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  1. Oct 9, 2017
    A good album if your a fan of 90s hip hop. More relatable to the style of big l, nas and jay z. Best song is turn it up with the awesome dj premier beat definitely oneof the best producers of all time. Also features mobb deep on aim shoot produced by havoc. Mother ghetto, a song that samples biggie smalls for tv's chorus is another high point of the album. Overall a great album,A good album if your a fan of 90s hip hop. More relatable to the style of big l, nas and jay z. Best song is turn it up with the awesome dj premier beat definitely oneof the best producers of all time. Also features mobb deep on aim shoot produced by havoc. Mother ghetto, a song that samples biggie smalls for tv's chorus is another high point of the album. Overall a great album, maybe not the classic it was hyped to be but definitely a high point in today's hip hop scene Expand
  2. Jun 11, 2013
    The Nacirema Dream is a solid album, but very underwhelming. Before going deeper in the review, I should note that the album is only for hardcore rap listeners. The sound is very gritty, and different from what the radio plays.

    Papoose is clearly talented- he has a great flow and clever rhymes. He does amaze me on some songs in the album. "Motion Picture" is one of these songs. This
    The Nacirema Dream is a solid album, but very underwhelming. Before going deeper in the review, I should note that the album is only for hardcore rap listeners. The sound is very gritty, and different from what the radio plays.

    Papoose is clearly talented- he has a great flow and clever rhymes. He does amaze me on some songs in the album. "Motion Picture" is one of these songs. This intro track tells a violent story where Papoose tracks and kills his enemies. Another great song is "Cure". It has some interesting lyrics of Papoose warning people of the dangers of cancer and HIV/AIDS. Be sure to also check out "Nacirema Dream". It is one of the catchier songs on the album. The standout song is definitely the closing track "Alphabetical Slaughter Part II". It builds on the original song, where alliteration is used extensively. He goes Z to A this time, and focuses on the end of the alphabet. The song is very creative and it shows why Papoose is one of the best lyricists in the game.

    That being said, this album was underwhelming. The production on this album was poor. Many of the beats sound outdated and overly simple. In some of the songs, Papoose uses modern techno beats. This is probably an attempt to get commercial airplay, but it completely backfires. Those beats don't complement his style at all and ends up sounding awkward. The other point is that Papoose does not show too much variety in this album. He relatively uses the same approach for each song, which makes the 20-song LP a hassle to listen to.

    Nacirema Dream is a good album, but should have been much better. This album was supposed to be released in 2005, but it got pushed back to 2013. One would think that Papoose would deliver a classic album with the time he had. Instead, this album felt rushed. At the end of the day, it sounds more like another mixtape rather than a full album.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. May 8, 2013
    Whether it is a product of being stuck in mixtape territory for so long or having to work on a limited budget, The Nacerima Dream is neither dream nor nightmare.
  2. May 8, 2013
    It truly sounds like a vintage New York hip-hop album, and it’ll appeal to those still looking for that. On the flip side, the production is so outdated you can’t help but think that these songs have literally just been sitting around this whole time.
  3. May 8, 2013
    It might not be the grand arrival showcase that was expected but Papoose hasn't fallen off the "ones to watch" list quite yet, even when he's been on there longer than most anyone else.