliant album, soaring heights, intricate melodies. Bird's musicianship is simply incredible, and more importantly this album is enjoyable!
  22. KristannaV
    Nov 15, 2005
    Good album but definitely not $15 good.
  23. LindaR
    Nov 13, 2005
    the boy's a genius.
  24. natalia
    Oct 13, 2005
    best. cd. ever. i became hooked on andrew after the first track. as a violinist, i can tell you this man is a genius. what he does with the lyrics and the music is so playful yet serious...its just pure genius.
  25. NickB
    Oct 7, 2005
    An obnoxiously and deliciously fantastic album.
  26. StevenL
    Oct 2, 2005
    I've memorized the words. I've purchased his entire discography. I LOVE this album. The Mysterious Production of Eggs is my favorite album of the year.
  27. JoeP
    Sep 25, 2005
    Instant classic masterpiece! Most Original and Briliant album of 2005! Makes all those other 2005 over-produced studio albums seem worthless. Incredible!
  28. MikeC
    Sep 6, 2005
    Andrew Bird's best effort to date, captures a full range of emotions, from exhuberance to depression, with a creativity that is rarely heard. Lyrics, composition, and instrumentation are all very impressive.
  29. DavidM
    Aug 17, 2005
    Very Strong. Takes a while to get into though, and suffers, at least for me, in it's tendency to almost always choose cleverness over emotional connection...only Tables and Chairs seems to transcend this barrier. Still impressive.
  30. NoelleS
    Jul 19, 2005
    Fake Palindromes is my favorite
  31. AlexE.
    Jul 3, 2005
    Every once in a while, an album comes along that is everything you've ever loved about music, but like nothing you've ever heard before. Consider "Mysterious Production..." one of those albums. The sounds that Andrew Bird so elegantly blends and layers should, theoretically, not work. But they do. And the first time you hear the cascading violin over the strumming guitar over Every once in a while, an album comes along that is everything you've ever loved about music, but like nothing you've ever heard before. Consider "Mysterious Production..." one of those albums. The sounds that Andrew Bird so elegantly blends and layers should, theoretically, not work. But they do. And the first time you hear the cascading violin over the strumming guitar over the ethereal whistling, well, it is an amazing moment. He also has one of the most understated, beautiful voices in music today. Sort of a gentler Beck mixed with Rufus Wainwright minus the theatricality, Bird's voice shimmers along with the gorgeous music to create a truly breathtaking album. Add to the mixture some of the most haunting, brilliant lyrics I have ever heard ("you're what happens when two substances collide/and by all accounts you really should have died") and you have an album that will not be leaving my CD player for a long, long time. Anyone who loves and appreciates music will love this album. Expand
  32. matta
    May 27, 2005
    I really do like most of this album, and his lyrics are amazing, but I do find that it becomes a little monotonous towards the end. Still though I've heard few track better this year than "Sovay" "Measuring Cups" and "Opposite Day"
  33. EdS
    May 19, 2005
    Completely enjoyable and intriging.
  34. SingC
    May 11, 2005
    Definitely one of my favorite albums released this year!....or any year for that matter. Haunting lyrics and catchy musical imagery. Never before have I been able to listen to an album without wanting to skip a track or 2. Just too perfect it's almost unfair.
  35. anna
    May 11, 2005
    tingles my soul. one of the most refreshing combinations of perpetual parallels that creates the perfect weave of sadness, exuberance and that aw shucks feeling we all come to know so well. perfect, i would say... but hope he has even more coming.
  36. DavidHatfieldTheHallowmoniumGuy
    May 8, 2005
    Simon & G meets B. Dylan with Beck and jazz and classical and damn. It's hard to describe, but I love it.
  37. bryan
    Apr 29, 2005
    Not to take away from the lyrical songs, I have enjoyed Bird's two instrumental pieces so much that it would be great to receive an album full of them.
  38. AnthonyS
    Apr 27, 2005
    brilliant stuff!
  39. EmilyB
    Apr 1, 2005
    The Album is absolutly fabulous. Their is a perfect mix between what Bird did in The Swimming Hour, and what he did in Weather Systems. The Album has a haunting, but still catchy quality. flawless.
  40. DiannaS
    Mar 28, 2005
    Andrew Bird's The Mysterious Production of Eggs is an absolutely amazing album. I could listen to it for hours on end and not get sick of it. He is one of the most talented, unique individuals I've come across. Everybody should check him out, I'm sure you'll all be very pleased. I've found a new favorite!
  41. PhilPhil
    Mar 20, 2005
    Great album, heading up my shortlist for best of the year so far. The songs really grab you and you quickly grow to love them. Not alot of flaws over the course of this entire album, an utter rarity in music today.
  42. damonm
    Mar 19, 2005
    This is one of those albums where on first listen you just know it's superb music. Every note and lyric is in its right place... the melodies, instrumentation, lyrics, singing is all creative, exciting, scintillating. I mean, just wow, basically. This guy is a true hero of music.
  43. LaurelB
    Mar 13, 2005
    I love his voice. The lyrics are not exactly uplifting and some of it is downright creepy, Idon't want to listen to it home alone at night. Other than that, his voice is nice and the instrumentals are good too
  44. HarveyC
    Mar 9, 2005
    Stunning lyrics and haunting tunes set off the imagination, a pleasure to listen to this ingenious album.
  45. StuartW
    Mar 7, 2005
    This guy is incredible, go see him live if you can.
  46. MelissaC
    Mar 5, 2005
    This is one of the best CDs I've heard in a long time. Andrew Bird has a style all his own and I look forward to his next recording. Also, seeing him live is amazing...he truly is a one man show.
  47. WanttoSleepAllDay
    Mar 3, 2005
    This is the first album I've heard by Andrew Bird, besides his previous work with the Squirrel Nut Zippers in the 1990s. Mysterious Production of Eggs is nothin short of a masterpiece. Every song marches to its own drum. The writing, vocals, and instrumental arrangments are remarkable. Oh- and the whistling. Hands down, this is the best release of 2005. Certainly will be one of the This is the first album I've heard by Andrew Bird, besides his previous work with the Squirrel Nut Zippers in the 1990s. Mysterious Production of Eggs is nothin short of a masterpiece. Every song marches to its own drum. The writing, vocals, and instrumental arrangments are remarkable. Oh- and the whistling. Hands down, this is the best release of 2005. Certainly will be one of the top 5 releases this year- if not the best! Expand
  48. JennyH
    Feb 27, 2005
    Bird is a refreshing sound in todays slew of horrible music.
  49. solace
    Feb 27, 2005
    easily the best album i've heard so far in '05 Andrew's clever lyrics and way with words just astounds me, not to mention the infectious melodies he creates. he's not your typical acoustic/strummy/woah is me type singer/songwriters either, this record is very lush and orchestral. his sense of composition reminds me a lot of Rufus Wainwright at times.
  50. Kerry
    Feb 26, 2005
    this album is emotional and intelligent and has become my constant companion since I bought it.
  51. jenh
    Feb 24, 2005
    really a nice listen, start to finish, excellent lyrics.
  52. AnthonyP
    Feb 24, 2005
    andrew is still a little to self-consciously clever sometimes, but he's damn near perfect in every other way. beautiful lush melodies, incredible virtuosity, and unorthodox songwriting make this a first-rate album by a consistently engaging artist.
  53. ChrisC
    Feb 23, 2005
    Great album...excellent songcraft. I think it could have benefitted from a slightly harder edge....but still, my favorite album of 2005 so far.
  54. meganc
    Feb 23, 2005
    andrew bird knocks my pants off again and again..hes an incredible presence live.
  55. markf
    Feb 23, 2005
    I was really looking forward to this one, and I wasn't disappointed on first listen. I LOVED "The Swimming Hour" and would love for him to crank out another era/genre-smashing masterpiece, but I think those days are long gone, as he follows his own muse. In many ways, this reminds me of Brian Wilson's "SMiLE", in that there are repeating musical/lyrical motifs throughout the I was really looking forward to this one, and I wasn't disappointed on first listen. I LOVED "The Swimming Hour" and would love for him to crank out another era/genre-smashing masterpiece, but I think those days are long gone, as he follows his own muse. In many ways, this reminds me of Brian Wilson's "SMiLE", in that there are repeating musical/lyrical motifs throughout the entire album, but this seems fresher and more attuned to my ears (maybe because there's a few well-placed inspirations from mid-era Beatles buried within Bird's personal vision.) Every song is a winner and builds on the previous ones. I've always loved Bird's vocals and strings, but this goes way beyond and incorporates much more of his tremendous whistling (Bravo!) He's becoming a pretty good guitarist too. My personal favorites are, well, all of them, but especially "A Nervous Tic Motion of the Head to the Left", "Fake Pallindromes", "Measuring Cups", "Masterfade", "Opposite Day", "Skin is..", "MX..". like I said, all of 'em. Maybe this isn't a party album, unless you just want to have a party in your head or with your family or dearest loved one. Easily would have made last year's Top Ten. Expand
  56. [Anonymous]
    Feb 23, 2005
    Consider myself lucky to be breathing the same air as Bird.
  57. erdemc
    Feb 23, 2005
    best album so far in 2005.
  58. SarahT
    Feb 23, 2005
    An incredible album. Andrew Bird displays all of his many musical talents. I've read comparisons to Rufus Wainwright and Jeff Buckley, which I can hear, but I find Bird's music more organic (less 'high art'). His singing style is so relaxed; words just roll out of his mouth at an unhurried pace. And live - wow - It is an incredible experience to watch him create his An incredible album. Andrew Bird displays all of his many musical talents. I've read comparisons to Rufus Wainwright and Jeff Buckley, which I can hear, but I find Bird's music more organic (less 'high art'). His singing style is so relaxed; words just roll out of his mouth at an unhurried pace. And live - wow - It is an incredible experience to watch him create his music in front of an audience. Expand
  59. RyanC
    Feb 22, 2005
    Thus far, the special album of this year. Charmingly arranged around Bird's violin and increasingly confident songwriting. Sure to be a suprise pop hit amongst critics at least
  60. DoctorCrawford
    Feb 21, 2005
    One of the most original, ambitious set of tracks I have heard in years; no one pushes themselves to the limits or openly questions their own tenacity to do so in the way of Andrew Bird. These recordings are awesome, but nothing compared to the live shows based on the same songs.
  61. GregT
    Feb 21, 2005
    More lush and melodic than "Weather Systems". Andrew Bird certainly has a wry sense of humor with a healthy dose of the absurd (Fake Palindromes). Overall a fantastic album. I compare the music itself in range to a Belle and Sebastian, with more intelligent lyrics and less tounge in cheek cutsie-ness.

Universal acclaim - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 21
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 21
  3. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. An utterly mesmerizing and magnetic album, almost unfair in how incredibly ambitious and impressively pulled off the whole thing is.
  2. Taking all the best parts of Jeff Buckley, Devandra Barnhart and Rufus Wainwright, Bird can be noisy, charming, frivolous, haunting and playful all at once.
  3. Although The Mysterious Production of Eggs lacks the gleeful variety of Swimming Hour, it is obvious that Bird has created his most cohesive statement to date.