• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Apr 10, 2020
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Universal acclaim- based on 492 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 16 out of 492
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  1. Jun 14, 2022
    Some of the songs are a grower. However, still a beautiful album by the legendary rock and roll act. Highlights: "Ode to the Mets", "Why Are Sundays So Depressing", "The Adults are Talking".
  2. Aug 17, 2022
    one of the best debuts of all time ffffhdjdjdjdkdkkdkdkfdkkfkfkfkkfkfkfkfkfd
  3. Apr 10, 2023
    This has to be the band's best album. I'm extremely torn on whether it should be a 9 or a 10.
  4. Apr 13, 2020
    Most critics are way off the mark on this one. This is a solid album. The Adults Are Talking is one of the best alt. rock openers on an album in a long while. Brooklyn Bridge to Chorus and Bad Decision are 80s obsessed, but absolute bangers with some of the best melodies to jam in the year so far. At The Door is a dreamy art pop ballad that deserves to be blasted on stereos through theMost critics are way off the mark on this one. This is a solid album. The Adults Are Talking is one of the best alt. rock openers on an album in a long while. Brooklyn Bridge to Chorus and Bad Decision are 80s obsessed, but absolute bangers with some of the best melodies to jam in the year so far. At The Door is a dreamy art pop ballad that deserves to be blasted on stereos through the city streets at night. Ode To The Mets is a hell of a closer with guitar riffs that bring you back to Is This It like they never faltered. The album does have a few rough patches when it runs out of steam, but perhaps those will grow on me over time. For example, Eternal Summer seems to go on beyond its welcome a bit, and Why Are Sundays So Depressing is... well, actually a bit depressing, but not in a good way. These are some flaws that prevent me from going to a 9 or 10, but most of the album is definitely a high tier of quality. This is infectious, well-produced indie rock with some of the best hooks so far in 2020. This album is not new territory, and it's not a Renaissance. But I don't know who would expect The Strokes to do that anyway. They're doing what they do best, and if you can't enjoy it for what it is, then you're missing out on some great tunes. Expand
  5. May 23, 2020
    After 3 albums in their first 4 years, the next 3 Strokes albums were released over 15 years. I guess it is the only way the band could have maintained any of the mystique that they brought to the music industry at the turn of the century. I think it's widely agreed that the band lost it to a larage extent after their first 2 explosive albums. The rest all had something to offer existingAfter 3 albums in their first 4 years, the next 3 Strokes albums were released over 15 years. I guess it is the only way the band could have maintained any of the mystique that they brought to the music industry at the turn of the century. I think it's widely agreed that the band lost it to a larage extent after their first 2 explosive albums. The rest all had something to offer existing fans but also had so much forgettable material. For the last 3 years or so there were whispers of a Strokes album in the works. Coincidentally released bang in the middle of an unprecedented global pandemic that has changed societies everywhere, the aptly titled "The New Abnormal" finally arrives and delivers. I was 17 and starting out in Uni when the Strokes came on the scene in the Autumn of 2001, a time which marked another sea change in the global landscape due to events in New York. Although I have always been more into Interpol, The Strokes have their place in my coming of age years. Almost 20 years on, "The New Abnormal" resonates. It is the sound of a band who seem to be aware that they only have one solid album in them every 7 years. I can see similarities between The Strokes heading for middle age and those in their late 30s everywhere. We were in our physical prime in the early 00's, chasing the buzz, dreams to fulfill. Now, the days of burning the midnight oil are fewer. We can still attempt to recover the lost glories of youth but it takes more planning, more work and more recovery. We are better when we accept where we are now at, in many ways a better place. Some dreams worked out, others didn't. A mix of resignation and contentedness to let the buzz come when it comes. Patience comes with experience. "The New Abnormal" is the Strokes happy to wait for the magic to come when it comes. It is their best album in terms of tunes, vibrancy, production and honest in 17 years and is the first truly worthy follow up to those two firestarting albums that opened their career. Expand
  6. May 15, 2020
    Amazing set of tracks, held together impeccably by sharp songwriting, amazing vocals and addicting guitar leads.
  7. Apr 17, 2020
    Actually surprised by how good this album is!
    The Adults are Talking, Selfless, Why are Sundays so depressing and Ode to the Mets are highlights
    Only less than good song is Eternal summer (and quite long)
  8. Jun 13, 2020
    ( 83/100 )

    Cuando salío "Is This It" en el 2001 yo tenía 4 años, pero estaba destinado a abrazar el álbum como biberón con leche caliente para el corazón. Y me podían ver bailando al ritmo de The Strokes a los 13 años, que fue cuando los descubrí. No volví a tocar un álbum de ellos hasta ahorita y vaya que estoy casi por llorar. "The Adults Are Talking" conmovió demasiado algo en mi
    ( 83/100 )

    Cuando salío "Is This It" en el 2001 yo tenía 4 años, pero estaba destinado a abrazar el álbum como biberón con leche caliente para el corazón. Y me podían ver bailando al ritmo de The Strokes a los 13 años, que fue cuando los descubrí. No volví a tocar un álbum de ellos hasta ahorita y vaya que estoy casi por llorar. "The Adults Are Talking" conmovió demasiado algo en mi nostalgia que tuve que repetir la canción 5 veces para recordar sobre el niño y su bicicleta. La banda, junto a Rick Rubin logran rescatar su esencia, explorar su propio estilo y, definitivamente declarar que son dueños del movimiento Indie que ellos iniciaron. Este IndieRock se aprecia por la forma en la que han adoptado la actualidad a su propia temporalidad y, al menos por 45 min, podemos volver a los inicios de los 2000, cuando el hijo del Rock tocaba con juventud, rebeldía y autonomía.
    When "Is This It" was released in 2001 I was 4, but I was destined to hug the album as a bottle with hot milk for the heart. You would see me dancing to The Strokes rhythm at the age of 13 when I first discovered them. I never touched another album of them until now and it almost makes me cry. "The Adults Are Talking" moved something in my nostalgia that I repeated the song 5 times to remember about the kid and his bicycle. The band, along with Rick Rubin, achieve to rescue the essence, explore their style, and definitively, stipulate that they own the Indie movement that they started. This Indie Rock it's appreciated by the way it has adopted the actuality to their own temporality and, at least for 45 min, we can go back to the early 2000s when the son of Rock would play with youth, defiance, and autonomy.
  9. Apr 14, 2020
    Pitchfork Sucks, The Stokes Rock. Not their best album in the collection, but a welcoming return. This album is a fun, breezy listen.
  10. Apr 12, 2020
    “The New Abnormal” é o sexto disco de estúdio da banda The Strokes, esse é o sucessor do “Comedown Machine” de 2013. Durante esse longo período, foi lançado um único EP intitulado “Future Present Past” em 2016. Esse trabalho deixou muita gente ansioso, pois marca o retorno de uma das grandes revelações dos anos 2000, considerados os salvadores do rock na década que se encerrou em 2010.“The New Abnormal” é o sexto disco de estúdio da banda The Strokes, esse é o sucessor do “Comedown Machine” de 2013. Durante esse longo período, foi lançado um único EP intitulado “Future Present Past” em 2016. Esse trabalho deixou muita gente ansioso, pois marca o retorno de uma das grandes revelações dos anos 2000, considerados os salvadores do rock na década que se encerrou em 2010.

    O álbum se inicia com uma proposta mais voltada aos antigos trabalhos com a faixa “The Adults Are Talking”, relembrando a estrutura usada no “Is This It (2001)”, e mesclando com as influências sonoras do “Comedown Machine (2013)”. Porém, ao trilhar o percurso até o final, o disco se mostra mais atual e pop. Mais uma vez, o instrumental se destaca mostrando o talento evoluído de Albert Hammond, Nikolai Fraiture, Fabrizio Moretti e Nick Valensi. Os vocais icônicos de Julian Casablancas transmitem a proposta do trabalho com perfeição.
    “The New Abnormal” vem com uma chuva de sintetizadores e alterações digitais nos vocais, chamando minha atenção para os elementos explorados como: Dream-pop, Post-Punk, Psychedelic, Dance, Synth-pop e uma variedade de gêneros já conhecidos do trabalho da banda. Com pitadas do Rock e do Indie característicos deles. A produção é feita unicamente pelo incrivel Rick Rubin, co-presidente da gravadora Columbia Records, nesse quesito o disco é impecável. Julian canta sobre relacionamentos, amor, reflexões e faz pequenas críticas nas canções. Conta com a ajuda de Billy Idol, Richard Butler, Tim Butler e outros, para compor o quadro de compositores.

    O álbum aparenta ser uma tentativa de resgatar o antigo espírito da banda implementando novas e velhas influências. Esse processo longo de criação resulta em algo agradável e cheio de paz, mas ainda tenho a impressão de que o melhor não foi apresentado, é claro que os integrantes mudam com suas outras experiências e o cenário também se apresenta de outra maneira. Com instrumentais impecáveis e letras boas, o disco deixa a desejar em alguns aspectos… nada muito grave. Acredito que “The New Abnormal” é o próximo do que os fãs queriam receber em 2013, confesso que é melhor do que eu esperava receber. Esse é um ótimo retorno da banda que salvou o rock em 2001 e que não demonstrou nenhum interesse em fazer o mesmo em 2020.
  11. Apr 14, 2020
    Un álbum sólido y bien trabajado. Cada canción es única, con una sensación de frescura, aún conservando el sello caracteristico de la banda. Grandes vocales de Julian Casablancas y también considero un acierto la introducción de sintetizadores y efectos de audio que no les habíamos visto tan común a los neoyorkinos
  12. Apr 10, 2020
    On first listen, I thought that The New Abnormal was a 6 out of 10; a fairly underwhelming return after seven years. 

    Then I listened to it again, whilst looking at the track listings on Angles and Comedown Machine. These two previous albums got better with every listen and made me realise that The Strokes are the kings of making an album that grows on you.
 The New Abnormal doesn't
    On first listen, I thought that The New Abnormal was a 6 out of 10; a fairly underwhelming return after seven years. 

    Then I listened to it again, whilst looking at the track listings on Angles and Comedown Machine. These two previous albums got better with every listen and made me realise that The Strokes are the kings of making an album that grows on you.

    The New Abnormal doesn't kick down the doors or blow any minds, but it does make for a very enjoyable 45 minutes.
  13. Apr 10, 2020
    É uma pena ser tão curto... pois as músicas são ótimas e tenho certeza que haverão singles vindo ai posteriormente, a banda esta em um momento tão maduro, apenas quero mais disso! At The Door é uma pérola que eles sempre nos dão o prazer de ouvir, todo álbum possui 3 ou 4 músicas que se destacam, essa foi a música sem dúvida!
  14. Dec 20, 2020
    The Strokes delivers a solid album, that really shows their capacity to stay relevant after all these years. The first 4 songs on the album are all perfect but the album lacks a bit in the end.
  15. Apr 2, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I think is a very good album from a big rock band...Finally a very good album this year.... Expand
  16. Mar 28, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. El disco se siente como algo bastante familiar a la vez que nuevo, este disco realmente fue lo que como buen fanático de The Strokes realmente necesitabamos, guitarras y solos llenos de energía acompañados del ritmo y emoción que transmiten el bajo y batería. Expand
  17. Apr 10, 2020
    Typically this album is full of incredible musical, lyrical and vocal hooks, slowing down the tempo has really let Julians voice shine and they still are one of the tightest sounding bands around at the moment. Album production is the best in a while and they really do keep sounding fresh, with the exception of Room on Fire and Is This It none of their albums sound the same. All thisTypically this album is full of incredible musical, lyrical and vocal hooks, slowing down the tempo has really let Julians voice shine and they still are one of the tightest sounding bands around at the moment. Album production is the best in a while and they really do keep sounding fresh, with the exception of Room on Fire and Is This It none of their albums sound the same. All this however doesn't quite make up for the less convincing songwriting, Selfless is one of their best songs, At The Door, Adults Are Talking and Brooklyn are beautiful songs but the rest are rather forgettable, nothing much to pull you in and not much to keep you there. Expand
  18. Dec 5, 2020
    The Adults Are Talking - 7/10
    Selfless - 6,5/10
    Brooklyn Bridge to Chorus - 8,5/10
    Bad Decisions - 7/10
    Eternal Summer - 8/10
    At the Door - 7/10
    Why Are Sundays So Depressing - 7,5/10
    Not the Same Anymore - 7,5/10
    Ode to the Mets - 7,5/10
  19. Apr 10, 2020
    I know I need to listen to it a little more, right now I would put it a 7.
    Not all the songs were notable and several got lost in the way but I liked the beginning and I liked the closing.
    Ode to the Mets was my favorite song of the record and I think is one of the best from the band. Definitely a keeper.
  20. Apr 17, 2020
    somehow this feels like the most Strokes the Strokes have made in a very long time to me. it's a solid album that I definitely didn't see coming when they released the first single. the vibe and chemistry in this feels and fits really good. perhaps not all comebacks are terribly unnecessary...
  21. Apr 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Not bad, but, come on, there is only one or two songs that have the real 'Strokes' spirit. Expected a little less electronic artifacts in the whole album. Expand
  22. Apr 26, 2020
    I am the odd fan of The Strokes later output. I enjoyed Angles, First Impressions and their last EP. I like but am not in love with their first two albums, mainly because I played them out when they were originally released so I'm very over them. Aywhoo, yeah I didn't really love this album. It just felt like they were experimenting with Rubin and didn't really get to any good bangers.I am the odd fan of The Strokes later output. I enjoyed Angles, First Impressions and their last EP. I like but am not in love with their first two albums, mainly because I played them out when they were originally released so I'm very over them. Aywhoo, yeah I didn't really love this album. It just felt like they were experimenting with Rubin and didn't really get to any good bangers. It's chill out, corporate rock at it's least offensive. I feel like they are unintentionally or maybe intentionally kinda going through the motions here. Meh...maybe I'll grow into it like Angles. Expand
  23. Jul 25, 2020


  24. Apr 26, 2021
    I liked it when it came out but now i cant sit through it. Julian Casablancas continues to falsetto and it just keeps getting worse to me. Alot of people see this as a return to form for the band, but honestly it is one of my least favourites from them. This is the only album by the band that doesnt feature a single song that i would give over an 8/10. Im still holding on to hope that theyI liked it when it came out but now i cant sit through it. Julian Casablancas continues to falsetto and it just keeps getting worse to me. Alot of people see this as a return to form for the band, but honestly it is one of my least favourites from them. This is the only album by the band that doesnt feature a single song that i would give over an 8/10. Im still holding on to hope that they could surprise me with an album that is at least good. Im not asking for great, just good.
    Best Songs: The Adults Are Talking, Eternal Summer, Ode to the Mets
    Worst Songs: Bad Decisions, Selfless, Not the Same Anymore, Why Are Sundays So Depressing
  25. Jun 17, 2020
    This is not an enjoyable album to listen to, for me at least. The Adults Are Talking is the first track and probably the best, even if the drumming beat does become slightly too repetitive by the end as the lead guitars really give the song some life. That life is then sucker-punched by the bland ballad Selfless. The next few tracks are examples of wasted potential. Brooklyn Bridge couldThis is not an enjoyable album to listen to, for me at least. The Adults Are Talking is the first track and probably the best, even if the drumming beat does become slightly too repetitive by the end as the lead guitars really give the song some life. That life is then sucker-punched by the bland ballad Selfless. The next few tracks are examples of wasted potential. Brooklyn Bridge could have been a classic Strokes song without the grating 80s synthesiser that opens the track and continues throughout, while Bad Decisions and At The Door would both have been better off being 2 minutes long rather than close to 5. Eternal Summer sounds like a neglected B-side from one of the new disco-style Two Door Cinema Club records, and even the A-sides to those aren't good. The whiney guitar on 'Sundays' is unpleasant while Not The Same Anymore repeats the same ideas as Selfless but for 5 1/2 minutes rather than 3. Ode to the Mets is annoying as the synthesiser that opens the track is quickly replaced after 8 seconds by a guitar following a completely different tempo. There are elements to some tracks which are good, but overall this album is poor. It gives the impression of an experimental that lacks ideas, direction or charm. Expand
  26. Mar 21, 2021
    Mostly, they passively experiment with synth sounds as they did on Angles and Comedown Machine. At one point, they jack the melody to "Dancing With Myself". Sadly, the most intriguing parts of the record are the numerous times when Casablancas comments on the piss-poor songwriting in realtime.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. May 1, 2020
    The band’s bluntest and most contagious — yet experimental — work.
  2. Apr 27, 2020
    Mostly, they passively experiment with synth sounds as they did on Angles and Comedown Machine. At one point, they jack the melody to "Dancing With Myself". Sadly, the most intriguing parts of the record are the numerous times when Casablancas comments on the piss-poor songwriting in realtime.
  3. Apr 22, 2020
    On their latest album, The New Abnormal, The Strokes have mirrored the career of Beck, offering a mimetic approximation of music they think people want, instead of music generated from their raw, inner demons or whatever fueled them on Is This It.